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File 130887813535.png - (111.51KB , 453x298 , heavywut.png )
6261 No. 6261
Please let this be a joke.

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>> No. 6264
Dota 2, I'm betting money.
>> No. 6279
It was announced officially at the end of the Meet the Medic video.

>> No. 6298
Hey, why not, when they can make all their money back in the Store?
>> No. 6302
This is a bad thing? I mean doesn't this mean my broke friends can play with me now?
>> No. 6306
>> No. 6311
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>> No. 6312
.... so will we be getting something for buying the game originally?
>> No. 6314
eh they'll get bored with it and leave though. Besides, there's already plenty of those!
>> No. 6316
My main concern is ten times more griefing and people making extra accounts to idle. The latter already happens, but at least they had to dish out money for it.
>> No. 6317
They'll give us a special hat
>> No. 6322
I don't care about "children" playing. I think it's great everyone can play now.

My concern is, does this mean they'll slowly stop updating/supporting the game? Or are they actually making that much money through the store that they can afford to do this?
>> No. 6330
Someone can just buy some shit for 49 cents out of the store and get a premium account. Valve is retarded.
>> No. 6340
In this link, you will witness that hell has frozen over...

>> No. 6342
So is the Mantrain going to be passworded forever now?

Please say it is.
>> No. 6355
The game is several years old, so it doesn't really surprise me.
>> No. 6366
As long as the items in the store aren't free, I'm happy. I want the chance to have Valve fund my existence if my items ever get accepted into the game. Having them be free would ruin that.
>> No. 6372
I'm going to kill someone.
>> No. 6378
For everyone talking about the legion of idlers, it won't happen because free accounts won't be able to trade. Or store more than 50 items apparently.
>> No. 6394
That's good to know.

Now that I'm past the initial 'OH GOD WHY' stage, this doesn't seem that bad. Now my friends don't have any excuse not to get the game and derp around with me on a server.
>> No. 6402
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Gee whiz a game that's several years old with a smallish fan community compared to most other games and franchises is gonna get an influx of new blood to help keep it all alive for a few more years, how terrible.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this. More people to play with, a fandom that gets a good shot in the arm with new blood to keep it truckin' along even longer, and free accounts have limited options like no trading to keep things under control. It's not like Valve's suddenly about to lighten up on hackers or idiots, either.

Just sit back, relax, and point your non-TF2-owning friends towards it.
>> No. 6409
I agree. I'm all down for TF2 being free. Now my friends have NO EXCUSE not to play it. I'm glad I paved the way for other people who might not have been able to get it otherwise.

Yeah, sometimes I'm like a little, "Oh, darn. Wish I hadn't have gotten the game before just now," but it was only, like... twenty bucks? And well worth that!

Nope. I'm fine with this.
>> No. 6415
I'm pretty excited, too. I posted about it on my Facebook, so my friends could see. They couldn't afford the game back when it cost money to even play it, but since it's free to play, they can play with me, now. I'm excited :D
>> No. 6418

... You sure you didn't read my mind when writing this?

Seriously guys, the more the merrier. Don't be so negative and just have fun with your friends!
>> No. 6422

My thoughts exactly. I paid ten bucks for my copy (not even that, since it was in Best Buy points after getting a new computer). Oh shucks oh darn.

Now my friends who've wanted to give it a shot without dropping the cash have an excuse. Take that, Dynasty Warriors.
>> No. 6429
One hand, it kinda twinges me I bought this game.
On the other hand, TF2 was cheap and it's cool that lots of other people will experience how great it is.
>> No. 6430
Apparently f2p players will only get 50 spots in their backpack and can't trade. That's what I've heard. They can choose to pay for the game to get all benefits however.
>> No. 6435
>> No. 6436
Can't craft either.

