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7419 No. 7419
>Some people enjoy Heavy/Medic as an intimate couple, seeing their closeness as something romantic or even sexual.

>While that is nice sometimes, this is how I prefer seeing them - as two men, two brothers-in-arms who, for whatever reason, each consider themselves the other's confidant and the only one around whom they feel it is okay to show their pain and heartsickness, knowing that, unlike the rest, this one will not judge.

I posted the above comment on a thread over on /fanfic/ and immediately afterwards got to thinking...

There are, if one ignores the fact the latter pairing is on opposing teams, two "BFF" pairs of TF2 characters - Heavy/Medic, and Demo/Soldier. (Though I've also seen some folks put strong evidence toward Sniper/Engie as well, mostly because Engie seems like the kind of guy who can befriend anyone easily, though that might just be my bias as a fellow Southerner talking)

Anyway, I got to thinking... what is it about these pairs that has them so close to each other (non-sexually, I mean - that aspect is for a whole different topic) such that they consider the other a confidant?

(I hope that makes sense - it's late, and I'm not the best with words sometimes, so what's in my head might be clearer than my writing...)
>> No. 7420
I always thought that the Americans would have the best "broship" going on. You have the Texan cowboy, the pure blooded army G.I. Joe and the snarky, load and over the top obnoxious New Yorker. But they are all from the states so I already imagine them having some sort of kinship with each other. If anything they wouldn't like the Russian and the German, but they wouldn't care much about the Aussie or the Scotsmen.
And based on how Solider and Demoman are seen I always thought that Solider wouldn't like Demoman based on him being non-America and also black. (This being the 1960-1970s that's not too far fetched for someone as stupid and narrow minded as Solider.) And that's just my two cents on this.
Bro before hoes. And Pyro gets along with everyone cause he/she is cool like that. He/she don't give a fuck.
>> No. 7421

Oh, and everyone hates France. Sorry Spy.
>> No. 7426
It's okay. The French tend to hate everyone who's not French, so it's balanced.
>> No. 7430
Ive always thought it like this when it comes to BFF/Bromance/non-romantic related things:

Heavy and Medic are bff

Engie and Pyro are bff

Soldier and Demoman get along with a lot of tension

Scout and Pyro are bff, if only because Pyro seems like he might possibly be able to keep uo with the kid and possibly be closest to his age

Sniper and Spy tolerate each other, but otherwise keep to themselves
>> No. 7435
Engie and Pyro?

...yeah, I can see that. I keep picturing them discussing with each other over "guy cooking" stuff like the "perfect doneness" for steaks, whether or not to add beans to chili, whether dry-rubs or basting is better for grilling, and so on.

I can easily see them getting into an vivid back-and-forth argument about which style of BBQ sauce is best (tomato base, vinegar base, mustard base, thick or thin, sweet or sour... it's a very passionate "favorite region" debate for some folks, the way others might argue over sports teams).

Not because of any "lol, Pyro likes burning, so must like BBQ, rofl" inanery... I just, for some reason, picture those two as being the resident cooking aficionados of their teams, and bonding over recipes.

Maybe Engie passed through the barracks during ceasefire one night, and chanced to spotting Pyro stirring a big pot and surrounded by a dozen little shakers of various spices. Curious, he approaches, recognizes some good ol' chili a-bubbling, and offers to lend a hand. Pyro accepts the aid, idle chat drifts into recipe discussion, and things go from there.
>> No. 7437
I think Engie and Pyro work well together because you can actually build your Pyro around supporting Engineers. Even before the Homewrecker, Spy-checks awere (and are) especially essential around Engineer nests, and as an Engineer it was also nice to have a Pyro pass through the area with his 'thrower. I suppose they would start getting close, that way, depending on exactly how often they spent time outside battle together.

For different reasons, I see Medic and Engineer getting along real well. On the battlefield, they probably hardly cross paths - but they both seem to be legitimately intelligent folk, and it's probably nice to cool down away from all their boisterous or hot-headed teammates and discuss - science, I like to think, but really whatever appeases them.

