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File 12894809565.jpg - (448.87KB , 953x953 , Rocking Fortress[Front].jpg )
213 No. 213
we need to have a music discussion here what with all the bonk songs and what not.
Expand all images
>> No. 223
  I'm pretty fond of this Engineer remix.
>> No. 226
  Still one of the best.
>> No. 310
I guess this is as good a place as any to post this. But I write songs...mostly about videogames because they're my life, and I wrote one for TF2. Just a short character analysis thing about Scout and Sniper. Kinda sad.

Anyway, here it is. Sorry about the really raw quality. And I sound young, I know, I'm not, so don't ban me.

>> No. 326
The absolute goddamn best. Its incredibly hard to find songs over 2 minutes long that sound that good (using TF2 samples I mean). Not just YTPs or keygen music with voices just copy/pasted over them - although admittedly I do love a few like "BLU Flew Away" and the one I've had on repeat for the last 20 minutes ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEZ_NRZaFSk ).

I thought Rocking Fortress was pretty good when I first downloaded it, but now I'm not really keen on it.
>> No. 331
  Remember, this was actually sung and recorded. So awesome.
>> No. 534
>> No. 542
>> No. 548
does anyone know of a website that collects these songs?
>> No. 551
It's called Youtube.
>> No. 558
  Another nice mix.
>> No. 563
  Still one of my favorites.
>> No. 566
  "Touch Your Gun" by Heavy Cruz ft. Medacris
>> No. 567
  Pyro needs more remixes.
>> No. 579
>> No. 1346
>> No. 1368
  I was wondering when this thread would pop up.

King BonkBonkBonk
>> No. 1369
  Touhou Night of Nights, Heavy Remix
>> No. 1370
  How did I find out about TF2? This vid right here.
>> No. 1371
  21 Bonk Song madness
>> No. 1372
  I Like to Bonk It Bonk It
>> No. 1373
  Babyman (Pokerface)

Captcha: sexyag
>> No. 1374
  Mr. Sandman (bonk song)
>> No. 1375
  Inspector Bonk (Inspector Gadget bonk song)
>> No. 1376
  Rocket Jump Electro, one of my favorites
>> No. 1377
  Another Rocket Jump Waltz remix
>> No. 1378
  My Heart Will Go On (Boink Song)
>> No. 1379
  Rocket Jump Dream
>> No. 1380
  Azrael - Dummkopfs
>> No. 1381
  Good Demoman Song
>> No. 1382
  Spy sings 'Like a Boss'
>> No. 1383
  Dispenser Erection
>> No. 1384
  I hope these Touhou remakes are okay to keep posting.

"U.N. Owen Nommed a Sandwich"
>> No. 1385
  "Fortress Wright Spy Attorney- Spy Examination Allegro"
>> No. 1386
>> No. 1387
  "Brutha, I Shine"
(from Dreaming of You by Sp1r1T from Newgrounds)
>> No. 1388
  Another favorite.
"Kimono Soldier - Perfect Fight Money"
>> No. 1389
  "Spy Gets His Medicine"
>> No. 1390
  Cap My Point (Telephone)
>> No. 1391
  Heavy Bieber - Baby
>> No. 1392
  Spy Incoming! (YMCA)
>> No. 1393
  "This Way"
>> No. 1394
  Cirno's Theme - Heavy Version
>> No. 1395
  "Rainbows make me High" (Rainbow Tylenol)
>> No. 1396
  "All That I Want Are Another Babies" (All That She Wants)
>> No. 1397
  "Star Bonk Zone" (Starlight Zone from Sonic)
>> No. 1398
  Kakairo Fortress
>> No. 1399
'Kakariro' in the video title, Kakariko last I knew. Oops.

One last bonk song from my YT favorites: "Still aBonk"
>> No. 1483
  I can't listen to the original without hearing this.
>> No. 2982
  If you haven't listened to this yet - DO IT NOW.

Simply glorious.
>> No. 2983
This guy is great; I really love this one he did as well.
>> No. 2984
  Best thing ever.
(I'm also in the process of re-making this with higher-definition Meet The Team videos just 'cause)
>> No. 2991
  One of my favourites
>> No. 2992
  And this
>> No. 2993
I just discovered this one the other day and I love it.
>> No. 2994

I listened to this way back when it was just about Scout and Sniper, and I gotta say, I LOVE this song. Can't believe nobody else has commented on it.
>> No. 2995
  Engy Update Party
>> No. 2996
I'll be honest, I expected your song to suck balls when I opened it up. But then you actually knew how to sing. And the lyrics were good too.
>> No. 2997
Is...is a big chunk of this song a sped up version of the Disneyland Electric Light Parade?
>> No. 3009
The song's actually called Baroque Hoedown, by Jean-Jacques Perrey and Gershon Kingsley. It was made back in 1967, and Disney made their own arrangement of the song in 1972 for the Main Street Electrical Parade.
>> No. 3038

Thanks, I'd kinda accepted that it wasn't gonna be the chan's kind of thing...but, I enjoyed writing it anyhow. Heh.

More to come.
>> No. 3041
I think I've listened to that, like, ten times just today. It satisfies my long-supressed need to hear all of Scout's best lines strung together in one long sound-bite, and still actually has a tune...and rhymes.

