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File 129044307873.jpg - (414.27KB , 1270x982 , 127510028597.jpg )
746 No. 746
Of course, I'm surprised this topic hasn't been made yet since the site crash. Any of you ever had strange dreams involving Tf2? Post them here!
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>> No. 747
Your OP picture made me think of that dream I had where Demo and Soldier were breaking into mansions to steal fish.

... I still like to think that this is my subconcious' headcanon regarding why they got into a fight with the police.
>> No. 750
I guess this would qualify as a TF2 dream, but more of Tf2chan dream. Just the other night, I dreamt that there was a topic here about hosting a TF2 convention, but they had no idea where to host it. I volunteered to have the place hosted at a manor in Wisconson that I apparently had; and everyone at TF2chan came to it. It was a Christmas party outside and everyone was dressed in costume and it went well. When everyone began to take their leave, I began to wash some dishes and clean up after the guests (because apparently I was not smart enough to use plastic plates.) Then a beautiful blonde girl, claiming to be Stupid Sexy BLU Spy, came to me and asked if I needed help. As we were washing the dishes, she looked up at me and complimented me on my glasses.

And we made love right there amongst the dirty china.

>> No. 752
this made me laugh harder than i should have

Anyway, I had a dream that soldier was secretly videotaping me for a 'pork-video'. What the fuck is a pork-video
>> No. 753
>amongst the dirty china
wait, what
>> No. 754

I wish I could see BLU Spy's face when she reads this.
>> No. 756
china= fine porcelain tableware... If that's what you were wondering about.

The only tf2 dream I ever had was where I made out with scout on the sawmill level.
Right when I was about to pull his shirt off I woke up and was like FUCK THIS SHIT
>> No. 757
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... you would have seen quite the face.


Really. REALLY. I get enough goth jokes around this place enough as it is with my Persephonic complexion. My hair is black and is midback length, and I regularly dye my bangs purple.

I fuckin' lol'd. Obviously, I was in disguise in this dream. At least the beautiful part was correct! Oh lawd.
>> No. 761
Your dream self isn't nearly sexy enough to commit this atrocity amongst the dirty dishes with my wife. And clearly she swings for Soldiers, not Demomen with their lack of depth perception and oversized melee weapons that are clear and obvious signs of compensation issues. But, what really launches my rocket about this? The lack of frying pans. I just don't get it.

>> No. 762

>> No. 763
god damnit road i lol'd
>> No. 764
My heart; she is broken.
>> No. 766
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Picture related. Me using a different name.
>> No. 796
I had a dream that Batman and Demoman teamed up and defeated the loch ness monster.
>> No. 826
I had a dream where Scout's Mom was in a threesome with her son and BLU Soldier. Apparently, Soldier was in love with BLU Scout's Mom and planned to kill Scout since he was getting all the Mama lovings and attention he wanted.

>> No. 842
I dreamt I was at some convention with TF2 cosplayers. I found a hat that looked like a bee with a crown on it and decided it to wear it. Some Scout wanted to trade but I was like hell naw. :|
>> No. 843
Kilo dreaming of TF2 and bees. Why am I not surprised?
>> No. 855
Incest is the best put your mother to the test

But srsly wat. Is it bad that I laughed
>> No. 881
I had a dream a few nights ago where I was a RED Sniper, in, uh... I think Badlands. My subconscious likes to horribly twist and distort the world around me (and the maps I play in, apparently), so it's hard to say. Anyway, all I can remember clearly is that I was the only one on my team, I was using the Huntsman, and for some reason only one BLU appeared at a time, except for one panic-filled encounter with a Medic and his Heavy. Pretty sure I killed 'em, but I still don't have a clue what I was doing running around by myself to begin with.
>> No. 1335
I just had this incredibly bizzarre dream that involved the RED team escaping from something/someone and running in some sort of Portal style laboratory. In the end when they were almost out, Demo ended up blocked inside a room with transparent walls and a lot of incinerators inside. A few unuseful attempts to get him out there later there was a dramatic and teary goodbye between him and Sniper (muted because the walls shut off all sounds) and he obviously ended up bbq'd.
Then i woke up and realized that this scene was an awful lot similar to a certain scene in a certain faniction involving zombies.
Oh well, at least he didn't get stuck into a fence.

Wtf, brain.
>> No. 1340
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Had my first ever TF2 dream last night. I was on the Halloween CP map dressed as Soldier, and I kept getting killed by an eight year old dressed up as Sniper, because I wouldn't trade him my hats for his like, old tattered baseball jersey.

Then I went through a Portal and was forced by gunpoint by my kindergarten teacher to play a game where I balanced crackers on a table... I guess that's where it got OT. Though I did stay in my soldier outfit for the whole dream. So that's something.
>> No. 1342
I had a dream the other night that Mila Kunis, Ryan Renolds, Medic, Demoman, and Sniper were all playing roulette.
It was going to be Medic’s turn to spin but he excuses himself from the table first. (This next part unfolds in a paneled comic drawn in Floozy’s style)
He goes into the bathroom and stands by the bathtub.
He raises his hands and suddenly a geyser of water comes shooting out of it and he walks into a portal it makes.
He swims down into the ocean that he’s suddenly in until he sees a whale.
The whale gives him a white vintage tyrolean.
Medic steps back out of the portal completely dry and puts on his hat.
(this ends the comic style).

He leaves the bathroom and comes back to the table.
Sniper thinks to himself (in a thought bubble), “That was fast.”
Medic says, “Forgot my hat.”
And then spins.
>> No. 1348
I have so many dreams I struggle to focus on just the one, I have even had dreams involving my fellow Mantrainians. My mind is always active like that. If I remember one clearly enough, I'll post it.
>> No. 1365

Oh God I laughed way too hard at this.
>> No. 1412
I had a dream the other night that Valve made Heavy/Medic canon. And then made porn of it.

... Yep.
>> No. 1415
I dreamt I was wandering around in this house, looking for my new bedroom. But every room was filled with beds, and was in either pink or blue.
I see myself in a mirror and realize I'm a 8 yr old Scout. Scout ma comes and tells me something, I don't really know what, but it's somting like "stupid child go away" and I go out to play.
First I'm a bedroom, telling scout ma I want to join the army when I grow up, apperently i'm still scout, and she disapprove and tell me I suck.Then she tell me go get out of the house, becaurse she has custumors. Apperently she is a hooker, and alle of the kids, my brothers, have different fathers.
The rest of the dream was really a mess.
Going from me trying to suicide in the hudson river, which was in the gardens backyard, where I got resuced by a brother that I end up playing tea party with. To me trying to run away and getting dragged back by a black spy...

