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File 134635882156.png - (48.88KB , 178x192 , 134272361732.png )
12883 No. 12883
Any expectations for the next Smissmas update?
(weapons, comics, etc.)
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>> No. 12886
I want the Medic and Scout Grordbort weapons to be done by then, but considering that WETA are deep into work with The Hobbit and several other projects, they would be forgiven if they weren't.

I'd like the Festive weapons to come back. Mostly because I want a Festive Minigun with the name and description "The John McClane: Ho ho ho, I have a machine gun now".
>> No. 12889
File 134636749845.png - (148.53KB , 263x277 , saintdick.png )
It can come with any update really, but I'm looking forward to some more mann vs machine maps. Maybe an alternate mode where you'd go offensive (BLU) against a bunch of RED robots. Always hoped we'd get to fight Old Nick too. Spirit of Australian Christmas and all that. (Sort of like the Horseless Headless Horsemann and the Monoculous fights- but perhaps with less greed and more giving.) People got so cutthroat when the presents popped up. Something to promote generosity would be nice.
>> No. 12892
Isn't he dead? It's an interesting idea though. Too bad there ain't any kid-characters around for nick to kidnap
>> No. 12894
I like the idea of infiltrating the robot's defenses. Maybe something not dissimilar to capture the point playstyle, where you have to disable all their defenses before capping.

I tell ya, I love this robot deal. Made me feel like I was really fighting towards some sort of actual goal now, instead of just burning nooblets to ashes.
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