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File 128953301824.jpg - (92.01KB , 640x477 , nicegoingdeutschbag.jpg )
258 No. 258
Guy in Connecticut gets shot, pauses to eat sandwich before going to hospital:


There's also this, which is from some Canadian restaurant. Apparently you buy a bag of Doritos and they'll dump meat and pickles and cheese and stuff on it.
Expand all images
>> No. 270
File 128955093967.png - (175.66KB , 800x600 , SappenFernsehkritikTV.png )
I know this is not fully real life, but I HAD to share this.

This is a screenshot from a German internet review show about terrible German TV. The catch phrase is "Schalten Sie mal wieder ab" (= "Turn off sometime") and someone apparently contributed this little background picture as a play on that. I fucking lol'd.

>> No. 280
This might not count but I had to share it somewhere

After years deriding my playing of TF2 as something 'eight year old boys' do, my mother finally wanted me to show her what it was all about. I was playing Scout with the Holy Mackerel.

"That... what's that?"
"It's a fish."
"It's a penis. No, no rotate it... yesss. It's a penis."

And she walked away.
>> No. 282
Oh, that's amazing. Thank you for sappin' my awful programming, Spah!

But true. German telly is awful. Just awful. I practically moved to the UK to escape it...And for Stephen Fry.
>> No. 314

I...noticed that too a bit, because of the jiggleboning. But my first reaction was to think of the fish-slapping dance from Monty Python.


Stephen Fry is awesome, I do think they sell Fry and Laurie DVD's in the US somewhere...
>> No. 3109
File 129627242180.png - (83.37KB , 425x318 , oldmansniper.png )
I'm not one for keepin' an eye out for this sorta thing really, but I was watching The King's Speech and had to do a double-take at this one old man extra.
>> No. 3118
File 129632915058.jpg - (29.07KB , 100x100 , sniperphone.jpg )

"Dad... DAD..."
>> No. 3121
May sound very unbelievable, but once I was cycling home, and passed a Texaco(gas station). I nearly crashed with my bike when I saw a guy, who had sideburns, and was wearing a hat, putting gas in his van.
>> No. 3154
Woah woah woah woah

Are you telling me there are people with hair and hats that drive vans?

That's crazy talk, ma'am.
>> No. 3159
She means a guy that looks like Sniper, she came to me after she'd seen him squealing her head off about it.
You'll have to excuse her not having English as her first language.
>> No. 3160
File 129657831762.jpg - (441.57KB , 1600x1200 , engie.jpg )
I saw this in a stack of discount DVD's and knew I had to take a picture of it.
>> No. 3190
File 129673224448.png - (719.13KB , 1600x900 , What WHAT.png )
These are a pair of streets in Milton, a suburb of Brisbane, near where I live. I discovered them when I was going to a job interview in the area.

Just pretend the C is an S okay
>> No. 3192
Oops, Paddington, not Milton.
That's probably why I got lost so often during this week...
>> No. 3194
I'm sorry, but I totally lol'd more at your searches at the top.
>> No. 3238
>how do you say shut the fuck up in german
>how do you say "shut up" in german
Pretty cool find, though. We should all meet there and have a fistfight.
>> No. 3249
File 129681808077.png - (85.86KB , 293x284 , panicsniper.png )
I'm going bilingual!

Also I have a story that I must share, that I can almost guarantee nobody will believe, but I will tell anyway.
(I'd like to point out that this too place before I'd heard of TF2.)
A while ago, my family and I lived in a rural area, with a large property, and we owned some dogs. Our neighbours also owned dogs, and some of them were let to roam around the place unsupervised, which pissed me the FUCK off because the loose dogs would come over to our fences and start barking up and attacking OUR dogs. I'd have to jump over the fence and chase the loose dogs off.
After a few times, I thought of something. I didn't tell anyone at the time, because they'd think I was weird, but I thought "I have to speak in the language of these dogs because they just don't get that this is our territory."
...So I grabbed an empty jar, and used it to distribute my... message around the perimetres of our property.

Well, there were no dog attacks since!
>> No. 3260
Not sure if this counts as anything.

I work at a farm with this girl handyman, she wears a red shirt and overalls with craftsman knee pads since she has to go down on her knees to fix stuff like the fences or machines quiet often.

We are required to wear helmets around the horses and machines, but she wear a construction worker helmet instead of a riding helmet. Last week i gave her a pair of goggles, telling her they would complete her look.
She still have no idea what i mean.
>> No. 3263
One day, you shall complete your Engie wifu.
>> No. 3271
Politely ask her if this cloth smells odd to her and while she's out, cut off her right hand and graft a robot hand onto her wrist.
COME ON, she won't get the reference anyways!
>> No. 3318
pics now
>> No. 3330
You're asking me to be a stalker and posting picture of a girl on a random site? I'm not too sure she would like that, but if I get hold of a camera I'll try.

