No. 7444
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I usually play Pyro, and I'll agree with whats been said here.
Though, to add to it, always be mindful of your flamethrower's reach. It's not very far, and you will hear a distinctive burning sound when it's hitting your target. Running backwards and flaming will increase the reach somewhat, and it very useful if you're being chased by another flaming Pyro or if you're forced to retreat in close quarters.
If you come up against a Medic using a syringe gun, and you aren't close enough for flames, run. He's probably using the Blutsauger (it heals him as he does damage) and you wont be able to take the bastard down. Scouts are also your worst enemy. They both move faster than you without the Attendant, and even then Scout is still faster.
I recommend using the shotgun rather than the flaregun, assuming you have that, since you're still new. Practice with the flaregun is always good, but it's not a very practical weapon when it comes to those out-of-range Scouts and Medics.
And, for the love of God, practice your airblasting! If you're retreating from a Soldier or a Demo, or you're defending an Engie nest, it's extremely helpful! hell, if you turn a corner and find a Heavy standing there, you could airblast him away to buy yourself time to make a run back to whence you came!
Backburner is a situational weapon. It's very good, yes, but you only get 4 airblasts per full ammo. Degreaser or normal flamethrower is better for a beginning Pyro, anyway.
You dont have a lot of health, but you do have a fair amount. You will die very easily on your own, if you're not careful. Hit and run if in the enemy base or against a stronger opponent, if you come up on a Sniper you should be fine (but don't get cocky, his kukri can still hit you hard). Always know when to run, half health is about the time.
Always check for Spies. Always.
If you're healing at a dispenser, spam that flame in a circle until you're done there and move on. Give everyone you pass a puff of flame.
Axetinguisher is good if you use Degreaser (fast weapon switch for the crit bonus on burning players), the Rake is best for melee fights, and the Homewrecker is what to go with if you don't plan to melee and there's an Engie on your team.
Be careful, be paranoid, be prepared.