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No. 3603
  We've had this thread before, we need it again.
Discuss the voice acting and translation of the game in languages other than good old English. Whose voice do you particularly like/dislike? What do you think about the translation? What's your general impression of the voice acting in your language of choice?

Video is French Sniper. I never found him or his voice to be overly sexy, but DAYUM.
Just ... DAYUM. Listen to the first minute of it and tell me you didn't immediately jizz twice.
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>> No. 3606
Good Lord, French Sniper is just incredible. I got shivers from listening, no lie.

Speaking of Snipers, Spanish Sniper matches pretty well too. At first I didn't particularly care for it since it sounded slightly lazy, but after listening to it a couple times I've grown to like it.
>> No. 3608
Why hello there Sniper. Did something get beeped out at around :50 seconds in?
Anyother thing, does Valve re-edit the "Meet the..." video's lip sync for the new languages? Because his lips are just wrapping around those words.
>> No. 3610
I believe Valve uses a special program that's able to automatically sync mouth movements to a given voice file, which they're apt to show off in the Meet the Team videos.
>> No. 3612
  Oh.. oh my. I'm all flushed in the face now.
Damn French people and their sexy-ass voices.
There is indeed a censor bleep; the translation has Sniper saying something along the lines of "I'll be honest: My parents fucking hate it".
Also, I thought the Valve team went back and manually re-synched the character's lips for their new languages? Eh, you learn something new every day, I guess.

Right now I'm trying to learn German, so while English is my native language, I'm deliberately expoding myself to a LOOOT of German media.
And my favourite German class would have to be the Scout. His VA really took heart the attitude in Scout's English personality, and translated it well.

Just one other thing (geez this post is getting long). Meet the Scout is usually censored at about 1:07, but in this version it isn't. If I'm correct he still says the f word, though. Are swears just not as serious in German-speaking countries?
>> No. 3615
Okay, another Sniper video. (German)

Don't worry about the rest, just listen to the "Boom, headshot."

(It won't embed for some reason)
>> No. 3616
>Are swears just not as serious in German-speaking countries?

The extreme phobia against naughty words is pretty much an American thing. The rest of the civilized world is usually kinda chill about it.
>> No. 3617
Gotta disagree with you here. To me (native speaker) he sounds totally like a wannabe tough guy. You know, just trying to sound cool and bossy when he isn't. I think the major problem is that it's the same voice actor who played Linguini in the German dub of Ratatouille. Awkward lanky dude -> gangster tough kid? Eeeh, no.

... He also voices Demoman, which sounds even MORE out of place because it sounds like Scout trying to do a Demoman impression. Cool voice actor, but dayum, is he miscast in my opinion.
>> No. 3639
I would let this man do terrible things to me.
>> No. 3641
That's what I think about Germanigneer. Believe me, he's as sexy as the original. Just listen to his take on "... not pointed at YOU."
Makes me jizz every goddamn time.

(Fun fact: The files of the recording for this were published online, yet Valve got never around to actually making an official release for the video. Weird)
>> No. 3644
so is that German with a Texas accent?
>> No. 3652
Not a Texan accent, nope. He has more of a general laidback slang thing going on. It definitely works because a Texan accent in German would just sound terrible.
>> No. 3658
>> No. 3670
  Not only does everything sound even angrier in German, the irony makes me giggle. I think if Solly heard himself speaking German he'd have an aneurysm.
>> No. 3671
I wonder how they explain that? I assume everyone is from the same countries. Maybe I'm thinking too hard. I love the laugh especially!
>> No. 3672

Did anyone else notice the spring sticking out of the severed head at the end?

Dat german censorship.
>> No. 3673
I did hah! I couldn't remember what it looked like in the English version so I just brushed it off.
>> No. 3675
File 129869264653.gif - (11.33KB , 133x150 , 1296776230893.gif )
Unf. Just...I can't even...

