For a about a week I've had a problem with source Games. Mainly Team Fortress 2, but this has also occurred in Black Mesa: Source. The game freezes for about 5-30 seconds with sound looping over and over. I've had the latest Nvidia drivers installed properly and have no problems with Games that do not run on Source! Thanks for help
1. Verify game files. 2. Uninstall/reinstall. 3. If you have mods downloaded, maybe uninstall those and see if that's the problem.
Is it just the sound looping/freezing and then going back to normal, or does it crash the whole game to desktop or otherwise render it unplayable? When was the last time you played TF2/other Source games without crash problems? If it was pretty recent, then I would blame the last update(s) and go through the change logs for clues. And though I'm not sure if this is useful for your particular issue, you could try setting the following in your launch options for TF2. They helped me in the past with random crashes to desktop: -fullscreen -w 1920 -h 1080 -novid -nojoy -nocrashdialog -nocdaudio -noipx -64bit +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +m_filter 0 +m_customaccel 0 +m_rawinput 1
>>14268 The whole screen freezes and sound loops, other things seems to work. But i can't execute gameplay commands in game during the freeze
>>14267 I do not have any mods, the only "mod" is the Black Mesa source. This is in every source game i have. I got 12 different games running source
>>14270 Ah yeah, sounds pretty similar to what I had. You running an nvidia card? It's a known issue with them, unfortunately. I replaced mine, solved the issue.
>>14271 Gotcha. Not even fan-made maps or sounds downloaded from custom servers, though? I'd count that as a mod.
>>14273 Nope, none m8 >>14272 So, has it allways been here? Or will it end with Valve updates of the games + Newer Nvidia drivers? I have not had this problem before now, funny why it should show up now out of nowhere!!