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File 134737321150.jpg - (1.40KB , 100x70 , question.jpg )
13076 No. 13076
I just want to ask a few questions about the rules. 1.It says in the rules that memes aren't allowed on the site, do Sparkledog Central memes count or does the rule apply to all memes? The TF2 Kink Meme is a good example of a Sparkledog Central Meme because most deviant art memes follow a "fill in the blank with an answer to the following question/order above" formula. Which brings me to my next question.

2.What counts as a meme on TF2Chan? There are the obvious like lolcats, Rage Comics, and planking, but what do you guys consider a meme here so I know how to be careful?

and finally, 3.If you don't allow memes, then why do you have a Sparkledog Central Meme on your site? (The TF2 Kink Meme). Because if you don't allow them, it seems a little contradicting to have a Sparkledog Central Meme on the site.

I'm just curious is all so I don't do anything that can break the rules. I hope you don't mind.

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>> No. 13078
The kink meme isn't really a meme in the same sense. You can actually be original with it and not annoying like what most memes do.

They just mean don't be ridiculously unfunny with obnoxious ass jokes. They don't care if you fill out a character template thing or do one of those favorite character/ kink meme things.

They just don't want shit like:

"20 percent cooler!!!11!!1111!"

"ALL the things!"


Just use common sense. The chan doesn't demand much it just wants you to act like an adult.
>> No. 13079
Since we're on the subject, how in the hell do you pronounce meme anyway?
>> No. 13080

I always thought it was MEEEM-a
>> No. 13081
Thank You for the answer, PrettyKickingHuh. I was a little weary about posting Sparkledog Central Memes, but I'm sure it's okay as long as I don't go overboard. I think I'll do a few to help with art block.

I can suggest some good ones if it's okay with you guys.
>> No. 13082

yeah dude go ahead
>> No. 13084
See, I always thought it was may-may.
>> No. 13085
art/writing memes are perfectly fine.
>> No. 13086
Art/writing memes are just memes in the literal sense of "self-propagating", rather than the things people usually refer to as "memes" and used to call "fads".
>> No. 13087
It looks to me like, in practise, memespouting is only against the rules of TF2 if it's done in a prickish way. After all, the term "meme" is a very broad concept, and virtually everything about communication is based on memes. And since the internet is such a major part of our culture now, a lot of our language comes from internet memes. Phrases like, "In your base," and "I accidentally helmets," are part of the English language now--and they can be used in intelligent, meaningful ways. That's why nobody gives a shit [or in many cases, nobody even notices] if somebody happens to slip in a phrase or term of internet meme origin into their comments, or incorporates internet icons into their stories and art. Trying to ban the use of internet memes entirely would be like trying to ban the use of pop culture references in conversation.

I cannot think of a single instance on this site where the memespouting rule has had to be enforced, but if I had to imagine a situation in which it would be, it would probably be with a user who had absolutely nothing meaningful to say, and was simple, for lack of a less redundant term, spouting memes for the sake of using memes.
For example, if I were to reply to this thread by saying, "I used to use memes, but then I took an arrow to the knee," I would have contributed nothing to the conversation except for an incredibly old, obnoxious meme.
On the other hand, if I reply to a story saying, "I'll be in my bunk," even though that's an internet meme, it's still relevant and meaningful because it lets the author know that I found the latest update to be arousing. So far I haven't seen anybody complain about that sort of usage.

As far as "memes," as in, premade forms containing prompts for other artists to respond to... I'm fairly certain that isn't the sort of meme the rules are referring to. Technically those are "templates," anyway. They're just called "memes" because the deviant tarts who popularised them don't know what they're talking about.

Meme is pronounced, "Meem," rhymes with "Team."
>> No. 13088
File 134743025147.jpg - (57.92KB , 500x524 , tumblr_lzq65g6eil1qcz380.jpg )
Do we really need an entire fucking thread about what constitutes as an acceptable use of memes?

Fucking really?
>> No. 13089
File 134743374224.jpg - (16.96KB , 250x362 , transmetropolitan-chairlegoftruth_s.jpg )
You know what? Fuck it.

This thread does not belong in /dis/. It is not discussion TF2 and would be better placed in /inception/, but really it shouldn't even be a fucking thread at all. You have questions about how the site operates? Write to a mod. Many of us have our email accounts in our posts and we even have an official Tumblr you can submit questions to.

And for God's sake, LURK MORE. You seem to be so absolutely clueless as to how the chan functions but if you actually just observed what other people are posting, you would not even have to ask these questions in the first place.

It is really not that hard and I don't know how much longer I can put up with this shitposting.
>> No. 13090

Shit I should add that the TF2chan mod tumblr can be found here: http://asktf2chanmods.tumblr.com/

Now scram.
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