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File 129995211788.jpg - (57.57KB , 458x678 , Pot.jpg )
3961 No. 3961
Post your first hat and your reaction.

Me: Pot - Happy!
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>> No. 3963
Defiant Spartan

>> No. 3964

I had a friend who'd been playing for a year. I got it within the first month of playing. I never even played demoman, and my computer lagged so badly that I only played to goof off.

".... um, ok." would be my response. I wanted to give it to my friend, but this was way before trading was even considered.
>> No. 3966
File 129996019943.jpg - (60.98KB , 310x525 , tf2firsthat.jpg )
I was so excited about my first hat that I made a stupid comic.

The first hat I got from a drop was a Sober Stuntman, which I foolishly traded away for basically nothing.
>> No. 3967
Ghastly Gibus, but if we're talking real hats.. I think I got my first from crafting and it was a Physician's Procedure Mask (ok it's not really a hat) It made me very happy anyway.
>> No. 3968
Bloke's Bucket Hat. It made me sad. I was like "YAY I FINALLY FOUND A HAT... Oh, I don't want to wear this."

Hats make me butthurt because I never find any good ones. I still don't have a single Soldier hat despite loving so many of them. >:c
>> No. 3970
Jarate belt! I still have it now, never parting with it.
>> No. 3971
Wait, do Misc items count? Because I got earbuds the first time I played since I'm a rotten dirty mac user. Since they were the first item I ever got I never want to part with them.
>> No. 3972
First crafted hat: Demoman's Fro. Reaction: I hardly ever play demo, so meh... but I might get a decent hat for it once trading becomes available.
A few weeks later, the Mann-Conomy update came along, and I traded the now vintage fro for a vintage whiskered gentleman that I wear to this day.

First (and only) randomly dropped hat: Tough Guy's Toque. Reaction: ABOUT FREAKIN TIME I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME REGULARLY FOR HALF A YEAR AND NEVER GOT A HAT DROP. Also, I'd traded for an ushanka and named it less than half an hour before.
>> No. 3973
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My first REAL hat drop was a Killer's Kabuto. I had just finished bitching to my friend how I never got anything, but SURE ENOUGH I found one of my favorite hats later on in the round. I've had it ever since.

My first hat craft was a Safe'n'Sound. So, all things considered, I've had amazing luck with my hats.

>mfw awesome hats
>> No. 3975
Hat Found: Batter's Helm
>what the shit is this i hate scout

Hat Crafted: Vintage Tyrolean
>Traded it away for some reason, don't remember who, somewhat regret decision
>> No. 3976
misc counts, but earbud not, because is promo.
>> No. 3977
First hat: Ghlasty Gibus
Reaction: Wtf is this? Im going to wear it on all my classes because its a hat but wtf

Later on I bought myself the Attendant and Whiskered Gentleman with some leftover cash on an old Visa. I also got the Mann Co Cap with it, which has replaced my Gibus.
>> No. 3979
I think the parasite cause I got Alien Swarm. My reaction was something along the lines of "Aww that's kinda cute!"
>> No. 3980
Hatless Scout: I was disappoint.

(The next two were, in order, Hatless Sniper and Hatless Engie. I thought I was cursed.)
>> No. 3981
First drop: Towering Pillar of Hats (now vintage)
>what is this shit it's not a weapon
Now I love it.

First craft: Sober Stuntman
>what it this shit it's ugly
Then I crafted it and that awful plunger hat into Milkman and all was well.
>> No. 3982
Fancy Fedora

Ni~iice...wait, I suck at playing spy
>> No. 3983
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Promo is not allowed

you guys will hate me, i got by DROP only awesome hats: heavy duty, tough guy, ushanka, engie cap, hound dog, halmark and pyro's beany..
>> No. 3984

>Hat Found: Batter's Helm
>what the shit is this i hate scout

Yup, exactly the same for my first drop. I was mad, especially since I have pretty bad hat luck sometimes and it was forever before I finally got one. Second drop was the O. Mirror for Medic, which was decidedly better.

First hat I crafted was Professional's Panama. I actually kinda love that dumb hat so yay.
>> No. 3985
Well, let's see - my first non-promo hat was the Ghastly Gibus. Quite frankly, I was more surprised that I was actually dominating someone to care about the fact that I'd just gotten a hat (I was still getting the hang of the game).

