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12882 No. 12882
Am I the only one who seems to suffer from Glossophobia (fear of public speaking) when it comes to voice chat servers? See, I don't have much experience with public speaking. the written word I don't have much trouble with, but actual speaking? that's a whole different ball game for me.

I've never been on a TF2Chan servers, I'm sure they're fun, It's just when you take my lack of time with the game mixed with Glossophobia and inexperience, you can see why I have some issues with Public Speaking.

So if you guys have any advice for overcoming my fears, I would love to hear it. because I would love to play with you guys someday.

picture courtesy of Photobucket.
>> No. 12885
I find that the Mantrain is a pretty chill place. Nobody cares what gender you are, nobody's mean or vicious, and free gifts are frequently given out. I have a pair of Security Shades that were gifted to me there out of the blue, and several weapons I got from people buying Secret Saxtons. It's a fun place.
>> No. 12896
Thank You Very Much, I feel better now.

And just so you all know, I go by Midnight Leo on Steam because truth be told, Jewel_Pandora is actually the username I use for my adult fan art and fiction. I go by a different name for my less racy work on Deviant Art and Tumblr.

I thought I'd tell you guys beforehand. Just in case.
>> No. 12908
If you are on a random server start by calling out game-related things (ie: ___ is spy or sentry ahead). When you get comfy with talking try asking how everyone is doing when you connect to a server. Congratulating everyone at the end of a game or thanking someone for something is a surefire way to make friends.
>> No. 12913
Thanks, Forky. I'm starting to feel better now.

I'll do my best to keep up with everyone on the mantrain. here's to the maintrain server, may it continue to serve it's many visitors in the future.
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