I think free players should be barred from playing Sniper and Spy so we don't have 5 snipers and 6 spies each team.
>> No. 6438
Q. Won’t going Free to Play mean more griefers and cheaters?
A. We’re increasing our focus on making sure that hostile players can’t ruin your fun. Specifically, we’ll be keeping a close eye on players exploiting the ability to make infinite free accounts to bypass bans. We’ve built systems that’ll allow us to measure and track what these players are doing, and respond quickly.

Were it any company but Valve, I'd be worried. I really would.

Have faith in the Gabe, guys.
>> No. 6441
Well, it makes sense. The game is so old that Valve are likely making more money with hat sales, not game sales.

As long as there won't be more hacker shit, I'm good with this. Friends who haven't checked the game out yet will now! Whee!
>> No. 6462

Yeah, they've basically come right out and confirmed that.

>Walker says that Valve had been exploring the idea since September 2010. “We’ve been toying with the idea of making Team Fortress free-to-play ever since the Mann-conomy update,” Walker said. “The data we got back from that update leads us to believe that TF2 would be more successful as a completely free product.”

TF2'll be be supported completely by Mann Store purchases from now on.
>> No. 6473
Will everything get more expensive from now on, you think?
>> No. 6488
I'm really surprised that there's this many people worried about hackers, the game is VAC-secured, so they will be pleasantly perma-banned. I'm also not worried about children playing either, they are just more fodder for my shotgun, and there is a mute button if they feel like dribble-drabbling.

Making TF2 free-to-play is a generous move by Valve, and it's a strong marketing move. They make more than enough money with the Mann Co. store, so why not make the game free? The influx of new blood will keep the game going strong, and it will increase the Mann. Co store sales, allowing TF2 to be self-sustainable.
>> No. 6500
RIP the TF2 playerbase

>> No. 6504
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>> No. 6508

>Full Clinical Trial kit - £30. Half price!
>Most crafting recipes for new items now involve Refined Metal

What do you think?
>> No. 6518
Damn, my main computer crashed a couple of weeks ago. And I don't remember the mail I used to create the account which I had.
>> No. 6524
You'll probably be seeing this a lot, valve broke the game se we BR can't even find our own servers anymore, without using filters.

The fucking stupid new game option picks any server instead of using the ping to make the user join a good one too, apparently..
>> No. 6534
The Tf2 playerbase in general was already packed with idiots. Though with the play now option I am wondering about the effects it'll have on individual server communities... though I've heard it only picks valve servers.

Also, the noobs will get better just like we did. We all sucked when we started playing.
>> No. 6535
Yeah. I think the first week or so will be the worst of it, then as the huge influx of new players get better, it'll even out considerably.
>> No. 6541
Why is everyone raging over this? Valve will keep shit under control, and now I'll actually be able to get some of my friends playing this game.

If any of you could't previously afford this game you'd be shitting in your pants. Don't you think were being a bit selfish? I'm am so happy with everything Valve has done.
>> No. 6544
My main gripe is the crafting page.
very very cluttered and confusing.
why can't they have kept the inventory grid?
>> No. 6545
This so much. The new layout is confusing and everytime I have to check my inventory because I always forget what's in there.
I don't really care about the other changes.
>> No. 6547
they should have an option to sort your backpack based on the amount of same weaps you have. (i.e.: 4 kritzkriegs, 3 sandmans, 3 equalizers, etc)
would be so much less work for when I want to smelt class weaps for scrap metal
>> No. 6560
Its password protected now? Since when?
Im not a huge part of the TF2Chan community or anything, but I liked playing on the server since the people seemed pretty chill.
So, what? Now I can't?
>> No. 6561

The only way you can't get on the password protected Mantrain is if you can't get on steam or the IRC to talk to a mod to get it.
>> No. 6565
>they cant find the browse server button

seriously, its right there under the play button

if you're too much of a pussy to just ASK, then yeah, probably
>> No. 6575
The game wasn't expensive to begin with. Plus, they actually sold it for a couple of bucks several times. If you couldn't afford it then, then what the hell?

Smart business move, though.

