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File 138599535027.jpg - (89.87KB , 1280x720 , tumblr_m6aph0bxYk1rygpbdo5_1280.jpg )
14174 No. 14174
Why is the comic being so delayed?
Someone told me they heard somewhere that the artists weren't able to finish the comic in time, but isn't that kind of unprofessional? Shouldn't chapter two be, at least near, ready as soon as you deliver/post the first chapter knowing it should be a bimonthly thing?
Is valve just not giving us the comics or what?
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>> No. 14175
File 138603442249.png - (29.14KB , 720x400 , valvetime.png )
Kinda used to things not quite coming out when they're supposed to... Not particularly fond of it, but eh.
>> No. 14176
I'm not too worried about it honestly. I'm just glad there is a comic thing
That being said, maybe they're holding onto it until an update or Christmas?
>> No. 14177

Don't forget that they also promised us a short animated movie, what, two years ago? A year ago?

Never forget. If you forget, gaben wins.
>> No. 14178
So many loose ends... I must know all the answers. gabben plis

At this point in my withdrawals, I would settle even for continuing the comic in MS Paint if it will get it out faster
>> No. 14180
Uuuuh, well the first comic "Ring of Fired" (and the announcement of a bi-monthly schedule) came on August 27th.

I assume that you're not counting the halloween comic "Grave Matters" came on October 28th. It counts because they never specified that all the comics would be about the Gray plot.

If all goes well, we'll see the next comic sometime around December 27th, give or take some days, which will likely be Smissmas-themed and perhaps involve Spy's and Scout's escape being a Smissmas miracle?
>> No. 14181
>It counts because they never specified that all the comics would be about the Gray plot.
Oh shit, you're right.

>December 27th
That would be a most glorious birthday present if it were to happen on that day. But I will bank on it coming out before or after the holiday, as is the standard for most companies to go into shutdown for Xmas.

I have not forgotten. I want my tumour bread already
>> No. 14182
thankfully it has been explained, the delay was because they were not sure what the word bimonthly means.

>> No. 14183
File 13862350095.gif - (168.37KB , 279x240 , sudden intake of air through eyelids.gif )
the tiniest dinner
the mouth pulling
"guess who's pregnant"
brOTP to the 'rescue'

Just.. mnhhnhnhnnn.. everything. Nothing hurts anymore except my heart - Hooby where are you going
>> No. 14186
>> No. 14259
File 139668882479.gif - (1.60KB , 50x50 , excitedplz.gif )

There is so much to be excited in this one that I don't know where to start. Just, the... the everything.

naked Soldier covered in honey
"Smoulders" the bear
Heavy's family
Scout thinking he's in an eventual relationship with Miss Pauling
Medic, nooooo

>> No. 14260

Baww my carefully crafted headcanon based on my shitty subpar pubbie play and modern middle American sensibilities baww

(Real review to come after I stop feeling salty, maybe. But for now, it sucks how every time a new comic comes out, it seems that the classes I thought I knew and loved become more and more like strangers to me.)
>> No. 14261
File 139669981525.gif - (0.98MB , 256x192 , headcanons gon get rewrit.gif )
There was so much awesome in this installation, I don't know where to begin.

Really looking forward to the eventual(?) showdown between the two teams. I know the chances are slim/wayyy too much work for Valve, but an in-game mode of the same would be ah-mazin'

My headcanon for Medic just did done get rewrit. This is an excellent thing. I still believe in the bromance, but I think this also makes sense. I just wonder what he'll have to say when he gets found out
>> No. 14262
I saw someone theorize that he's sabotaging the classic mercs with the baboon uteri, and I don't know about that, but it's certainly a possibility that he's double-crossing them,so all hope is not lost.
>> No. 14263
I'm still wondering about TFC Medic. Did he get too old and die? Did he quit? Is he gonna help the TF2 guys out?

