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File 131067332736.jpg - (429.17KB , 1000x1000 , 128149600884.jpg )
7387 No. 7387
I liked that discussion awhile back about how each class has a unique set of teeth, can we have something like that again?

Valve really puts a lot of effort into tiny things people might not even notice, like how cold air escapes the fridge in Meet The Medic, or Scout's fourth wall-breaking finger smudge in Meet The Scout. I love them for that.
Expand all images
>> No. 7388
Are there anymore images like that? I absolutely love this sort of thing.
>> No. 7389
>each class has a unique set of teeth
Is there a picture or a scheme of the their set of teeth? I'm really courious about it now.
>> No. 7390
File 131067623888.jpg - (591.93KB , 5500x1040 , 129090420571.jpg )
from the resources board!
>> No. 7391
>> No. 7392
This is glorious. Oh Valve, why you so amazing.
>> No. 7398
>Scout's teeth are stained red/orange
>Thats a sign of a soda-drinker
>> No. 7399

>Medic least manly jaw.
>> No. 7400
Does Sniper have a cavity on his two lower teeth or do you think that's a little hole?
>> No. 7402
I also remember it being mentioned that the Sniper also has a bruise on his thumb from catching it on the reload mechanism of his rifle so many times, and that he has a very subtle hat-tan (he's darker on the lower half of his face) as well as an underbite.

...yeah, I stare at the Sniper's face a lot, so what?
>> No. 7405
more like someone hasn't been brushing his teeth properly, lol.
>> No. 7407
Nope, even if you brush on a regular basis (Im talking 2 times a day, not after every fuckin meal like a weirdo) you'll still get staining if all you drink is tea, coffee, or soda. The only way to fix it is tooth whitening.
>> No. 7411
I can't figure out whether it's shading or nicotine stains on Spy's teeth. I do know there's a mark where he keeps his cigarette in his mouth.
>> No. 7412
I remember these images! I adore Valve's little details.


It's just a texture error they never bothered fixing.
>> No. 7417
Medic and Heavy have the nicest teeth IMO. Makes sense.
>> No. 7422
My friend and I tend to discuss video game characters that we'd date if they were real while we play the games. We're both convinced that Sniper with his hat tan and stubble and hat are adorable.
However, I didn't notice the bruise on his thumb until you mentioned it. I went back and went through the video just to find it and there it was!

Heavy's teeth are... unusual to me. I counted and it turns out he has far too many teeth for an adult male. I'm not saying one or two extra, but I believe (this was a few months back when I counted) he has an extra five.
>> No. 7423

Seeings how HUGE he is, I'm sure the size of his mouth can hold 5 extra teeth.
>> No. 7427
They are for the eating of many delicious sandviches quickly so tiny babyman Scout does not steal them.
>> No. 7439
>>7422 I count the right number, but it looks to me like his molars and wisdom teeth are wider than the rest of his teeth, so it looks like he has too many.
>> No. 7448
The occasional whirring noise and mechanical spasms you see on the Gunslinger and the way Engie shakes his hand out after going to town on the Wrangler.
Little details like that is what make me love Valve and playing the game.

Also, the way Spy twirls the Your Eternal Reward.
The few times I ever go Spy, I never tire seeing him twirl that dagger around like a boss.
>> No. 7462
Where's that image from? I've seen it lots of time, but I don't recall hearing the source (and also are there more images with design tidbits like that?)

What heavy skin is that?
>> No. 7485
Heavy's family has a dedicated bloodline of large/many toothed men for the sole purpose of eating sandwiches quickly.

Oh, that makes sense.
I also wouldn't be surprised if he had too many wisdom teeth, as I've heard that some people have two on each end of each jaw, totaling in eight wisdom teeth, from my oral surgeon. Interesting fellow.
>> No. 7498
File 131084237631.png - (783.20KB , 1000x625 , Engineer_Update_Upward.png )
I am always taken aback by how good the Valve maps invariably look, in fact I think my favourite part of new updates is exploring the new maps and drinking in all the detail, something you usually miss when you're busy smearing other players all over them.