Heavy / Medic, Scout / Pyro, and Medic / Engie are my favourites (in that order).
>> No. 7438
Id forgotten all about Medic/Engie!
Yeah, they'd be bff Id think. Engineer, what with all his degrees, is probably one of the most intelligent people on the team along with Medic and possibly the Spy. Medic would probably see him as his equal, or at least something close to that. I wouldn't know if he'd consider him superior, I doubt it.
>> No. 7450
I LOVE having the Americans team up together.
It just seems fun having them in their own little world with their vastly different views of America.
Sure they might not always get along, but if someone offends them or America, they got each other's back.
>> No. 7453
Team Dynamics as Dotchan Sees It (Teal Deer Ahead):
The Canon Teams are pretty much a family. Yeah, they may bicker and disagree occasionally, but at the end of the day they watch out for each other and put their differences aside to fight the enemy.

Sex? Realistically, I don't see it happening very often. They're all married to their jobs and much more violence-sexual than anything else, and even if TF2's universe is different historically from ours, I'm sure anyone would think twice about advertising their preferences among a group of mercenaries that otherwise ooze testosterone-laden machismo. Maybe very occasionally there'll be some sort of super secret Friends-With-Benefits arrangement here and there, but that's as far as I see any of them going.

More Teal Deer:
Scout wants attention any way he can get it. Play with him when he's bored, listen to him blather about whatever, or brainstorm pranks with him? Hello, best bud! I see him as being closest with Pyro, since they have the most similar mentalities.

You fight alongside and bleed with the Soldier, you are his brother and he won't hesitate to give credit where it's due. But he will also still yell at you until you live up to his exacting standards--good luck with that. Because my backstory for the Soldier is that he was the one who found the Medic on his "tour" of Europe, he's the closest to the Medic. Demoman relationships are kind of awkward right now thanks to the WAR update, but he genuinely feels bad about getting tricked and he wants to make up for that somehow.

Pyro's first love will always and forever be fire. He (using "he" as a placeholder, Pyro is a sack of sentient hiveminded potatoes and nobody is ever convincing me otherwise) is fiercely protective of Engie and Sniper on the battlefield, of course, but I see it less as an altruistic thing and more because he gets to hunt his favorite prey. If anybody is the team's lone wolf, it'd be the Pyro.

Being my least-played class and least written about in 'fics, I haven't thought as deeply about Demoman as the others. But I see him as being closest to the Engineer--the lad built and maintains the Rube Goldberg-esque device used to make Scrumpy, after all.

The Heavy will love you if you are Credit to Team and you are awesome at killing--and nobody's better than his miniguns. He's the most vocal about the Medic because Doktor makes the funniest noises when they're on a spree. If anyone else speaks Russian, then he'd chat them up off the battlefield, but otherwise he'd rather curl up with a good book.

As funny and cute as Mother Hen Engie is for story purposes, in game he tends closer to basement-dwelling nerd when I'm playing. I agree that he and Medic would be Mad Science Buddies, but I don't see him getting along all that well with the rest of the team. (Again, like I said in a previous thread, if anybody's going to be a racist, the Engineer's the most likely candidate.)

Medic always sees himself as above the rest of the team. On a good day, that means they're his minions to use to crush the enemies beneath his jack-booted heels. On a bad day, that means he's stuck babysitting a bunch of idiot manchildren. The only class he truly gets along with as a peer is his own.

The Sniper likes to pretend that he's the only normal guy among a bunch of crazies, but this is an obvious lie. Still, because he's so intent on maintaining that masquerade, this means he's not cold or aloof at all. But because he's very paranoid, he doesn't have close confidants, either.

The Spy is a giant narcissist. Whatever he does is for his own satisfaction and/or entertainment. He is just as paranoid as the Sniper, if not more so.
>> No. 7469
My headcanon for Heavy/Medic being friends is the same as my headcanon for an unrelated series: They both grew up in neighboring countries and have similar experiences. Also, if Poker Night is canon: birds.

