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13258 No. 13258

So, how many of you writers are going to be doing this? If enough people are interested, we could start a tf2 group.

(yes you can write erotic novels)
>> No. 13259
Been thinking about it for years, but I've really had very little experience with creative writing, and I've always worried that I wasn't very good at it.
>> No. 13260

No need to share what you write. It's all for fun anyway.
>> No. 13261
Wish I could, but I just don't have the time.
>> No. 13264
You know, I think I might actually try it this year.

But it won't be about TF2 though. I have an idea for an original novel I'd like to try and write.
>> No. 13265
I might do a short-story variation on it, fill some prompts on the board. Pair some pairings that aren't paired often enough.
>> No. 13267
I'm just not sure where to start or how to plan out a story. I never get past a basic concept when it comes to writing anything.
>> No. 13274
I try to keep a word count for November, since I do tend to get crazy productive at the end of the year, but I've never officially done NaNo in any capacity.

If I can make it to all 100 prompts for the Spy/Sniper thing I'm writing, then I'll have definitely at least made 50,000 words this year, but I'm doing that at my own (read: slowass) pace.
>> No. 13346
Oh man, I'm actually doing this right now. Just let me know if any of you want a writing buddy!
>> No. 13362
If you wouldn't mind teaching someone how to write, I'd love the help.
>> No. 13366
Well I never really claimed to be good at it...

The name in this post is my steam, If you'd like to message me there. I'd post my wrimo profile but it leads to some sensitive personal info.
>> No. 13367
Also! my internet's been shit lately, so I might not be able to respond quickly.
>> No. 13400

I recommend a book called "Making Shapely Fiction" by Jerome Stern. It discusses some basic rules of writing, general plot outlines, and character types that you can build from.

Other than that, I suggest you read as many fiction and nonfiction books and short stories from as many genres as you can. Then find what you like and start coming up with ideas and putting them to paper. From there, it's a matter of practicing your craft.

Again, I must emphasize that writing must be something that you enjoy, first and foremost. Doing it for any other reason really isn't worth the effort.
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