Scary thing is that she actually been saying she someday want a robot hand or body part.
>> No. 3432
File 129761098681.png - (0.96MB , 898x687 , derby.png )
y'all should come to derby

we have soldier dick for sale.
>> No. 3861
File 129965342935.jpg - (48.80KB , 500x375 , sandwich-police.jpg )
He's a damn good cop.
>> No. 4246
File 130107582335.jpg - (538.74KB , 1942x1456 , flam.jpg )
Be a bit like pyro just for 29,99€

In your Norma Shop around the corner.
Just follow the light.
>> No. 4253
I've used one of those. not really good for anything unless your target is less than a foot away.

they are however great for starting grassfires. just dangle it out the back of a truck and drive through the long grass.

even better, get one on each side and go 88mph
>> No. 4255
File 130112645671.jpg - (62.85KB , 512x384 , 129728846542.jpg )
>> No. 4257
just so you know, grassfires are sometimes started for an actual legal reason. I forget what cause I'm half awake but yeah.
>> No. 4259
I've used them at my old job too. I used to work for my towns highway department, basically road construction. We use those all the time while we're paving roads. We use them to heat up our shovels so we can get the tar and blacktop off of them, thus making it not weigh 30 lbs. You can only imagine the number of times I wanted to raise it over my head and do the Pyro cackle while using it.
>> No. 4282
At the library I work at, we have a blue cart under the drops for books. We have to check 'em and bring them to the back every hour or so. When I worked at the branch with my best buddy (a fab Engineer), we used to fetch the outside ones with cries of "We must push little book cart!" "Why can cart not push self?" and the like.

Made things a little more fun. A lot more fun when I dressed as Scout for Halloween.
>> No. 4306

Grassfires are started after harvest to turn the dead, leftover shit into fertilizer.
>> No. 4773
Welp, I found what Sniper's doin' these days:


Spoiler alert--it's protecting penguins. Itty bitty penguins called Fairy Penguins.
>> No. 4785
File 130311435778.gif - (545.37KB , 330x267 , patrickgiggle.gif )
>> No. 4929
  Octopus trying to get into a jar with a crab in it. Was watching it and suddenly imagining a red spycrab going NOOOO and a blu tentaspy trying to get it. Look how you have corrupted me tf2chan...(thanks)
>> No. 4930
Somebody needs to edit this video into that, RIGHT NOW!
>> No. 4932
File 13037132007.jpg - (29.03KB , 530x299 , half_assed.jpg )
here's a half assed pic! I was bored...
>> No. 4990
"Are they really doing an entire news story about hats being in fashion? In whose mind are hats news-worthy? This is stupid; I'm going to go play TF2."
>> No. 5216
File 130478006983.jpg - (46.40KB , 500x370 , 4151.jpg )
Found this on lolsnaps
>> No. 5232
File 130482490787.jpg - (487.54KB , 1600x1200 , SprintPhoto_b3pr22.jpg )
this is a pool toy that creates foam from the end of the gun.
>> No. 5280
File 13049230988.jpg - (32.35KB , 371x480 , 1303614078907.jpg )
Ogod, if I ever cosplay Medic Ill need me one of them.

Here's an image I found floating around my image folder. Don't remember why I saved it, but it seems relevant.
>> No. 5705
I was driving home last night, and I noticed a new storefront in the small mall near me. MANN Pain Management Center. I laughed so hard, I nearly had an accident.

Yeah, how does that work? Saxton Hale comes to you and beats your pain to death with his fists?
>> No. 5706
When I was travelling with my friends to the camping weekend, there was a car in front of us at an intersection. It kept going on the same route as us for a couple of miles.

The car was dark blue and had the number plate "SPY 62". No kidding. Needless to say, we were laughing our asses off.

We WOULD have taken a picture, but what do you know, that VERY moment my friend's cell phone ran out of battery and it was the only cam we had with us. COINCIDENCE?
>> No. 5707
Plausible deniability. ::nod, nod.::
>> No. 5712
File 130791257849.jpg - (441.03KB , 900x600 , IMG_1425.jpg )
>> No. 5717
File 13080557246.jpg - (80.50KB , 405x432 , 6a00e54f10a0988834014e8914d112970d-450wi.jpg )
The soldier had kids? Who knew!
>> No. 5719
The Soldier's wife is LADY LIBERTY and his children are FREEDOM and JUSTICE.
>> No. 5722
Hah! Win.
>> No. 6838
File 130932257439.jpg - (257.17KB , 1280x960 , RED Base.jpg )
I saw this place on the way home from a campout - it reminded me a lot of a RED base (and I forget which one) but it just had this old TF2 vibe (and color) to it.
>> No. 6839

I'd have to say it reminds me of either Pipeline or Granary. Probably more Granary.
>> No. 6857
I wish I took a picture, but not so much TF2 in Real Life, more as the TF2 font in real life.

