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File 140305534666.jpg - (140.51KB , 500x265 , 1403049993872.jpg )
14308 No. 14308


Discuss the new Love and War Update here!

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>> No. 14309
Totally need Spy x Eiffel Tower now.
>> No. 14310
This is probably the best short ever made by Valve.
Also the Ms. Pauling model is just fucking good.
>> No. 14311
File 140307576633.jpg - (8.62KB , 480x360 , almightyloaf.jpg )
I liked the part where there was bread.
>> No. 14312
Yess, the Pauling model was very nice. Reminded me a bit of Bioshock infinite, but her half-deperate half determined face made it into the model near perfectly!
>> No. 14313
File 140308568299.gif - (959.24KB , 380x213 , today is good day.gif )
I am incapable of words right now, will post when my brain has fully digested this nourishing mana from heaven praisebetobasedgaben
>> No. 14314
I LOVE that everyone talks to Soldier like he is a small child
>> No. 14315
"Are you having a prom?" was what made me laugh. I don't know why. I think it was how she said it.
>> No. 14316
I'm still trying to get over how Pauling looks/sounds different from how I imagined her. In the meantime, I'm cackling at all of the quotable quotes and delicious fanfiction/fanart fodder that this is giving me.
>> No. 14317
I feel like I'm not as hyped about this short as everyone else, probably because I just don't care about the Scout/Pauling love-story at all.

I like the Pauling character regardless, she was very fun.

My favourite scene was pretty much everything with soldier, he cracks me up.

Also, is it just me or did engineer sound really off?
>> No. 14318
I heard he had a voice actor change because his old one left/retired
>> No. 14319

I think his new actor (probably one of the old actors filling the role) did a great job. It's the character that matters, after all. Although I do anticipate much sperging over the change.
>> No. 14320

Wow, I never noticed the change. Guess I'll have to watch it again and listen then compare.

Anyways, I thought the short was wonderfully done and yanno I actually do like the Scout/Pauling bit simply because it adds more to the TF2 world than just Scout being a loud-mouth superstar wannabe.

Spy, wow... blown away by him actually caring for his team, instead of being the long since stereotypical betrayer/traitor we've all painted him as.

Medic and Engie as Science Bros., always a fun plus side.

And then of course... Soldier. Just him and his bucket and bread, all the bread.
>> No. 14321
I've been hearing conflicting claims about this, either that Grant Goodeve just prefers to only do live-action now, or he was busy with something else. I don't know where anyone's getting this info though, that and the "Rick May (Soldier) can't scream anymore because he has throat cancer" thing. Although if he does, I think TF2 should do another charity fundraiser thing for cancer research.

I don't ship Medic with Engineer, but I have always been hoping to see something with them as bros, so this made me happy.

I think I just chalked it up to all the dudes being designed by Moby Franke, while Pauling was designed by Michael Avon Oeming (and later redesigned by Makani). And each has their own unique aesthetic.
>> No. 14322
Spy was pretty amazing in the short I agree. I felt kinda bad for him when his attempt at what I assume was to be something nice with the bucket list was killed by the Scout. The drawing on the paper was fun though
>> No. 14323
I just ubered several conga lines out of the BLU spawn.

Damn you, Valve, I think I'm gonna have to give you more of my money again.
>> No. 14324
  So we got unreleased voice lines again.
>> No. 14325
were there different animators collaborating with this? its so pretty.
>> No. 14326
Harry101UK (The guy who did 'Little Guardian Pyro') said that as part of winning the Saxxies, his animation team got to fill in on some mocap for the fighting scene and stuff.
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