No. 7125
Personally, in-game, it doesn't matter a whole lot to me. I default to RED usually because it's sort of a thing with me and the friends I play with, we always stack on RED when we're on pubs and setting up to play vs. bots. I like both attacking and defending, and if it's a big game I'm going into alone, I'll hit the random team button.
Otherwise, I think the RED uniforms look, generally, waay better. A little unusual for me as I tend to like cooler colors, but I think they look a little more .. rugged, in red uniforms. Blue ones just don't seem as fitting to most of the characters to me. I like the architecture for both teams equally.
I don't understand the personality stuff, much, though. I can't help but see both teams as with the exact same basic personalities, since they haven't really been portrayed differently. Different friends and life situations, sure. We see RED beating BLU up in the Meet the Class videos, but we don't really see much of BLU in general in those. So I don't feel like I can pass judgement on BLU personalities.
Also I don't like Macs.