>> No. 1443
I had a dream last night that Robin Walker was at his desk one night, surrounded by Ocarina of Time figurines and medical syringes.

The next morning, the TF2 blog declared the following canon:

-Blu Scout and Red Spy are brothers. Coincidentally, Red Spy is a total sicko.
-Blu Spy has a glass eye.
-Heavy was born with the ability to hear anybody, anywhere. He got sick of the noise after a few years, joined RED/BLU, and used respawn to build a new body for himself. All his fat is actually bone.
-Demoman's mangled eye was removed and replaced with polished marble.
-Engineer has dentures.
-Medic lost many important parts of his body, both internal and external, in the wars prior to joining the team. Engineer maintains his prosthetics in return for free healthcare.
-The Soldier is actually a map, cp_fortress0000. The voices he hears in his head all the time telling him to do crazy shit are actually his teammates inside him. Upon learning this, he gouged his knee with his shovel and tried to bleed them out.
-Sniper is obsessed with Pidgey.

Upon revealing this information, TF2chan and the Wiki instantly devolved into a trollfest, and all hope was lost amongst the community. Until Demoman got a polished marble hat.

Also there was a part with Dr. Robotnik using his pingas to explore the depths of hell with Tom and Jerry, but that wasn't important.

...I have issues.
>> No. 1502
Tonight I dreamt that BLU had to fight giant horribly obese versions of their RED counterparts in a big round arena. The REDs were several feet tall and were shaped like Boomers (though they didn't explode like them and didn't throw up), their faces looked grotesque. They didn't seem to have their weapons anymore but they could still use their abilities.

So yeah, it boiled down to a very epic fight (with background music and all!) of the BLUs teaming up against the RED fat monsters. It was kinda terrifying and really awesome at the same time.
>> No. 1504
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>Soldier is actually a map
>> No. 1529

...Best dream ever.
>> No. 1540
>> No. 1570
I had a dream last night that was the TF2 equivalent of It's A Wonderful Life, starring Engineer as George Bailey, Medic as the angel, and the Announcer as the guy that took the money in the newspaper.
>> No. 1582
I had one that other classes could disguise as Spies, but their Spies couldn't disguise as anything.

Another was Heavy and Medic trying to have sex, but every time they did, Soldier walked in on them.

I keep having random dreams that look like Makani or The Minttu drew them. They always involve Medic in some way.
>> No. 1610
some months ago, I had a dream where I was the Scout and I was getting checked on by the Medic, only I was naked and he was smearing oil on me. Like, all over my (Scout's) body. He said it was for healing but I don't believe him.
>> No. 1626
I had a dream a month or so ago that I had just left home for the city's summer lake fair event to escape my insane grandmother. I had no way to get home, but I looked up and the Medic was standing there without his coat, arms behind his back, and smiling. What in the world...
>> No. 1627
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>I keep having random dreams that look like Makani or The Minttu drew them. They always involve Medic in some way.

I want your dreams.
>> No. 1632

Oh god, the first thing that came to mind was that Majora's Mask creepypasta, only with creepymedic.

...Which would be awesome.
>> No. 1663
I think this may have to do with the fact that the movie "Titanic" has been on television lately, but last night, I had a dream that Heavy was Jack and Medic was Rose. They were on the ship, and various scenes played (including a certain scene with a car) Medic was engaged to marry Soldier, but he loved Heavy instead.

So, the ship sinks, Medic climbs onto the wooden piece upon Heavy's instructions, and Heavy tells him basically all of the things Jack told Rose. Heavy then dies from hypothermia, and I woke up when Medic was rescued from the water.

...FUCK, it was probably the saddest dream I've had in a long time.

Offtopic, my captcha is "chatit". I think it's trying to tell me something...
>> No. 1671
I've had a couple of vaguely remembered TF2 dreams. Nothing super interesting - a couple of weird maps. Being BLU Engineer selflessly taking Spy planted bombs off my well-placed machinery and running down a hallway with them. Because that was safe.

I've actually got a question for you lot - anyone have the old dream threads saved? I'm looking for one post in particular, the one about someone watching Meet the Medic and then Medic was actually behind them and the lights in the house went out? Should have saved it, d'oh.
>> No. 1675
well....i wasn't going to reply to this thread but last night gave me quite the doozy of a tf2 related dream. in my dream the announcer was male. more so the announcer was infact a stylised tim curry. with his whole evil voice thing goin' on. and we had to defend a point but the background wasn't quite right it was mostly just random images :\ also scouts skeleton came out his body later on[to be honest i did watch blade last night so that's not that farfetched] but the other stuff..what the fuck
>> No. 1679
I'm so jealous of everyone else's dreams. My dreams are usually way too fragmented to make sense of later. The Team do make quite frequent cameos, but they're hardly ever the main characters. Like, the other night involved Solly and Demo making out but it was totally ruined by the fact that at the same time I was dreaming that the Christmas holiday was over and I had to go back to uni. Mood: killed utterly.
>> No. 1696
I had a quick dream the other night in which the Sniper and Scout were kidnapped to be on some incomprehensible Hispanic game show, hosted by the Pyro (sans his mask). They were on the same team, and had to spin a multicoloured wheel and won "points" which went toward their release. I can't quite remember what they did after that, but I DO remember that the "points" had something to do with blowjobs, and there was some sort of exchange system (a.k.a. 30 points = 1 blowjob).
>> No. 1703
Really wish I had posted about this dream when it was still fresh in my mind, but I had a dream once that Meet the Medic and Meet the Pyro were released as a two-parter, with one short ending on a cliffhanger leading into another. Can't remember much about the basic plot, though, other than the fact that they took place at Nucleus - it's been about a month since I had this dream.
>> No. 1837
I had a dream yesterday that I was Christmas shopping in the mall and some gaming store was having a debut viewing of Meet the Medic. I wanted to stop and watch it, but it cost a dollar to get in and I was completely broke from shopping. I settled for watching it from the entrance of the store, behind everyone inside. From what I could see, Medic had lost his wife in a snowstorm, and was walking around in the snow aimlessly. It went on to say he became a bitter old man because of it.
I must have left after that, because I don't remember any more of it.
Poor Medic.
>> No. 1839
Before I begin, let me tell you that the random caps with exclamation marks are necessary, because everyone in the dream yelled whatever is in caps whenever it happened. There even were onomatopoeias accompanying my actions.