If you ever go to Bristol Temple Meads trainstation, look for a stall near the main stiars underground: TF2 font's been used for their menus.
>> No. 6862
File 130937991629.jpg - (27.83KB , 517x480 , 009MGJ_Robin_Coleman_001.jpg )
Girl heavy stars in Madea Goes to Jail.
>> No. 7071
File 130970876617.jpg - (50.48KB , 500x332 , pyrobackscratcher.jpg )
Pyro from Greece.
That was a stick, then someone shopped it to be a Back Scratcher.
>> No. 7078
Someone wrote DOSH on it (looks more like Mr. Foster's gas mask from Killing Floor) and I giggled.
>> No. 7080
File 130972272837.png - (362.19KB , 596x675 , Pyro_Foster\'s_Facade.png )
>> No. 7086
I know, I know. I actually have that one. I just think of Mr. Foster wearing it before I think of Pyro wearing Mr. Foster's gasmask.
>> No. 7087
"every gas mask ever" = "omg it's a pyro" is the tiredest and lamest thing in these sorts of threads
>> No. 7091
This is true, but he also is using a rake as a weapon.
>> No. 7092
the dang ol' post says straight up it was a stick before they photoshopped it
a dude wearing a gas mask with a stick still isn't a dang ol' pyro for any reason beyond "gas mask = pyro"
>> No. 7095
File 130975502818.jpg - (70.52KB , 448x473 , no fun allowed.jpg )
No need to bitch and moan about it.
>> No. 7103
File 130978596882.jpg - (7.58KB , 210x240 , char_6993.jpg )
can't unhear.
>> No. 7113
In my neighborhood, there is a store that advertises

There is also a garland of American flags in the window. I thought of Soldier.
>> No. 7115
A couple of months ago, three men wearing kilts came into my work to buy some alcohol before closing time.
Apparently it was for some Scottish festival nearby.
>> No. 7118
Yeah, people usually wear kilts at Scottish festivals. Something about heritage.
>> No. 7119
I was at a baseball game today (yesterday?) and one of the guests mentioned at the game was the Mann family. I started giggling to myself.
>> No. 7202
File 131025898189.jpg - (21.51KB , 340x255 , flo.jpg )
These days, Scout's mom makes her living selling insurance.
>> No. 7253
>> No. 7258
File 13103882598.jpg - (24.06KB , 310x409 , sniper_bar.jpg )
Unfortunately, I was too chicken to go inside to see what this place was like and I no longer remember the address, but rest assured this is a real bar in Boca Raton.
>> No. 7263
I'm convinced Scoutmom, Flo, and the main character from No One Lives Forever are triplets.
>> No. 7297
File 131044246783.png - (921.81KB , 1167x713 , palmermedic.png )
Palmer, the autopsy intern on NCIS, could make a decent Young!Medic. Ducky, the main medic on the show, acts more like him, cheerfully telling morbid stories and getting scary when he goes srs bzns.
>> No. 7301
Surprised I didn't think of this before myself. I love those two hehe.
>> No. 7483
File 13107969096.jpg - (27.32KB , 500x257 , white-trash-repairs-my-two-favorite-addictions.jpg )
Modern day disguise kit (note: disguises have been removed...for some reason.)
>> No. 7488
Works for me.

...and for inexplicable reasons I just pictured the GEICO lizard perched on her shoulder, dressed as Spy.
>> No. 7492
Someone needs to draw this.
>> No. 7518

>> No. 7543
I'm currently with my grandparents. They live on a road called Mundy Mill.

I giggle like a moron every time I see a shop or street sign with "Mundy" on it, such as the "Mundy Mill Gun Shoppe" just down the road.
>> No. 7953
File 131195136799.jpg - (14.36KB , 200x197 , 200px-FontanaSteeler.jpg )
My mom's old high school mascot makes me giggle every time we drive by the school.
>> No. 7979
File 131204129437.jpg - (51.03KB , 358x512 , funny-pictures-i-hear-his-wife-is-a-cold-fish.jpg )
Not exactly real life, but this did remind me of tf2chan. I blame you all.
>> No. 7991
that is just uncanny.
>> No. 8011
File 131209694367.jpg - (17.24KB , 305x255 , um.jpg )
The best part is I saw it on a TF2-related website.
>> No. 8013
Is it bad that the first thing I thought of wasn't the logo, but autobalance?
>> No. 8015
The spies smoke these so that they are undetected while disguised or cloaked. BLU gets Blu and RED gets Red.

New headcanon.
>> No. 8032
File 131218338646.jpg - (145.28KB , 960x1280 , Photo0346.jpg )
Saw this at the video store today. Soldier's Canadian brother.
>> No. 8072
Watching Captain America and when the group returns from being captured, there is someone in the back who says "Medic! We've got injured!" It sounds JUST. LIKE. SCOUT.

I know that isn't really real life, but I think it also fits here.

