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No. 13338
  this is just a random idea i had while watching a gameplay video showcasing the finishing moves of all the characters of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, so feel free to move this post if you think this doesn't belong here.

My idea was this, "What if the Team Fortress 2 mercenaries had Astral Heats if they were in a BlazBlue game?". you can suggest ideas for the non-player characters too if you want.

Check out the video provided here to see these finishing moves in action. Man! are they ever awesome.
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>> No. 13340
>> No. 13344
Yeah, it's more of a "what if..." idea then anything.

Like I said, it was just a random idea I had earlier today. It's not meant to be taken seriously.
>> No. 13349
File 135192014730.gif - (973.09KB , 500x313 , tumblr_lyc2cmYcPB1r4etbjo1_500.gif )
this thread doesn't belong here.

this thread doesn't belong anywhere...
>> No. 13359
Yeahhhhhhh, I learned early on you don't mention anime-styled things around here.
>> No. 13360
File 135202116461.jpg - (29.21KB , 500x397 , Spaghetticat.jpg )
Goddammit, you didn't learn a single goddamned thing from that ban I gave you, did you?

If you continue to make inane and terrible fucking threads like this you're looking at a much longer ban.

Knock it off already.
>> No. 13361
thats already been taken care of
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