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File 130955677738.jpg - (321.71KB , 1280x1024 , Team_Fortress__Red_vs_Blu_by_Radar2004.jpg )
6972 No. 6972
I really don't feel like this deserves it's own thread, but I don't want to barge in and try to start a discussion in other threads, either.

That being said, I am intensely curious - I have found a vast number of people who prefer RED over BLU, to the point of never playing / roleplaying / drawing a BLU character. I find this strange, since they are essentially clones.

Of course, if they are simply clones, perhaps people seem to prefer RED because RED feels more "canon" - all the Meet The videos depict the red team, most everything official has been for the red team, etcetera.

Personally, I like playing BLU on maps because it feels more challenging, and I like them for aesthetics also (because I am a sadist and blood stands out against blue). I do prefer RED bases, though, because the rustic feel is more homely and less cold / sterile.

I'm genuinely curious! I'd like everyone who has an opinion to post it, whether it seems inane or even overly complicated.
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>> No. 6973
blu always lose in the trailers
blu team represented mac-users

i don't see why people wouldn't like reds more.
>> No. 6975
I prefer BLU simply because they ARE Mac-users.
>> No. 6976
Im loyal to the BLU Team. (though Ill still play RED if I get switched for balence, Im not a prick)

They've always seemed like the underdogs to me, like the RED team just gives them such a hard time. And, thinking back on it, the RED Team canon characters seem like dicks.
And then there's the company names;
Reliable Excavation Demolition and Builders League United. If given a choice, based on names alone, Id go with BLU.

I also prefer the way the BLU bases look. Sure, RED is homey, but I always feel uneasy in there. The colors are so harsh and the wood looks like it could snap. BLU bases seem a lot more safe and sound.

And BLU uniforms look nicer.
>> No. 6977
I tend to choose my team based on which class I feel like playing, for example I play RED when I'm Pyro, Medic or Soldier, and BLU when Engineer, Sniper or Scout.

I also like the RED bases more, they feel more homey and authentic as if they've seen a fair bit of action in the past.
>> No. 6983
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RED because I like warm colors over cool colors.

And red is my favorite color. So, yeah.
>> No. 6985
I'm a BLU loyalist, really- unless I'm on a team that's really winning, in which case I'll switch over. I have no idea why, but I can't stand warm colors, especially orange or red unless they're minimal.

I just feel more comfortable around cool colors- and I think a good number of the characters look better in blue anyway.

Also what they said building-wise.
>> No. 6986
I like RED for the appearance of their structures, but otherwise I don't really have a 'loyalty' to either company.

However, when it comes to Attack/Defend maps, I generally prefer BLU.
>> No. 6987
I rather play on Blu because I hate defending, fuck that. On the other hand, blue is one of my least favorite colors so if I did draw fanart they'd all be Red probably.
>> No. 6989
"RED" is a word.
"BLU" is not.
End discussion.

However, my preferences aside, I do admit that, in my opinion, the Engineer, Sniper, Spy, and Scout somehow "fit" the BLU colors better than RED... why, I have no clue, but they just look more suitable in those colors.
>> No. 6990
I prefer BLU, too. The major reason, though, is Stupid Muscle Memory. Back when I first started playing the game, pretty every other game I was playing color coded allied units and/or life bars with blue and enemies with red. Being on the RED team was massively confusing.

Later, as I got more familiar with the game, I began to favor the Payload and Attack/Defend types of maps, in which BLU gets to be a lot more aggressive.

Nowadays, I'll still go into BLU team first if it isn't full, though of course I don't mind being a RED when I get switched.
>> No. 6991
BLU team is always my default. Blue is my favorite color and that's honestly the only reason behind it. I like the blue color scheme and 60s industrial complex design aesthetics.

Also I've played BLU so much that when I have to play RED I get screwed up and shoot at the wrong people, since I'm always used to shooting at the red guys. OOPS.
>> No. 6993
I like the color blue more than red so I'm usually on BLU. Also, when I played TFC, one of the servers I played on a lot was players vs bots (and it was super hard, like 20 bots vs 7 humans). The players were always blue.
>> No. 6994
A number of reasons for me.

Red are defenders usually, somethin us Scots are kinda known for, and since they defend, that means they were there first and have the true claim to the land as they fend of invaders.