And no f2p Pyros. That'd be a dream come true.

Been playing for a while and I still suck. Gets some hilarious results, though.
>> No. 6612
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>> No. 6613
I don't regret paying for this game. EVER.
>> No. 6616

Could we dispel the BR myth thing (or as they are known in my part of the world, Russians)? The reason why such unsavoury characters are associated with F2P games is because usually such games don't have the wherewithall to set up many servers in their part of the world- so they tend to overflow into American/EU servers. TF2 does not have this problem and it is unlikely to be any more of an issue than it is currently.
>> No. 6618
I lol'd.

But yeah, I played yesterday and it wasn't any different from the usual. My friend got the free version and managed to backstab me multiple times. I don't know if he's just naturally good at Spy or if I'm just that bad, lol.
>> No. 6625
Why are you guys bitching god damn. Just because someone gets this game for free doesn't mean they are instantly shit at it. I'm glad it's free now I finally can play whereas before I couldn't afford it.

This game was old with few players aren't you glad we're getting new people? Or are you really a bunch of hipsters who are just going to cry about how you liked the game before so and so like you do after every update.
>> No. 6628
i've actually got something to complain about now.

the update broke the server browser for Australians. look for servers with all the criteria open and the lowest ping you'll get is over 200

history works fine, so i guess i'm shit out of luck if i want a different rotation
>> No. 6642
>This game was old with few players aren't you glad we're getting new people?
>few players

Haha, no.
>> No. 6643

No, but only because it's funny.
>> No. 6650
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It's not like there weren't 4channers and 13 year olds in the first place.

I like to make new friends, that's just me.
>> No. 6658
To be honest, I'm kind of glad there are more new people coming in. See, I suck at TF2 (and all video games except The Sims, for that matter), and for once, there are people playing with me that suck more than I do.

It's kind of a good feeling.
>> No. 6659
My thoughts exactly.
>> No. 6660
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This so much.

There really is no difference in the gameplay. Granted we're bound to have at least one person on the team who doesn't know what's going on, but this was expected.
The only real difference is that every server is turning into some sort of witch hunt and everyone is trying to figure out who the newbies are so they can move onto the other team and gang up on them.

I honestly don't see what the big deal is.
We've had to put up with huge update waves like FaN Scouts and Mini-sentry Engineers before.
And just like before, this huge influx of new players is bound to settle in two weeks.

But yeah. That's my take. Bitching about people bitching.
The only beef I have with the update is the crafting page and coaching, but I'm hoping this will get a change.
>> No. 6661

This, I used to go on all the time and I'd usually see the mantrain server empty.
With this update I'm beginning to see a lot more people. It's nice. I even introduced my one friend to the game and most of the time he was nervous that he would get bitched at or something.

I think most of the sour grapes are over the fact that some people paid for the game, though. They're just taking it out on new, free players.
>> No. 6667
What does BR stand for?
>> No. 6670

br? is a brazillian asking if there are any other brazilians on a server
>> No. 6671
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Agreed with this, yeah. I had to listen to some guy complain on a server how 'everyone here is a fucking noob!', this went on for 10 minutes.
We were all new some time ago, and maybe still are new - Everyone starts there and to think otherwise kinda seems arrogant, because you're wanting to have a team of pro's on your team so that you can win; Rather than have fun.
>> No. 6672
I had to laugh at the noob-haters today. Essentially the conversation went like this:

Premium guy: These noobs suck, fuck you freeplay faggots, I'm owning your ass, etc.
Freeplay guy: Get over yourself, premium guy, I just made you my bitch, cocksucker, I am 12 and what is this, etc.
Some other player: Guys, guys! You're both terrible, now shut up.

Biggest fucking grin on my face.
>> No. 6685
>implying fun isn't winning

I only learned on that way.
>> No. 6687
If you can only learn by winning, then you're missing a major life skill. Learning from your mistakes is, like, how the world works and is why experience is said to be the best teacher.

