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File 135865699353.jpg - (42.95KB , 1050x1050 , sad_face[1].jpg )
13606 No. 13606
So... here's the thing.

I thought this place was a place with people that gave constructive critiscism, a place where you could write what you wanted and improve, and get better. But it's really just a place to get porn, isn't it?

I suppose if you write porn, people are going to enjoy it but... I don't even feel like posting my stories here anymore. I honestly don't really feel the will to write much anymore, since I don't feel like I'm actually going anywhere with it.

It's good to hear that people liked my story, sure, but... I dunno...

I'm really depressed lately... :(
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>> No. 13607
I feel the same way about my fanart, but the chan's been more and more empty nowadays, and some places are just destined not to be posted in for awhile. It's not personal.
>> No. 13608
Yeah, pretty much. The chan's pretty deserted in my opinion--threads will stay on the front page for days without being updated. It's the same with the fanfics in both /fanfic/ and /afanfic/.

Don't take yourself too seriously, OP. It is just fanfiction, after all. It doesn't need to win a Pulitzer--it just needs to be better than Twilight. If you want to do more serious writing, why not try to get something published?

This is probably a dick thing to say, but if you write porn, people aren't going to be critiquing it--they just care about their two favorite characters boning. So long as it's readable and semi-realistic, no one's gonna say a damn thing.
>> No. 13609
Oh, for the love of god. People liked your story. Nothing stuck out to them as needing to be fixed. So sue them. The chan may be a place where people can give and receive constructive criticism freely, but it is nobody's job to give you criticism if they don't have anything particularly critical to say about your story. If you want your own personal critic to push you forward all the time, then find a beta or a writing partner.
>> No. 13610
Ok, 2 things.

1) This place is almost dead.

2) This is not a place where you get critiscism, is a placee where you can get critiscism - if people feel like it, that is.
If nobody critizese your story, then a) they have nothing to critize, and you should feel proud og B) they don't feel like doning it

Also, why do you even care?
It's fanfiction, it's something you're supposed to write becurse you feel like it.
If you want to improve at writing in general, the go take a class or something. It's not like FF is serious buissness.
>> No. 13611

>it just needs to be better than Twilight.

Nice to know that the bar has been set that low.
>> No. 13612

It's generally a pleasant surprise if it's better than Twilight.
>> No. 13613
I'd try first to be at least better than Twilight, then better than my first fic was, then better than my second fic was, and so on.
>> No. 13620
File 135884227339.jpg - (63.98KB , 363x326 , tumblr_inline_mgqxsyVq4O1qhi7m8.jpg )

I am praying for a day when fan fiction writers will stop using Twilight as the go-to example of shitty literature, especially since I suspect most people who make that comparison have not actually read the book in question.

Also, I hope for the day when I can have a conversation about vampires and not have that book brought up.

Actually, I would be 100% okay with never mentioning or acknowledging Twilight again. Ever. In any context. For the rest of all time.
>> No. 13621
I think it's a person's way of reassuring themselves they're not that bad when their self esteem is less than zero and they have no practice in writing. I know I've been there.

Maybe Twilight shouldn't be used as an example, though.
>> No. 13623

>I've read Twilight
>it's still better than most fanfiction because stephenie meyer actually used a spellchecker
>you bitch about vampires being overused and abused in popular media but you made your e-fame off of zombies
>you take fanfiction seriously
>you're mad because a Mormon's made more money than you.

In before I get banned for this post because truths
>> No. 13624
>>13608 >>13610 >>13623

Out of curiousity, why can’t people take fanfiction seriously?
1) Is there something wrong with wanting to do your best at something you enjoy doing?
2) You do realise, when other authors take fanfiction seriously, the only impact on you, personally, is that you get better porn.
3) Where do you get off coming onto a website full of fan creators just to tell them that their work is inherently unworthy of sincere effort and high standards?

You are a pile of ungrateful shits.
>> No. 13625
File 13589231721.png - (78.56KB , 248x236 , tumblr_lzqbx1iSFx1r2f5ry.png )

Them's some interesting conclusions you're jumping to, Anon.