Here in Scotland, there are two big football teams. Glasgow Rangers and Glasgow Celtic. Bein a Celtic man, I have to fight blu, as its the same colour as rangers.

Red is just an all round more pleasing colour, and defending requires more of the classes I'm best at (Demo, engi, spy)

Defending is more based on survival and stamina, once again things I excel at, taking blow after blow and still standing in the end.
>> No. 7004
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>picking a team because its your favourite
>only playin attack OR defence ever
>not chosing random/the team with less players

i seriously hope you dont do this
>> No. 7012
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Aesthetically, I prefer RED, but ingame I honestly don't care. I play what comes up.

... Soldier's helmet looks silly in BLU, though. A blue helmet? Why not a grey one? RED Soldier got the brown helmet down just fine.
>> No. 7013
Personally I'm a staunch BLU, being a combination of rooting for the underdogs and just thinking people look better in blue. I mean, I won't back out of a server if the only option is to play RED, and I do like playing defence, but BLU is my default. Also I prefer their logo. To the extent that I knitted a full-size blanket with it on. Yeeeeah.
>> No. 7015
Well, usually I hit random, but if I had to pick, it would be red. What usually effects my decision is if my friends are on one team or another.
>> No. 7016
Blue because the Spy looks cooler in blue, I'm guessing Valve agrees considering how Meet the Spy turned out...
>> No. 7018

Outside of the game, at least. Inside, I'll generally pick BLU if I can but honestly as long as I can shoot people in the face idgaf.
>> No. 7019
I like BLU because blue is my favorite color out of the two, and I prefer the whole "sterile" look as apposed to the "homey" feel (which I think basically just looks rusty and unsafe, to be honest.) Also, I'm just not a fan of warm colors EVERYWHERE.

I don't think I like attacking or defending better. I usually go Medic of offense and Engie for defense. But sometimes when I go to a server, I'll spectate for a bit to see which team has the least amount of points, then join them. I mean, it's not like I can do any MORE damage, right? ....... Right?
>> No. 7021
It's a weird story how I picked my preferred team.
My final year of University, I was in a Seminar in Drama Production, where we all had to pick a play, cast it, direct, and produce it. There were 11 directors, and each play was about fifteen minutes long, so there was no feasible way to have us all perform on the same night. So we were split into two teams.
At first, they were team A, and Team B. But then our schedules kept shifting around so Team B ended up going first, and it was confusing.
So we called each other Team Blue, and Team Red, instead.

Guess who was on Team Red?

Felt it was a sign, especially because I liked playing Sniper the most, at the time, but I was only ever good at playing him on defend. So it worked well for me.

So yeah. Red.
>> No. 7023
I am a red outside of the game. Because usually i hit the door with the big sign "RANDOM" ingame. The most TF2 players i meet said they like Blu better from the look of the uniforms, so i sticked with the unloved red ones. And everytime i dreamed of beeing a class in TF2, i´m on the red team mostly which are the best dreams, because it becomes than a other kind of action. Make love not war.
If i dream of beeing a blue, it mostly goes fight for you life or die a unhonorable death dream.
To the point of making characters in RPG´s...
I have a Bugfortress little charactergroup made up. Most of the Red´s are nice, while the Blue characters have from nice to downhill crazy everything in there. I love both their dynamic, but tend to love my Bluecharacters almost more than my Red ones.
>> No. 7028
and yeah, that even goes for cosplay. i chose blu for team balance
>> No. 7029
It's half and half for me. I prefer the BLU uniform on Medic but RED is my favourite team overall. I also have more BLU characters than RED but that's down to a Scout family and autobalance.
>> No. 7030
I'm not loyal to either side. I like the BLU uniforms better as I like the cooler colors (and BLU Spies and Snipers are harder to see in the dark corners), but I like the RED bases better. I don't know why, but they give me this warm and fuzzy feeling.
>> No. 7031
In game I prefer RED. Although I'm not fond of farm like places, I like it more than the look of BLU. Aesthetically I also like red on more classes. Defense is also a preference, it just feels "easier" I guess. Because I'm defensively minded. Even when I do go on offense, I'm more in the game of making sure we aren't flanked while we make a big push. Because one surprise anything means we've been stopped dead.
>> No. 7041
I prefer blu because it's easier to get on the bed w/o an engineer
>> No. 7097
I prefer RED, as I've accidentally conditioned myself to shoot at The Blue Guys- more than once I've panicked and tried to slaughter my own team when I get autobalanced to BLU...I do prefer the aesthetics of BLU, but I'm more defensively minded in the long shot!
>> No. 7125
Personally, in-game, it doesn't matter a whole lot to me. I default to RED usually because it's sort of a thing with me and the friends I play with, we always stack on RED when we're on pubs and setting up to play vs. bots. I like both attacking and defending, and if it's a big game I'm going into alone, I'll hit the random team button.
Otherwise, I think the RED uniforms look, generally, waay better. A little unusual for me as I tend to like cooler colors, but I think they look a little more .. rugged, in red uniforms. Blue ones just don't seem as fitting to most of the characters to me. I like the architecture for both teams equally.
I don't understand the personality stuff, much, though. I can't help but see both teams as with the exact same basic personalities, since they haven't really been portrayed differently. Different friends and life situations, sure. We see RED beating BLU up in the Meet the Class videos, but we don't really see much of BLU in general in those. So I don't feel like I can pass judgement on BLU personalities.
Also I don't like Macs.
>> No. 7191
When it comes down to it, I have no hard-and-fast preference on the whole between Red and Blu, but I do have a preference on a character-by-character basis.