I was a Soldier, rocketjumping from the FREAKING TITANIC! and from ICEBERG TO ICEBERG!, and then I plunged UNDER THE SEA! and found TREASURE! before bringing it back on the FREAKING TITANIC!

And then a Medic and a Sniper were yelling at me because I HAD CURSED THE TITANIC WITH THE CURSED TREASURE AND NOW IT WOULD SINK FOREVER AND EVER! And then I yelled at them: FUCK THIS!
And I flew away with the sheer power of testosterone and left them to sink with the Titanic. Forever and ever.

I woke up feeling refreshed and manly.
>> No. 1898
I had a tf2dream about two nights ago.
It was all christmasy and to sum it up, it kinda goes like this:
I wake up to scout yelling at me, only it's not just scout, but a whole bunch of little Elf-Scouts screaming in unison. So I get up and I'm four times taller than them all, and they say I'm late for work and that 'the boss' want's to talk to me. Turns out 'the boss' is in fact- A Heavy, only he's not just Heavy, He's Santa. He is not pleased, and tells me he wants an errand done since I overslept. This errand involves hand delivering pandora's box to a Solly-Snowman to guard or something. And there's this snowstorm I have to tred through- but at the last minute, this scout with freckles hands me the reins to Pyro The Red-Nosed Reindeer and says to me: "Bonk! Come back alive, faggot! Boink!" So we go flying, and I'm worried for some reason, but I don't know why. Then Spy comes out of nowhere- sipping tea from a pink cup and floating next to me. He says hello, and Pyro gets all suprised and sneezes flames. Turns out Spy is Jack-Frost and wants the box to take over the world or something. He attacks me a few times, but doesn't manage to knock me off. Then, shadow link comes out of nowhere, and (get this) kisses Spy-Frost and askes how his day was like he just came home from work. I laughe aloud in my dream, and shadow link gets pissed and shoots me with ice-arrows. I wake up while I'm falling.
I spend all day going "wat?"
>> No. 1905
This isn't a TF2 dream per se, but I dreamt that a lot of you chanfags were crashing at my house, and one of you pranked my laptop so that all the programs were weeaboo hacks. On startup, it immediately logged onto some retarded mini-browser and started showing videos in Japanese. I opened the command prompt to uninstall whatever fuckery you guys had put there, but the command options were all in weeaboo-ese also!


See if I invite you over to my dream-house again any time soon.
>> No. 1913

>And I flew away with the sheer power of testosterone and left them to sink with the Titanic.

Best fucking dream ever.
>> No. 2427
I had the oddest dream involving Sniper being some sort of masked serial killer. He killed a ton of people, including a woman were he suffocated her with an OWL and then stabbed her with his kukri. Then Sniper tried to frame Scout, BUT I got all Miss Marple on him and I put two and two together. I noticed Sniper's shoes and the killers were the same. (Also, they had blood on them so good detective work dream me!)

I called him out on it and Sniper used crazy logic only found in Fear Street novels and said he did all the killings because he loved me. So, I told him that there are better ways to show your love to someone and killing people wasn't one of them. Well, Sniper went super crazy and chased me with his kukri in nothing but a dear skull hat. Yeah.

I don't think I can look at Sniper again without thinking about him suffocating a lady with an owl. Weird.
>> No. 2435
And now I kind of feel the same way.
Seriously, reading all these dreams is hilarious. You guys really have creative minds. The only dreams about TF2 I have end up being a threesome with spy, engineer, and soldier in the middle.
>> No. 2647
I had one last night. The thing is, though, that my dreams fucking *never* make sense, so it's a tad weirdasshit.

The first part's a bit hazy- it focused on Sniper, who I think was supposed to be extreeemely lonely and unhappy with his life, and depressed as hell. Not suicidally, but enough to where he had a hard time functioning.

Now, he lived in a strange, logic-has-no-place-here type world (think Fantastic Planet meets The Jetsons meets The Giver) and whenever people in that world stopped functioning properly, they were sent off to be reinvigorated, depending on what their problem was.
(This is where the dream actually becomes more imagery and less dream-feelings)
So Sniper was sent to a sector of the world that was mainly white/grey, filled with floating cubes. The ground had the texture of those little wax drops you buy in bags to melt into candles, and the sky was concrete. The whole place was flat and huge and made you feel absolutely insignificant.

There was a narrow blue river floating through the middle of it, clear and impossibly deep. In this river, those suffering from loneliness were placed upon large cubes made of (presumably) corn starch, which slowly disintegrated into the water.
Sniper, on his cube, was lonelier than ever before. Floating down the river, in the middle of this overbearingly BARE land, felt like sensory deprivation, and his starch cube was down to just one corner.

Suddenly, the cubes (which had beforehand avoided the river altogether) formed an arch above the river, and a little platform alongside it. Sniper jumped off here, for some reason (I presume the banks were too far away along the rest of the river and he couldn't swim) and received a ball of wax from the arch.

He knew (or I knew he knew, anyways, dreams are weird like that) that his new place was here, at the arch. Every time somebody came down the river on the remains of a starch cube, feeling like this was some trick and they were going to die in the river, he would help them off and give them a piece of his wax ball, which would transport them back to normal society. That way, they would feel like somebody loved them, and Sniper- being ever-patient- could feel like he was needed to save these people and be appreciated.

Huge apologies for the wall of text.
>> No. 2663
I dreamt last night that I was a femPyro and I was going into some monster infested mine (which was filled with giant spiders) to save Sniper. There was this other girl as well, who I'm guessing was Miss Pauling but she got into a lift which was a trap and was crushed. Then when we were all taking the train out the mine I made out with Scout and Sniper knitted.
>> No. 2664
I once dreamed i was in Left4Dead2 World.
The Zombieapocalypse was already there and i lost my whole family in the progress. But i teamed up with Rochelle and a Black Cop. Than we fighted against Jockeys, Spitters, Hunters and had than came the finale.
It involved a crane, a heli and two tanks who chased after us the whole time through the land (we really fought against them with molotovs and shotguns and all. And it wasn´t easy.)
After i screamed at Rochelle and the BlackCop, that he should be CAREFULL with the heli we got a message that there was a fort in the near were we would be safe.
So we flew there and it was a crazy combination from Middleage and Secrethaven.
The whole personal where Blue femMedics and BluefemSoldier with ridiculous hair and runned around after we landed. After i thought: Great where i am NOW?! Blue Sniper came walked up to me.
Sniper rifle in one hand and a bouquet of Flowers (red and yellow). Than he leaned against a mallshelf (like you see so often in l4d) smiled at me, looked over his aviators and said: "So ... last woman on earth, heh?" And i knew, what he wanted and ...than i woke up and needed to go.