Dare I say it, the Spanish Sniper sounds slightly more badass than the American one.
>> No. 3692
Haha, I almost feel like doing a Finnish dub for TF2. Not that there's any real demand for a localization because most younger Finns are pretty English-savvy, and it would sound disturbingly out of place anyway. But you could get a couple of laughs out of it. Especially if it were a one-man project.
>> No. 3707
lol I play the German version because I lived there for a while. I didn't actually realize the real version has gore until I went online.
Then I was kind of mad but then I went "Meh" and just kept playing.
But yes good lord German engie is very good. He has one of those whispery German commercial voices. It licks the inside of your eaar...
>> No. 3803

I just love it how Heavy sounds more eloquent (to my ears at least) in Russian.
>> No. 3813
File 129921747683.gif - (7.35KB , 350x300 , slowpoke.gif )

>image its me
>> No. 3815
Haha, so, I was watching that, but then I ended up with this video. Made me lol quite hard (especially at "WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!").
>> No. 3816
  Stumbled upon the Russian Sniper. It may not be as sexy as the original, but I thought it was kind of funny to listen to it.
Absolutely love the way Russian Sniper says "Boom. Headshot." it sound so... drunk.
>> No. 3823
  I don't speak French but something about Scout's French VA just makes me grin and grin. Maybe it's the enthusiasm. Definitely my favorite of the foreign languages.
>> No. 3826
Is it true the Russian version of "Meet The Heavy" says "Sing while you still can" instead of "Cry some more"?
>> No. 3845

Oh my gosh, he's adorable. You're right, it's just so freaking enthusiastic you can't help but grin like a maniac.
>> No. 3870
  French Medic is my favorite Medic.
>> No. 3936
Yes. As a native Russian speaker, I prefer original version of Meet the Heavy alongside with other 'Meet the' videos.
But I like how Engie sounds in Russian.
>> No. 5492
As a frenchfag i almost fucking fell of my chair at the French Medic. He is EXACTLY the way we make fun of German people, and it's wonderful.
Also, you guys have the best Scout voice. Our's is strange.
>> No. 5497
  Is there no French version of Meet the Spy, or am I a complete failure who can't find it?

In the meantime, French Spy domination lines. I think he sounds more pompous than the more dickish-sounding American version.
>> No. 5500
Dem laughs. Man that is enjoyable to listen to.
>> No. 8398
i found another unremoved version of that

the scout reminds me of Lupin, the Thief, from Commandos 2 & 3
>> No. 8399
shit i forgot to embed
>> No. 8406
French Scout sounds too... refined, dare I say it!
>> No. 8412
about this part, sniper said: "te seré sincero,mis padres no les hace ni una puta gracia". "puta" is the censored word (bitch/whore in spanish)
>> No. 8425
Why did they leave all orginal screams and bonks etc? It annoys me, the voices sound different.
>> No. 8427
what's the whole thing mean?
>> No. 8455
I occasionally switch game languages, so far I enjoyed the French version most. And I was rather disappointed in German Medic. I was very excited to finally hear him, then I was kinda ...meh.

But the French Medic will never stop entertaining me, especially his fire screams, yuss.
>> No. 8457
German Heavy makes up for it, I swear!
>> No. 8464
German Heavy and German Soldier are the best, in my opinion. Especially German Soldier; is it me or do characters who speak in German sound more militaristic?

Whatever it is, the German voice actor for Soldier gets points for pulling off a great Solly. The German Engie's fantastic as well, he still retains the quiet and relaxed nature of the original Texan Engie. But his deep voice also makes him sound so much more threatening, especially at the part where he says "Not pointed at you" in German.

German Heavy's voice is still rough and gruff. I would've preferred it to be slightly lower and less...whisper-like, but it's still quite accurate.

Somehow, none of the foreign languages have managed to capture Sniper's chill "Live-and-let-live" attitude. Maybe it's just the Aussie accent? But his German voice sounds a bit too polite and formal though his "Boom Headshot" line was well-voiced. I felt like his was the sort of voice you heard at the airport over the PA system. A bit too...smooth and synthetic. Not gruff and relaxed enough.

French Scout just made me laugh. It's OK for me, but it would make the "RED Spy is BLU Scout's dad" fans very happy.
>> No. 8468
I dunno but I really like his "I'm on fire!" and laughing bits the best

The French versions in general are pretty good. French Scout is great, and French Soldier is hilarious.
>> No. 8474
One night, I didn't sleep at all, I just watched "Meet the" -videos in all different languages available.

After that I spoke 4 different languages + my native mixed together for a week.
>> No. 9361
I just start talking in weird accents and completely forget how to pronounce my native language.
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