If you can only have fun if you're winning, you're a spoiled baby who probably isn't much fun for other people to be around.

"Focus on having fun, rather than just on winning" is not the same statement as "if you're winning you aren't having fun," and it is a good thing to keep in mind through all of your life, not just in the vidya.
>> No. 6688
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I'm glad someone can word it better than me.
>> No. 6700
I learn more from losing than I ever did from winning. Hell, whenever I play as Pyro, I deliberately kamikaze myself in order to keep my team safe. I'll run into the intel room or wherever first, backburner a-blazing, and then report back where the sentries are, who's guarding, etc. Then we can coordinate and strike.
I die twice as much as anyone else on my team, but a lot of the time, we wouldn't get very far without my deaths.
Also, I once knocked a Sniper off a cliff with my ragdoll. Didn't even know that could happen. even in death, I am useful.
>> No. 6711
Awesome use of corpse-as-weapon.

Glad I'm not the only kamikaze Pyro around. I'm usually pretty low on the list, but I don't care if my score's high, just that we got those filthy BLUs off the cart.

Newbie's will learn or they won't and they'll leave. I still don't get why some people are grumpy for buying it, unless they bought it, like, a month ago or something. A lot of us have been playing for a year or more. Seems like being mad that you paid to get a movie ticket when a few months later it came out on DVD and you could rent it from the library for free.
>> No. 6712
And if they DID buy it like a month ago... it's $10.00, get over it. But yeah, I bought it shortly before the mac update and I have long since gotten more than my money's worth in fun. I paid so much more for portal 2 but I seriously doubt I'll be playing it half as much as I've played tf2.

Also, on the topic of winning... I really think the best thing about tf2 is that I don't give a shit about winning. There's no reward for winning, real or virtual, so I've got no reason to get pissed. (unlike certain minigames in runescape... ugh) I'm just in it to have fun and talk to people, and whether I win or lose I get to do both. :D
>> No. 6714
... I mean, that's not to say I won't TRY to win. I just don't care if I fail.
>> No. 6722

Not wanting to take anything away from your general point mate, but that couldn't have happened. The Sniper probably took an inadvertent step back after you flew through him, or got shot at the same time.
>> No. 6724
All I know is what I saw happen. BLU Demo ka-blewy'd me, I went flying through the air, and BLU Sniper, despite the fact that he was a good 3 feet from the edge, at least, and not moving, went with me off the edge of Upward. I died from being blown up, he fell to a clumsy, painful death.
Don't know if it was a glitch, or whatever, but it was still fucking funny.
>> No. 6726
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>Awesome use of corpse-as-weapon.

Sometimes I think some of you don't even play the game and just lie about it.

Ragdolls in TF2 noclip through everything but the environment. The BLU Sniper probably just walked off the edge and died. It happens.

Nowadays I can only have fun playing with bots. I've run into far too many assholes on servers who scream at me for not being good enough/being too good or playing too seriously/not playing seriously enough or switching classes/not switching classes and aoisjdfa every little thing I do is WRONG no matter what, so fuck it.
>> No. 6727
It's entirely possible he just happened to run off the cliff at the same time (maybe he saw my corpse coming towards him and tried to dodge. I dunno.), but I swear, you really would have thought I'd knocked him off the cliff with my ragdoll. The timing must have been just that effing perfect.
>> No. 6739

Or we could, y'know, just be having fun. I don't mind fish-stories about this one time, at 2Fort...

This game is derpy fun. The idea of somehow smacking an enemy with a corpse is hilarious. And honestly, I've seen weirder bugs.

