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File 13088885274.png - (285.19KB , 643x363 , nnn.png )
6432 No. 6432
Now that we've had a glimpse into Medic's life I'm wondering if he is all serious business except when Heavy is around or sciencing. Or if he is always this awesome! What do you guys think?
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>> No. 6442
To quote myself from the CJ:

6:46 - Perrydotto: So yeah, I don't even have to rewrite my headcanon all that much
06:47 - Perrydotto: He's still efficient German doktor
06:47 - Perrydotto: But he LOVES what he does.
06:47 - Perrydotto: He's not just "well it's my job"
06:47 - Perrydotto: Everyday healing must be tedious and boring for him.
06:47 - Perrydotto: And looking after all these idiots, pff
06:47 - Perrydotto: But the FUN stuff?
06:47 - Perrydotto: Killing people?
06:47 - Perrydotto: Ubers everywhere?
06:47 - Perrydotto: Experiments?
06:47 - Perrydotto: HE LOVES IT
06:48 - Perrydotto: So, in short, the actual DOCTOR stuff bores him to death. But the CRAZY stuff is awesome.
06:48 - Perrydotto: I understand why he lost his license
06:48 - Perrydotto: He got bored :U
>> No. 6443
Stupid captcha...lost my post.

I think this is him all the time. He's a guy who loves what he does, and what he does is science on people. He's got eight teammates who seem perfectly willing to line up and let him do Terrible Things to their squishy organs.

He keeps birds and names them. He laughs all the time. He does things for the sake of doing them, just to see what will happen. Heck, I'm not sure where the Strict-Medic characterization came from, now that I think about it. The heel-click and him being German, I suppose? Because really, this is also a guy who huffs him medi-gun and pretends his bonesaw is a violin. He sure seems like he's having a lot of fun.

Perry's post makes sense. Heck, I can't really see him doing much doctoring at all now. It's all just about seeing what happens to the human body if you do this. Or that. Whoops. Time to adapt.

*sigh* I do actually have to rewrite a bit of headcanon. And some fic. Darnit. In retrospect, this is all so obvious.
>> No. 6446
So what, Medic is now the Cave Johnson of TF2?
>> No. 6449
I'm just simply making a whole bunch of Medic OCs. I'd already had three, all definitely pseudo-cannon. One was totally crazy and spoke German all the time and did just... really stupid things. Like pocketing Snipers and bumrushing into battle, trying to use his Bonesaw as a Ninjastar.

The other was subtly crazy - took great pains to disguise what he was, and tried to be the team nag mother, but only because he CHOSE to be, and if you made him change his mind... unlucky for you.

The other was surprisingly close to canon. I basically fashioned him off this video game reviewer called Dr. Insano for kicks because of this one crack story, and he's constantly giggling in his lab and doing SCIENCE because... GODDAMN IT, HE'S A MAN OF SCIENCE, AND THAT'S WHAT SCIENCE IS FOR. The only thing was that he was not very sadistic. He did science things in a lab, and not inside of someone's chest cavities. Might change that to fit the fandom.

But I think it's fine to have more than one "canon" character considering Valve is being so nice to everyone and giving us tons of leeway. And it's not like we can expect all the characters to be the same, even IF they might be clones. Nature and nurture and all that.

So, yeah. Keep your old Medic, I say! Just give him a post-MtM buddy and let them science together, or even show conflicts of your old Medic and the new Medic and how they do things differently. The sky is the limit here!
>> No. 6452

Just saying, I wouldn't call Medic in the video "sadistic." Okay, so he does experiments in people's chest cavities, keeps human heads alive in a fridge, and creates unstoppable killing machines.

But he's doing all that in the name of science. It's all about seeing what will happen. The suffering of others is a side-affect, not an overall goal.
>> No. 6455
True, true. But... I don't know. My Medic never physically hurt anyone, and as I look back at him, he seems a little incapable of doing so. He does science, but it's fairly (okay, very) harmless, and most of the time, he does science against express orders, so he has to be secretive about it. I guess I could easily modify him to be the Meet the Medic Medic, but...

Is it weird that I'm having such a hard time making a really small change like this? IT FEELS FLAWED SOMEHOW.

