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File 136987678913.jpg - (16.40KB , 352x125 , ffffatal_error.jpg )
13972 No. 13972
Nothing I try to fix this problem seems to work. Anybody else having this error message?
>> No. 13983
Oh god yes. Let me refer you to the thread I found that let me use the tools. TL;DR Valve is ditching the unified SSDK app/launcher in favor of shipping the tools separately for each game, and you wanna load the tools in question out of the TF2 folder.

Thread here (skipped to post by Valve employee): http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=34381610#post34381610

Now, I did what they said and still have some issues, but I can at least open the darn things. Hopefully they'll have a proper fix in the future.
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