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No. 13398
  Oh Sega, if this is real, you have already snagged my wallet
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>> No. 13401
I'd support this if it came with Sonic's "You're Too Slow!" taunt from Super Smash Bros. Melee. Otherwise meh.
>> No. 13402
I learned of this off a friend who is obsessed with Sonic games. Supposedly, the Team Fortress car is a bonus car only for PC users. After listening to the characters, I'm unsure if the same voice actors were used as Pyro's sounds off and Heavy's kinda matches with that from the Poker Night at the Inventory's tone, but at the same time, doesn't. I wouldn't be surprise if Sega uses their own VA's to fill in instead of the original VA's to save money, unless however the contract made between them and Valve allows for the original VA's to voice in lines for the game.

If anyone can do further research to see if our guys are confirm they are or aren't would be of help. I'm probably not going to get this game regardless as I suck horribly at racing games.
>> No. 13647
File 135966932436.jpg - (104.87KB , 1024x768 , 2013-01-31_00062.jpg )
So uh yeah, got to play this game today. Its a rather fun game for what it is, but I enjoyed the first game in this series more...

In regards to the TF2 folks, its an ok appearance. Very disappointed about the original VAs not being in this one, but the Spy replacement voice is okay. Heavy's VA is so-so, and Pyro... well. Its a thing. Their all-star move is indeed Spy, but in a better looking jet than what he usually flies for the actual flight segments, and he can shoot missiles at other players. Too bad for Heavy that the hovercrafts are the worst racing mode - however there are ways to balance out your vehicle after gaining XP from completed races, so there's that.

Its very surreal to play as Spy in stages like After Burner and NiGHTS whilst he's smoking his cigarette and doing his crab taunt sometimes (the cigarette part is rather heavily implied by the gestures of the hand while you're controlling him).

Pic is best I could do atm for Spycrab, it happens randomly so I can only catch the tail end of it...
>> No. 13648
oh correction, its not a different jet. Bad lighting in stages, etc.

Also Heavy will call out for Medic if he gets fucked up too badly in races - neato.
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