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File 137115755279.jpg - (87.40KB , 330x480 , whathassciencedone.jpg )
13986 No. 13986
Because the previous thread auto-saged.

Old news:
- http://tf2chan.net/dis/res/8849.html
- http://tf2chan.net/dis/res/5743.html

Boss Mode - Doomsday Evolution Mode

Up to 4 players can control the Boss Mecha, with the other players banding against it. There's some details I don't care to translate right now, sorry.

Also, new map, Doomsday Street.

In lighter news, have a fan-drawn 4-koma that chronicles the trials and tribulations of being a Battle Nurse.


Panel 1: Hee hee! Ten kills in a row, this round wasn't bad at all!
Panel 2: Player OO has initiated a votekick against Player XX. Reason: Using a plug-in or illegal software. F11 Yes F12 No
Panel 3: F11! Way too many kos in a row. 40 kills this round, you hax! /kicks (Aaaaa!)
Panel 4: Bullshit! Who's hacking? Your mom's the hack! My MVP... *sobs*
(To be continued.)
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>> No. 13987
File 137160426628.jpg - (180.49KB , 704x704 , GaigeRef.jpg )
That's Gaige's arm.
>> No. 13988

I think that's a stretch. The generic "ball and joint" look for a fake arm has been around a lot longer than Borderlands.
>> No. 13995

New Boss Battle variation: mecha v. mecha, I think? Also, a pirate skin for the Mechanism, yawn.


You know how we joke in TF2 that MvM mode Heavy is basically a fat sentry? Well, Final Combat has one-upped that: a Howitzer that lets the Fatman shoot grenades at the expense of not being able to move.

The Rocket also has a new weapon, remote mines.

And the Striker's gun shoots icicles that do persistent damage over time.

New skin for the Mechanism, Emily the Cheerleader Captain. And the Mechanism also has a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher (I think, the text wasn't very specific as to exactly what sort of weapon it is, it's supposed to do long-range damage because at launch Mechanism was most effective at close- and mid-ranges.)

Also, new functionality for the Sentry: once placed, it can be moved remotely via keyboard command.

Finally, a new mutant for Zombie Apocalypse mode. From the character design I'm guessing it's the Mechanism equivalent.
>> No. 14016
So uh, what would it take to actually play this thing? I have the Philippine version installed but it keeps giving me some apex protection error. Was only able to take a few screenshots one night now it won't launch.

Any ideas?
>> No. 14017

I'm afraid I don't speak computer; what do you mean by "apex error"?

Do you have a screenshot of an error screen? Maybe I can reference that with tech support threads on the game's official message board and see if someone has come up with a solution.
>> No. 14018
File 137470385240.jpg - (19.67KB , 448x213 , error.jpg )
No computer talk, just an error. Here you go.

I run the game in Administrator mode, have reinstalled it many times, and this is the same error that appears when launching the game. Apex is apparently the game's anti-cheat service.
>> No. 14019
From what I can tell, it's an issue with either your anti-virus program or firewall.

As an administrator, you would have to add the client files for Final Combat onto the whitelist.
>> No. 14020
The thing is, I've already allowed the login.exe and the FinalCombat.exe through.

I'm not sure what else I could do for it.
>> No. 14059
More updates shipping when I don't give a fuck about translating...


Hey, is that Hit Girl?
>> No. 14224

Some sort of challenge mode involving fighting over contested territories and mechanized robots and tanks (not sure if it's attacker/defender style or king of the hill style).

Also, new characters. As usual, all of the flavor text is translated to my best ability from the official homepage.

(The secondary names on some of the classes are from the Malaysian version of the game, which features all of the in-game texts in poorly translated English, but is behind the mainland servers in terms of updates shipped.)

Name: Mia
Age: Secret
Gender: Loli
Motto: Hmph, don't mess with me!
Nickname: Starlight Sprite
Hobby: Counting Sheep
Mia is the president of Starlight School's athletic club. Don't underestimate her because she looks cute; though she's small, she's quite agile. In addition to having a passion for sports, she's also an honor student and well loved by everyone.

Name: Lucy
Age: Secret
Gender: Cool Big Sis
Motto: I can kill men in the blink of an eye.
Nickname: Fashionable Woman
Hobby: A love-hate relationship with name brand products.
Lucy, the fashionable "big sister" [that everyone looks up to], has a fiery personality and loves to wear the sexiest leather outfits, never going out without putting her makeup on. Her beautiful face and sexy body attracts countless men to fall at her feet, but she has such high standards that she doesn't believe anyone to be worthy of her.

Name: Andrew
Age: 30
Gender: Muscular Man
Motto: You wanna get pasted?
Nickname: Blazing Soul
Hobbies: [Street] Brawling
Andrew was the elite forces of some military force; after his retirement he began to have a passion for underground boxing, taking part not just to win the huge cash prize, but to challenge stronger opponents and defend his nickname of "Blazing Soul". He believes himself to have been born for battle.