The Sniper one's gorgeous too.
>> No. 3046
Damn embed would not work.


On an unrelated note can anyone tell me where i can find the greentext server plugin?
>> No. 3048

I was praying to myself as I clicked the link 'Please don't be terrible'. I was so relieved to hear your voice! I really enjoyed your song and its lyrics. Thank you.
>> No. 3056
That was...wow. I mean, that was really good, one of the best filks I've ever heard. Makes me think of Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls in that you wrote a piece that's about a fandom, but you could easily play it in a non-fandom setting and it would still work. It actually does remind me of late nights on the train. You've got a lovely, bluesy sound that goes nicely with the acoustic. Loved it!
>> No. 3061

This is fantastic.
>> No. 3064
I'm glad someone bumped this! Very nice. You sound a bit like Emily Haines from Metric and she's one of my favourite vocalists, so yeah. Very nice! Do you have any more?
>> No. 3067

Thank you!


I love metric as well, they're one of my biggest influences.

I've got on more song on that Muziboo account, but it's OT so I won't link to it. I do have more TF2 songs wrotten, but none yet recorded, whenever I do get around to recording more you guys'll be the first to know.
>> No. 3131
New Filk, this time about the WAR update.
I'll bet you never thought you'd hear a Soldier POV song sung in a tiny girlvoice...

>> No. 3151

You have an adorable voice. Love it.
>> No. 3572
>> No. 3579
File 129818940694.gif - (174.41KB , 372x270 , 8gc9pQ32v1qcb7o3.gif )
Good God... Your music is absolutely fantastic.
It's already been said but it needs to be said again, your voice is beyond adorable and you have such wonderful talent! I eagerly await more.
>> No. 3596
You are now one of my favorite artists.

Can't wait to hear more TF2 stuff from you.
>> No. 3607
Sickeningly sweet Heavy/Medic inspired love song from Heavy's POV? Why not.


Also, the quality is not great for some reason. I'll work on making a better recording at some point.
>> No. 3613
File 129843983388.gif - (445.69KB , 237x185 , 6uvqfo7h1qzhkd0.gif )
>mfw listening to this.

Seriously, your voice and lyrics make me ridiculously happy. I can't describe how much I adore the way the song picks up right before the second chorus. Great job, man.
>> No. 3614
File 12984437286.jpg - (9.58KB , 333x331 , Pikachu-Crying.jpg )

I seriously got misty-eyed listening to this.

It's gorgeous.
>> No. 3622
There aren't actually words for how much I love this, and my face is looking disturbingly like a certain wordfiltered emoticon. This is going straight on my iPod!
>> No. 3624
This sounds like something they'd play on the radio. The only difference is that it's good.
*comedy drum*

In all seriousness you are very skilled and your voice is just really pleasant to listen to.
>> No. 3627

>> No. 3766
  I have no idea if this counts and/or if this belongs in this thread

I just know that my life is now complete
>> No. 3767
File 129896412622.png - (62.74KB , 497x356 , Untitled-1.png )
Dear god, we need to find someone with talent in making videos to make some videos for your music.
This is beautiful.
>> No. 3771
Unlurking to tell you that you have a beautiful voice.
>> No. 3797
Might I suggest you get your own thread? You're WAY above the remix level which this thread was originally about. Make a thread in fanart or something!

Also I request more Soldier remixes being posted. I don't have enough of them!
>> No. 3801

Okay, sorry guys. I guess I probably should've done that from the beginning. Next song I write I'll start in a new thread. Thanks for all the nice comments everyone, by the way. Sage for nothing new to contribute.
>> No. 3802
  This is my favorite, I think someone from here that made this.
>> No. 3829
>> No. 3831

Your music reminds me of Katie Melua. I absolutely love it.
>> No. 3843
Got all your songs on my ipod. Been meaning to ask though, what's Dustbowl about? Sometimes I'm slow to catch onto things.
>> No. 3844
From the site:
>Dust Bowl
>Lyrics/Music © Hannah M. 2010

>None of this means anything.
>> No. 3846
Oh right. Don't mind me then...
>> No. 3850
Fyi: Gonna stop posting my shit here. Made a new thread in Fanart.
>> No. 3856


>> No. 3872
File 129973687343.jpg - (64.40KB , 428x599 , 127355615481.jpg )
>> No. 4209
  Everyone is sick of this song already but Goddamn this
I laughed
>> No. 4219
  This counts as music, right?
>> No. 4678
>> No. 5782
>> No. 5793
File 130825683884.png - (103.25KB , 195x238 , 129005774164.png )
Soldier's "OH HO" gets me every damn time.
>> No. 6803
  Oh God, I thought that the first version DWL1993 made of this song was glorious, but he really outdid himself this time.
>> No. 6805
Oh yeah.

Also, this. Oh man, DWL, thanks for digging up a fun part of my childhood and combining it with something else I love.
>> No. 7290
  For all those who entered the Saxxy Awards and didn't quite make the cut, here's a song to lift your spirits.
>> No. 7300
>, DWL, thanks for digging up a fun part of my childhood and combining it with something else I love.

>> No. 9362
  More Gun - As heard in Gang Garrison.
>> No. 9363
  Lady Gaga is outshined by Heavy once more.
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