You're pretty limber, you should join the Olympic's pole vaulting team.
>> No. 13629
Well this comment was charmingly pathetic. Way to make an ass of yourself.
>> No. 13630

spellchecker? The amount of grammatical errors and spelling errors was ridiculous. I'm surprised it got past the editor.

now run along. the grown ups are speaking
>> No. 13631

Why do I care? Because I love writing. You think the only thing I write is team fortress 2 fanfiction?

I'm an aspiring author, have written several novels (none published yet) and overall just enjoy writing.

Everything I write helps me get better. Hearing what people think about my writing makes me even better, except when everyone is all like 'oh it's good write more'
>> No. 13632
and what, you would rather ave people going "this is shit".
If you want to be a professional writer, then get used to people saying one of those 2 things, because even professionals doesn't receive that much constructive criticism.

Again this is a place where people goes to have fun.
If you want to improve, go somewhere that will help you with that, instead of coming her and being a shithead becurse people doesn't give you enough criticism.
>> No. 13634
Also, point is that this isn't a place where you share something, only because you except to get something again.
>> No. 13635
Out of curiosity, does anyone know of a good place to go to get good concrit on fanfiction? I've noticed fanfiction.net and Sparkledog Central are usually just people screaming 'OMG I LUFF IT' or not commenting at all, and ArchiveofOurOwn isn't very active.
>> No. 13637

I thought tf2chan was supposed to be that place.
>> No. 13638
Well, it's certainly better for it than Sparkledog Central and fanfic.net, but unfortunately, activity has dwindled a little. The crit you do get is really good, but whether or not you get any can be sort of up in the air.

I'm not blaming the chan for that, of course. People get into stuff, get busy, don't have as much time for it- all perfectly understandable, but it does still make the result a little frustrating, sometimes, if you're looking for constructive criticism.

So I was just wondering if any of our other budding writers out there know of a good spot to regularly get critique that's better than 'OMG I luff it'. The chan's still my preferred place, but it's always nice to know your options, too.
>> No. 13640
Welcome to being a writer. Most of the time, you're either gonna get flooded with generic praise or buried under generic put-downs. And fanfiction tends to be worse about this since fans are inclined to like or dislike certain things and give shallow reactions.

You want concrit? What kind of concrit do you want? Plot, characterization, flow, structure, one or more of the above, or something else?

Personally, I generally do try to say something about a story if something jumps out at me one way or another, but if I don't have a reaction to a story beyond "it was [adjective]" with no substantive wall of words behind it, I generally don't say anything.
>> No. 13641
Unfortunately a topic like this is exactly one of the reasons people are dismissing this site.

No offence to OP.
>> No. 13642

I dunno, OP. TF2chan does have that reputation, but to be honest I've only ever seen Dotchan constantly give out exceedingly good criticism. If a story sucks here, people'll let you know, but as far as writing a lot explaining what exactly is wrong with or what could be improved in your story, well, there just isn't a lot of that. You've gotta remember that it takes a good amount of time to write out a good, serious critique, and that most people either a) don't have the confidence to do that (which comes from the stupid mentality of 'I'm not a writer I can't critique') or b) just don't care.

If people like something, you're lucky if they leave you a comment saying 'I liked your story good job.' They're probably not gonna tear it apart and pick out all the little flaws in your writing unless they're your beta or something.
>> No. 13643

Fuck. That was supposed to be 'Anonymous.'
>> No. 13646
I think for some people fic or fanart is just a hobby and nothing more. They don't make money off of it, and they don't want to, it's purely for fun. And for some their live dream is to be an artist or a writer and they're sometimes furious that others could take something they're passionate about and be kind of flippant about it but we all have our levels of passion.

That, and some do not believe if they are making porn that it is art. I disagree with them, but I am not here to critique peoples' opinions.
>> No. 13660

I would love some in depth critique
>> No. 13661
>> No. 13662

Anon wants critique, too? I am confus
>> No. 13663

Hell, if you're giving out free critiques, I'd love some crit too, if you don't mind. (But if you don't wanna go out of your way to read anyone else's work but OP's, that's perfectly fine.)
Just thought I'd jump on the opportunity, if there is one.
>> No. 13665

Cool, thanks! Just sent you an E-mail with the link (and some arbitrary nonsense) so there you go.
>> No. 13669
Heck, if anyone needs some crit, or just some fresh eyes on their work, then I would love to help too.

My e-mails in the name.
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