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File 135970025925.png - (86.94KB , 200x333 , 200px-Pyro_taunt_laugh.png )
13649 No. 13649
So I got my Pyro figure delivered today.

Sculpt is very good - my only complaint is I cannot seem to make the figure STAND for any length of time. I have actually broken his flamethrower the last time he fell. (It's a clean break so its mendable.)

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had found any sort of solution or work around so that the figure can stand without damaging itself.
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>> No. 13650
I heard that if it's too warm, the ankles get weak. Do you live in a warm climate?
>> No. 13654
I live in the humid armpit of Texas, but I live in a fully air conditioned house which is where the figure is.

Though - that MIGHT be a factor I suppose. But I haven't really had heat affect figures like this before. The plastic also doesn't feel that any softer.
>> No. 13655
*that MUCH softer - I swear English is my first language. We just have trouble communicating
>> No. 13656
I don't have the NECA figures yet, but I've had other figures that just didn't stand up. They were too top-heavy or the legs weren't right or something. I think some are just like that.
>> No. 13657
I guess I've been lucky. Most of mine have at least some sort of pose that allows them a center of gravity to precariously balance for a while. Or a provided stand.

Ah well, I guess I'll have to rig up a doll stand for it if I want to display it.
>> No. 13696
My demoman has this issue. I use adhesive putty--it's by the same people who make the command wall strips. I just take a little bit and stick it under his feet.
>> No. 13697
File 136318278846.jpg - (310.48KB , 1600x1200 , Foto 0387.jpg )
I've got both my NECA Demoman as well as my NECA Pyro in the mail yesterday.
Balance issues are no surprise, considering the TF2 design. Top-heavy, somewhat bulky characters, only supported by thin legs and small feet.
I do not say this to take away responsibility from the toy manufacturer. However, I'm just saying that any company producing TF2 figures would probably run into this problem. I personally prefer my figure's sculpt to be accurate instead of them being altered just to make them stand easier. Talking about stand: A toy-stand might help! I bet you can find some of these on googles.
I personally however didn't have much problems balacing my toys. My demo did take some time before he was able to stand, but then again he is the drunk one, right?
Even small differences in temperature can soften the plastic enough to alter the behaviour of joints. If this happens, especially on joints that support the figure's weight, the figure might fall over more easily.
My room happens to be very cold. Maybe that's why I don't have a hard time positioning my figures.
>> No. 14084
File 138023806570.jpg - (563.56KB , 1746x788 , tincanarmy.jpg )
Hijacking this thread as the "Figure Discussion thread" 'cause I feel like an attention seeker making new threads all the time

See those tin can babies in the image attached? They're going up for pre-pre-order on threeA's webshop at 9:00AM Hong Kong time today on the 27th (at the time of writing this, it's about 7:25AM Hong Kong time on the 27th)
threeA's webshop: http://www.bambalandstore.com/

Apparently they'll go up for retail sale later but without the exclusive bundle. I, for one, can afford neither.

Also keeping a hawk eye out for NECA's Spy and Engineer preorders which should be happening soon. I'll make a post when I see them go up for preorder on the international shipping sites
>> No. 14162
File 138351491197.png - (111.10KB , 450x420 , omnomnomed.png )

So apparently this happened...
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