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  • Blotter updated: 2013-05-24 Show/Hide Show All

File 130933329299.jpg - (105.54KB , 500x359 , demo_medic.jpg )
6849 No. 6849
You and I, on Badwater
Building charge with, my Medigun
Watch our teammates rush the bomb
'Till one by one, they were gone

Back at base, enemy medic
Shouts the words, “I am charged”
Demoman runs out the door
His new set makes him a moor

Medic and Demoman
Kritzkreig and Caber in hand
Panic bells, RED team's here
And they're nearly at uber

A BLU Sentry springs to life
Opens up with eager guns
Destroyed by six stickies
From Medic and Demoman

Announcer yells, and she screams
Says “BLU Team, get on your feet”
To hurry, hurry, pushing cartie
Call Soldiers out in a hurry!

This is what he's waited for
“This is it Doc, this is war”
The Kritzkrieg is online
As Demoman spams and swords

Now I am fully charged
Out we run through the doors
Ubercharge makes me a hero
Kritzkrieg can't help the sticks

Scouts are runing, gun them down
Minigun, Shotgun, Gloves
Dying, lying, dead in droves
Snipers, Soldiers and Pyros

Eight seconds passed, I see him come
To late to save, too late to warn
It's all over, and we've been stabbed
By the gibs that were a spy!

I wait to spawn and see you there
Just for me you're waiting here
We stand by and I begin
To build charge up all over again
>> No. 6850
99 RED Balloons?
>> No. 6852
I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, good name. Thanks
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