I always imagined Medic as only angry if people actually piss him off. When the team's doing well, he's happy.
>> No. 7901

I pretty much agree with you, but there are some differences (of course). I view the Engie as pretty friendly, but most of the time, he's off in his room/workshop doing the weird science stuff. When he isn't, he's up for a game of poker pretty much as well as the next guy. Sometimes, when your creativity has run out and you need to plow the fallow fields of your mind, Poker allows you the mental "quiet" to do so. Plus, beer and cards, what's not to like?

Spy, in my mind, thinks of himself as better than everyone else on the team. In his mind, he's the hero/main protagonist and everyone else is "spear carrier (insert number here)". They are perfectly disposable if it means he gets closer to carrying out his mission/job. After all, they'll be back if they die. (Insert Gallic shrug here). He looks out for number one, and he is number one. Also, he guards his privacy jealously. The mask never comes off, unless he's sure he's absolutely alone, and he locks his bedroom door pretty much all the time, which allows him to maintain his air of mystery. The others think he's a prick, but as long as he does his job, they aren't going to complain. He's also vain and a bit of a prima donna. If certain things aren't done "just so", he's gonna complain.

Scout is one of those guys who has to have attention. That's why he's such a pain in the ass. Even negative attention is better than none, and he desperately wants to be "one of the guys". But he's grouped with guys who are at least 15 to 20 years older than him, and they tend to discount what he says and does because he has the least experience. On the other hand, he does tend to be the most open to new things. He's the most likely to listen to what the soldier would call "Faggy hippy music" because hey, that's what's in his generation.

Sniper tends to be a loner. He's quite friendly when you approach him, which fits his "ocker" personality (An ocker being the guy who holds up his end of the bar and is friendly and convivial, which is from the wiki(, but he doesn't need to be that way. He's perfectly fine being in a nest all by himself. It doesn't hurt to be friendly, though. He's also the one with the worst personal habits- living alone in the bush for weeks and months at a time means you don't constantly take baths and showers, so he sometimes "forgets" to do so. Again, his not being around the rest of the team most of the time also means he doesn't gross the rest of them out when he does this. And if he has a chance to shower, he will, it's just that he can go for far longer than anyone else on the team without one, and not be grossed out himself, either. Needs must, and all that. Oh yeah, and his van is neat. Very neat. I never understood why people think Sniper has horrible teeth when he's the only character we actually see brushing his in the "Meet the..." video (until I found out about the model, that is.)

Demoman isn't a drunk. He drinks because he's bored when he's off the battlefield. A life setting off explosions and in combat is, naturally, an exciting one, so the rest of life kind of drags in comparison. That's why he drinks: nothing better to do off the battlefield. His room is a minefield of scrumpy bottles, some of them full, some partly, and the rest, poor deid soldiers (empty). Because of his recreational drinking, his room stinks, and so does his bed (Liquor sweat, ugh). He cleans up well, and when he's at home or off the job, he doesn't drink. Only when he's on-base and bored.

The soldier is, in his mind, the perfect soldier. That means he has to be perfect. He makes his bed so tightly, you actually *can* bounce a quarter off it, his boots are spit-shined and you could eat off the floor of his quarters. In his mind, his perfection somehow makes up for the shame of being turned down for all of the armed forces in the war. As if he's saying, I'll be better than they are. His only decoration is the American Flag.

I see Medic as a mad-scientist type. Like Gil Grissom in the first episode of CSI, he'll take some of your blood just to run experiments with it under the guise of "blood tests". He's a happy and jovial guy, the better to disarm you when he needs your parts for an experiment. He's even happier to convince you it's necessary for you to have half your liver removed or three fingers cut off...

More later.
>> No. 7914
I think the videos show Engie and Sniper as canon bros, reacting to events together (the Mac/PC ad, Meet the Medic)

From a gameplay perspective, you just can't ignore a permanent relationship between Engineer and Spy, though. No matter where on the spectrum it is from pure hatred to neutral to sexing it up, they will constantly be on one another's minds with regards to technology (improving or breaking it), either anticipating or planning a visit to a sentry nest.

You can make any take on their relationship, but the key point will always be the way their roles tie together.
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