Also, not a bad movie.
>> No. 8073

Along with being a stand-in name for a Canadian soldier, "Johnny Canuck" was a Canadian comic book character from the 1940s, usually depicted wearing a crash helmet and goggles. I'd imagine the sign was inspired by someone's recollection of the character, considering his military attire.
>> No. 8195
  Not real life, but I wanted to share this and didn't want to start a new thread just for this.

But this video reminds me of a blu spy stealing the intel on an extremely glitched map
>> No. 8251
Are you nonsense? That would be great map.
>> No. 8252
I had band camp today, and while we were practicing our marching on the field, our instructors were talking and one of them, very loudly, went "NOPE!"
.....He sounded just. Like. Engi.
>> No. 8254
My dad does Engie's "NOPE" all the time when the kids are being pests, and he doesn't even know. It's amazing.
>> No. 8256
Didn't know where else to put this:
>> No. 8257

I blame Obvious Pseudonym.
>> No. 8263
File 131308717316.jpg - (334.42KB , 2936x1104 , DSC03499.jpg )
Restaurant in my hometown. It might not be THAT TF2 related, but it made me giggle, because as soon as I saw it, my mind spawned a vision of TF2 AU, where are two rival restaurants: RED and BLU, with the mercs working there. And so, Support classes would be waiters (although, I'm having trouble imagining Snoipah in classy outfit), Scout would be delivery boy, Engie could be their repairman or just faithful customer, Demo would be bartender and the rest would be cooks, Pyro would be the chef, of course. And I think Soldier would make an excellent cook too.

>> No. 8273

Now you're making me want it even more.
>> No. 8274
Somebody make this happen please. I imagine Spy would be one of those angry waiters who actually has the MOST experience with cooking and cuisine and saves the day when there's a food disaster out in the service area a la Hell's Kitchen style.
>> No. 8277
i think spy would be the snooty receptionist
>> No. 8279

Haha, that works too, even better. I could see him eyeing up every lady!
>> No. 8283
File 131317871366.jpg - (42.80KB , 317x475 , spypic.jpg )
Someone just donated this book to the Library I work at. TF2 themed, or not?
>> No. 8469
File 131386693070.jpg - (480.29KB , 1296x968 , IMG_0027.jpg )
I saw this at target.
>> No. 8471
Was walking downtown and saw a car with "Wrangler" written in small text on it.
Turns out Jeep sells "Wrangler" convertibles.

oh, and each time I pass the fish aisle in the grocery store
>> No. 8481
File 131396041745.jpg - (43.73KB , 560x373 , irl medic.jpg )
Oh hi, Just posting a picture of Real Medic, don't mind me
>> No. 8484
File 131397384512.jpg - (210.16KB , 477x700 , medic.jpg )
Haha, that's crazy. Which reminds me...

My friend recently shared this picture of a Russian soldier(?) to me. He brought it to my attention that the guy looks like a Medic/Heavy lovechild and I lol'd.
>> No. 8489
Dunno if this belongs here
>> No. 8506
That is, in fact, a German.
>> No. 8512
Man, all the comments are just flaming the Pyro.
>> No. 8519

Real-life superheroes- one of whom dresses kind of like Pyro, and another who hands out sandwiches to people in need.
>> No. 8539
The one with the gas mask reminds me more of the guys from the Romantically Apocalyptic webcomic by alexiuss on -coughdAcough-
http://romanticallyapocalyptic.com/ Really actually a funny comic.
>> No. 8540
Pfffft I meant that post number.
>> No. 8544
File 131422307551.jpg - (25.22KB , 450x548 , demotivational-posters-little-drastic1.jpg )
"Piss. D'ya have any idea how fast you were goin', mate? Sorry, but I'm gonna have to write you a bloody citation for that. Bushman's rules."
>> No. 8545
This just made my day.
>> No. 8547
this made me laugh.
>> No. 8563
This was a couple of years ago, but it still makes me giggle.

I was driving along and had stopped at a stop light. I live in kind of a big military town where a lot of army spouses show their support for their loved ones overseas in the form of bumper stickers. The particular combination of stickers on the car in front of me made me giggle.

Up near the top of the window was a sticker for, I'm assuming a local union or guild or something that read "ENGINEERS" and down near the bottom was one that read, "I ♥ My Soldier".

I took way more pleasure in it than perhaps I should have.
>> No. 8564
D'awwwwww I love seeing my headcanon pairings IRL. That just sounds too cute.
>> No. 8569
File 131437021373.png - (71.95KB , 256x256 , snierp.png )
"You know who goes over 55 miles in a school zone? Blokes who are in too much of a hurry and have no disregard for loife. Now let's see that loicence and registration."
>> No. 8570
File 131438443912.jpg - (78.90KB , 630x464 , goodnightirene.jpg )
Hmm... Engineer must live there.
>> No. 8571
i'm anticipating Hurricane Irene just so i can go around quoting the Engineer...which i've done several times already.
>> No. 8572
Two stories actually:

I was in New York City last week as part of a collage road trip, me and my mom were trying to find something to eat when one of those bike taxi guys asked us if he could give us a ride. It took all I had not to giggle when I realized he looked almost exactly like Scout, I shit you not, he even had on a red shirt, a hat and green/grey pants. I still am wondering if the guy did this intentionally or not, either way my week was made.

