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File 135220948193.jpg - (95.31KB , 1131x707 , Meet_the_Pyro___TF2_by_TheModSquad.jpg )
13375 No. 13375
I'm entirely new to this board, I've been considering going premium on TF2, is it worth it?
>> No. 13376
>> No. 13377
I went premium. It was absolutely wonderful. You won't regret it for only 50 cents
>> No. 13378

Also this is a bit of a noob question but, is it like a subscription or do I just pay once?
>> No. 13379
Just once, I believe
>> No. 13380
Do you already have a full account on Steam? If you don't, then definitely put $5 into your wallet and buy something from the Mann store.

Last year I did that right before the christmas event and got a free copy of Portal 2.
>> No. 13395
If you feel like it, I'd suggest you buy a set of Mann Up Tickets. You'll get to play on the official MvM servers, get to put progress in on your badge, and even have a shot at some hats and botkiller weapons. Definitely a good-value way to go, if you don't just want to throw 49 cents on a can of Bonk or something.
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