No. 13439
GIFT SUBMISSION: “I’ve finished my gift, now what?â€
I have received a question on how to submit your gift when it’s done, and since we have a number of new participants (welcome, guys!) I’ll post a brief guideline about gift submission.
You must e-mail your gift to me. Don’t post it on TF2chan yourself. I need to tag the gifts with the recipient’s name so everyone will know which one is theirs. Then I’ll post all the gifts together on TF2chan on December 25th.
- Attach your image in an e-mail and send it to me. Alternatively, upload it to an online storage site such as Dropbox and e-mail me the link. Please don’t post it to an online gallery/tumblr until after the 25th.
- Your image must be a GIF, JPG, or PNG. The maximum file size allowed is 2000 KB.
- You can add whichever watermarks/signatures/links to your galleries that you usually use on images (unless you want to be anonymous), but it would be polite to offer to e-mail your Secret Santa an untagged high-resolution copy for printing (if you want to do this anonymously, you can do it through me).
- You can name your file anything you like. I will also add the prefix ‘For_[GifteeName]_’ to avoid confusion.
- If you want your image to be posted with a note to your giftee, add the note to the body of the submission e-mail and mark it as ‘Artist’s Note:’.
- Your story must be e-mailed to me as a MS Word 2007-compatible document or a .txt file. Do not copy-paste the text into the body of the e-mail, please.
- The ‘chan uses BB Codes for style changes, not html. Use square brackets: [i*] and [/i*] for italics, [b*] and [/b*] for bold, [u*] and [/u*] for underlined, [s*] and [/s*] for strike-through, remove the *.
- The full text of your document will be copy-pasted to TF2chan. Any notes for me should be put in the body of the e-mail instead. You can add a note to your giftee if you like; mark it as ‘Author’s Note:’ at the top or bottom of your document.
- I would also recommend giving your story a title (I, for one, often link to stories on the ‘chan from tumblr and it’s much easier when they are properly titled).
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!