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File 130834633672.jpg - (66.40KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00001.jpg )
5813 No. 5813
Hey guys. TF2 Beta just updated, mostly with a bunch of finicky balances to the weapons under development, but also some aesthetically interesting stuff: A new main menu lay-out, and an option which allows the game to match you to a server playing the mode of your choice. Each of the modes has a cool little picture attached to it (Makani made?) and mindful of how much you like the artsy side of TF2, I thought I'd share them with you.
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>> No. 5815
File 130834636855.jpg - (72.22KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00002.jpg )
>> No. 5816
File 13083464509.jpg - (74.78KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00003.jpg )
Not dicks everywhere. That's gotten almost as old as when "Demo" translated to "kiltnigger".
>> No. 5817
File 130834660896.jpg - (72.09KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00004.jpg )
>> No. 5818
File 130834665962.jpg - (77.68KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00005.jpg )
>> No. 5819
File 130834670330.jpg - (67.82KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00006.jpg )
So CTF is for "advanced players"? Hmmmmm.
>> No. 5821
File 13083467848.jpg - (69.10KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00007.jpg )
The main menu is now a black and white picture of the last map you played as- I think it looks good. Expect to see it all in the main game soon.
>> No. 5823
File 13083500805.jpg - (103.81KB , 434x400 , AYE Demo.jpg )
The pictures made me giggle, especially the King of the Hill one. (My favorite mode, even!)

Can't wait to see this stuff ingame!
>> No. 5824
I guess they just put the "advanced" thing since all your teammates are going to assume you know what the hell you're doing. It makes sense really, since having a Scout run around 2Fort without knowing where to go is kind of a waste of a teammate.

Still, I love these pictures.
>And by flag we mean a glowing briefcase.
I laughed way too much at this.
>> No. 5825
Engie and Solly was in the strategy room alone having some provate time, when Medic appears "zhat are you zoing zhere?"
>> No. 5837
Oh dang I love these.

Augh I would give a lot of things for valve to hire me to do incidental art, these pictures are killing me. I love them.
>> No. 5860

My favorite. The fact that Tavish and Jane seem to be staring each other down, plus Engie doing a little dance on top of his Sentry, fills me with delight.
>> No. 6627
requesting someone to mimic the art style and make one for "idle"

with people just standing there covered in dust and cobwebs
>> No. 6629
They are in normal TF2 now. They are all adorable, with my favourite ones being KOTH and Payload.
> Jane
So the Soldier's name is Jane? I might have forgot or unread that from the comic. Oh well, good to know! :)
>> No. 6631

Yes, according to the WAR comic, the BLU Soldier's name is Jane Doe, which is either a) his real name, in 'Boy Named Sue' fashion, or b) a hilariously ill-concieved alias. Given that it's Soldier we're talking about, either is plausible.
>> No. 6638
Maybe it's just me, but these look like Makani's work, and I'm not sure anyone can mimic Makani.
>> No. 6641
They are Makani's work, yes.
>> No. 6655
No Arena Mode?
>> No. 6686
Wait, you're right.
I was so busy squeeing at the drawings that I didn't notice that.
>> No. 6869
Does anyone know makani's new t.umblr account?
>> No. 6876


Here you go.
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