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File 140018649951.jpg - (1.62MB , 2279x3075 , CityofSpies-Cover-300rgb(1)[1].jpg )
14280 No. 14280
Hi, doods.

Who almost reflectively mumbles "spy-spy-spy" in a game? Can't find this quote in a wiki but i've clearly heared it. No, not snipers "Stab, stab, stab".

Also, is there any art of pyro's face as if it is a black girl?Domination quotes (Sniper and Engi) proved to me strong enough pyro's gender finally. And that voice can only belong to black woman, coz, u know, anyone can distinguish white/black by ear. Only option - she is black husky woman.
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>> No. 14281
It's more likely that they're practicing "fair for their day" sexism rather than Pyro actually being female, but who knows? Soldier (with patronizing Medic and comparing him to a woman) and Medic (with his "Hallo, fraüleins!") do it too.
>> No. 14282
I don't think you can necessarily discern race from voice alone, either. I mean, look at Tom Waits, or Joe Cocker. Deep, gravelly old man voices. Both white. Pyro also has that filter, which obscures gender and language.

I'd love Pyro to be African-American or female, but I think a lot of the theories one way or the other in terms of ethnicity and gender just end up as dead ends.
>> No. 14283
File 140019723296.jpg - (91.86KB , 723x1105 , foxxy_love_by_xinternalbleedingx-d4qnnve[1].jpg )
IMHO It's easy to discern which race woman is, not a man. White and black girls sound wery differnt. Take Foxxy/
>> No. 14284
Considering that the Spy and the Pyro literally have the same voice actor, I don't think you can use how Pyro sounds as a data point.
>> No. 14285
And Foxxy Love's voice actress, Cree Summer, has played characters who are black, white, of indeterminable non-white race, and even males.
>> No. 14286
M-m-m. Okay, very bad.
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