No. 14292
i main scout and i would say im pretty competent as i get in the top 5 of the scoreboard in most games, im also very focused on team support.
i do exactly that, strafe left and right and click when a target is within the crosshairs. i dont just run though, jumping left and right helps as well.
also, if you seem to be up against a better scout/player, jumping over their head to kind of confuse them for a second can land you a good headshot from above, if you practice this enough.
also, and this is very crucial to me, i only use my stock scattergun. the other scatterguns give you such a small clip which also minimizes how much damage you do within a certain time-frame. with the stock scattergun, theres a higher chance of landing a hit in less time. its simply better to spend less time idling while you reload, i dont care how fast you can reload.
i also use sandman frequently. i land a ton of hits with it. you're already really fast, and you can easily outsmart other players with speed and double jump alone. when you get good at landing hits with the sandman, you outplay them as well. it's also extremely helpful team support if you bonk a heavy that is terrorizing your team. when i say land a hit with sandman, i dont mean melee, i mean the alt fire.
best of luck to you. just keep practicing. when you're focused on team support as scout rather than getting kills lone wolf style, you get better faster.