First dropped hat was the Texas Ten Gallon. I remember being HOLY SHIT SO THIS IS SO AWESOME because it was the hat I wanted the most, plus it was just the cherry on top of an already good day.
>> No. 3986
Prussian hat for Medic after the classless update

Was fucking happy.
>> No. 3988
Chieftain's Challenge

Oh wow, you're actually giving me this hat? Thanks!
>> No. 3989
First received hat: Gibus. I already thought it was shit back then but I wore it for all the nice reskins it got. THAT WAS UNTIL VALVE DECIDED TO TURN IT INTO THAT GHASTLIER SHIT PFFFFF

First hat craft: Respectless Rubberglove. Since I love playing Engiebuddy Pyro, that was really cool.

First hat drop: Ushanka. (On Viaduct, even) Was about damn time, too! Gave it to Chi since I already heart my Tough Guy's Toque.
>> No. 3991
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My first hat was an Engineers Cap

I was so happy.
>> No. 3994
My very first hat was Pyro's Beanie. I was so happy about that, since I played Pyro most and, at the time, it was my absolute favorite hat. About a half hour later, I got my then-second favorite hat, the Trophy Belt. I was basically like, "Well, I'm a shit Sniper, but now I'm a shit Sniper with an awesome hat."
>> No. 3998
Modest Pile of Hat - I was expecting a good item in the near future, as I got one of the runner up prizes from that propaganda contest, and didn't know if that was it or if I was just lucky. Turned out it was the former.
>> No. 4001
Professional Panama, a month or so after I got the game.
I remember my friend being surprised that I got a hat dropped for me so quickly, and then laughing when she found out it was the Panama.

But I suppose my second hat wasn't too bad, considering it was the Familiar Fez while the Polycount Pack was still new.

First and only crate hat was the Exquisite Rack.

Kinda funny how all my random hats are for the classes I play the least.
>> No. 4003
A Batter's Helm, which dropped for me three days after I got TF2.
>> No. 4005
backbiter's billycock

i think it dropped for me like a week after ii started playing, i didn't understand that hats were so goddamned rare so i was like "oh, cool" and didn't really care much about it
>> No. 4006
first hat: engineers cap. but then someone decided remote idling was somehow WRONG

first legitimate one: gibbus or bills hat, whichever was first

first one i bought: ushanka, trophy belt and ten gallon

first one i ever recieved from a drop: got a sombrero out of crate.

so to sum it up: i still haven't recived one i didn't have to pay for
>> No. 4015
Fancy Fedora. Reaction was something the lines of, "Oh. Isn't this, uh, rare or something, lol". Confirmed for rare when 3 or 4 people replied via chat with something like, "FFFF A HAT".

Unfortunately, I was only trying TF2 out on my brother's account at the time, so I don't really have it on me anymore. (Poor Vintage Fancy Fedora, left all alone to rot...)
>> No. 4019
First hat I ever got was the Camera Beard (but I'm not sure that counts as a hat...). I was disgusted with it, and could only think, "What the FUCK am I supposed to do with this thing!?" I promptly got rid of it, and the 3 others I found soon after. Kinda regretting it now...
>> No. 4023
My first dropped hat was the Hotrod. My reaction was all over the place because the droprate was very teeny when I got it.
>> No. 4045
File 130021575392.png - (54.19KB , 145x145 , Scoutisnotsurewhy.png )
>Tossle cap in random drop

>Play Scout a lot(Most played on my stats by about 70+ hours)

>My reaction when
>> No. 4059
First hat drop was today, an Engineer's Cap. Was like "Meh I don't play Engi so let's craft it with this Panama"
So happy I don't even have a reaction image.
>> No. 4204
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And it's the only hat I have.
>> No. 4228
First accessory- Earbuds
First hat- Ghastly Gibus, now a Ghastlier Gibus

First legit drops:

Accessory- Le Party Phantom
Hat- Pyro's Beanie
>> No. 4238
File 130103701541.gif - (523.63KB , 275x155 , idontevenfuckingknow.gif )
My first hat was a Towering Pillar. This was back when it was first released, and there weren't many hats in circulation. It was basically like the best hat ever.
>> No. 4344
File 130163393658.jpg - (444.46KB , 1125x874 , pyrohat.jpg )
So a few months shy of a year of playing, I finally got enough metal to craft myself a hat. Never had a drop, everyone knows the Gibbus doesn't count. Also not counting the Halloween masks and the Horsemann's head, since those are seasonal.

