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File 143016247838.png - (1.08MB , 724x2074 , jute-moth.png )
14419 No. 14419
only posting this here because they decided to delete everything. tbh it was the "i can do what i want on my blog :D" that made me save the pics
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>> No. 14420
wow christ, i'm glad i never followed her in the first place
>> No. 14421
dude, she doesn't even post here

if you have an issue with her, message her directly
>> No. 14422
File 143030260037.gif - (478.26KB , 319x180 , just for you.gif )
Take your gossipy drama witch-hunting shit out of here. Come back with something worthwhile to discuss, thanks.
>> No. 14424
So are we supposed to be offended because somebody made a rape joke on the internet? Quick, hide our entire /afanfic section.
>> No. 14430
>emoticons everywhere
>"random" in blog title
>misuse of word "rape" casually in place of "fuck"

I can almost guarantee you that this is just an average young teen who doesn't know any better, because this is how my friend group was back in high school. We just didn't quite understand these new adult words, especially after picking them up from bad sources. Once they learn it's not funny and doesn't just mean "pounce on" or a non-swear substitute for the word "fuck," they learn to choose different words in the future. (And I'm sure this user has learned the hard way from the hate mail they got.) I'm just glad I was able to make this mistake in peace with my equally stupid teenage friends back in the day without it being broadcast and archived on the Internet and being screamed at by countless strangers who won't let me live it down. I kinda pity teens these days because of that (even though they're still obnoxious to deal with).

If this is their biggest crime, please just forgive them for being an ignorant teen and move on. And let them move on now without dogpiling on them.
>> No. 14434
Some fumblrite makes a rape joke, gets gangbanged by anons chomping at the bit for that sweet, sweet righteous outrage. Sources confirm that she was, in fact, "asking for it."

In other news, water is wet.
>> No. 14439
Tumblr is cancer.

If saying the word rape gets you so stupidly offended then do us all a favor and stop using the internet.
>> No. 14440
When this happened, I only saw the aftermath, but I didn't judge her for it. I didn't think she knew any better.

Just from experience, I used to kind of get off on noncon. I knew people who, when they were younger, thought "rape" and "sex" were synonyms, that rape just meant when someone fucked you really hard and deep, and you were sore, but enjoyed it. I've also known people who had/had my own personal experiences with being molested. So I know both sides of the coin.
>> No. 14450
why is the tf2 fandom so at ease with the idea of noncon?
>> No. 14451
Probably because being able to tell the difference between fictional violence and real violence is prerequisite to being able to enjoy TF2 in the first place . If you're okay with the fact that all nine mercenaries are homocidal psychopaths and you laugh when they remove peoples' skeletons and use children as instruments of murder, but are shocked and offended if the same nine mercenaries rape each other, you're nursing a hell of a double standard.
>> No. 14452
Are you actually defending rape holy shit you're all disgusting
>> No. 14453
jute moth now defends scoutpauling what a trainwreck you guys have fun being homophobics on top of noncon supporters tho
>> No. 14454
>> No. 14455
They're defending fictional non-con. Not real rape. And they're one individual. I don't agree with them. Rape, even in fiction, makes me uneasy. I wrote a noncon fic for drama once, and people thought it was hot. It made me so goddamn uneasy.

1. They commissioned someone to write a heterosexual Heavy/Pauling fic long before she was outed as gay. The person is merely filling out their commission.

2. She's just a fictional character. They all are. Medic's canonically possibly with a woman, and so is Heavy, and every fic I've read consistently portrays them as 100% gay, and repulsed by the idea of sex with a woman.

3. It's great to have shows with more diversity and so on, and I support it, but at the end of the day, none of this shit actually affects the real world. At all. Ever. No amount of gay porn or trans headcanons stops trans people from being brutally murdered, or gay people from being disowned by their families. That's the kind of shit that actually affects the real world.

4. Valve are such pathological liars that it's a good chance she's heterosexual. They deliberately say things to piss people off and give them false hope.
>> No. 14456


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