I love the Meet the Medic Medic, but I feel unable to phase him into any of mine! I'm afraid to touch him! It's like... he's a heavenly Godsend, and if I screw him up, OH, there will be rage.
>> No. 6457
Just adding off my last comment, but I think I see the problem with me now. OVER-SATURATION OF AWESOME. It's two in the morning, and I've just been blown away by something so amazing, it's unreal, and I somehow need to integrate that into my existence. Maybe that's just something that won't happen in a few, sleep-depraved hours. Maybe my brain just needs time to settle and absorb it and make it mine, and that's all. I JUST HAVE A VERY TIRED, BLOWN AWAY BRAIN.

I hope that's what it is, because I will never love myself 4evr if I can't fit canon Medic in somehow. I just... love him too much. BUT HIS AWESOME INTIMIDATES ME.

Buh. Shutting up now before my rant becomes mind-numbing to anyone reading this. Sleep now, plotting later.
>> No. 6458
Oh, I think Medic is deadly serious about his science. He just LOVES it. And his interpretation of science is slightly... odd.

He seems that type of character that is completely innocent; he just loves his (interpretation of) science so damn much that he can't be bothered with inconsequential things such as wearing gloves while operating.
>> No. 6476
I thought Cave Johnson was the Saxton Hale of Portal 2.
>> No. 6485
It would be interesting to see what sort of woman canon Medic would marry now that it seems he's actually a pretty chill and happy guy (at least when it comes to science, from what we can see in the vid).
>> No. 6490
A sadistic nurse.
>> No. 6494
File 13089161172.jpg - (16.45KB , 584x411 , Catherine-01.jpg )

In my headcanon he would marry the humanversion of Catherine of Gregory Horror Show. She is nice and tries to help people, but she still has these urges to draw blood.
I ever thought on her if i had my Vita Saw in the hand.

They would be a stunning pair.
>> No. 6498
Anyone else notice there's no wedding ring on his finger?

So Demo's 'I'm shagging your wife' thing is either just him being an ass, or Medic doesn't wear his ring for whatever reason.

I don't know why, but I can picture him as the 'HONEY, I'm home!' kind of guy. And kids. He seems like he'd be good with kids.
>> No. 6501
I always thought Demo was too drunk to realize some random German woman wasn't automatically Medic's wife. Or it's one of those "your mom"-type insults and he's never actually met her, if she exists.
>> No. 6502
he left it in someones chest cavity
>> No. 6507
Personally, the "strict, constantly irritated" Medic personality came out of my own playing. Being under constant fire while trying to babysit a bunch of manchildren is incredibly stressful.

And don't get me started on Heavies. Good Lord, fatty, if your pocket Medic is screaming at you to pull back before you get turned into eleventy billion giblets, DO IT. Being healed does not automatically make you invincible.

(But on a good day, when I'm with a team that knows what they're doing? "KILL DESTROY DEATH MWAHAHAHA". And yes, I have evil-laughed over the mic as a Medic.)
>> No. 6523

Though I personally like to imagine that the Demoman was actually admiting to an affair with Heavy....
>> No. 6525
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So, we can all agree that Medic practices...Weird Science?
>> No. 6526
He probably took it off not to get it all bloody.
Also, did anyone else find funny that he took off his gloves to operate? Like he wanted to stay in close contact with exposed flesh. ;)
>> No. 6528
This is pretty much how I've always pictured him! I am so pleased, just hearing him being conversational and casual; it really made him come alive. All we had before this was the (small as he has no domination lines) ` of voice clips. I agree with others though, in that he be a little strict and angry when all these idiots around him fuck, seems natural to me. But most of the time, yea, he’s just fucking loving his job doing mad science!

Also as there are so many different characterizations of medic I’m not too picky on one being ‘right’, I like to see different versions, and OC's branched off that. If one is not quite to this canon I won’t rag on it if it’s well written.

My one medic, Jaeger, who I basically made an individualized version off stock medic (plus a big helping of hand kink and expanded OC history) pretty much IS the Medic in this video. He was known for connective / transplant surgery in Germany, and developed anti-rejection drugs (was convicted of war crimes as they got too extreme when he was given more freedom during the Reich, and fled to North America). He loves feeling around in peoples organs, laughing and grinning, and generally being a crazy, silver fox bastard who strives for scientific progress (at not very ethical costs, whatever, it’s progress!), and loves dominating on the battlefield. Not to mention vests, oh yes vests.

The vest also struck me because I’ve been head canoning that for almost 2 years now, I even wear a vest with my Medic cosplay, which looks EXACTLY like his, just its gray (I dress as BLU medic).

I’m really looking forward to more fics and art with Medic like his personality in the video cause it’s how I personally love him best. Eccentric and having a blast as a mad doctor.

