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File 130925181540.jpg - (146.56KB , 800x401 , i-24QsRdr-L.jpg )
6793 No. 6793
For those who didn't see, today's Penny Arcade comic & newspost was about TF2's move to Free To Play.


Color me surprised on Tycho apparently 'hating' TF2, that felt a bit outta nowhere. I know characters and authors are separate entities but where'd Medic Cosplay Tycho come from, then? Whatever the reason, He Crazy. Heck, this whole comic and newspost feels silly.
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>> No. 6794
Tycho hates TF2 because Heavy keeps cleaning him out when they play poker.
>> No. 6795
File 130925447764.gif - (921.17KB , 240x240 , 1292102239519.gif )
That does seem kind of off-colour for my interpretation of him.
Oh well! It just means I like him a little less and that's honestly about it.

People who really enjoy TF2 have probably already embraced the micro-transactions, or gracefully ignored them. Either way, a game is a game, and no one is forcing you to buy extra product. I spent 20 dollars in the store because I thought Valve deserved a little more for giving me a game I've gotten over 150 hours of enjoyment from. Most games cost 60 new, and you're lucky if you can squeeze out 20 hours of play.
>> No. 6797
Tycho hates Heavy because he had to let him shag his redhaired wife.
>> No. 6799
So I read the rant you linked us to. And all I can think is, "What the hell did he just say?"

Seriously - it might be that I'm awake before noon or that I'm just stupid, but I literally had NO CLUE what this dude said other than the basic, "Bur, I'm a hipster and I don't like TF2 or plan to play it," and "Valve is are totally Nazis now, u gaiz, lol." That's all I got.
>> No. 6807

pretty much this.
I already disliked Tycho, but this 'F2P is the downfall of gaming oh woe' crap is ridiculous. Because it's totally 'ebul and communist' to allow people to play games for free and fund the game through micro-transaction. Totally. I mean you know, it's not like I couldn't play for a bit longer and get the same weapons and items to drop or trade for them.
Oh wait. I can. :\
>> No. 6808
problem is, some stuff is going to be acquired only from the mann co store.
For now it's hats, but now it seems they've added taunts to the store exclusive items.
And the crafting recipes for the new stuff is pretty expensive/time consuming
>> No. 6811
I know what you mean. I had to reread it a few times just to get what the hell he was talking about. In fact, it seems like he just read a blog post about it and didn't even bother to do any research on the topic.
>> No. 6812
File 130928228336.png - (77.44KB , 500x438 , tumblr_ljvadi1Yht1qaha6c.png )

Doh ho ho ho ho.
>> No. 6814
File 130928675833.jpg - (52.37KB , 580x463 , bald and piglike.jpg )

Tycho has always been incredibly opaque and verbose on those blog posts of his; I suppose his thinking is that it works as a counterweight to a punchy three picture comic. Sometimes he does have a decent point buried in the flab somewhere, this one is an example of one where he doesn't and he's simply wanking on for the sake of wanking on.

I'm disappointed he didn't specify why "TF2 is one of the few games I genuinely hate". It comes across as a sneer not backed up by anything, and it would be interesting to know why he feels that way when he can't stop jizzing all over LoL, the mother of all F2P-with-a-cash-shop games.
>> No. 6815
File 13092869831.jpg - (26.58KB , 400x400 , ABL-get-the-fuck-over-it.jpg )
I hate to sound harsh, but a few exclusive taunts and hats in the Mann Co. store does NOT justify the amount of bitching that it's earned. Especially considering that hats are around $12 at the very most, and go down from there as time goes on. Even still, it's not effecting the MECHANICS of the game or how you play it - it's just icing on the cake.