We still don't know where Engineer is, either. Maybe TFC Medic is with him? So much random guesswork.
>> No. 14264

I'm surprised to find out that Scout's (subconsciously) monogamous? Or is he just so cocky/delusional that he thinks Pauling is a sure bet?


And I think we won't see an actual showdown until comic #5 or #6, since the TFC guys are clearly waiting for the TF2 team to find a certain location for the Administrator. #4 should largely be about Sniper and perhaps more fan-teasing and shipping/anti-shipping.

Now that Heavy's sisters are travelling with him, will Yana's and Bronislava's Spy/Sniper crushes be strengthened or crushed when they witness Jarate?

>> No. 14265
I'm banking on Red Herrings for Medic and Sniper. Just look at the last few comics:

Ring of Fired: Scout and Spy are going to die, oh no! (Nope.)
Unhappy Returns: Oh no, Heavy won't rejoin the team! He does.

Status quo is God, so of course Sniper won't kill Miss Pauling, and Medic is merely double crossing the TFC team. Don't worry about it. The bromance-with-a-side-of-monogamous-sex and team solidarity is in tact.

I'm also hoping Miss Pauling rejects Scout's advances, even if he waits, and he willingly accepts being just friends with her.
>> No. 14269

Scout will die a virgin.
>> No. 14276
There's almost no way of parsing the crosshairs as anything but an easy cliffhanger IMO. Makes no narrative sense for it to be a serious threat. At most it says to me "Sniper is aware Miss Pauling is searching for him and for whatever reason is not openly returning to them". Was already done with Heavy of course, but then they chose to write that as personal priorities rather than any willing dis-ownership of the team, so we'll see whether the writing here takes the other route.

Medic on the other hand strikes me as one of the major plot twists, and I expect the "will he or won't he" to be played up as something climactic. I dunno. The non-eventness of the Heavy arc threw me off (there was very little real conflict when we get down to it, just bears), so I'm not placing as much stock in my narrative predictions as I normally would.

Apart from that, this just occurred to me, and it amuses me that Pauling seems to have taken the two most competent team members for her part of the mission. (I don't know if that's a spoiler, but to be safe?) Arguably we can infer that the Sniper arc will be more difficult and/or intellectual than for previous mercs. Part of that's due to simple shifts in character dynamics; all the slapstick-esque comic relief got split off to Siberia, after all. But I think a subtle escalation in complexity is appropriate now we're hitting the halfway point.
>> No. 14278
Couple things I just realized.

Medic says "the [baboon uteri] I sewed into you." Sewed? Since when does he use anything but his Medigun? Is Gray not allowing him to use it?

Ditto for "my earliest experiments". What about the guy with the skeleton? Unless he's deliberately hiding that info from the TFC team, but told Heavy because he knew his friend wouldn't judge him. Awww.

The theory (which I've also seen thrown around) is that Gray hired Medic for his resurrection technology, and he said yes, because he wanted to double-cross Gray as revenge for what happened in Rottenburg. No one elses' hometowns have been the site of an attack. Maybe Gray was trying to blackmail him before, but he fought back.

>> No. 14279
In the "Catch-Up" comic, were Emily and Elizabeth really retconned into the same woman, or was that a typo error?

I did notice visually and textually that Valve doesn't seem to have a continuity checker. There's always little small errors and typoes and inconsistencies in the promo videeos and comics. Not a huge deal, but it does throw me off.
>> No. 14301

Eh, the comics are vague about who she is, so the running fan theory has always been that there's cloning and/or life extender shenanigans going on with the Administrator. If it wasn't a mistake, then it's a hint that, yeah, the fans were right.
>> No. 14303
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>Since moving from my Cambridgeshire estate to the untamed frontier I have contracted putrid fever, bilious fever, blackwater fever, green fever, spotted fever- even womb fever, as a complication from a serious bout of superfluous uterus.
>> No. 14304
I thought of this too, but it may be a case of "cisgender men with uteruses are funny".
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