It was so worth the wait. (And I am also excite for those in progress versions of the drafts).
>> No. 6557

I can't see Medic in a cold/unhappy marriage anymore (which is irritating, at least when I glance at pages and pages of as-yet-un-posted stuff).

But I can totally see him married to Makani's femMedic. Together they will science and she will get annoyed when he gets blood on his waistcoats because he knows how hard that is for her to clean out.
>> No. 6632
So I think, as many headcanons were obliterated gleefuly, how can you keep Meet the Medic and your own personal headcanon at the same time? It's actually very doable. The video is nestled in a very convenient pocket of time. If your Medic has a miserable background... As in 'Devil in a Blue Dress' for example... you can say that joining RED (or BLU, pick your poison) was actually really good for him, especially when you factor in his relationship with Heavy. If your Medic is miserable NOW, well, MtM was a flashback, and war is very hard on a person.

And there you are.
>> No. 6640
A have always loved the idea of an eccentric, good natured, but entirely insane Medic. I just never see much of that used.

And that music, I need it. I love how it starts off all "this guy is foreign and ae's also kinda nice to be around" before suddenly going to "but he's completely off his rocker and if asks if you're feeling alright you better as hell say yes, though that probably wont stop him from finding an excuse to cut into you."
>> No. 6668
I never took that line seriously, either. It's like a 'your mom' joke, I honestly can't see Medic being bothered with marriage.
>> No. 6669
Sorry, folks, he's married! To science!
>> No. 6677
File 130906425067.jpg - (76.48KB , 519x600 , 329.jpg )
My face when.

Captcha: Therftw problem. What problem, no problem.
>> No. 6678
to the first point, I actually can still see him in a cold marriage even if he's a maniacally gleeful mad scientist at work. It would actually be kinda sad if at home it's back cold and loveless. that said:

to your second point, I love the idea of newly minted canon Medic being with Makani's Lady Medic. *especially* with that student-seduces-professor backstory. Almost like she helps bring it out of him. "alright professor, you and I both know there's a mad-scientist buttoned up in there." sort of thing. And if she sleeps around? The Demoman? the Lady Spy? Whatever. He sleeps around too. With maniacal glee.

Also, this is hilarious.
>> No. 6695
I remember hearing Makani explain it as a consensual open marriage and that they're really good friends who eventually come back to each other, or something. (Because it's hot and because she likes the idea of not just devoting her art to slash/femslash/het). I love the ones where Magellan's Femspy and Makani's Femmedic team up to hit on him, or both Medics hit on Heavy.

I'm glad someone else finds my Demo headcanon hilarious.
>> No. 6720
Aaah yes. I've only seen the drawings, not her explanations, but that's pretty much exactly how I saw it - the characterizations and relationships come across really clearly in her drawings (what a pro).
oh and I also love Medic and the Mrs plus wtf!Heavy. those little sketches are so hilariously... plausible.
(that's because your Demoman headcanon *is* hilarious. And now I'm picturing how it could be with this particular Mrs.
"And I'm screwing your wife!"
mild surprise, "oh. Is zat so?"
Lady medic looks confused, "eh... no. No zat never happened.")

on an almost entirely unrelated note: The idea of LadyMedic + NewCanonMedic and their background actually inspired me to write a story that I'm pretty sure I can no longer classify as fanfiction because it's so heavily historical and is taking a stupid amount of research and probably won't even get to the 1950's let alone the canon of the game. Jeeze. But anyway, I'm grateful to Makani for creating the character and to you, >>6557 stranger, Hatgirl, for the idea of putting them together.
>> No. 6735
>LadyMedic + NewCanonMedic story

When it's done, you're posting it up somewhere so those interested can read it, right?

>> No. 6742
sure. I'll let you know.
>> No. 6796
Am I the only one not seeing glass in his spectacle frames? I mean, I swear those are for more than decoration, but even during the video I never caught a flash of light or reflection or anything.
>> No. 6798
Actually, one thing you can certainly say for the "Meet The' videos is the quality of the lighting (which can be a tricky and time-consuming process but you can see how it really has improved over the course of the other videos) - although to answer your question, they may have started out giving the geometry that makes up the lens a higher reflectivity to mimic glass but if you're dealing with multiple light sources the light reflecting of the lens glass may have become too distracting.
Also, with the 'Meet The' videos I'm pretty sure they're using the same models as in game just with better rigging, weights painting, facial blends shapes (and I suspect) UVs.
>> No. 6813
The "meet the" models are in the game, you just need to use console commands to use them.
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