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File 135801560426.jpg - (30.20KB , 311x264 , elika_311x264.jpg )
13587 No. 13587
Apparently, Gabe Newell confirmed a fifteen-minute TF2 movie. Supposedly they had originally planned to make a 90 minute movie, but gave up because it was too much work.


What do you guys think?
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>> No. 13588
Every few months I take a bit of time to reflect on how much I want a TF2 movie, then resign to waiting and imagining.
I am intensely curious. Hopefully there will be more information soon.
>> No. 13589
I'm kind of annoyed at the people who are angry that it's only going to be 15 minutes long. Take little steps. "Meet The Medic" was 3, 4 minutes long. We'll get to a full movie eventually.

Besides, isn't your average Adult Swim show 15 minutes long?
>> No. 13592
Being angry is ridiculous, we are being given a movie for free from a developer that has been giving us stuff for free (including an AAA game and a high-quality video-making program) for years. What more should Valve do, pay our bills?

However, I'll admit that I'm disappointed. Sure the average cartoon is 15 minutes long, but the average cartoon has one or more seasons of 20+ episodes each. And there is no reason to believe that we'll get a full movie eventually, for all we know this 15-minute movie is all we are getting.

I feel like a kid staring at a shop window full of delicious cakes and sweets, and then the store owner offers me a chocolate candy. The chocolate candy is really good and I'm getting it free to boot courtesy of the nice owner, but I can't help comparing it to the window full of cakes and think that it's really tiny.
>> No. 13593
Maybe if the 15 minute movie works out well enough, more will follow? I'd love to see Valve feel out the waters on if there would be money to be made in a feature-length thing, or a small series of 15 minute jams. They partner so closely with Adult Swim so often, I could see that happening.

Valve, take my money. Please.
>> No. 13594
I look forward to watching it in 2017
>> No. 13595
I look at it this way:

We could have a 15-minute movie, and maybe actually see it sometime this year,


We could get a 90-minute movie, and probably get HL3 released before we see it.
>> No. 13600
Look, it's more than I expected from Valve ever.

Movies aren't games, so I never expected TF2 to have anything more than cute shorts, comics, and the fan-created Saxxy material.

Honestly? I'm really, really excited.

when valve releases it in 3333
>> No. 13601
File 135843389916.jpg - (44.06KB , 360x240 , WhiskeredGentleman.jpg )
But in the actual interview, Gabe doesn't mention TF2 specifically? Are we jumping to conclusions here?
>> No. 13602
True or not, I'm pretty sick of hearing people say that a movie might ruin their headcannons.

TF2 is such a big, open univers. Even with the cannon stuff, it's so easy to shape and make "your own".

Also, isen't that what OC's are for?
>> No. 13603
Considering it was only sort-of announced on Nerdist and word spread from there, my prediction is we'll get an official announcement/ARG stuff sometime later this year, with the movie being sometime in 2014.

Maybe in time for TF2s 6th birthday?

I don't know. We're all guessing at this point, but if it's a prequel, I hope we find all the mercs being recruited in outlandish ways (Why did RED/BLU put a miniature TV in your toilet? BECAUSE FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY)
>> No. 13605
Oh god, an origins video would be great. Seeing the mercs where they started. I'd love something like that.
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