My lawd. I cannot wait for these next few weeks to end. The newbs will mature and become a lot more established in the game, and the constant bawwing from the nay-sayers will stop, too, and everything will become peace and zen and bunnies and sunshine and rainbows 4evr. Until the next huge update. But that'll be here around Valve time. So we'll be good for the next five years.
>> No. 6831
It's not much, but it's enough to let you know what direction things are headed. They didn't make a new taunt for the Solemn Vow, which is a Valve-created weapon that doesn't resemble a saw or a violin, and even faces the wrong way during the old taunt, but they somehow had time to make two new Medic taunts that are only available in exchange for money (I know one is all-class, but its name was based on the Medic, so I'm counting it).
>> No. 6834
Theyve always done that, though (meaning not giving new taunts). Some weapons don't even get taunts, like the poor Wrangler.
>> No. 6841
You mean we're actually paying attentino to Penny Arcade?
>> No. 6868
File 130938550554.jpg - (35.50KB , 115x153 , spylol.jpg )
Good point. Let's pay attention to an artist with far more talent:

>> No. 6870
Thanks now i have a new webcomic!
The last panel in the second threat let me just laugh really loud.
>> No. 6872
True that.

Is it just me, or is PA's art just getting worse?
>> No. 6874
http://fanboys-online.com/index.php?comic=292 How many whacks does it take to get a rand 3 sentry?
>> No. 6877
Jesus christ, yes. I'm not even a good artist, but to get worse over time simply baffles me. That's why I stopped reading it.
>> No. 6879
Dude, yes. I've loved F@nb0ys for months now, and I'm glad people on the site are now starting to pay attention to him! Don't know much about art, but his desire to improve and his facial expressions enchant me beyond belief.
>> No. 6903
File 130946550338.jpg - (182.47KB , 920x1358 , 20080605 (1).jpg )
And unlike most other videogame comics, they guy actually tries his best to change the poses, use other perspectives than directly from the side and so on. He doesn't want his comic to look stale and copy-pasty, and that's depressingly rare.
>> No. 6904
That is amazing!
>> No. 6905
File 130946841178.jpg - (317.72KB , 920x2999 , 20080512.jpg )

That's another unusual thing about FB: it's actually clever more than a couple of times every year, at the most.
>> No. 6906

Last one, I promise. It was too good not to share.
>> No. 6942
File 13095319339.jpg - (229.55KB , 825x550 , 134.jpg )
On the subject of webcomics...
This is Comedity. It's finished now but it's so delightfully nerdy.

>> No. 6943
Whoops take away that i on the end there.
>> No. 7260
File 131039220516.jpg - (145.40KB , 1280x720 , 2011-05-14_00003.jpg )
The laugh taunt I got through trading, like 2 refined metal. So I don't think anything is utterly exclusive. Plus trading is like an interesting side game. And if you just want free stuff, make friends and you can all swtich items between you.
>> No. 7292
So, while we're on the topic of TF2 related comics, has anyone read Cuanta Vida?
I've only heard that is some sort of alternate take on the TF2 cast, with some dramatic parts.

Pretty munch.
>> No. 7293

It's more TF2 in the style of a soap opera than anything else. Personally, I think Kytri's "Sin Parase" comic is much more interesting--there, the characters can just be themselves, instead of being shoehorned into the TF2 classes.

The pacing of the pages are very slow, and each page doesn't come out very regularly, so right now the plot's gotten to the point where I'm pretty much hoping it would end already.
>> No. 7308
Are we allowed to post about Cuanta Vida here? The last thread about it got wiped from the board (or maybe I'm just blind and not seeing it, in which case, my bad).
>> No. 7310
anyone know where I can find that hilarious engineer turkey comic
>> No. 7330
File 13105164028.jpg - (247.75KB , 920x748 , 20110704.jpg )
You mean this one?
It was on the minis section.
>> No. 7331
I tried to, I really did.
It's basically this:
New Spy for BLU
Romantic tension with Scout
Scout "lol fags are gay"
(overused) Drama ensues

And the art and story gets progressively worse as this all happens. I honestly wouldnt waste your time with it, if I was you.
>> No. 7336

That Engineer... He looks so delighted to be that turkey. I love it.
>> No. 7351
I tried to give it a chance but it's not that good to be honest. The art is rather mediocre and it reads like a bad, generic ya.oi mango/soap opera using the TF2 characters' faces. The fandom is pretty obnoxious a lot of the time too.
>> No. 7356

A long, long time ago, before I'd ever actually played TF2, I took a look at that one before eventually giving up in sheer boredom. The only noteworthy thing about it is that it's long, and the artist hasn't stopped doing it yet.
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