I was particular recently I was blown away by how good looking- and well balanced- a map Upward is. It takes the bog standard desert palette and does something completely different with it. It looks like something Dr. Seuss would have come up with if he'd ever had access to Hammer.

With all the endless whining about how Valve have destroyed the style of TF2 with their endless additions, I think it passes people by they still throw a lot of effort into moulding the atmosphere into imaginative shapes whilst keeping it consistent in the actual environments.
>> No. 7505
I had extra wisdom teeth! Two extra ones, before I got them taken out back in February. If one didn't get theirs removed, their mouth would look absolutely packed.
>> No. 7510
File 131086849310.jpg - (62.04KB , 638x360 , Updates.jpg )
See that? Metal arm blueprint. So I'm guessing this is old news, but this is pretty much a tip of the hat to the fans of Vavle and that's Engie's arm might be fake?
>> No. 7511
Its called The Wrangler, little f2player.
>> No. 7512

Don't you mean the Gunslinger?
>> No. 7513
Well, shit. I always get those two names confused.
>> No. 7514
I did too for the longest time
>> No. 7516
The Overdose is held together with duct tape. I laughed realizing that.
>> No. 7517
Don't laugh - duct tape is serious shit, man.
>> No. 7519
I know. Tt's just envisioning Medic, who I see as more knowledgable about the human body than machinery (and vice versa with Engie) all "Ehh, should I replace the torn tubing? Nah. Duct tape."
>> No. 7915
any more images like these? i love paying attention to detail. :c
>> No. 7918
Does anyone know the word (if there is one), for people like Scout (as well as myself, actually) whose front two teeth are the biggest, and then they get smaller? Like, almost bucktooth, but not really.
>> No. 7924
I thought that was what we called buckteeth.
Oh and Scout has a bit of an overbite.
Kinda makes me giggle at the mental image of Medic and Engie trying to persuade Scout to wear those huge headgear braces.
>> No. 7928
File 131188716569.jpg - (172.56KB , 1500x651 , Heightchart.jpg )
Official height chart.
>> No. 7929
File 131188735520.png - (202.95KB , 600x580 , 32dde8cb65dbeb930df524ae0a0cb87e.png )
I'm going to post this comic in here because of the teeth chart.
>> No. 7930
File 131188738994.png - (553.98KB , 600x1787 , fb81af505b5050e68704f05cdd7bb6d6.png )
>> No. 7931
File 131188741099.png - (652.53KB , 600x1883 , 73db4d4198fc5abb32c3fc0aad74b31f.png )
>> No. 7932
File 131188745675.png - (574.26KB , 600x1972 , 7adcb0e4ea1d94204c20a9e25e4ae210.png )

Sniper, go to the dentist for crying out load.
>> No. 7936

.... I have teeth like that.
>> No. 7937
I know this is weeaboo as fuck, but /r/ fang-tan Sniper.
>> No. 7940
File 131190406419.jpg - (221.12KB , 1500x651 , Heightchart2.jpg )
Since somebody posted the height chart, I'll use that as my excuse to post this. There's no way to figure out their actual heights of course, but you can figure out their relative heights, so I measured the pixels, broke out my calculator and based all this on the arbitrary assumption that Sniper is 6'1". Read those numbers above their heads. If Sniper is really 73 inches, (6'1",) that would make Engie 5'6" and Heavy 6'4".
>> No. 7941

Rabbit teeth, fangs everywhere, both an overbite and an underbite at the same time somehow, etc. - Sniper is a wonderful example of the Commonwealth's finest early 20th century dentistry.
>> No. 7943
i have this visual chart saved already, but the relative pixel-inch height was very helpful. this also means i'm taller than engie and roughly pyro's height.
>> No. 7949
Aw, Sniper's teeth aren't so bad! She said, revealing perhaps quite a bit about the state of her own teeth. Provided they're healthy, being a bit crooked's fine... and fangs are awesome!

