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File 137765725849.jpg - (110.49KB , 1024x605 , Comeonyouguys.jpg )
14037 No. 14037
It looks like we'll be getting six of these comics, complete with a death and more drama than we can handle. Discuss.

My friend theorized that Heavy will have gotten into ballet. And chubby Demo forever please.
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>> No. 14038
I thought soldier and demo were best friends. Why aren't they interacting.
Isn't blu soldier form the comics the same guy as the soldier from red?
>> No. 14039
I'm so very amused that Pyro has the economic brains to run an engineering company.
>> No. 14040
I guess all that time with the Engineer has paid off.
>> No. 14041
Hopefully the future comic will answer the whole red/blu mystery in some way. I think that guy from Gray's last scene might be a blu.
>> No. 14042
File 137768720398.gif - (1.07MB , 360x288 , effeminate man places hand over mouth.gif )
So much excite, I cannot contain it all

>Sad Saxton
>CEO Pyro
>Let-go Demo
>dat Solly smile every damn time
>Spy and Scout's expressions
>the feels to come

I just.. I can't.. I think I'm going to die
>> No. 14043
File 137769359998.png - (244.34KB , 248x744 , 5New Canvas.png )
This is all I ever wished for
Just look at Pyro!
And everyone! Ahhhh, it's the best day

But who will die? I don't want to think about it, pls don't break my heart, Valve.

I just love all the characters, all of them!! And I wonder if Engineer has anything to do with Pyro's engineering business hehe
>> No. 14044
People on the Tumbles and here.

Don't. Fucking. Use. The slightest. Bit. Of evidence. To try and disprove other people's OTP's. "Haha, your two favorite characters aren't standing next to each other,but mine are, that means they're not canon and mine are, ouch." What, are you five years old? Seriously.
>> No. 14046

Eh, ship-bashing doesn't really happen here on the Chan, from what I've seen. I don't really hang out on Hipstr too much, especially during TF2 updates, mostly because of how rediculously serious business many people seem to be about headcanons and ships and whatever else because they're retarded.

Basically, I see this whole comic series as a grand adventure for the team that'll make great "remember that time when" stories when they're all old and grey, if they still hang out at all.


>no one is talking about grey mann's daughter
>why is no one talking about grey fucking mann's daughter
>she's like seven
>where did she come from
>does she have a mother

Also, I am so happy that Miss Pauling is getting a bigger role in the comics.
>> No. 14047
I see the same thing. Either it's "you're not accepting unless you ship everything," or "my OTP and only this one specific pairing or the highway" and it's so damn frustrating. To be fair, I've seen the same thing in other fandoms. It's not the TF2 fandom's fault, it's just human nature being exasperating.

I like the idea of Olivia Mann being a twisted Annie to Grey Mann's Daddy Warbucks. I can't see him getting married or being paired with anyone.
>> No. 14048

Am I alone in thinking he only had a daughter for this specific purpose? He seems a calculating and narcissistic person enough to pull off such a stunt.

Also kinda sorta really hoping the death will be Red Shirt-esque. Preferably after a big moving speech by one of our mercs, leading you to think "Shit, he's going to be the one to die for sure" but then... lolnope, just a random passerby who gets written off as collateral damage.
>> No. 14049
Medic is playing John Phantom because he is secretly a dreamboat actor when he takes off his glasses. I know this in my bones.

Also, didn't we already get that death? RIP Tom Jones.

My excitement levels are through the roof. New names for the unnamed mercs? MYSTERIOUS NEW RIVALS? I hope they put them bi-monthly comics out on the second, because otherwise the site is going to get hammered with a lot of F5s.
>> No. 14050
Yeah. Tom Jones was the person who died. Someone on Tumbles thought it was a joke on "It's not unusual to be loved by you..." and Unusuals, but idk.

I kinda hope it's a Despicable Me sort of situation, where he adopted her for a ploy, but grows to ~*wub*~ her. If only because there's too many goddamn abusive/absent/dead parents in fiction. I'll even take a rich deranged narcissist like Grey Mann as a good dad, because it makes an interesting contrast.

I hope Scoutma makes a Big Damn Heroes just as Scout and Spy are about to be hung, and saves her two boys. About time she got dialogue, anyways.
>> No. 14051
If Spy were the chessmaster bastard we all believe him to be, then he probably just got hisself arrested just so his face would be plastered all over the papers. As soon as he gets word from Ms. Pauling he'll probably break himself and Scout out.