Sometimes I think people just like to be snotty.
>> No. 6743
You need to play on some better servers.
Mantrain(of course), Dr. Insano's Lab, 88 Miles Per Hour, Gibbedgaming... those are servers I've got that are generally pretty chill.
>> No. 6745
Also the joe.to server. it's friendly fire and the people are really nice
>> No. 6800
Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. t's going to cool down after two-three weeks, learned that from the Engie update (maybe longer, since it's summer).
I'm not complaining about the fact that I had to pay for this game, because it was worth it. Hell, I'm glad that I've managed to play a lot of the vanilla edition, without all these additional hats, doves and weapons from other games. It's still a lot of fun, you just need to find the right people to play it with.
>> No. 6806
What Im worried about is that it's never going to cool down, like you're all trying to say. Its free to play, forever. There's going to be a a steady, huge influx of newbies (helped in part by some newbies stopping playing for a while out of boredom and randomly coming back, still sucking) and it's not going to stop.

Not to mention, the server I tend to hang out on has been completely full to a point that the other regulars and myself can't even get in anymore. The admin's working on getting it set up so that it kicks F2P folks in favor of premiums, since its been so bad even he couldnt get it (the server used to pride itself on not kicking for admins).
>> No. 6809
The only real problem I see with TF2 going F2P is that the number of players has drastically increased in a very short time, while the number of available servers is still more or less the same.
>> No. 6816
There are plenty of servers that weren't being played on much before now. .. like valve servers. I'm pretty sure almost nobody played on them until the update.
>> No. 6821
Because people playing the game rather than letting it die entirely is such a terrible thing.
>> No. 6824
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>newbies stopping playing for a while out of boredom and randomly coming back, still sucking

That's been happening long before F2P. I know it's a crazy concept, but some people don't consistently play the game every week and they might lose interest in it for a while, myself included. Only difference now is that there's going to be more people like that, but I honestly think that once the excitement has passed, things should calm down.

Quite a few of my friends got F2P TF2, and they only played it the one time after they downloaded it.
>> No. 6825
Guys, even people who paid for the game can still really really suck at it (myself included). Newbs are everywhere; this is just a wave of them.

What I think would be helpful is if servers could be rated by the skill level of the regular players. Like, I find myself accidentally going into a server full of dead serious pros and getting my ass handed too me. If we could assign servers labels such as "Easy" or "Advanced" and such, it would probably weed out a lot of newbies along with the non-serious players. It just seems like it's too hard to find players of equal skill to yours and I feel like something like this would help.

/end suggestion rant
>> No. 6826
I agree fullheartedly.
>> No. 6828
Oh hell yes, THIS. I get fucking RAPED by their skill levels every time I go on those kind of servers. I'd love to play with more people who are as awful as me.
>> No. 6829
File 130930084042.png - (23.19KB , 213x126 , girlyawe.png )
THIS SO MUCH. I would so much prefer to have the option to derp around with other people who suck people around my skill level.
>> No. 6830
And not letting people who actually support the game play in favor of freebers is such a good thing.
>> No. 6851
There's one problem with this; Generally, people on the internet have high opinions of themselves. So the newbie who just joined will think "I'm good at CoD and Halo, I'll go to an Advanced Server" and have his ass handed to him because he doesn't know what an Ubercharge is.
>> No. 6863
Well, that's his fault then, he was fairly warned when he chose that server.
>> No. 6881
>> No. 6885
This brings us to another problem, though. What's to stop an experienced douchebag player from going into one of the newbie servers and kicking their asses?
>> No. 6889
Kicked? That'd take constant watch from the Admins, though, and no one wants to baby-sit...
>> No. 6894
Oh so F2P people obviously won't ever want to buy things from the Mann Co store or refer their friends to the game who would have the possibility of buying things?
>> No. 6895
True fax, yo.

I'm still the guy that'll run straight toward a someone while getting shot at, then die and laugh for the next five minutes and giggle-snort for the following ten. It makes it exciting and damn, if people get serious about TF2, they're missing the entire point of the game.

But seriously, that is a really great idea.

NOTHING WILL STOP THEM. I can't imagine it as anything other than funny.
>> No. 6898
Im not saying that. What Im saying is that there are people who have yet to buy anything (and likely wont for a long time) eating up spots in servers that people who are regulars on those particular servers (and just premium people in general) could be using.