At one of our robot competitions our bot broke down on the field, one of my team mates stood up and screamed "Spy's sappin' my robot!"
>> No. 8573
  Not STRICTLY IRL, but I was browsing random animations on YouTube and the woman in this one had such a resemblance to that femSpy model I couldn't resist, especially around the 1:37 mark.
>> No. 8611
File 131449392562.png - (573.54KB , 452x600 , nytimesirene08282011.png )
Not much, but I saw this on the NY Times website and it made me grin.
>> No. 8617
File 131451689621.jpg - (65.99KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lqkuszrnUd1qmfm0ro1_500.jpg )
not really, but i still found it funny.
>> No. 8640
File 131465978738.jpg - (46.38KB , 640x480 , tf2priest.jpg )
Was in the subway after a job interview and stopped dead after this caught my eye. I never noticed it before, but I had to take a pic. Got the job, btw. Good omen, says I.
>> No. 8811
Stephen Colbert was just on TV talking about the death penalty, and he was dual-wielding syringes and squirting them.
>> No. 8813
Hah I wouldn't have thought much about that if there hasn't been so much mention of him here lately.

also, gratz on the job!
>> No. 8868
I went to a 9/11 memorial service this morning, and where I was standing, I was right next to a rather small cage of four white Peace Doves. So I'm thinking about how pretty they are and how they remind of of Archimedes...

And then they start fighting each other, which really made me think of Archimedes...
>> No. 8988
A 91 year old man was angry at teenagers hanging out in front of his house... So he threw a bucket of piss at them...

>> No. 9004
While looking for a candy thermometer at the local Shopko, I decided to stop by the jewelry section (i like shiny things) and lo and behold, what catches my eye? A bracelet charm of a crab...with its claws raised just like a SpyCrab.

I curse myself for not buying/taking a picture of it.
>> No. 9051
File 131722863283.jpg - (165.61KB , 287x381 , 91874_v1.jpg )
Not really real life, but...
Anyone else think that the Punisher looks kinda like the Medic? Cause he does. I didnt see it until I saw this picture, though.
>> No. 9063
File 131725154655.jpg - (74.84KB , 360x288 , 131255357968.jpg )

This... Is...

>> No. 9082
  Heavy throwing pigeons at... at Scout?

I'm willing to bet Medic didn't let Heavy near his doves after that.
>> No. 9089
File 131734672599.jpg - (60.55KB , 600x400 , Macho-Tissues_14579-l.jpg )
The official tissues of TF2 Australia.

There were a couple other mustache things that made me think Saxton Hale, but the tissues I hadn't seen all over the place before.
>> No. 9145

>> No. 9156
File 131774185795.png - (129.45KB , 500x500 , pbody is disapoint.png )
>exclusive use with Life/form® Enema Administration Simulator
>> No. 9159

Medic's not allowed to have a pet name for him?
>> No. 9177
A couple of days back when I went to a supermarket, I saw this lanky dude who was wearing tinted aviators, west and a "crocodile dundee" hat.

Guess what he bought along groceries and other general stuff?


I was grinning like crazy when I paid my stuff, good thing I always go to the same store so they already know I am a little strange.
>> No. 9188
I was browsing a thrift store today and found an old trashy romance novel called "The Spy Wore Red."

Giggled like a bitch, but I couldn't take a picture, as I had left my phone at home.
>> No. 9190
File 131786791060.jpg - (63.33KB , 490x700 , funny-pictures-history-thanks-mom-and-dad-i-really.jpg )
I'm not quite sure if this counts as real-life, but that kid always reminds me of Scout.
>> No. 9196
I'd be wondering if he did that on purpose.
>> No. 9202
Sorry to say this, hun, but I dont think that counts.

Spy raises his arms up like a crab raises it's claws, not the other way around. That ain't unique to that bracelet.
Didn't stop me from buying a necklace with a crab pendant on it the other day, though. Crabs are cute and remind me of Spoos.
>> No. 9209
I would have bought the hell out of that!

(I was totally on the lookout for fandom-y things when I went antiquing. There was an antique fireman's helmet that made me think of Pyro, but I didn't buy it (or get a picture))
>> No. 9216
I ALMOST bought it. But then that would mean my friends would think I was into badly-written porn, and then our D&D sessions would get...awkward.

