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File 130946362776.gif - (492.59KB , 500x278 , Medic.gif )
6901 No. 6901
Guys, I need a bit of help with this. There are two Polish translations for Meet the Medic (other Meet the videos have really good fan subtitles, but this one has minor problems), and I want to make another one which would be accurate, won’t sound stiff and wasn’t CC. I’ve done this stuff before for Transformers Animated and even helped with the official transaction for TV, but I’ve lost contact with the guy who was adding subs to the fan versions of these episodes.

I'll write down both versions, so it'll be easier to see what goes where.

So if you could do it or know someone else who can add subs, that’d be awesome.
>> No. 6902
*translation derp

But yeah, that'd be great.
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