And THAN there was this dream, that i was RedPyro. I flamed the enemies and laughed crazy. But just the BlueSpy, who i found very attractiv in this dream, wasn´t burned. I still flamed him, but i was some halfdragon thing, so that i could controll my flames i spit, but needed to remind me ever how to breath right, to do so. So it became a kind of hide and seek game between us and i ever ran around to find him. (And he was so annoyed by me). Later i was in the base after battle and Spy watched TV in a bed and was all cozy in the blankets. (I don´t know why. In my dream we were on badlands, so in the hot desert.)
I asked nervous if i could join him in the bed to watch TV with him. He looked still annoyed to me and after a while said: Okay if you want so. And it was not a big bed. After i went to bed in the dream ... i woke up and needed to go.

My subconcusion says ever TO BE CONTINUED! if it get´s to the best parts finaly :T
>> No. 2666
I had this dream once where I was using a Soldier hand-puppet to scream at some random fat kid until he was driven to tears.

I still remember what my exact words were to him, in psychotic Solly voice and all:

"Get some exercise you fat fucking MAGGOT! DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY"
>> No. 2670
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>> No. 2678
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The first bit of my dream was about Sniper having the hots for a British Sniper, but it was pretty uninteresting and VERY confusing. The second portion of my dream looked pretty cinematic. The only movie that I can really use as a comparison would be Fight Club.
Anyway, it mostly centered around BLU Scout's mom. She was dressed more like a high class business woman though and lacked any real bright colors. For some reason she breaks into the Watergate hotel and starts rummaging through various cabinets and desks.
It's around that point that she hears a voice behind her and turns around only to have the lights flash on and the Announcer revealed; turns out she was sitting there the entire time with these two big thugs by her side.
The Announcer smiles and asks BLU Scout's mom why she's so far away from the kitchen. Before she can reply to her question, one of the Announcer's lackeys hands her a file and she throws it before BLU Scout's mom's feet.
She picks it up and looks through the large file they have on her with her real name (which was Loraine for some reason) and photos of her fucking RED Spy with a strap-on.
The Announcer smirks at her flabergasted look and adds that she has known all about what she was doing and how she was foolish to think that her actions would go unnoticed.
In a fit of rage, BLU Scout's mom tosses the file aside and starts yelling at the Announcer. She goes on this long speech but soon breaks down crying on how she just wants her son back.
The Announcer is completely unaffected by her desperate and heartfelt plead and takes a long drag of her cigarette. She doesn't bother to look at her, but she tells her that she can reunite her with her son if that's all she wants.
Hopeful, but extremely nervous, BLU Scout's mom looks up and asks her if she really can.
The Announcer shrugs, smiles, and says, "Sure" right before pulling a gun from the side and sending a bullet right between her eyes.
After that, The Announcer tells her lackeys to bury the body with the other conspirators and walks off to Wendy's.

tl;dr The Announcer is a wicked mad villain with a soft spot for square burgers.
>> No. 2680
>>2678 Bitch!

Ok, last night. Two words (and a number): Lego Fortress 2.

It was pretty epic. I can't remember anything that happened, but it was freakin' Lego, man!
>> No. 2708
Me, in a truck.with RED scout sit at my side yelling at me, delivering the code RED team won after their sucess in Nucleus. we are being chased by the blu team. the action is intense. and Saxton hale is fliying in the background yelling his name and narrating what's happening to us.
>> No. 2727
This dream was long and amazing and I remember most of it, thankfully.
Anyway, the TF2 part. It was in some fancy restaurant that was looking like some sort of greek palace or something. That day they scheduled a fight between two guys, I don't remember them well, just the thing that one was done in the best fucking fluid animation ever, and was using Japanese weapons, and the other was done in a stop-motion animation and was more of a wrestler. Anyway. TF2. So for some reason there was RED Spy with us, cause we had to crack some codes and shit, and he decides to fight too. Idk. So they dress him up in the most ridiculous outfit ever, it was like, the map of the world printed on pajamas and done in the most eyeraping orange and pink and shit. And Spy had to fight in this, so probably the reason why he wanted to win this match was to save his dignity.
I don't know either.
>> No. 2756
I wish to god I could remember mine fully, because it was a TF2/Repo! The Genetic Opera crossover where Sniper was Graverobber.
>> No. 2757
So does everyone remember that Tequila map we used to go to ALOT and it would always, with guarantee, turn into a herpderp fest?

Well, my dream was set there. Myself, Nyx, Blu Spy, Dinosaur Pirate and Panic were all sitting in the sky box watching everyone battle, except they couldn't see us. Every now and then, one of us would be a dick, reach out with our giant hands and flick one of the players down into the pit of death, laughing our heads of each time.

Then Dino and Nyx kissed. Weird way to end a dream I must admit.
>> No. 2761
>Then Dino and Nyx kissed.

Wh-what? D:
>> No. 2765
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>Then Dino and Nyx kissed.
We've all seen him in his sexy silk santa boxers. This is only the next logical step.
>> No. 2776
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Captcha: sofuhn
>> No. 2780
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>> No. 2784
I had this weird dream several nights ago that was influenced by not being able to play because of my internet. I was on some kind of island map with large sandy hills with the ocean snaking in between them, and I was a spy. I don't remember much about the rest of the dream, but I do remember this weird part where I was posting something to the chan about not being able to play because I was in China. I was also up on a balcony with my laptop, enjoying a plate of dumplings as the battle raged on below me. I never even questioned why I was posting to the chan that I wasn't able to play, when I was clearly IN the game. It just seemed to make sense.
>> No. 2817
I had one that met a perfect Soldier cosplayer at some non-descript convention that was actually carrying (and had read) "The Art of War", so I took him out for ribs when the day was over. It was in first-person, so I couldn't see what I was dressed up as, but I think he was a BLU Soldier and I was a BLU Medic, because he kept referring to me as "Doc" in a perfect Soldier impression. We hung out until he decided to go to sleep, and I never ended up seeing him again. Couldn't find him online, either. It was a little disheartening.