Captcha: books ofsonar. Dear God, it KNOWS.
>> No. 9271
  the medigun is real, and invented by a german doctor
>> No. 9291
I cannot take a man seriously if he goes on national TV with bedhead.
>> No. 9737
Real, actual Vagineer:
>> No. 9863
File 131995247860.jpg - (101.90KB , 468x390 , 1286321887778.jpg )
>> No. 9886
File 132010228227.jpg - (196.74KB , 675x875 , gorillacarrots.jpg )
I saw this and thought, "Gentlemen.."
>> No. 9887
Recently got the game Alchemy on my Android phone.
Was very tickled to find the icon for Assassin is a tiny, smiling RED Spy!
>> No. 9945
File 132032240978.jpg - (20.69KB , 200x200 , archimedes_no.jpg )
An actual brand over in Taiwan (and possibly elsewhere).

Well, gotta get those bloodstains out somehow!
>> No. 9946

Forgot to mention for y'all who can't read Chinese, this is "White Dove" brand laundry detergent.
>> No. 10000
According to an item in Macleans Magazine, residents in a Calgary neighbourhood have been troubled by discarded chicken parts on their property, carried from a nearby Lilydale plant by local pigeons. While these are chicken feet and not human entrails, I was still reminded of the ever-lovable Archimedes.
>> No. 10001
I couldn't really take a picture of it because I didn't have a camera, but one time when I was driving across the state I went past a box that said 'ManCo'.

Just thought I'd share or somethin'.
>> No. 10005
I giggle to myself whenever I see the last name Mann.

Also, there are businesses in my area like Lawn Medic and Water Medic.
>> No. 10053
File 132097066973.jpg - (8.38KB , 250x354 , amonsterinparis.jpg )
I've been following a French CGI movie called "A Monster In Paris" for awhile, and they just released a character sheet- I immediately thought of Pauling.
>> No. 10105
File 13212945657.jpg - (47.94KB , 310x250 , alpen_kultur.jpg )
googling Alpine Follore. Got Medic. And Hat. Fancy hat.

I fucking want this hat.
>> No. 10109
And he brought a pyro!
>> No. 10110
Heh, I kinda wanted to make this hat once I'll finish learning modeling in 3D (dibs!).
>> No. 10113
File 132131614444.jpg - (46.62KB , 720x480 , 208635_1862284191137_1061913165_2146184_5467805_n.jpg )
Pictures when done?

Also, Medic seems to be on my facebook friends list...
>> No. 10114
It took me a minute, but that image got five times better when I noticed he was playing the violin.
>> No. 10168
File 13215715735.jpg - (180.60KB , 799x787 , highwire.jpg )
I saw this and thought, "That's odd, Scout's dropped his bat.."
>> No. 10189
From tonight's episode of Fringe:

>>An invisible man is killing people
>>Mentioned that he'd make a perfect spy
>>Compared to an octopus
>> No. 10195
>>10189 This. This a whole lot.

Also, I went grocery shopping today, and I saw an employee unloading a flat of Cornish game hens.

Captcha: texecus convictions,. What has the Engineer done this time?
>> No. 10213
This week I started school again and met a new girl in the class.

- She's German
- She wears glasses
- She studies to be a doctor
- She doesn't know her father

As a joke I asked her if she knew anything about doves. Turns out she actually had been keeping doves.
I laughed so hard I made her feel uncomfortable.

Yesterday I showed her "meet the medic". She commented she thought Medic was cool, I replied "it's your dad".
She still don't get it.
>> No. 10214
Aw, I feel sorry for the poor girl. She's new there, doesn't know her dad, and then some weirdo who somehow guessed she owns doves starts joking about her missing dad.
>> No. 10230
File 132185337653.jpg - (30.39KB , 391x384 , 131197735744.jpg )
I agree with this. Anon, no offense, but in my brain, this ranks up there with the Hetalia fangirls who drew Norway after the terrorist incident.

But that's just me. Yanno, just as someone who's been abandoned by his her their dad for most of their lives.

TL;DR: Taking someone's strife and dehumanizing it so that it's related to your favorite game/anime/whatever is NOT funny. It's offensive and kind of creepy as fuck.

And that's my thoughts on the matter.
>> No. 10233

I think it would've been okay up until you said, "It's your father."
Up to that time, you could've passed it all off as a private joke. After that though, you just come off as a bit of a cockhead.
>> No. 10238

Calm down guys, it's not like I would do that kind of thing if she got sad about it.

Her missing father just happens to be something we all joke about, she doesn't mind.

Keep in mind that you don't know the girl, but I actually do. Geez.

She even talked about start playing Team Fortress because she thought the others Meet the videos was interesting.
>> No. 10245
Agreed. If Im allowed to speak for myself (Im not that girl) some people are perfectly fine with those kinds of jokes. My father died when I was a preteen, and my friends and I are always joking about my lack of dad. Hell, they went with me to his grave and we found a turtle there. Ever since there's been joke about "your dad got reincarnated into a turtle!" and Im perfectly fine with that.

