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File 129210374279.jpg - (65.33KB , 226x233 , mediclol.jpg )
1520 No. 1520
>mfw Robin Atkin Downes plays a highly intelligent, sadistic German scientist in the new Avengers cartoon
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>> No. 1523
File 129210727342.jpg - (60.66KB , 569x615 , R_A_D_ as Ack!.jpg )
Robert Atkin Downs as Ack in How to Train Your Dragon... mind blown when I figured that out..
(Awesome captcha of: Bethat)
>> No. 1525
>> 1523

Who's Ack?
>> No. 1526

Ruffnut and Tuffnut's dad. I don't think he had many lines.
>> No. 1527

That's Craig Ferguson as a different character, though...
>> No. 1531
  medic is the last boss of haunting grounds
>> No. 1532
  he also is fucked by solid snake in mgs pw
>> No. 1533
  engineer sells used cars
>> No. 1534
  he also sings
>> No. 1535
  engi talks about jesus too lol
>> No. 1538
  Do the German voices count too?
I don't regularly play the German version but it's fun at times and you can definitely imagine my face when I found out that Spy's voice actor also did Spanky Ham in the German dub of Drawn Together.

Given how immature both of them can be ... Makes sense.
Just imagine the voice in the attached clip with an over the top Italian accent and you have Spy.
>> No. 1541
Soldier's voice actor has had several small roles in animation in the past (like one of the guys from the retirement home in Up, Zapp Brennigan in the Futurama movies or Gizmoduck in Darkwing Duck). He also voiced Abraham Lincoln in Sam & Max. He's one of those voice actors that you hear often but never in major roles.
Couldn't find a clip on Youtube, sorry.
>> No. 1542
  The German voice of Scout and Demoman is one of the worst cast roles I've ever seen. He voiced guys like Linguini from Ratatouille for crying out loud! How is he supposed to sound like a badass Scottish drunkard?

I mean ... Just listen to him. He's a really nice voice actor, but NOT Scout or Demoman! (You can hear him from 0:50 onwards)
>> No. 1544
Engie's and Medic's German voice actor (his Engie is FAR better than his Medic though) voiced people like Pan in Pan'S Labyrinth, Porco in Porco Rosso and some small roles in Star Trek TNG, VOY and DS9.

Fun fact: ALL of the German TF2 voices were featured in a Star Trek series at some point. Needless to say, my inner Star Trek nerd is pleased.

Also sadly, there's next to nothing to say about Sniper and Heavy because even though I like their voices (Heavy sounds PERFECT in German!) I don't know the names of their voice actors. I haven't found a way to obtain them, either.
>> No. 1546

The Sniper's VA is called John Patrick Lowrie. He is married to the Announcer/Combine PA/GLaDOS/Ellen McLain, and features in a few minor roles in HL2.

Heavy's VA is also the Demoman's VA: Gary Shwartz. Incredible range on the guy, even more astonishing when you learn he originally trained as a mute.
>> No. 1547

>> No. 1551
Yup, that I was.
>> No. 1552

Him and Engie's VA's both played Star Wolf in the Star Fox games, too.
>> No. 1553
  The Sniper narrates the ultimate conclusion of RED and BLU's conflict over transhumanism.
>> No. 1556
Again, as my previous posts in the row hopefully indicated, I'm talking about the German voice actors.
>> No. 1557
sniper is a scifi nerd
>> No. 1559
  Medic was once a badass demon-slaying samurai with insane sword skills.
>> No. 1566
Medic is also the voice over for Kantus (whom I hate fighting dearly; cheap bastards)


His growls are simply astounding; how he doesn't end up with a sore throat is beyond me.
>> No. 1587
  Soldier is Wolf O'Donnell. As in Star Wolf. As in CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT STAR FOX.

For some reason this mindfucked me into all oblivion.

(Rick May also voices Leon.)
>> No. 1588
File 129222713653.png - (47.59KB , 256x256 , class_medicred.png )
Medic did Pyro and Cyclops in X-Men Origins (game), Beagle in Fallout New Vegas, like 8 characters in the Clone Wars series, one of the Primes in Revenge of the Fallen, the narrator in Meet the Spartans, the voice of Davy friggin Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain America in Battle for New York, Merovingian, Vamp and Agent Thompson in the MAtrix video game, at least 30 different voices in EverQuestII and the Prophet of Regret from Halo 2.

