No. 8175
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Scout's family is rather poor and this is why he became a mercenary. Also, his mother is growing weed in their secret lair, Spy knows about this and blackmails him everytime, Scout is quite terryfied, he'd rather kept as a secret. That's why he almost pisses himself when he sees Spy and acts like his bitch, to please the great master.
Now, Soldier's grandparent used to be in war, sure. As a cook. But, well, you can't tell these kind of stories to a kid, you gotta improvise. And thus, Soldier upon hearing lots of epic tales of American bravery, decided to become a fighter. Well, unfortunately, there were no battles ongoing when he finally blossomed into beautiful flower, which he is to this day, he enlisted as mercenary. His grandpa still dreads the day when Soldier finds out the truth.
Pyro is a hermaphrodite. Has both dick and boobs, now, this isn't any fetish of mine, but I somehow always imagine him/her being genderless and kinda choosing who to be depending on mood. Feeling brave? Sure, I'm a man. Kinda tired? Well, my women senses are tingling. Also explains the suit. He/She obviously has no hair. Joined the mercenaries to burn down stuff for monies.
Heavy spent his lifetime fighting for the motherland. He also worked in circus, fighting bears and whatnot. Unfortunately, because of communism, the circus ended up broke and Heavy had to look somewhere else for profit, as he has rather big family (he's also the only man, has bunch of sisters, all of them are very pretty and he prides himself on that). He chased the American dream and landed in jail, as a possible KGB agent. But, Administrator was there, recruiting for her team, saw Heavy, decided she wants that hunk working for her. And so, Heavy was set free by her and because of that he has to work for RED/BLU. He doesn't mind though.
Engineer was a kid genius, capable of amazing feats, which would impress many, many teachers. He finished his college at the age of 12 and began to work for his 11 PhD. Suddenly, he fell in love, decided that science is not that important. Unfortunately, his social skills were less than zero, so that didn't work out well. Heartbroken, he wanted to get revenge on the whole world, built bunch of killer machines and enlisted in first availble battle between RED and BLU. He somewhat cooled off now, but he still chuckles in that sort of evil way, while seeing how his sentries massacre the opposing team.
Demoman! Aye, his tale began in Scotland, when he was adopted by rich, white family living in castle (because his parents did blow up themselves and he lost eye in that beautiful explosion). Why did he get adopted, I dunno, but I think it was rather fashion choice. So, he lived his life as a rather exotic pet than a loved son, but he didn't mind. Everything was better than the orphanage. When he grow up a little, he began to question, who his real parents were and why did they explode? So he learned the ancient ways of demomaning and decided to follow that career. The adoptive parents don't mind. He stopped being interesting, so he might as well blow up, for all they care. This explains Demo being a little unstable and having trouble with alcohol. Although, I tend to think that the Demoman's only problem with alcohol is its shortage.
Medic, well, Medic... He certainly was a serious kid. Never playing, never laughing, never crying... Well, he didn't get in any trouble, so it was okay. War found him studying medicine, because he believed that was the most efficent way to serve his country. At the same time, his father was taken away because of his affilations with the communist. In fact, Medic was the one to report that to the higher ups, he was so deeply affected by the propaganda. Then, he worked in the camps and one day, he stumbled upon his father, or rather the shade of that man. Medic pretended to ignore him and pretend that they don't know each other, but his father recognized him. Before he was beaten to death by guards, he said some nasty stuff to Medic, which caused his escape from Germany. He spent some time in Switzerland, to work out his psychical trauma, after war he found out about the bounty on his head for his work in camps. Ran away to America (obviously), Administrator found him and proceeded to blackmail him. He had no other choice but to join. It's why he gets on with Heavy so well, they are in similar position.
Snoipah. He ran away from home when he was about to start his college carieer. He simply one day realised he doesn't want to do any of this medical or law crap, so he ran away from him crude parents. He got in touch with his freak uncle who basicly acted like Bear Grylls all the time, but, well, Sniper didn't have anywhere else to go. Thus he learned the fine art of survivng, fell in love with the bush and got his first rifle. After his uncle died in mysterious attack of rabid koala bears, totes, he moved back to his parents, but as a changed man. He learned how to say no to their expectations and decided to do what he does the best. That is shoot with his rifle. And, well, since he was the best one, albeit rather weird one, Administrator decided to invite him to the battles.
And, Spy, finaly. At first, I totally adored the idea of him being Canadian and just trolling everyone around. But, I think the France suits him better. He also survived the war, working as a Spy for Germany. Then, they started to lose, so he deflected to the winning side. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough for the Allies to forgive his previous sins, they were onto him, so Spy had no other choice but to flee. And he did so with grace. But then, he simply grew bored of this neverending tag play and decided to put his amazing skills to more satisfying job. He himself contacted the Administrator and offered his assistance.
Oh, and his favourite cigaretts are the cherry ones.
I apologize for the terryfing engrish, I had no such luck to be born in english speaking country, just bear with me, excuse me.