Back on topic, though.
I realized my stepdad must be a Sniper with a Your Worst Nightmare equipped. He's always wearing aviators, drinks loads of coffee, is always going on about how you need to strive to be a professional, and recently bought himself a limo-bus (looks a bit like a camper van) to drive for a living. He's even obsessed with Australia. Even without the hair, he looks like him.
Im modeling my Sniper's loadout after him, secretly.
>> No. 10252
File 132197377645.png - (906.38KB , 675x715 , GENTLEMONKEYS.png )
>> No. 10255
Missing doesn't always mean dead, either. If he's just gone, but he's okay, I don't think it's tasteless.

I kind of want aviators too because of Sniper, but I need prescription sunglasses, and I already have a good pair I never wear to begin with. I got black leather fingerless gloves like Heavy's, but lost one- I need to find a place to replace them. Maybe not until it gets warmer.
>> No. 10256
I will admit, I bought prescription aviators because of Sniper. But in my defense, they also look great on me. And I needed new sunglasses. Old ones went missing in my backpack sometime in the winter, and came out in spring covered in scratches.
>> No. 10260
>Hetaliafags drew Norway after the terrorist incident
Dude what.
>> No. 10273
File 132208101276.jpg - (18.34KB , 310x232 , manndoestatenow.jpg )
>> No. 10274
File 132208455221.jpg - (32.50KB , 184x184 , rapeface2.jpg )
I am Painis Cupcake. I will eat you.
>> No. 10275
File 132208610539.png - (533.02KB , 815x704 , tumblr_lty6qvVLJW1qjxavp.png )
I didn't discover this, but I didn't see it on here, so behold - real life RED vs BLU factories!
>> No. 10282
Wow that's uncanny

You can see the windows shot out :D
>> No. 10285
I know this is not quite on topic, but just as TF2chan loaded up in my browser window, the random mix on my MP3 player cued up Yello's 'Oh Yeah'.

...And it was a good couple of minutes' worth of tea removal from keyboard and sinuses.
>> No. 10326
Mom was watching the news and she said something about "why are we sending troops to Australia? Are we gonna start a war with them too? (joking of course)." All I could think was "I hope not, they'll kick our ass." For a brief moment I was thinking that they had much better tech than us and more muscular people. And Saxton Hale.
>> No. 10664
File 132339866278.jpg - (34.47KB , 500x361 , Ohboston.jpg )
I need to stop crawling through old Craigslist ads.
>> No. 10964
File 132452301388.jpg - (265.46KB , 914x375 , fellowshipfortress2.jpg )
Not quite "real life", but the first promo images of The Hobbit came out, and I cannot unsee the Meet The Team promo image. You know the one.
>> No. 11150
File 132512461978.png - (69.99KB , 272x187 , THISPICTUREISN\'TPORNGUYSISWEAR.png )
I was watching some raw footage of police brutality to see if it was something my mother might be interested in (she's an attorney on the side), and seven hundred clicks later I come to this video, with this guy just walking around in the background.

Nice goggles, guy.
>> No. 11166
My dad and I were lighting off New Year's Eve fireworks when he asks if anyone else in our party wanted to light one up. Specifically, he said, "Who's next? Who else has got a little pyro in them?"

I lol'd like a motherfucker and no one knew why.
>> No. 11175
That reminds me of a while ago when I noted the measuring cup labeled "Pyrex" in my dad's kitchen, and he responded "Pyrex, for pyros!" I grinned but didn't say anything.
There are some words that TF2 has changed for me. Sure, I can use the word "spy" normally, but I'll be thinking of Spy.
>> No. 11192


This reminded me instantly of Heavy, Soldier, and Demoman ALL IN ONE.

God what is up with embed.
>> No. 11194
Agreed. But that made me SO SAD for some reason...
>> No. 11225
This swimsuit design is called the Sniper.
..Somehow I can't see him wearing that. Although if anyone wants to draw it, I'm all for that.
>> No. 11234
File 132635611854.jpg - (325.35KB , 584x1000 , 7215.jpg )
I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 11244

>> No. 11245
It's for bikes? Oh god my mind is so deep into the gutter today
>> No. 11246
Yep. Bikes. Soul-crushing disappointment I have.
>> No. 11248
>>11245 >>11246

Just empty the bike lube, wash the bottle and fill it with fuck-jelly. Problem solved.
>> No. 11250
File 132659007448.jpg - (99.47KB , 680x453 , 3d8.jpg )
>> No. 11266
File 132679709411.jpg - (143.26KB , 1024x677 , wcc-spy-rv-building-001.jpg )
I'll just leave this here
>> No. 11304
My new braces are a TF2-ref. The left side's brackets has got blue dots on them, the left side's has got red dots on them. When I saw it, I lol'd.
>> No. 11406
WHAT. I used to pass those buildings every single day on my way to work. How did I never notice?! Polite self-sage since I'm contributing nothing.
>> No. 11504
File 132919324831.jpg - (14.13KB , 233x320 , thatspyisaspy.jpg )
I feel like this is what Spy might look like sans-balaclava. Now, this is not just a random comparison, as the man pictured was a real spy by the name of Eddie Chapman.