Also, Scout would so totally channel Rorschach while in prison: "I'm not trapped in heyah with you; you're trapped in heyah wid me!"
>> No. 14052
Dumb question. Is bi-monthly twice a month, or once every two months?
>> No. 14053
It can mean both, but in this case it's every other month.
>> No. 14054
I believe the entire team is somewhere between "chessmaster" and "complete moron". It might be funny if it was Spy's stupidity, not Scout's, that got them arrested.
>> No. 14055
  This is now a thousand times funnier.
>> No. 14056
I'd love to see Grey Mann eventually overthrown by little Olivia. Like maybe she's been using him all along.

And then the Administrator adopts Olivia, because they suit each other just so well.
>> No. 14057
Had a "why did it take me so long to realize this" moment last night.

>>Names not based on colors: Zepheniah and Bette.
>>Names based on colors: Redmond, Blutarch, and Gray.
>>Gray's daughter is named Olivia.
>>The root of the name Olivia is "olive"
>>Olive, as in olive green

He kept the theme naming. That's kind of adorable.

Despite the fact that Pyro's gender will always be ambiguous, and Helen in-game is just a voice, overall there's a large amount of badass ladies in the TF2 universe...and the Half-Life universe, and the Portal universe. I can't speak for DoTA 2. I have it, I just haven't been arsed to play it yet. But despite the low-cut revealing boobies art style, they seem pretty alright in terms of writing.
>> No. 14058
File 137791364858.gif - (1.83MB , 200x200 , bwushhhh.gif )
>Tom Jones was the one who died
why the fuck did it take people pointing it out for me to realise this

Huh, so apparently bi-monthly can mean once every two months, though I've only ever heard it used in the context "twice a month".

Given the size of this thing, I would be shocked if they were able to pull it off twice a month. So I'd put my money on it being released once every two months - not factoring in Valvetime
>> No. 14124
File 138301234986.jpg - (285.90KB , 1024x768 , 001.jpg )
>> No. 14128

This lists the most obvious bits that Scream Fortress 2013 is bringing, but there's still a lot more to highlight.


9 minutes and 41 seconds of new voice-acting for ALL nine classes (although Pyro's is a little disappointing, but what can you do?).


Furries and bronies have taken over halloween. GG everyone. Also, a portrait of more tf2 birds is at http://lintufriikki.Sparkledog Central.com/art/BIRD-FORTRESS-387361193

I haven't even gotten into a game yet, so I don't even know what else to put here.
>> No. 14129

During the course of this update, I have come to the conclusion that the TF2 teams (both the dev team and the mercs) have completely lost their marbles. Which, I've got to say, isn't all that bad. Though it did lead to some...interesting items being put into the game.

However, I do how love seriously people take these updates. I just can't wait until Halloween, when I get to play on the new map. (And hear some of Spy's new voice lines oh my goodness.)
>> No. 14130
File 138317564717.gif - (917.64KB , 400x225 , fine job there pardner.gif )
This update was just what I needed to get through everything lately. Dose corpse carts. Dose voice lines. Medic screaming oh my god.

I do agree that Pyro's lines were quite... odd. Not enough muffle.

Not yet seen the new Demo/Solly high five in action, but the prospect of unique class combo high-fives makes me so giddy in the pants.

Playing the game last night was... an experience. I came to the update about 12 hours late, due to working on GhostFort all day and dealing with familial drama, so everyone already knew how spells worked and proceeded to hand my arse to me. Had primed myself up by listening to the voice lines and having my friends fangasm at me over Steam. By the time I arrive, I find myself met with jaded whines of "I'm soooo over Halloween, this update is boring" and "TF2 is dying, what should we play instead?" from my friends over Skype. That's not a comment on the game's update itself - for what it's worth, I enjoyed it a lot! - but I felt like the magic was ruined for me a little this year. Also Scoots. Scoots everywhere. Killing you and not letting you get all the presents...

OH WELL. Fuck the haters, I still love stupid Halloween events.
>> No. 14163
  Scrapped Valve animation? Most likely legit, since it came out only a day after the update and uses the new voice lines (also dat mocap [albeit rough] and facial flexes on Mer)

We don't have an update discussion thread so I'm hijacking this one
>> No. 14164
I'm tempted to say Can't Sleep made this themselves. If it was a Valve creation, they would have mentioned that it was made by Valve, and where they found it in the SFM files.
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