I paid money for this game, and I want to play what I payed for. I dont want to have to wait for some person playing for free to log out so I can play on a server with my friends (who also paid for the game).
>> No. 6899
Anon, you can either be mad or just check out another server. If you need recommednations, I have plenty. Really, man, chill out. It's not as much of a problem as you appear to think it is.
>> No. 6900
What Perry said... also, see if you can get a reserve slot on your server next time you can join it, as well as your friends. That's kind of what reserve slots are for.

Also, when did you buy tf2? I bought it last year and I can safely say I've gotten more than my money's worth of fun out of it. I paid way more for portal 2 than I did for tf2 and I doubt I'll be playing it half as much as I have tf2. If you bought it more recently..... it was $10.00. Get over it.
>> No. 6962
I can't tell the difference between regular assholes and kids who have a free copy of the game and think they're hot shit anyways. Doesn't change anything. But anyone who's new and legitimately wants to learn to play, I welcome them with open arms.

Like Kritzkast said, there's a difference between newbie and noob.
>> No. 7026
im honest, i downloaded TF2 for free because i was quite unsure if would appeal to me. i was acutally planning on buying it at the beginning of july (due to lack of money...) but then i got F2P.
im neither a kid nor completely noobish to such games but i feel kinda unfortable while playing online. you got labelled as N00B really quick when you make mistakes or reveal that you play for 4 days now
>> No. 7027
Anon, don't take it to heart. Some people are just assholes either way.

Come play on the mantrain, or the caboose. We're a cool bunch of people, and there'll likely always be someone around willing to show you the ropes - just ask in the CJ. We don't bite, honest :)
>> No. 7054
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What Apple said. For example, if you're interested in playing Soldier or Heavy, I could show you the basics and practice a bit with you. And if you just want to have a good time, come to the Mantrain. We don't care about skill levels, we just have fun. Come to the Circlejerk chat and ask for the password there.

Enjoy your time in TF2, anon.
>> No. 7056
Anon here again.
thank you kindly Applecup and PerryJ for your nice words. i guess i will try out the Maintrain tonight, hoping for having fun and such.
>> No. 7085
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Maybe I'm a bit of a dick for my thinking but I wholeheartedly welcome the massive influx of new players, simply because playing on alltalk servers with a bunch of new players bragging about their skills over other new players makes me feel ecstatic as I mow them all down with my ninja heavy skills and get 6-8 dominations on a team of 12. I do tend to give advice to anyone who asks for it, but for the most part I've noticed people raging at me, targeting me directly, switching to teams of almost all Snipers and Spies, and other assorted hate.

It feels good to be hated for being too good.

On the bright side, I get to help my own team of misfits to glourious victories, and last time I played even had three medics all healing me at once, earning achievements and weapons off of my minigunning. People end up switching from one team to the other just to play on my side.

It feels good to feel like I'm idolized, if only for a short time.

The moral here: If you're good at the game, you're guaranteed to make half the players unhappy and the other players happy. If you don't mind being a bit of a traitor, your team is being wiped out because the other team has some pro-skills player on it, and you're not enjoying the game, switch sides. At worst, you'll get autobalanced or someone will yell at you, but you'll be having more fun overall. A controversial opinion, I know, but it's what I used to do when I was new to the game.
>> No. 7195
What bums me out most is that I've owned the game for 2 years, but only a month or so ago got access to a computer that can run it. Then I go watch Meet the Medic; "oh TF2 is F2P now?" As I play I'm afraid that any moment someone's gonna start bitching at me about being a F2P noob while I'm really just a regular TF2 noob. So yeah, I don't care that I paid for the game, nor I care about the other new players, I just personally don't want to receive the hating that seems to be directed at free-to-players.

But so far no-one's said anything, I don't know if the servers are just full of scared noobs or people who actually don't give a shit if you're new or not. I hope it's a mix of both. But it's been really, really nice so far. :)
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