I love the pixel height chart, too, thanks.
Hmm... Engie's a couple-few inches taller than me going by that, not by much...
>> No. 7956
Me too. Damned if I'm getting what is essentially cosmetic surgery because they're a bit wonky. My fangs are awesome.

This is actually quite interesting and useful, thanks! And hey, if this is true, Engie is only three inches taller than me! Result!
...I still feel tiny. Blast.
>> No. 8007
Ah poo, Engie's still taller than me, which means everyone else is practically looming over me.
>> No. 8026
that's what I thought. if the only ones i'm taller than are engie/pyro (and just barely pyro), the other seven would be looming over me.
oddly enough, though, they're all close in height. all within an inch or two of the next.
>> No. 8027
Interesting, when my friends did TF2 costumes for A-kon, our heights were pretty damn similar to our classes.
>> No. 8033
here's an interesting detail I found:
an anagram for "Saxton Hale" is "Hot Anal Sex".........
>> No. 8040
File 13122242338.png - (48.65KB , 187x188 , 130529556312.png )
>> No. 8043
Yeah, I think a lot of us figured that out back during the Mann-Conomy update: http://www.teamfortress.com/mannconomy/

>"...2) the perverts at AnagramYourName.com should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES, and I have seen to it that they won't be bothering anyone in the future..."
>> No. 8054
What is the quickest way to fix something? Use duct tape!
>> No. 8060
Something that's always pssed me off is that the Sniper's bullets in his pocket are larger than the gun barrel.
>> No. 8061
File 131231808938.png - (89.62KB , 243x340 , tumblr_lfx6gnhPSN1qfor38.png )
It's the Overdose, though, not the Quick-Fix...but that'd make sense.

>> No. 8085
File 131238959913.png - (81.37KB , 271x288 , tumblr_lpbr3dmRo31qcnfw2.png )
What kind of threw me off when watching "Meet the Medic" was that ribs can't grow back but a handicapped Demoman can become fully functional again. Explain?
>> No. 8086
maybe he meant on their own without medigun?
>> No. 8087
On this note: why didn't Demo's eye grow back? Scout's tooth sure did. I'm positive Valve planned this, but I may just be parroting old news.
>> No. 8088
Maybe it did. He just doesn't know it because the eyepatch doesn't let him see out of it anyway.
>> No. 8089
Or it's long since gone, the Medigun can only replicate what was recently lost.
>> No. 8091
Yeah I figure the wound had already fully healed a long time ago.
>> No. 8122
I just noticed this, but where's Demoman?
>> No. 8135
Demoman's collar is very high and blocks one's view of his chin from the side.
>> No. 8141

Here you go.
>> No. 8142
Oops, meant to link to http://tf2chan.net/workshop/res/22.html#i377
>> No. 10452
I love this, but somehow, I felt that Sniper and especially Heavy would be taller? Is that weird? I totally acknowledge that in my brain, I tend to exaggerate differences in height, though, and that these supposed heights are totally logical.
>> No. 10454
File 132260775159.jpg - (234.58KB , 1500x651 , Heightchart ruler.jpg )
>Scout's fourth wall-breaking finger smudge
Omg I didn't even notice that! Oh Valve, you're full of surprises.

On the topic of heights, there's also this chart I found on the chan from long ago, and according to this one, Engie is 5'7" and Heavy is 6'5".
>> No. 10455
File 132260814246.jpg - (264.41KB , 1920x1080 , 131560962494.jpg )
Facial Structure references from Resources.
>> No. 10456
File 132260872848.jpg - (123.66KB , 1600x922 , 126765686787.jpg )
I for one like Sniper's camper, and here are the little details I've found:

>the door in the back has a keypad lock
>one of the lights in the rear is busted (possible ticket?)
Also, it doesn't show in the pictures, but the top of the van has the tf2 symbol on it.
>> No. 10457
File 132260944493.jpg - (132.11KB , 1600x922 , 126765689343.jpg )
to continue:

