No. 14130
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, fine job there pardner.gif
This update was just what I needed to get through everything lately. Dose corpse carts. Dose voice lines. Medic screaming oh my god.
I do agree that Pyro's lines were quite... odd. Not enough muffle.
Not yet seen the new Demo/Solly high five in action, but the prospect of unique class combo high-fives makes me so giddy in the pants.
Playing the game last night was... an experience. I came to the update about 12 hours late, due to working on GhostFort all day and dealing with familial drama, so everyone already knew how spells worked and proceeded to hand my arse to me. Had primed myself up by listening to the voice lines and having my friends fangasm at me over Steam. By the time I arrive, I find myself met with jaded whines of "I'm soooo over Halloween, this update is boring" and "TF2 is dying, what should we play instead?" from my friends over Skype. That's not a comment on the game's update itself - for what it's worth, I enjoyed it a lot! - but I felt like the magic was ruined for me a little this year. Also Scoots. Scoots everywhere. Killing you and not letting you get all the presents...
OH WELL. Fuck the haters, I still love stupid Halloween events.