The other was a movie kinda like Hot Fuzz where Heavy and Medic were cops, but Medic was married to a Russian woman that looked like Makani's Femheavy and Heavy was married to a short female German doctor who looked like a classic hot librarian. I didn't see most of the actual "movie", but the outtakes involved an uncensored foursome in Medic's kitchen in broad daylight, and it was pretty sweet.
>> No. 2818
>The other was a movie kinda like Hot Fuzz where Heavy and Medic were cops.

I want this. Like, now. Right now. Hell, I'd take Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in cosplay. It would be awesome.
>> No. 2823
I just had a dream that involved Daniel Craig as James Bond as a Red Spy, a Blue Medic, Macy Gray music and Miss Pauling.

I'd been involved assisting James Blond Spy with some operation involving a gem and a shitton of computers, I was revealed, the "dream camera" switched from first to third, and ended up in a hospital, only to have the opposing Team's medic suddenly in charge of me. He visited me in a blue spy disguise, but I knew the others were onto him. I slipped him a note that said:
"Act peevish, then run"
I still remember the way this scene looked very clearly. I was hooked up to stuff and turning almost completely away from him, but my hand was in his, hidden by my side. We faked a fight, he left me in tears, and then the medic promised evil things with his eyes, the dream cut away to Miss Pauling nervously blasting Macy Gray's second album. I'm pretty sure it was muffling my screams.
>> No. 2946
I had a dream last night that started off as a “buddy road trip” type of deal with RED Demoman, Sniper, and Pyro (who was named Santiago.) According to Pyro, he had a map that led to an abandoned gold mine in Texas that had once belonged to his uncle. He had tried to convince the others to go, but everyone either dismissed his map as bullshit and/or they had other plans so he just had Sniper and Demoman tag along with him.
They were all in Engineer’s truck and just cruising along the desert. Of course the typical road trip shenanigans were had (flat tire, engine busting, random antic to get more money.) Finally they reached Texas, but Pyro continued driving until they had reached the Mexican border. It was at that point that Pyro revealed to them that there was no gold mine, but that instead he wanted to help get his sister, her kids, and the rest of his family into the states. He had also told them that Engineer was in on this and was waiting for them at the checkpoint (hence why he let them borrow his truck without any objections.) Sniper and Demo, being the bros that they are, agreed to help Pyro out and went along to conduct a plan to sneak the +12 family in.
Unfortunately I forgot most of what happened after, but I do remember that at one point they were being chased by border patrol and Sniper had fired a few arrows to slow them down, but not to kill them. There was also reggaeton involved for some reason (and I hate reggaeton.)
>> No. 2962
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Welp, my dream started off in a train. I think it was on the way from one map to another, but it was that scene from the very end of that Spy/Engie (I think, it's been a while) fic where they can't touch eachother (a la in-game inability to physically interact with other players), and they're holding hands on the train.

Note: I may have made this fic/scene up, I often have very convincing dreams. Even when they're ridiculous, I wake up feeling like it actually happened.

Anyways, I look out the window and notice that there's a dude standing with his hands on his hips next to the train track, with his back to the train and sorta facing the same direction as it's moving. As the train rushes closer, I realise that it's Kratos. We pass him, he just stands there, I sit back in my seat and go "huh. Kratos. Weird. I've never even played God of War"

Then I realise it's the Molentary Express and the Flying Pussyfoot at the same time.

tl;dr - I dream of three different trains being one train, and Kratos.
>> No. 2963
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>I slipped him a note that said "Act peevish, then run"

This super makes me think of Kit Kat from Hudson Hawk.
>> No. 2976
I had a dream that Soldier and his shovel had sex and Shovel was a dominatrix.

Goddamn it TF2Chan, I need to stop reading your stuff.
>> No. 2977

Completely off-topic but I've been wanting to know where I can read this webcomic for ages, since I can neither remember the title of it or spell the artist's name.
>> No. 2979
>> No. 2989
So I've been playing Silent Hill games a lot, and apparently that and TF2 have been mixing in my subconscious (and maybe a touch of L4D2).

My dream played like a video game. I was running through some house, or series of houses (I waited to long to type this), that were all fairly large and at one point really nice but of course was all in various points of decay and destruction. I can't remember if I was shooting at L4D zombies, Silent Hill monsters, or both, but I know occasionally I'd come across one of the TF2 guys. Sometimes it was like a cutscene, like when I found Medic. He was worried about Heavy, because he had been acting differently and then suddenly went missing.

One part I remember pretty vividly involved Soldier. I remember because it happened again and again and again. There was this one point where I have to keep running, and then suddenly Soldier would jump out and shoot, like, 20 rockets at once, and I kept dying because of it. Finally I managed to doge, and then he runs in, does a much quicker version of the Equalizer taunt, and blasts me right through a freaking wall. I think Engie was on the other side, but I unfortunately don't really remember much other than that he was there.

The rest of it is more or less a blur of gorey violence and a handful of explosions until the end. Apparently someone was helping me play the game, because I remember hearing, "Oh yeah, if you don't do the thing with Heavy and Medic before this point, they're gonna... Yeah, that." What "that" was, was the two of them lying on a bed next to each other, dead. They both were covered in blood and had a lot of different kinds of knives sticking out of them (I don't think any were Spy's, though, mostly kitchen knives). Creepy thing was Heavy was grinning that huge, open-mouthed, "I destroy everything!" kinda grin I see a lot in game.

I assumed that to mean Heavy had killed the both of them.
And then I said, "Fuck, even in my own dreams, Heavy and Medic never get a happy ending!"
And then I woke up.
>> No. 2990

I'm tempted to draw this.
>> No. 3022
I was BLU Medic (one of those stupid first-person dreams, urg), killed by RED Spy.
First, he slipped the knife between my ribs, than he stabbed the knife into Medic's (or should I say MY) heart. Medic/I died.
It was one of those dreams where you felt the pain and stuff, so it was HORRIBLE to say the least.
And I had scratches and bruises in the exact places where Spy stabbed Medic; my ribs, and over my heart.
Pretty cool dream, though...
>> No. 3024
That sounds like all kinds of awesome.
>> No. 3031
Seconding about how awesome that sounds, I would have probably done a backflip if I'd had a dream with that crossover.
Sage for non-contribute.
>> No. 3039
That would be awesome!

Jarate comes in a little glass jar?
>> No. 3171
I had this dream that I met Berke Breathed and he had not only rebooted Bloom County, but Engineer was a character in it for some reason.