Name: Jack
Age: Secret
Gender: Clown Guy
Motto: Hahahahahahaha!
Nickname: Spade
Hobbies: Poker
Crazy Jack: nobody knows where he is from. Manic and unpredictable, nobody has seen his true face, for they are all too afraid to approach [upon hearing] his crazed laughter. It is said that he carries a spade ace that is deadly.

Name: Kirk
Age: 35
Gender: Righteous Male
Motto: I'm not a policeman for nothing!
Nickname: Cowboy Cop
Hobby: Getting the bad guys
Kirk is a policeman of the highest caliber from the town of Crisco, his strong sense of justice driving him to protect his town with everything he has, and causing bad guys to tremble at the mere mention of his name. When wearing his shiny glasses and his policeman's badge, he looks the very embodiment of Justice itself.

Name: Johnny
Age: 23
Gender: Handsome Fellow
Motto: Dare you challenge me?
Nickname: Lightning
Hobbies: Running cool
Johnny is a fan of extreme sports, using his agile moves to complete all sorts of high-difficulty challenges throughout the streets and alleyways. Always loving a challenge, he doesn't think anything to be too hard for him.

Name: Katherine
Age: Secret
Gender: Beauty
Motto: Don't look down on women!
Nickname: Archaeologist
Hobby: Collecting things
An engineer who loves archaeology, her right arm was unfortunately infected with an unusual poison that threatened her life during the course of a dig, and she was only able to live by cutting off [her own] arm. Despite this, she has not given up on her beloved archaeology, and even made herself a [new] strong mechanical [replacement] arm.
>> No. 14225
If this were a Borderlands knockoff, I would be more okay with this. Mia, Lucy, and Katherine remind me (a little) of Tiny Tina, Lilith, and Ellie (except that Tina, Lilith, and Ellie are much better designed and written).
>> No. 14230

Whoops, missed some new skins.

Rocket (Rock-It) Alt: Jarek (or maybe Zarek, Zark, Jark...etc. etc. trying to Romanize names that were probably sloppily phoneticized to begin with hasn't always been easy)
* Jarek was the elite member of some mysterious military team, and thus was selected to undergo an experiment to be transformed into a living weapon. Because the result power [increase] was more terrifying than anticipated, the experiment was ordered to cease and he was unable to return to normal. In order to prevent another meltdown, he bound his own body; rumor has it that the moment those bindings come loose, he would become a demon and go on an unstoppable killing rampage.

Fatman (Gunner) Alt: Ken (Cain?)
* A Russian soldier with unknown origins, Ken is a violent and fearless man. Because he was born with red skin, he was nicknamed "Hellboy" (translator note: actual words by the original) by the other troops. In World War II, he joined the first Russian mechanized armor experiments and successfully controlled this powerful equipment. When in operation, it glows like flames, causing all those who see this red light to lose all courage.

Striker Alt: Sajid
* Sajid stumbled upon a magical stone posessing amazing powers while exploring, allowing him to create molten lava armor that covers his body. A man with a strong sense of righteousness, he used this stone to dispense justice for others, but because the stone's power was too great, his body began to become corrupted by it. As he continues to fight many demons, he is also seeking a way to break the evil curse upon himself.

Sniper Alt: Giana
* When she fell into an icy river in order to save someone else, she was chosen by the great goddess of the land to be granted the power to control ice, as well as the tremendous responsibility of protecting mankind. Her cold exterior is [literally] covered with ice crystals, giving her a haughty aura. Wherever she appears, everything around her immediately freezes over.

Firebat Alt: Grease (or Kreese, I guess, if you want it to sound more like an actual name)
* He is the chieftian of his tribe, having control over the features of a phoenix, for in his tribe, that bird is their sacred creature. As the legends have it, the phoenix symbolizes eternal life, for as long as the fires can once again spring to a blaze, so the phoenix can be resurrected.

Nurse Alt: Linda
*Linda is a girl who likes all kinds of flowers, gentle, lovely, quiet, and well-liked by many adults. She runs her own flower shop, taking special care of her favorite blossoms every day, and she has many customers, bringing her into contact with people from all walks of life. The kind-hearted girl also likes to use pollen to make effective medicine to cure people's ills.

Mechanism Alt: Lina
* Lina was once an adventurer who liked to explore the world's uncharted territories. While in Antarctica, she was injured on the left side of her body by unusual energy creature made of ice crystals. Because of the extreme cold, she didn't die, but she lost her entire right arm and her left shoulder was pierced all the way through, the ice continually consuming and freezing her body. A search party found her showing signs of life and immediately sent her to the country's military research department for treatment. The ice crystals could not be [fully] removed, only suppressed through the mechanical arm she gained as a result [of the treatment] and used as the energy course for battle.
>> No. 14232

Rejoice, all you peeps who can't read Chinese! Final Combat Phlippines [sic] has been live since December 2013 and can offer you all sorts of information in English*!

*Accuracy of English materials not guaranteed.
>> No. 14233
File 138991558184.png - (48.75KB , 142x151 , enh.png )
Those genders...
>> No. 14240
To be fair, Hellboy was awoken in WWII, but because this doesn't appear to take place in the same universe, I assume they mean the comic...which wasn't written until much later.
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