With Scouts, I don't care one way or the other. I prefer Red for both Heavy and Medic, Blu for Engie and Pyro, Red for Demoman, Blu for Soldier (that's where comic canon influences my preferences the most), and Red Sniper and Blu Spy (those two it's purely an aesthetic choice-- I think Sniper looks better in red, I think Spy looks better in blue, and it has naught to do with canon).

I suppose I like Blu Heavy and Medic well enough, if not as much as I like them Red, and aesthetically I like Red Pyro just as much as Blu, but if I have my druthers, Heavy and Medic I like Red, and Pyro I like Blu (but that's mostly because I prefer Blu Engie, and I like to see them working together-- unless I'm playing as a Spy...)
>> No. 7193
I don't know why, but I prefer BLU. Maybe I've had my greatest wins or pwns while being a BLU, but RED just doesn't feel that good. I'm kind of surprised myself that I can't really find a proper reason, I guess it goes by mood. BLU automatically clicks to me as my own team, if I'm RED I have trouble 'cause I mix who are my enemies and who aren't. :D I think I also prefer the BLU style of decorating, their bases are so clinic and modern, I love it!

I second favoring payload maps, one reason I like BLU I guess.

If RED is lacking players I'll go there. Usually I auto-assign to whichever team, I'm not really a crazy picky fanatic about it.
>> No. 7223
I'm not picky a about which side I play, but I'll pick the RED team if its on offer. I prefer to be a Defender, so Red is the default choice for me on Payload, Attack & Defend and Control Points.

The Only time I really need to be on one team or the other is Sawmill, where I always play RED. No idea why.

Plus, I like the majority of the classes in RED, they just seem to fit better for me. Except for the Spy, he just looks silly with a red balaclava.
>> No. 7233
I agree. I've never liked the rust-red suit, partially because I've never seen an irl one that could be used to cosplay. I prefer the original black one with the armband. The red balaclava can stay as long as it's colored like it was in Meet The Director.
>> No. 7248
BLU because the only thing I hate more than attacking with an uncooperative team is defending with an uncooperative team.
>> No. 7251
I'm the only one my group of friends (to the best of my knowledge) that prefers BLU. Honestly, it's more of a thing that I prefer cool colour schemes than anything else, but I will admit that I have a soft spot for the underdogs. Plus, alright, I'll admit - a LOT of the uniforms look better in Blu(e).

I'm also enough of a hipster to say that they were always my preferred team, even before they began representing Macs. Do I get cool kid shades for this? : ]
>> No. 7252
This exactly
Im always stuck fighting against my friends, its kinda sad.
>> No. 7282
I love killing my friends.
>> No. 7312
I play RED when it is available.

Mostly this is because during the Waar!!! Update I chose the Demoman side, and inthe comics it was a RED Demo vs a BLU Soldier. So I've I've tried to stay on the RED team ever since.

Also I like Rocking my Red Elvis Hair + Specially Described Iron Kurtain on Red Team.
>> No. 7324
It varies from personal playstyle and the characters themselves.
I like playing as a Red, but I like the characters on Blu better.
Most of their uniforms look nicer in Blu, and we've got more "canon" characters on that side, sorta.
(Scout's included because of his Ma.)
>> No. 7357
Actually, that's not very accurate, I don't think.

