No. 14276
There's almost no way of parsing the crosshairs as anything but an easy cliffhanger IMO. Makes no narrative sense for it to be a serious threat. At most it says to me "Sniper is aware Miss Pauling is searching for him and for whatever reason is not openly returning to them". Was already done with Heavy of course, but then they chose to write that as personal priorities rather than any willing dis-ownership of the team, so we'll see whether the writing here takes the other route.
Medic on the other hand strikes me as one of the major plot twists, and I expect the "will he or won't he" to be played up as something climactic. I dunno. The non-eventness of the Heavy arc threw me off (there was very little real conflict when we get down to it, just bears), so I'm not placing as much stock in my narrative predictions as I normally would.
Apart from that, this just occurred to me, and it amuses me that Pauling seems to have taken the two most competent team members for her part of the mission. (I don't know if that's a spoiler, but to be safe?) Arguably we can infer that the Sniper arc will be more difficult and/or intellectual than for previous mercs. Part of that's due to simple shifts in character dynamics; all the slapstick-esque comic relief got split off to Siberia, after all. But I think a subtle escalation in complexity is appropriate now we're hitting the halfway point.