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File 135597594550.jpg - (116.16KB , 946x613 , jesusactualfuckingchrist.jpg )
13491 No. 13491
Hot diggety damn, lookee what we got here!

Expand all images
>> No. 13492

Also: official Adult Swim items! Heavy is Carl and also Brock Samson! Scout is MURDERFLYYYY Monarch henchman! Pyro is...Dr. Rockso. Eh. Would have preferred Klokateer uniform. Metal bits on costume are cool, I just hate Rockso. Though turning our Pyro into a clown when the Final Kombat Pyro is one too is amusing.
>> No. 13493
File 135597792758.jpg - (22.50KB , 277x220 , IAMHAPPY.jpg )

This comic.

It is best comic.
>> No. 13494
I like how Medic finally gets a line (and it's even funnier that he says "gute nacht" WHEN IT'S CLEARLY LIGHT OUTSIDE), Heavy is adorable, Scout is hilarious, Soldier is adorable, Spy is snarky as hell, and Pauling is badass. Is indeed best comic.

(Captcha: "howspai kas". How Spy kas be so awesome? Good writing.)
>> No. 13495
File 13559805025.jpg - (53.04KB , 501x417 , soldierwonanosepickingcontestimsoproud.jpg )
Well. I'm now shipping Heavy/Miss Pauling. Thanks, comic.

But yeah I'm completely excited for this update because of new engie weapon and new demo weapon and new medigun and giant robots oh my!
>> No. 13496
File 135598128870.jpg - (231.18KB , 309x800 , whut (309x800).jpg )
These fucking faces.
>> No. 13497
Justamus wrote a great two-parter sapiosexual fic called "Buttons" that's Heavy x Miss Pauling. One of the hottest fics I've ever read.

I also appreciate the fact that Engie's new rifle is called "Rescue Ranger". Does that make Engie Gadget Hackwrench, and Heavy Monterey Jack?
>> No. 13499
File 135598739761.png - (25.02KB , 101x117 , Arichimeaties.png )
Leetle tiny neck brace.
That’s the cutest thing I’ve seen since the last time I saw Pyro.
>> No. 13500
File 135599144494.jpg - (80.15KB , 312x332 , 130891976684.jpg )

Anyways, I was just sitting here thinking they couldn't do anything else to MvM that could make me rage, and fucking teleporting robots aflfbnlagk

>Does that make Engie Gadget Hackwrench, and Heavy Monterey Jack?

I'm glad I am not the only one who thought it
>> No. 13502

There's three parts. Enjoy! I know I did.
>> No. 13505
Does anyone know what the new medigun is like yet? I'm really interested but probably not going to be able to log on for about a week.
>> No. 13507
Here's the Wiki page, at least. I don't have one yet, so I can't really say what my own personal thoughts are. Sorry about that.
>> No. 13510
I predict that it’s going to go the way of the Scottish Resistance—utterly unappreciated because everybody tries to use it just like the stock version, and then declares that it must be a horrible, useless item because it doesn’t do the stock’s job as well as the stock. But if you know how to use it, when to use it, and have the right mindset for using it, it can be pretty effective. Just not in the same way that a stock medigun or kritzkreig is. It's more of an endurance medigun than a vanguard medigun.
At least, that’s my assessment for pubs/clusterfuck situations. It’ll be a few more days before I get to try it with/against a team that has its shit together. The prognosis is substantially less promising, because really it takes just two guys working together to neutralise all the advantages of the vaccinator. But sometimes these things work out better than you'd expect.

Anyway, it's a really fun medigun. The whole "switching resistance" thing rubs me softly. It makes me feel good to know that if I see a Pyro coming or a sentry ahead, there is a button that I can push to make things better, whereas with a normal medigun I could only keep doing what I'm doing and hope my patient can deal with it. It's nice. And a bit more exciting than just pointing a medigun at somebody.
>> No. 13513
File 135617615915.png - (83.24KB , 512x404 , Haters Gonna Vaccinate.png )
Update: Now that I've used the vaccinator for more than five minutes, and have gotten used to watching damage types and switching resistance, I've got some brainpower left over to think about my übers, and holy socks this is fun. It's not that powerful of a medigun, but the amount of strategy involved is hnnnng. I've only been using this thing for a few hours, but I can already feel my concentration improving.

So I've come to a conclusion. Forget the Scottish Resistance analogy. It was a shitty analogy anyway. The vaccinator is like a Demoknight set: It's [probably] not viable for serious gameplay, and lameasses will complain every time they see it [moreso, however, because Medics aren't allowed to have fun] but it's exciting and using it every now and then keeps you sharp. So it's my new favourite pub toy.

Have fun waiting for one to drop.
>> No. 13514
Seeing more Miss Pauling and knowing that Ashly Burch is doing something SUPER SECRET with Valve, I can kind of see her playing Miss Pauling.
>> No. 13559
>>13497 >>13500
She's just put that fic up on the Afanfic board.
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