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File 137743974257.png - (255.03KB , 422x650 , tumblr_m0l47gOotJ1qinr2to1_500.png )
14033 No. 14033
at what age did you grow out of strange weapons?
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>> No. 14034
I have a couple of Stranges that friends gave me for the heck of it (extras they had unboxed, or something), and a minigun from Mann Up mode, but I don't put a ton of emphasis on them, and I don't unbox anything, period.
>> No. 14035
At launch. I generally don't care for things that don't have gameplay value unless they're super awesome.
>> No. 14062
File 137856245188.gif - (1.12MB , 250x272 , yes take it.gif )
I must still be a baby, because the kill count on my strange gunslinger makes me smile

come on, it counts heavies killed

Mostly, I like them on other people as douchebagometers. 50,000 kills on your strange sniper rifle within the first week they were out? Okay.
>> No. 14069
I have them, but they come and go. Twice my sticky launcher has hit big numbers only to be added as a sweet for something or other.
>> No. 14153
I generally enjoy strange weapons because it gives me incentive to actually play TF2, and because I get happy to see my number of legit kills.
>> No. 14169
I like them because they give me a bit more of an objective perspective on my loadouts, and show me if I'm actually getting as much use out of a weapon as I think I am. The results are sometimes surprising.

Aside from that, though, they're not too great. I can't even remember the last time I checked my degreaser or sticky launcher kills.
>> No. 14373
Meh, I have a few. But most of mine are for melee weapons, or pistols. You know the weapons that don't really seem to get that much use? Well, they do but they don't. And I rarely check the kills I have on them unless they level up on something.

Yeah, to be honest it's pointless me having them I suppose. But I just sort of acquired them and I guess it's nice to have a stock weapon that feels slightly more unique.
>> No. 14384
File 142055453923.gif - (520.71KB , 320x178 , This is your lot in life_.gif )
Eh I have a few. I like them.

Dunno. I'm one of those people who enjoy flipping through their stuff and just looking at it. So I like counting my kills. I'm also one of those people who smoke a bit fat blunt before starting up a game, so maybe I'm just infantile like that.
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