Pyro's Brigade Helm.

Okay, so I'm pretty sure Bones already did a drawing exactly like this, but that was pretty much my reaction. I love my hat, and I am never taking it off.
>> No. 4345
been playin for about 1 month, this happened about 2 days ago I spoke with an honored hush about my desire to get my first hat, 10 minutes pass receive Stout Shako. Hat gods smile upon me, never gunna give it up.
>> No. 4353
I wanna make a spray of the part where pyro saying "I'm a fireman!" I just love your pyro!
>> No. 4354
I wasn't there when my first hat was born. I feel like a shitty owner.
It was actually my sister who got it while she was playing on my account. It was that pyro glove hat.
>> No. 4368
The first and only real hat I've gotten was the Engi's Safe-n-sound. This made my evil clone happy, as the Engi is her favorite.
>> No. 4474
File 130213343353.png - (42.60KB , 844x943 , myfirsthat.png )
Vintage Tyrolean, it was paradise on earth. I wanted exactly that hat, and i got it.
>> No. 4477
My first hat was a Prussian Pickelhaube. I don't even play Medic. I wanted a spy hat. I was kind of just glad to even have a hat, though.
>> No. 4484
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First hat was earned during the days of idling via external program: a Brigade Helm. Sadly, it was removed along with many other items, and the dirty idlers were disbanded. I played a bit, somewhat dejected, and then I got my first legitimate drop (Not hat drop, first drop period!) after said item removals. Glengarry Bonnet. Everyone was jelly that day.

Pic related, it's Demoman fistbumping a gloveless Pyro as one hat is exchanged for another.
>> No. 4486
My first hat was the Gentlemen's Gatsby from a random drop. I thought, what luck, a lame hat, for a class I dont play. I proceeded to paint it pink and name it the Old Man Creeper Hat. And put the deception as "I got the lamest hat in the game as a drop? Im going to rock it, creeper style."
>> No. 4915
Reviving because I got my very first random hat find today (not my first hat, Ive traded for some before this).

I got Prince Tavish's Crown.
Entire server went batshit wanting to trade for it, I shant ever.
>> No. 5029
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First hat? gibbus.
First random hat? A sober stunt man.
Mon visage when I fucking love the demoman
>> No. 5030
I got that little Tower of Hats thing as my first hat.

First crafted was the one with the knife in their heads.
>> No. 5031
File 130422614454.gif - (787.73KB , 144x216 , colindancing.gif )
>first true hat
>crafted from scratch
>Vintage Tyrolean
>my reaction when I receive a Vintage Vintage Tyrolean on the Korean update
>> No. 5032
File 13042283291.png - (49.87KB , 260x264 , shrug.png )
My first hat ever was... the Gibus.
My first hat other than was... bought from the Mann Co. store.
Master's Yellow Belt. Then Commie traded me some purple paint and I painted it purple and I was like YEEEAAAHHH
>> No. 5034
My first hat drop:
Vintage Tyrolean, the best hat in the game (back then)

...then halocaust happened...
>> No. 5078

'/happy weeping'
>> No. 5083
Got my first one yesterday. The Madame Dixie. I am happy.
>> No. 5084
Got my first one yesterday. The Madame Dixie. I am happy.
>> No. 5085
first drop, Physician's Procedure Mask
>Huh, I never play Medic, but okay.
Later it became the only vintage hat/thing I own, and I love it very much.

first hat drop, Tyrant's Helm
Traded it away.

first crafted hat, Texas Ten Gallon
>Aw, I wanted the Hotrod. But this was my second choice, so it's all cool. Now to find some black paint...
>> No. 5089
File 130447557398.jpg - (55.85KB , 791x559 , omch.jpg )
I was fucking pissed that I got this as my first and only random hat drop. But then I accepted that the hat was so lame it was awesome
>> No. 5514
First hat trade: Hatless Engineer
Someone had an extra Hatless Engineer and was willing to trade it away for 3 refined. Only had 2 refined but my best friend traded me a refined in return for a bunch of crates and extra weps I couldn't craft.
Twas a grand day.