Shit. It'd probably be easier to list off what he wasn't in.
>> No. 1589
File 129222715142.png - (420.72KB , 560x391 , whatisthiseven.png )
Also sage for Robin holding a monkey.
>> No. 1590
File 129222863134.jpg - (92.72KB , 425x336 , Travis_Touchdown[1].jpg )

...you didn't even mention him doing the voice of this guy?
>> No. 1592
>Davy Jones
>Pirate of the Caribbean


I do believe Sniper's VA also played Sherlock Holmes in some old timey radio shows.
>> No. 1593
bahaha. just one. NO OTHERS WERE INVOLVED.
>> No. 1597
>> No. 1600
I saw that today also! I remember watching that when I was a kid too. Wtf was I thinking? I still remember one episode vaguely.
>> No. 1602
File 129226149118.png - (169.49KB , 480x342 , ಠ_ಠ.png )
>the narrator in Meet the Spartans
Hahaha, oh wow. I am so sorry Mr. Downes. But at least he got to be Captain America too.
>> No. 1604
File 129226925765.png - (61.62KB , 200x200 , fishface.png )

But he has no time to record a few voice lines for the Medic.
>> No. 1606
Makani said it's not because of the VA, but because Valve themselves are still trying to figure out which direction they want to take the script in for Meet the Medic.
>> No. 1612
Holy fucken shit, Medic did Samanosuke in Onimusha? holy fuck!
>> No. 1613
PotC Online/the game of World's End, not the movies.

Prawnsy beta-tested Portal 2 and says she's seen Meet The Medic, but refuses to give any spoilers. I'm thinking of asking her just if he came back to do the voice (that's not a spoiler, right?)

He is directing/acting in his own movie now, as well as working on Gears of War III/Batman: The Brave and The Bold (as random villains), so it's understandable.

Speaking of BaTB, in one episode, B'wanna Beast wrestled a wildcat and looked very similar to Saxton Hale...
>> No. 1615
If I were you, I wouldn't ask at all. Isn't knowing that it's in-production enough to then infer that Medic's lines have been or will be recorded?
>> No. 1621

I was leaning heavily on the side of not asking, but I have a tiny fear that he'll be replaced and it won't sound the same. I doubt that'll happen, though.
>> No. 1622

!!!Nostalgia away!!


Meet the Medic AND Portal 2? Lucky....
>> No. 1623
Go to her house
hold a gun to her head
have her tell us EVERYTHING
>> No. 1625

Also, if I was lucky enough to be granted the privilege of witnessing what they've got done so far, I'd honor the promise to keep my mouth shut, too.
>> No. 1644
I still didn't ask, and I'm not going to, okay?
>> No. 1662

No, I don't think it's a spoiler to ask.

Thanks for the information regarding Prawnsy! I feel (slightly) reassured that I'll be seeing "Meet the Medic" soon!

Let's hope that we see it soon!
>> No. 1664
meet the medic was about 90% done before they scrapped it the first time. This time, it's in very very very rough stages. Temporary voices, unpolished animations, everything.

And that's the extent of my knowledge.
>> No. 1667
You kids keep talking about how Valve is going back and forth about Medic. But what about PYRO? I bet they'll release it before Medic.
>> No. 1969
I hope they put Pyro out first too. What my asumption always was that valve wanted to milk weather or not he was a female for what it was worth. I dunno, for the longest time it seemed like the game was going to fall out of style befor the movies even came out. Medic kinda gave me hope though.
>> No. 2050
  Rainbows make medic cry too.
>> No. 2062

Between this, Double Drop week, and the Pauling Key, my day has been made.

His lime green buttondown shirt reminds me of all those hipster Medic pics.
>> No. 2071
  Am I the only one who has a giant crush on Nate
>> No. 2078
Holy shit, he actually looks like the Scout.
>> No. 2090
Scout is now doing everything that Nate does

You will never unsee
>> No. 2125
File 129323817589.jpg - (15.62KB , 210x240 , actor_3412.jpg )

Saw these awhile ago. They did give me a massive Nathan crush. I love his Scout-like teeth...
>> No. 4826
Sadly i don´t find any VIDEO proof for this. But we just take him on his word, ja?


(I can´t the picture in my mind unsee. Go Wildcats. Jarated myself almost of laughing.)
>> No. 4829
I love how in 0:26 you see the caduceus...coincidence ftw

god damn if I could rape a voice :| yummy
>> No. 7534
File 131095381910.jpg - (51.05KB , 300x250 , Mumm-raHappy.jpg )
I just heard that Robin Atkin Downes, the voice of the Medic in Team Fortress 2, is gonna be voicing Mumm-Ra in the new Thundercats series. That gives me another reason to want to watch the show besides "Oh my god, they're bringing the Thundercats back!" I loved that show when I was little and I'm interested in seeing what they're gonna do with it now. The trailers looked pretty promising to me. Robin Atkin Downes playing Mumm-Ra just makes it even more interesting. I hope he does a great job.

My teeth are as big as that, too lol
>> No. 7536
I also want someone to make a TF2 KOTH map that's Mumm-Ra's lair with the big creepy pool as the control point for some reason.
>> No. 7540
File 131097282121.jpg - (16.08KB , 144x81 , cakebabies.jpg )
Robin Atkin Downes was also Baron Zemo in the recent Avengers cartoon series. It's lovely, one time I put it on, closed my eyes, and pretended it was the Medic.

... Yes. Yes I am a dork.

He was also one of these creepy baby things.
>> No. 7542
I never got a chance to see Thundercats as a kid, so I'm curious to see the show for that and a bunch of other reasons.

That's another show I need to start watching. Zemo doesn't actually have a German accent though, does he?
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