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File 138770554150.jpg - (45.59KB , 280x259 , 1308939383414.jpg )
14203 No. 14203
Hey guys! Me and some of my bros like Exi and Terato Marty and a bunch of other people whipped up a custom set of TF2-themed Cards Against Humanity cards if anybody is interested. Mix them in with your own sets for hours of horrible, horrible fun, why don't you?

You should be able to download them and print them out from here:


If anybody has any trouble accessing the folder let me know so I can upload them elsewhere.

I wonder if maybe I could get them onto Pretend You're Xxzyy, if I should just email the guy who runs it and see if he's interested? IDK.

Merry early Smissmas.
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>> No. 14204
File 138771152999.gif - (444.63KB , 240x180 , shakinthatthangtofatboyslim.gif )
oh god oh yes Smissmas came early this year.

We need this up on Pretend You're Xyzzy, stat. I want to cry streams of pure joy with you magets.
>> No. 14205
Just got an email back from the guy who runs Pretend You're Xyzzy.

Apparently he's working on a system in which users can manage their own expansions and custom cards in game, and isn't accepting any new expansion sets, and probably won't be for at least a few months, since that takes up a lot of his time.

So, for now, y'all just gonna have to play the old fashioned way, with physical cards and actual people in a room.
>> No. 14206
"Being in a sitcom two-bed situation with your wife, who happens to be a mini gun."
"Merasmus' shriveled wizard penis."

I am extremely proud to be responsible for these two.
>> No. 14207
File 138775565494.gif - (159.69KB , 500x372 , tumblr_inline_mfa38jK0A11qc3mrm.gif )
... I may have added another page of white cards because I thought of more stuff I wanted in.

>> No. 14209
It's a Smissmas miracle!

You are beautiful people. These are fantastic, I'm crying I'm laughing so hard.
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