First hat craft: Heavy's Big Chief
Eh, not bad for a random craft.
>> No. 5542
Just crafted a hat for the first time today. I got the Hard Counter.

I honestly forgot that hat even existed. I'm a little disappointed, but at least it's a hat for one of my most-played classes.
>> No. 5550
Got my first randomly crafted hat yesterday.
Turned out to be a Hero's Hachimaki. I was pleased.
>> No. 5551
Noob here, how did double vintage happen? I knwo you can't get them anymore, but never heard about double vintage before.
>> No. 5552
There's a Vintage Merryweather and Vintage Tyrolean. When someone got them before that update, they automatically turned into Vintage Vintage Merryweather and Vintage Vintage Tyrolean. I own the latter.
>> No. 5556
If uncrates are alright;
First festive Winter Crate, one stocking stuffer key gave me my first hat, the Exquisite Rack
I was so happy, I wear it all day err day
>> No. 5580
Hrmm The first Hat (non promo) I ever got was..
The Magnificent Mongolian.
I got it from a crate by using Miss Pauling's Festive Key.

> Thank you Miss Pauling Your the best!!!

I never had a hat drop yet, so I'm waiting for my day. Unless were counting the Gibus as a drop. But Hat drop.. nothing.
>> No. 5822
First random drop hat: The Hound Dog, which I gave to my friend as an early birthday present. (I don't play Heavy at all anyway).
First Hat Crafted: Heavy Duty. Once again, a hat for a class I can't play for beans.
I also have the Gibbus, but I don't count that one.
>> No. 10036
>first hat drop
motherfucking ye old baker boy (now vintage)
i don't play scout a lot but fuck i sure can accept a good looking hat

>first craft
it was either the magistrate's mullet, the tyrant's helm, bald engineer, or the fire helmet
i crafted them with my 8 extra camera beards that i got as random hat drops
>> No. 10037
The halloween event hats were the first ones i got in 2009, but then i got metal and crafted a Fancy Fedora for Spy (now vintage). I was soooooo happy! When the Australian christmas was on, i got the key for Miss Pauling, and when i opened a crate, i got Unusual Le party Phantom with Sunbeams. It was like winning in lottery
>> No. 10039
Medic's Mountain Cap was my first drop. You guys have no idea, I think I screamed.
>> No. 10044
First hat drop: (Vintage) Trophy Belt, first craft: (Vintage) Vintage Tyrolean.
>> No. 10045
File 132093452550.jpg - (18.46KB , 214x274 , 1265667309347.jpg )
First hat: vintage respectless rubber glove.
Pic related, this was my reaction.
It's still my favorite hat, cause most other's I've gotten are for classes i don't really play.

First craft: Engineer's mining light.
Much rage was had. Crafted with Bonnk helmet and got a Glengarry Bonnet. I don't really play Demoman that much, but it looked sweet so i was okay with it.

I've wanted the Tyrolean for years.. the day i get it will be a big day. Or you know.. The day i get a hat for Medic.. Or Engineer(notfuckingmininglight/hatless).
>> No. 10052
fuck i'm dying
"OLD MAN CREEPER HAT" is killing me
>> No. 10070
Gibus notwithstanding? I... it might have been the Ellis Hat. I don't really remember.

But if it was the Ellis Hat, it was so simple and basic that I loved it to the point of painting it.

My first crafted hat was a Pocket Medic. I don't have it now, though, but I never liked it.
>> No. 10081
the gibus is a given for first hat, although now it's a ghastlier gibus.
a friend of mine gave me the ellis' cap, and my first non-promotional hat was the mann co. cap.
my first craftable hat was the manniversary paper hat.
my first REAL hat was one that i crafted myself-texas slim's dome shine. luckily for me, i play engie often.
unfortunately, i have yet to buy a hat from the store or receive one through the drop system.
>> No. 10083
I came in with a promotional Ellis Cap. My first hat I got in a trade was the Geisha Boy.

First hat drop was actually a miscellaneous drop (the Googly Gazer), but I crafted it with my second hat drop (the Company Man) to get the Ol' Geezer. Then I had that dropped on me as my third hat. Strange world.

First crafted hat was the Desert Marauder, mostly because I love the Lawrence of Australia set and wanted to finish it off.
>> No. 10087
>First actual Hat
Ghastly Gibus. I felt so god damn proud of myself when I got it.

