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File 135096276332.jpg - (210.00KB , 892x436 , Yes.jpg )
13263 No. 13263
The past few days have seen a massive rash of engagements on TF2, and I have no idea why. No, don't tell me why. We have to preserve the mystery. All I want to know is if you've been seeing any lulzacious engagement announcements. And if you have it would be nice if you told us what the announcement said.

Today brought us 'The TF2 Community has accepted Gabe Newell's "A Flaming Homosexual"'
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>> No. 13276
File 135110298096.jpg - (737.60KB , 1920x1080 , mvm_mannworks0001.jpg )
By far my favorite one.
>> No. 13278
File 135110561317.jpg - (139.10KB , 1280x800 , garybusey.jpg )
This one I thought was pretty good.
>> No. 13312
I didn't think to screencap it, but the other day I saw one that was along the lines of 'Everyone has accepted (that they are going to see tons of these notifications)', though I don't remember exactly how it was worded.
>> No. 13314
heavy has accepted medic's "friends with benefits"
actually true
>> No. 13319
I've seen a lot of people named Medic accepting things from people named Heavy. Every time it makes my day a little brighter.
>> No. 13329
File 135180593740.jpg - (168.12KB , 1360x768 , awwcomeon.jpg )
You know, I have a theory.

For every fat joke that someone makes about Gaben, Half-Life 3's release gets delayed another day.
>> No. 13397
File 135297682464.jpg - (214.78KB , 1360x768 , 2012-10-28_00001.jpg )
We might have been to the same server that day.
>> No. 13419
File 135378351995.jpg - (218.92KB , 1440x900 , 2012-11-24_00001.jpg )
I saw this just today on a X10 server. Hilarity ensued.

Sorry for the shit quality, my rig sucks ass.
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