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File 143178629144.jpg - (27.59KB , 1280x720 , dontseywers.jpg )
14425 No. 14425
My first time playing tf2 i chose the map ctf_doublecross. I played engineer and was so confused about everything. I did not even know you could build. I only chose engie because of the meet the video.

I used to pray to star and jerma every day and would enjoy their videos to death. I wanted a baby faces blaster so bad, and when someone else got it and not me, i got irritated.

Those were the days...
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>> No. 14429
I've been playing for almost 5 years, and I'm still a noob. I don't follow the comp scene in gaming as a whole, so that might explain why.
>> No. 14445
I was playing cp_blackmesa_final as pyro. Came across another pyro who had the same name as me. While I was standing there amused by the fact that someone else had the same username as me the pyro went behind me, turned back into a spy, and backstabbed me.
>> No. 14446
What can screw me up sometimes is when a person just has a really popular username, and you shoot at them, expecting them to be a Spy, but they're not.

Either that, or there's cases of people impersonating another user, or changing their name to theirs out of spite or trolling, and running into the person they took their name from.

I ran into a guy once who kept changing his name to that of different people in the server, trying to get a bunch of us banned for...some reason (I think he even did it to me, even though I had been trying to stay out of the argument). The server admin just banned them, and then apologized to us.
>> No. 14447
What can screw me up sometimes is when a person just has a really popular username, and you shoot at them, expecting them to be a Spy, but they're not.

Either that, or there's cases of people impersonating another user, or changing their name to theirs out of spite or trolling, and running into the person they took their name from.

I ran into a guy once who kept changing his name to that of different people in the server, trying to get a bunch of us banned for...some reason (I think he even did it to me, even though I had been trying to stay out of the argument). The server admin just banned them, and then apologized to us.
>> No. 14448
>>14447 The first time I played TF2, I got kicked from the server because I was staggering around lost with my eyeball glued to my scope because I couldn't figure out which button I had to push to unscope. Also shot at everybody because I didn't know which team was mine, also stood around on the wrong control point wondering where all the video games were. Since then I've only gotten worse, until it was so bad that I ended up in UGC Gold.
>> No. 14579
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That was so long ago...
My noobish moment was being a spy and hiding as an engineer in a random house in cp-hydro. Had another engineer actually say to me how stupid it was to build indoors. I panicked and ran right into him. He wrenched me to death.
Dayum that was on launch....

I remember playing through Half-Life 2 so I could get accustomed to the control scheme of 1st person shooters... I remember paying for orange box and when hats were not in the game.
>> No. 14580
Oh my gosh, let's see... My most noobish moment was playing as Scout on Upward, but he went so fast and my computer kind of lagged, so I was constantly, CONSTANTLY running into walls and off the cliff and getting turned around. Speedy little munchkin 2fast5noobme.
>> No. 14584
Scout's so fast that I used to get vertigo playing as him. Games don't usually make me sick, but playing Scout, playing L4D in general (no idea why), and Guns of Icarus (the rocking of the airship) all make me slightly dizzy. What's weird about the GoI example is that I've been on an actual boat, and that never made me sick, but the virtual one does.
>> No. 14631
I started playing TF2 in 2011 and I only played offline bot-mode. Looking back on it, I think it was because I was afraid to make an ass out of myself in a real server. I almost always played engie or spy.
Kind of reminiscent thinking about it. I guess being naive and new to the game provided a greater sense of immersion. Did anyone else have this feeling?
>> No. 14733
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Only play Sniper vs Sniper maps.

Slowly realize just about everyone who is a regular on the server is gay.

I Soon I realize that I am gay as well.

Now you know where gay people come from. Use your secret knowledge for good.

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