It kind of made sense at the time.
>> No. 3172

>> No. 3269
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My dreams keep involving Medic...
But, yeah, Medic in one of those hamster wheels. A VERY squeaky hamster wheel.
>> No. 3320
I had a dream that the two teams fighting were split, like Spy, Engie, Sniper and some others were on RED and the other characters were on BLU. It was set on a map called 'FoodFort' and the BLU team had fucking stacks of food where RED had very little. The BLU Scout and RED Spy were in cahoots and helped smuggle food to the REDs. Then they had lots of sex.
>> No. 3321
Someone should write a fanfic based on this.
>> No. 3323
Better yet I remember all the threads we had on /v/ where RED and BLU owned fast food joints. I think we even made up menus and fanarts for them.
>> No. 3333
I read that one in the archives. I'd love a short comic based on it.
>> No. 3419
I was watching my friend play as a shirtless Medic, and he attacked a shirtless enemy Heavy with his ubersaw. For some reason, Medic has both hands as gunslingers, and it's all in third person. When we hear a Medic death scream, I go "damn, you got killed already?" but as it turned out, he had killed the Heavy's Medic (also shirtless and previously hidden by the Heavy's bulk). This prompted the Heavy to become very upset, and he proceeded to grab my friend's Medic and pull off the gunslingers. It was somewhat gruesome, what with all the screaming and the blood and the stretching and snapping nerves. It was also kind of weird, like there was some thick central nerve attached to each of the robot hands that would puuuuuuuull and break like taffy. Definitely not anatomically correct.
>> No. 3423
I once had a dream about a new engineer weapon, which would have an übercharge meter, whenever you spent metal the charge would grow and if it was actived all your buildings and yourself would become invincible for a short time.

And there was an even weirder weird tf2 dream I had last night: there was a new map, where were random hats scattered around, if you picked up three of a kind in a row, you'd get a new hat of that kind you picked up, and there were a ton of baseball caps, a few references of indie games (indie games that don't even exist), burning skull of Satan (Satan appeared wearing it and he said he likes the hat, even though the community considers is crap), and a new scout weapon ehich looked like a Deser Eagle, and it was like a normal pistol with less spread but smaller clip. I clearly remember before this "Update" I was playing on a mariokart-like map, with the badlands spire on it, and people were using all these new stuff, they told me about this new map with the hat collecting minigame. Oh, and they were not tf characters, but real player, a random girl and a random guy, and the chick was shooting at me with the desert eagle, while I was hiding behind the wall of the spire. There were some other new weapons too, but I can't remember any, only thing I do remember is that I wanted to vomit so much, it was unbearable. Back to the hatcollecting map, people tried to join my server, but because they were stealing all the good ones, so I had to ban all of them and put up a password (this was extremely hard to do, and it was excruciating, like lifting something heavy, or trying to run, but falling all the time). And on the map there was a huge flying platform (oh yeah, I could fly on the map, but not like noclip, just normal flying) and on it was a naked chick selling me the ability to get better hats in this minigame for 20 bucks, and I was really considering this offer, but I was saddened by the fact that I had no money on my bank account.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me?
>> No. 3424
Sorry for the tons of typos, it's 4 in the morning in the Old Continent, and I can't concentrate
>> No. 3472

Same guy here, I wish I had TF2 dreams more often D:

I finally had another dream last night, and although most of it was NSWF and ridiculous, part of it was TF2 related.

I was in the local Wal-Mart, running around breaking through randomly placed glass windows trying to get to the bathroom even though I didn't have to restock my jarate, and the Soldier was off to the side, dressed in the blue vest and Wal-Mart uniform and all that. He still had his helmet on, and his nametag read MARTYI. He was screaming obscenities at one of those handheld barcode scanner thingies, but I couldn't hear his voice, I could only see his ridiculously fuzzy chin.

I don't want to explain what happened in the bathroom, but rest assured the Soldier was long gone by then.
>> No. 3473
Soldier in the walmart uniform screaming at barcode scanners has to be drawn.
>> No. 3474

If it's any help, he was in the rolled-up carpet section. Probably trying to scan carpets? I don't know. Carpets were involved.
>> No. 3498
So I finally had my first TF2 related dream. I was in Amsterdam and in a brothel. I thought it looked weird because it had very little furniture and almost everything was made from either concrete or metal. I was asked if I were looking for "company", I said yes, and were led to a room in the basement and sat down on a couch and waited. Suddenly a BLU Spy calmly approaches and sits down next to me and greets me. I asked him something like "What the fuck are you doing here?" like I knew him. Then I woke up because my neighbour's dog started barking like crazy outside my window, so no steamy Spy-sex for me. Now that I think about it, the brothel just happened to look like a BLU base (blue, grey, concrete, metal), so now I can't get the idea out of my head that they have a secret base covered up as a brothel somewhere in Amsterdam.
>> No. 3527
I had a TF2 related dream again. (After i dreamed something,that i was on a assasinationmission and readed some Magazin which were just TF2 Themed and talked with my brother. Weird.)

Okay it was a wonderfull dream. And i´m 100% certain i just got this dream, because i played TF2 and had ever the WORST TEAM. It was just horrible.

Okay i was as class a Sniper and once belonged to Blue. But because my team wasn´t all teamplay and left me ever on my own, i switched to the Red Team. Red took me on and i wasn´t the only Sniper there, than. So Red had than 2 Sniper while Blue hadn´t any. We both got our prefered weapons. While he did stand back and made nice headshoots with the rifle, i mostly runned with the others using the Huntsman.
We had than a mission to get into the Bluebase which was stationed somewhere cold. Me and Spy went ahead and knocked the Heavy/Medic pair and a Soldier out. As i headshooted Heavy with an arrow i thought: These were once my teammates. Why don´t i feel guilty about it, but rather pleased? I should feel guilty. God i am horrible! (Yeah i have sometimes such thoughts and wish me to be a better human.)
As we came to the entrance to the Bluebase we needed to get down a ramp made from cobblestone to get there. It was just Me, Sniper and Spy at the moment, because Heavy and Scout already went ahead of us. As i looked at the cooblestone i noticed that it was frozen and that i would fall down on my butt and slide down. Spy just glances short at me, smiles and says that he did skied down the alps and FUSCH! Starts to get in this typical skypose and slides down. Without skier. (Because it was this icy.) Than Sniper steps behind me puts his arms around me and says: Bloody Spook, just because he thinks he is a Spy he can do all this fancy stuff. No worries, i can sky too and gonna help you. And than we slided down. And i really could feel his breath against my neck, the heat of his skin and his stubbles. And than he just needed to say it. Are you blushing?, with this sexy little smile of his. (Because i was.) Which i just answered with. Why should i blush? And it´s dark, You have your aviators on and this stupid hat to block your sight. You can call it luck if you even can make out my skincolor in this darkness.(harhar. I am stupid.) And as we arrived to the door of the Bluebase i woke up.
>> No. 3548
I'm tempted to hop on a train and find it out /dutch
>> No. 3618
oh hey i had another retarded tf2 dream!