>First Crafted hat
Magnificent Mongolian. At first I was kind of pissed because I dont play heavy often. Crafted it into a Sober Stuntsman later, but I kind of wish I had one now. :/

>First Hat drop
Magistrate's mullet. I never played Spy, so I was kind of pissed. Its ok though because I traded it for a respectless rubber glove later.
>> No. 10088
The Attendant.

'Oh, what a cute hat! Oh, look at the little bow tie. I like this hat. It's a nice, simple hat.'

Did not know how to react.
>> No. 10102
>First Hat Craft
Towering Pillar of Hats- Love it like a son, especially since it's an all-class hat. I don't wear it as much as I used to but it's my first hat and it ain't going anywhere.

>First Hat Drop
Vintage Merryweather- Don't play pyro, didn't really care. I accidentally crafted it when the crafting system was first introduced and I kinda regret it.
>> No. 10254
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Disregarding the Ghastly Gibus and the two hats I got from the bundles in the store...

Got the Stately Steel Toe from a drop a month ago. At first I didn't even realize what just happened.
"Oh, another weapon drop. Swee-- WAAAAAAIT A SEC THAT'S A HAT!!"

>mfw hat drop
>mfw pyro hat
>mfw pyro is my favorite/most played class

And I haven't taken it off since.
>> No. 10265
Demo Fro back in sep/oct 2009.. I had played for only like a month before iirc

First unusual I got a few days ago, Larrikin with Purple Energy which is pretty cool I guess
>> No. 10267
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I still love the Gibus too.

>My first hat dropped: Master's Yellow headband
>> No. 10268
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however my first hat craft...(this was back when scrap took 3 weps to craft and trading wasn't out yet)
>Master's Yellow headband
>> No. 10343
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I came over from the ps3 version after f2p, so I was basically in awe of hats and anyone who had them. My first hat (of course) was the Gibus, but so many people hate on that hat that I rarely end up wearing it.

My first drop hat was the Western Wear. Not bad by any means, but not exactly what I was hoping for. I do play Engie a lot though, and I don't think I've seen anyone else wearing one, so it does feel kinda special. It's growing on me.

My first (and only) uncrated hat was the Toque. I was so happy. Too bad I struggle at playing Heavy.

I've been wondering about what the odds of getting a hat actually are. Am I insanely lucky, or does three hat drops for 55hrs (with only half the time actually spent playing due to crashes/long loading) sound about right?
>> No. 10345
You are very lucky and I am about to try and kill you to absorb said luck.
>> No. 10352
You'll have to go through me, too.
Back when the drop rate was doubled I found two hats within 20 minutes of each other, though I cant for the life of me remember what they were, since I traded them for hats Id rather have, and when this year's Halloween update kicked off I found two Soldier hats within 12 hours of each other. The brain bucket and the Armored Authority.
>> No. 10878
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First ever hat: Proof of Purchase (I bought the Orange Box after F2P, dohohoho)

First hat drop: Stately Steel Toe. Second hat drop: another Stately Steel Toe.

> mfw

Captcha: hatrgers
>> No. 10889
File 132408532516.png - (316.04KB , 773x664 , Scout_ellis.png )
Traded to me by a friend.

I don't have this hat anymore, but I still think it's cute, despite being promotional dribble.
>> No. 10897
Want mine? Not like I want the damn thing.
>> No. 10898
File 132408947269.gif - (227.71KB , 100x56 , yes-yes_a_GIFSoup_com.gif )

Add me on Steam. TwoRefined
>> No. 10912
Link your community URL. I found one guy, but I don't think he's you since he already has an ellis.
>> No. 11189
First hat drop--Old Guadalajara

First crafted "hat"--Blighted beak
People on the server were like "you win."
>> No. 11209
First hat: Tyrant's Helm
... At a net cafe.
>> No. 11665
I had the gibus as my first hat of course but...

I just got my first drop hat, the Surgeon's Stahlhelm after 157 hours of play time. I sat in my chair then proceeded to flail like an adolescent in pure happiness.
>> No. 11666
First hat drop: Industrial festiviser. I was so psyched at this, because it was exactly what I wanted.

First craft: Uhh...It was the hat that goes with Demo's desert set or whatever. I didn't like it, and I'm too lazy to look it up.

First hat buy: Geisha boy. Worth every penny.
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