>the ammobox on the dashboard reads 'Slugz'
>there's a little bullseye target on the steering wheel
>the sign on the windshield says 'Tax in Post'

I just love that apricot air freshener, since it's one of Valve's many subtle jokes:
>The word "apricot" is sniper terminology for the medulla oblongata, a "sweet spot" snipers aim for where the brain and brain stem meet.
Source is from here: http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=2974

But what I found most intriguing is the broken driver's-seat mirror. I'm pretty sure that's a ticket right there, if not in fact illegal.
>> No. 10458
(Won't let me embed for some reason, so here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkE7LgdlA68 )

Of course, there are variations of the Thriller Taunt for each class...

Plus, anyone noticed that when they headshot or use the Eyelander taunt on a class, they each play their own animations? I laugh every time Engie does that little pirouette.
>> No. 10460
I love the Tax in Post sign, but the only detail I can see in that picture now that I've noticed it is that ashtray. Why did I never notice that Sniper has an ashtray in his van?!
>> No. 10461
File 132261974152.png - (307.24KB , 802x563 , THEYALLSMOKE.png )
>> No. 10463
this is the 60s, folks. smoking was good for you back then
>> No. 10483
what's with you and the 60's?
>> No. 10484
I'd be sad if you were into TF2 and weren't at least a little bit interested in the 1960s!
>> No. 10505
Is there any way we can get more shots of the camper? Like both sides head on, the top, the passenger side, etc.

I won't lie. I'm trying to plan out the inside of the campervan. I've found plans online and everything.
>> No. 10529
I think the fact that Demoman can drink and smoke around a live bomb in Meet The Demoman and not kill himself just shows how badass he is.
>> No. 10533

I have to admit, the fact that the grenade he bumped started beeping has, and always will, scare me a wee bit.
>> No. 10537
File 132283586349.jpg - (91.90KB , 300x300 , 1316241759936.jpg )
I think quality has gone down ALOT lately.

The new taunts you can buy are so poorly animated, and the Merc's don't even move their mouths.

>> No. 10545
what do you mean what is it with me and the 60's?
>> No. 10547
But... but they do move their mouths...
>> No. 10549
File 132286650438.jpg - (9.39KB , 200x196 , 131059155083.jpg )
Yeah, what ARE you talking about? Pics or it didn't happen.
>> No. 10554
File 132289473334.jpg - (87.13KB , 800x567 , pinknpurplemothgetsallthebitxhes.jpg )
I agree that this is definetly a finely crafted game. But since it's realse I think there's been some oversights that could be repaired pretty easy.
He calls it the Stock Items Update.

I saw this nice little thread on SPUF yesturday, I think that if theres a commnity fix for something that's broken, Valve should implement it.
>> No. 10558
File 13229193354.jpg - (118.58KB , 512x512 , steamworkshop_tf2_unique.jpg )

All of my fucking money.
>> No. 10574
because his eye was magically removed when he was a kid and turned into a giant oculothorax. Keyword: magic.
>> No. 10612
  I found this and loved it. Hopefully you guys will, too!
>> No. 10617
>> No. 10618
The lines were good, but I never did like the voices Roses does, far too nasally, unfitting the character in most cases and just sub par with other voices.
>> No. 10619
File 132313502479.png - (84.43KB , 288x321 , 131362687653.png )

Well, considering Scootma doesn't really HAVE an official character, her accent matches Scout's pretty closely, and her "attitude" matches that of a woman who's gone through everything she has (Eight kids... EIGHT. Who presumably taught Scout ALL THEY KNOW. Lord bless her), I think these soundfiles are very fitting.

The only other soundfiles I've heard of hers are of Female Spy, and I gusta'd the hell out of those.
>> No. 10620
She also has done some Medic, Scout, and she's working on an Engie right now.

Thinking of making up a French language pack for ChemicalAlia's Spy, myself, actually, once Christmas is over.
>> No. 11217
  if this is the inspiration for the second half of More Gun, then i will tip my many hats to valve.
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