This time I was an Engineer. Valve has just put out a shiny new update featuring a tutorial mode on a map titled "pancake". It sounds silly, but the map actually was shaped like a pancake, like the big dish in Hydro only with a Dustbowl setting.

Anyway, I was an Engineer, building on the track of the cart. There was a metric shitton of metal, literally 5 ammo boxes and two healths. I was setting up and this Heavy walks up looking for the health, and my Engie steps to the side and extends an arm like a true gentlemen. The Heavy says something along the lines of "DANKE AMIGO ENGINEER" and waddles off to eat the cart or something.

So now I'm sitting behind my magical sentry that upgraded when I wasn't looking. Also, I'm a BLU now, except I'm still defending. A RED Scout comes up and he's all like "hey bitches what you doin oooh look your sentry its sooo scaaary lul" and I'm like "god damnit Scout go do something useful". He then puts on his batter's helm and I'm like "OH DAYMN SON IT'S ON NOW".

So I wrestle him to the ground and rip his batter's helm out of his loadout menu and put it on my head. And now I'm a BLU Engineer wearing a red helmet behind a red sentry defending the BLU cart from the REDs. And the RED Scout is like "NOOOOOO ;-;" and runs away.

Anyway, I decide to show off my helmet, so I run around with my shotgun and I meet the Scout again. I shoot him from across the map with my shotgun and he dies instantly, because apparently helmets are superior to falloff damage.

Anyway I kill the Scout and I'm still wandering around cp_pl_pancake, and I meet a BLU Spy who's taking a piss behind a stack of wooden logs with a :jizzface: while 8-bit Scott Pilgrim music plays.

I think the TF2 bits ended there. Afterwards it was about a Touhou-styled girl and her telepathic flying Umbreon dressed in a poofy lolita dress, and something involving the Simpsons in a 7-11 mart. Also, the Umbreon was advertising 4kids DVDs. And flying. And it sounded like a totally hot chick, middle-aged, quiet sultry voice, but it doesn't matter because it was an Umbreon.
>> No. 3805
I've had a few TF2 dreams lately, but sadly, I can't remember some of the details. So, here's what I can remember off the top of my head.

First one I'm going to mention was about a week and a half ago. It involved me playing on some new map with control points in really strange places. The part I do remember involved me and a few members of my team (I was on BLU, and I think I was playing Scout) trying to get to one point that you had to get to by jumping into a pit, then crawling into a short tunnel in the pit. While we were doing that, the RED Scout and Soldier showed up, and the Soldier nudged the Scout toward us. On cue, the Scout said "Hey, our Soldier just wanted me to tell you guys you SUCK!", and then he did his own version of the Rocket Launcher taunt. No clue why the Soldier just couldn't say this himself, but whatever.

The other dream I remember involved me playing in some variation of DeGroot Keep, except, for some reason, reality and the game world had very strangely collided so that one of my lecture classes was going to be held in one of the rooms in the castle. I was switching back and forth between Medic and Pyro on RED, and I was fighting off a team of Medics with ridiculously fancy-looking bonesaws (one of them made of pure gold, for crying out loud!). For the most part, I tried beating them as a Medic, because hey, fight fire with fire, right? Then, we got to the room where my class was, and one of the enemy Medics threatened to attack my classmates. I finally thought "THAT'S IT. No more messing around!" and switched to Pyro, since that's usually my best class in the game (relatively speaking, anyway - I'm still not an amazing player or anything). I proceeded to dominate their asses with the Backscratcher before the dream went off on a non-TF2 tangent about snow sculptures and stuff.

Finally, the most recent one I had was a little snippet of the dream I had last night. It was a flashback to the RED Spy's childhood, which he'd apparently spent moving all around Europe (this would explain the multiple languages and odd accent). The dream then decided to focus on one particular moment when he was an awkward teenager, trying to impress a cute girl his age. He had just gotten his first invisibility watch, and was showing it off to her (though she seemed like she liked him anyway, watch or no watch). He was kind of a chubby kid, so the local bullies had a good laugh at him mentioning how it made him "disappear into thin air". Again, the dream shifted focus before I could find out how he became the backstabbing jerkass we know and love today, but I think this version of Spy's backstory is firmly wedging itself into my head canon. At any rate, it makes some of his domination lines nicely hypocritical.
>> No. 4030
I've had two recently.

The first involved a tenth class that had apparently always been in the game. This was a very small part of the dream, but this tenth class was a fearsome looking native American, whose face looked like a cross between the Heavy's and the Soldier's as far as facial structure goes, but his body looked kind of like Demoman's. Somebody in the dream asked me about him, and I was all "OF COURSE I KNOW WHO HE IS. HE'S THE, UH...



And I never figured out what his class was called or what he did.

The second was pretty disturbing, actually, and involved an eleven year old girl who would rape and murder young boys. She fought against Spy after she tried to seduce him.

I am pretty sure Spy won.
>> No. 4072
I dreamed about LARPing TF2. A bunch of us took over an empty school building and shouted "BANG!" at each other.
>> No. 4136
I had an odd one last night. My first TF2-related dream, in fact.
I was playing as a Red Scout, on some unidentified CTF map. Probably 2fort. I know that one best.
Anyways, I make it to the intel room, and the only one there is the Demoman. I yell at him, and he screams and falls backwards into a hole in the floor that inexplicably appeared.
So I'm like 'Sweet!' and I go to grab the intel. And then I see there's a fucking stickybomb on it. And I'm all 'Wait, what? What?! WTF do I do? HALP!' and I'm yelling in my headset, and eventually my whole team shows up. Whole fucking team gets inside BLU base without anyone stopping them. Inexplicable.

So we all just sort of, stand there, and wonder what to do. And then we start throwing shit at the sticky, trying to knock it off. Nothing fucking worked. Sniper tried a jar of Jarate, I think I threw a chair, Engineer threw a sentry at it, Heavy threw the Medic, and Spy threw like, fifty knives at once. Nothing.
And we all stood there and cried. Then the Almighty Bitch came on the intercom to tell us we all failed.