If we only go by characters we've seen or heard of off the battlefield (including mentions of their past, them interacting outside of facilities of their companies, or them having outside family), the list for "original" mercenaries goes something like this, I think:

RED: Sniper, Heavy, Medic, Spy, and Demoman.
BLU: Scout, Soldier, Engineer.

Pyro is, of course, a mystery.

Any thoughts on this?
>> No. 7364
I mentally have these cannon:
BLU - soldier, scout, engineer, one spy, a pyro
RED - Demo, another pyro, the other spy (from different parts of France or something)

Then I put Heavy and Medic in RED, Sniper in either, and the rest are different people. I don't imagine what different people cause I'm too lazy. A few are women, maybe BLU Medic is Italian, I dunno. I don't like the clone idea, it's....creepy.
>> No. 7365
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I find the clone idea creepy too, but I always thought it went by these old backgrounds from the game...

So Blu is: Sniper, Soldier, Scout, and Engineer
and Red is: Spy, Demoman, Pyro, Heavy, Medic
>> No. 7382
This is how I see their "canon" colors (that is, if there were only nine of them, and there weren't copies on each side) - granted, this is largely based on my personal opinion of which colors look best on which classes...

Red is Pyro, Medic, Heavy and Demo. Blue is Engineer, Soldier, Scout and Sniper.
Spy is... well, Spy is Spy.
>> No. 7403
I have absolutely no preference when it comes to RED/BLU. When I'm doing fanart, I generally choose the team colours based on what I think will be more aesthetically pleasing.
>> No. 7408
Yeah, I have this too.
Red: Sniper, Soldier, Medic, Scout, Pyro
Blue: Spy, Engineer, Heavy
Either: Demoman

Overall, I prefer RED (doesn't stand out as much while also giving more of a passionate impression) but I just can't stand RED Spy, Heavy or Engie for some reason.

Despite the above headcanon colours, this is what I do as well, on the rare occasion that I actually do draw.
>> No. 8208
I prefer BLU mostly because everyone seems to be RED. However, when joining a server I don't pick based on color, I pick based on which team needs another player to balance it out. I also know that I'll be able to play on both, as the teams generally switch back and forth.
>> No. 8210
I would like to see an attack/defend map with BLU defending and RED attacking. Of course this map should have industrial setting with cooler colors.
>> No. 8211
Don't have a preference, I do fanart based on class color personality differences.
Like, I always feel RED Spy is more of a prick than BLU Spy, BLU Solly is more serious than RED Solly, BLU Medic is nuttier than RED Medic...but this all is just headcanon, honestly.
>> No. 8230
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I like Blu team because they're essentially the underdogs in the game, having to surpass constant enemy turmoil in a vain effort to secure control points for the builders league or dump a payload into a bottomless pit

Blue was also one of my favorite colors as a child. There are however a few aesthetics that I like Red team for such as the variation of Bonk! Atomic Punch and the Sentry Turrets
>> No. 8291
I like RED because the homey wooden base makes me think of Buzz VS Woody and I always pick woody.
I honestly think the blu uniforms look better in general. But Pyro, Medic and Scout all seem to be inherently RED. Red is a vibrant loud color and if that isn't Scout then nothing is. Medic = red cross, and red is generally the fire color. Engie has BLU as he actually builds stuff, and Snipes has that serious attitude BLU seems to have.
>> No. 8292
I pick BLU for 2 reasons, I prefer attacking over defending, and I think my Pink as Hell Heavy Duty Rag looks better on BLU Heavy.
>> No. 8294
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I usually pick RED 'cause of the Meet the Class videos. Although if it's a certain map, I'll pick a team with the less visible color (i.e. Sawmill I pick BLU 'cause red stands out more).
>> No. 8295

Oh yeh, pic related 'cause I play SNOIPAH and I need to be able to see my enemies, depending on the map.
>> No. 8311
I prefer neither in-game. I always random my team unless I'm trying to do something specific.

Out of the game, I tend to pick RED first, but I think that's simply because I prefer warm colors over cold. (Orange is my favorite). Though, I do have one TF2 related name I use; BLU Heavy in a certain game.
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