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File 135476178698.png - (28.12KB , 188x200 , 3074702+_a7a65f445263aecb06bd43b97603881c.png )
13445 No. 13445
just wondering, are most of the users here like girls? and am i the only gayfag who loves tf2chan?
>> No. 13446
I was under the impression everyone was a lady

Hello excited ghost freind
>> No. 13447
You're not quite the only one. This old anon is manly, and so is Marty.
And I'm fairly certain that a few of our other regulars are men, but I haven't seen them explicitly mention their penises, yet, so I won't make any commitments.

I thought the ghost was appalled.
>> No. 13449

The first time I have ever seen this on the internet ever.

But yeah, I do think that this is one of the rare places that a majority of the regulars are girls, though there are some mens here too.

Pretty sure the ghost is slowly trying to consume himself starting with his cheeks.
>> No. 13450
I wouldn't say I'm "manly", I've just got the necessary body parts. But I tend to lurk rather than post/contribute.

Also, the ghost is overly excited from a really bad joke: http://www.hejibits.com/comics/haunted-humor/
>> No. 13454

That's a thing I've always wondered myself (since I'm a female). Personally, I'd think that the fanbase of a game that's 99.7% male is full of women, but I like the playing game more than writing fanfic.
>> No. 13457
Female, but I feel like my gender is irrelevant. I just like good games, and drawing porn based on said games that make both women and gay men smile.

I do hate that stigma that "all fanfic is gay porn written by women". It's not all gay porn, or even porn at all, and guys do write fic as well. (Heck, I found a gay bandslash fic from one of my old fandoms that was written by a straight guy. I wish I'd saved it.)
>> No. 13459
i'm manly enough to make up for the testosterone imbalance on my own

also if no one else here liked those icky girls then /tits/ wouldn't exist now, would it
>> No. 13466
Everyone here is a girl.

Everyone in /tits/ is lezzie.

All is girls.

You are now a girl.

Say hello to your new vagoo.
>> No. 13467
I'm an otherwise straight male. I just find fictional guy on guy arousing. I don't understand it either.

But it's TF2 you don't have to understand it.
>> No. 13468
Never thought about the male/female ratio here myself, and I'm not sure if it's related but the regulars here are artistically inclined (drawing and writing) and appreciative of such arts, so that might account for the larger percentage of ladies here. However, I myself am a manly man and can prove it by whipping out my manly man parts.


>> No. 13469
You've got yourself a pretty nonsensical kink there. We can now officially accept you into the TF2chan community.
>> No. 13473
What are you all talking about?

Everyone know there are no girls on the internet.
>> No. 13475

I'm a girl in real life, but yes, on the internet, I BECOME A PARROT. No joke. You all know my terrible terrible secret now....-BRAACK!!!...Does anyone have spare crackers?
>> No. 13476
I understand your pain.../pleasure.
I'm a lesbian.
>> No. 13478
Same here

Captcha says Puritanic... No, captcha, that is not a good description for this here conversation.
>> No. 13504
>>13478 here. It just occurred to me that it says things about the quality of the writers here that people who would not be the target audience (aka straight dudes and lesbians) like and read the stuff anyway. Good things. :)
>> No. 13509
I was in another fandom previously where I think the vast majority of the gay porn (at least on the fansite I frequented) was written and drawn by lesbians. It doesn't really surprise me anymore.
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