>> No. 11505
I sometimes say "nope" and "piss" in real life due to tf2, but that's it.

I remember some posts from the old TF2irl thread. Some of you guys here really need to play less.
>> No. 11540
I bet you can guess what this reminds me of:

Sage for excessive quantities of stupid.
>> No. 11713
You're not alone. I'm seriously thinking of (somehow) setting my error message sound on my computer to either Engie or Soldier's "DAMMIT." Because whenever something screws up, I hear that in my head. That, or Nick's "Nooo." from Left4Dead.

Two totally unrelated ones:

Apparently in Russia they are trying to bring in organic food. The newscasters were interviewing a large, bald Russian man who herded goats. I immediately thought of Heavy's "I am not good with goats" line from Poker Night.

This is only vaguely TF2-related, but I found Greg Broadmore (the Dr. Grordbort's guy)'s work in the Tintin movie artbook. He did a beautiful painting of Marlinspike Hall towards the end.
>> No. 11720
I might be the only one who thinks this has "extravagantly dramatical fanfiction cover" written all over it for a scootma/medic/spy fanfiction or something.

...yeah I think so.
>> No. 11721
File 133067384538.jpg - (607.71KB , 500x844 , whokilleddrsex.jpg )

Maybe I should've included the picture derp
>> No. 11726
File 133072499979.png - (606.74KB , 843x589 , engie kids.png )
Not sure if this belongs here, but I think it's pretty funny.

I was watching some old childhood cartoons the other day and stumbled over these characters in Recess.

The strangely reminds me of someone, hmmmm

Never knew Engie had kids
>> No. 11738
No headcanon, no you may not adopt them.
I don't care that they look perfect, I've already got Engie with a daughter and that's that!
>> No. 11743
  Every time I see the Hershey Kisses in the hardhats, I think of Engie.
>> No. 11746
File 133107126558.jpg - (46.10KB , 482x343 , Diggers.jpg )
>> No. 11748
File 133116160746.jpg - (38.75KB , 500x616 , 4f4fddadc013f.jpg )
I don't get it. Why can't he have a daughter AND two twin sons?
>> No. 11751
my head-canon is that ellis is engie's son.
so by your logic, engie can't have a daughter.
and that's that.
>> No. 11753
HIGH FIVE! Me too, or Grandson, depending on cannon timeframe.
>> No. 11754
No matter the gender or quantity of childs Engie have, they are all robots.
>> No. 11755
File 133132959091.png - (32.59KB , 144x158 , HURRRMedic.png )

....ffff. New head-canon.
>> No. 11756
>>Stephen Colbert singing "Good Night Irene" on The Colbert Report with Emmylou Harris

I cannot stop unthinking TF2 with this show.
>> No. 11766
File 133144222264.jpg - (287.17KB , 1280x960 , BLU at ikea.jpg )
This factory is across from the Conshohocken IKEA - looks like a TF2 BLU Map to me!

New head canon: BLU buys furniture from IKEA
>> No. 11832
File 133270157294.jpg - (47.26KB , 800x533 , my sandwiches.jpg )
Okay, sort of cheating, but I had to make the prop sandwiches for our production of The 39 Steps.

Guess what I used as inspiration.
>> No. 11893
File 133312796424.jpg - (59.09KB , 398x500 , hatsly5.jpg )
>> No. 12014
So, I was looking for apple crisp for desert for myself, and I found these "Chudleigh Apple Blossoms", which looked pretty similar, so I bought them.

Tonight, I decided to make one for myself, and I look at the back of the package- turns out they are made with "Northern Spy Apples" and had the Phrase "Spies are for pies!", which gave me the weirdest mental image, let me tell you! (Spy surrounded by a table of pies, filling his face, and/or a pie filled with Spycrabs...)
>> No. 12199
File 133752433013.jpg - (84.23KB , 423x700 , video-game-memes-meet-the-heavy.jpg )
I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 12296
File 134017866965.jpg - (55.37KB , 500x420 , funny-celebrity-pictures-if-timon-and-pumbaa-were-.jpg )
If Timon and Pumbaa were human... Timon reminds me awfully of Scout... right down to the expression
>> No. 12509
I swear Spy wrote the new Johnsonville Brats commercial.

It goes something like "Your mom knows when you're faking- [sound effect of kid coughing] so she knows when she's eating fake sausage. Try Johnsonville Brats."
>> No. 13083
Sorry if bumping this is not okay, but I wanted to share this story.

Today in my English class, our teacher asked me how many kinds of hats I knew.

I could name at least 20, all more or less because of the hats in this game.

Now my teacher thinks I'm some sort of hat nerd ...
>> No. 13240

Shame it's not a brown eye, or I'd be tempted to make a Merasmus joke. People have also said it looks like Wheatley, which I can totally see too.
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