No. 13883
These. (And pardon if there have been more relevant posts since these in the time I've taken to write this, which is a long time.)
Cat, I love you man, I really do. I got excited when I saw your name on the comic, and I'm proud of what you and the other fans did, and I'm proud of Valve for empowering their fans. I thought it was really cool that a community update was picked up and accepted by Valve, and fans did a pretty darn good job of running the show for being, well, just fans. I like a lot of things about the update...and, OK sure, there are some things I maybe didn't like in this update quite as much as other updates, but that's okay!
And, okay, some people might feel left out because this update wasn't offered to every TF2 fan out there. These people gotta understand that community updates have been a thing that have been put out by some really aspiring fans on the sidelines for a while now, and Valve saw it and liked it and decided to make it official. They were the ones who started it, and this really is just a start. It's all a big experiment to Valve.
But the drama and over-reactions in this thread are really disappointing.
I really didn't think this thread was truly mean-spirited or unproductive till it started degenerating into arguments on people's character and dismissive declarations of butthurt. Like, it started out with Not Liking Things, which is OK if you Don't Be A Dick About It. I don't think people were being dickish about it. Maybe brutally honest, but not malicious. (If anything, I think the dickery started with people fiercely lashing back. People Not Liking People Not Liking Things, and Being Dicks About It.) Okay, maybe some people might be jelly. I don't think EVERYONE is jelly, and this invalidates their opinions. Some people just Don't Like Things. And that's OK.
To Cat: I'm glad you found out how to not let people's opinions get you down, but I think you've been a bit unfair to people here, given the actual sentiments stated by people in this thread right here and now, and not by stuff you're reading between the lines, or, idk, a buildup of past hate? I think you're a cool person inside, and maybe you might not always feel as cool as you are, but what I don't think is cool are your reactions in this thread. It's really overblown, and this is why people are genuinely confused as to why you're going off the handle on this (see >>13849). Okay, so you don't give a fuck. That's fine. Except you're vehemently asserting your stance on not giving fucks instead of actually not giving a fuck. As in, letting it roll off your back and knowing in your own mind that random people's opinions don't matter to you, and not engaging them in fights not worth your time (and other people's time...and alienating the site's few remaining visitors via more of TF2chan's infamous drama). Your posts here come off as incredibly arrogant and douchey compared to your typical playful sarcasm.
On top of that, a bunch of people joined in the "BAWW U BUTTHURT" taunt and laughed like kids on a playground. Including our site's own administrator. And people dragged drama on and off the chan to/from hipstr, which I thought was something we at TF2chan try to avoid. I'm really disappointed.
Heartsman, you're a saint in how you've reacted to criticism in this thread. This is how a business with good PR would respond to customer complaints and poor reviews and keep a respectable image and possibly assuage the customer's dissatisfaction. This is how to politely engage with people who don't share your opinion.
This is the first on-topic post (which also completely sidesteps adding to drama) I've seen in this thread in a while. Good on you, anon.
Can we please either get back on topic minus the drama, or if there's no chance of talking about this topic without fighting, can people quit feeding the fire and, idk, go home and eat some delicious ice cream and CHILL? Holy hell, THIS right here is the cancer killing TF2chan. The drama. Not one group of people or another, but the fights that come up between them. I thought TF2chan prided itself on dishing out and taking criticism like adults, but that's not what I'm seeing here. Especially from the people running the site, who I expect to set a good example for the common users. I'm really disappointed at the level of childishness I've seen throughout this thread and how non-conducive to level-headed, open communication this thread has been. Or even seeing some benefit of the doubt or a sprinkle of good faith.
I thought about naming up to be taken more seriously as someone who isn't "just another anon hater." But with all the personal attacks and drama going on in this thread, I really don't want to put my bacon out there. Sheesh. Maybe the other "stupid anons" are anon because they're too afraid of voicing an honest opinion without getting attacked, especially by the site's own caretakers. And "honest opinion" doesn't automatically mean "secretly butthurt troll."