I woke up feeling very bad about myself.
>> No. 4140
I had a dream last night that I was on a trip to the antarctic with the oceanic club at my school. We were all in a little rubber raft circling an ice island that was covered in sea lions. Once we found a place that wasn't covered in sea lions, we swam to shore and set up camp on the ice.

It's at this point I realize that Engineer is the club leader and has given us wine glasses, wrapped in tin foil, and filled with hot cocoa. Then we all sat around a campfire in waist deep snow. Heavy, who was also apparently there, took out a bugle, played revelry, and said "Dat is sound that orcas make."

No, Heavy. That is not the sound that orcas make. Give me that bugle.
>> No. 4175
So last night i dreamed.
I dreamed i am in the BLU team and that i am medic. Not one medic, no i mean that i am the medic.
Which is slightly disturbing, because my grandparents were there in my dream as well. And they were still my grandparents. And my grandma didn´t approve one bit about this whole: Oh yes i am in a war by BLU and i make a lot of money, but still i put my life on risk thing. Because she began to argument with me, that i could die, but i just said, naw there is still respawn. But she still said that respawn could fail one day. And we just argued and were all angry. Later i was on a mission. The mission was in some kind of mountainjungle/this twised version of my home i already know from other dreams of me area. So i respawned and thought: Hey, where is my team?
Seems like one of the respawnproblems occured (which just ever happened to me. My teammates even began to joke about this, while i feared it could one day really fail.) and so i respawned 15 minutes later than my whole team. I was alone. And the enemy could be everywhere. And promptly a scout came running at me. So i took my Blutsauger and shoot almost all my needles at him until he was dead. I had just one left in my gun than. Than i looked around and saw a soldier (without his trenchcoat and helmet and a blackbox.) over a bridge who didn´t notice me. So switching to my Übersaw i went to him and tauntkilled him. (Because he still didn´t notice me and i wanted him instant death. Best way for this is the tauntkill.) I was really happy that i could kim him. And thought: Wow, this was easy. It was like to cut through soft butter, than flesh.
Now totally alone i wanted to reload my gun.
Reload my gun... i didn´t know how. And as i finaly figured out how to open the chamber for the needles i thought: Okay. Put the ammo in there. Ammo... where is my ammo? I opened my pouches but there where no needles. I feeled like the last medicfail on earth. I went out in the battlefield without reserve ammo? Dear god.
Where do i get ammo now? Oh yes, engie! He will have build his sentry and dispenser now. Just go there say hi and take some ammo.
So i went on the odysee to find engineer.
But before i found engineer... i stopped by my grandparents. Because he was seen there somewhere. So as i went there i heard that almost all my other teammates died and still didn´t respawn. Which creeped me out and let me begin to worry about engie. Especially that rumor of the enemy Spy who was previously a Sniper, who was the Killer of them didn´t help to calm me down. After i finaly was by my grandparents and i had a argument with my grandma again i started to ask around the neighborhood for engie. It was like this: Hey did you see a man short build, but very well muscled? Like he can carry really heavy things? With a blue overall and a yellow helmet on his head? He wears googles. And than the dream got even stranger. Because as i stepped in the yard of the house there were yellow helmets EVERYWHERE. Because apparently there was a building lot before the whole war began and the laborers just left their helmets and other stuff than there. I finally found than engies nest, but saw that the dispenser and sentry was destroyed and that engies clothes, chair and beer was left. I woke up, before the enemy Spy had his final appearence.
I dunno which things let me dream such things.
(Later i had a L4D related dream. And than i was Bill, but this is a different story.)
>> No. 4243
Had two dreams that were TF2 related recently.

First was about Gabe Newell opening an amusement park and he invited me and some friends from the Circlejerk. He showed us the rides and everything and it was pretty awesome. (I liked the rollercoasters especially) But then it turned out he ran the park with tons of TF2 classes as his slaves. They started to rebel against him and a huge fight broke out but Gabe won because he was the server admin and therefor made himself invincible and 1 hit KO'd everyone. The end.

The second was about Poker Night. I dreamt it had an epic story mode where powerful alien technology is discovered and Heavy has to play poker in order to win it and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The main villain and end boss was Tycho who turned out to be a robot sent by the aliens. It was very stylish and epic.
Never knew Poker could be that intense! The normal Poker Night pales in comparison.
>> No. 4662
I dreamt I was in a play with the Heavy Weapons Guy. He was playing the main character, the papa of a family. I was his business partner. He and Medic had a little daughter, and the Medic would bring her to watch rehearsals.

I did not try to jump Heavy or Medic or both. Didn't even occur to me. Odd, cos in real life that'd be about all I could think about.
>> No. 4663
During my trip, I've had one really short TF2 related dream. I was an Engineer in the process of setting up a mini sentry on one of the payload maps. Then we got HOOVY SUDDEN DEATH and were moved to Gorge for some reason. Lots of Heavies were there, eating Sandviches, taunting, and calling for Medics. It looked like a typical Gmod video (the ones with unnatural movement), and I was calling for a Medic, and suddenly two of them appeared with a strong 'JA!', and my Heavy was smiling like and idiot and then I woke up.
>> No. 4919
I've had a number of TF2 dreams, but they are all in the *very adult* category. I will try to describe them in less adult terms, but this is going to be... difficult.

Me getting Spit Roasted between the Sniper and Engineer.

And my latest was getting a day off from being the cook at the base and taking a long hike to a fairly nearby stream to have a picnic. When I got there, I was so hot that I decided to take a skinny dip instead. As I am swimming, from two different directions come the Sniper and Engineer, with intentions of doing the same. I think they followed me, and they were like "No, it's just too hot." and I said, "Yeah, sure, right."

But I didn't want to get out, so we all swam together for a while, then I got out to sunbathe, covering all my interesting bits with a towel while they continued to swim. When they finally got out, I offered them my suntan lotion/sunscreen, and they accepted and I helped them put it on, and it got a bit... heated. And then I smelled cigarette smoke, and followed the smell to see the Spy, spying on us. He threatened to tell the Administrator about what we'd been doing, and I got angry and told him I was going to tan his ass bright red just for threatening that. And he got a stiffy. So I had the Engineer tie him up with electrical tape, and pulled down his pants and discovered he'd been doing a bit more than just watching us... his pants were a mess.

So I did end up spanking him, and then using a switch on him besides, and I told him that if he ratted us out to the administrator, not only would I tell everyone that he got off on being spanked and watched, but that he'd never get me to do it again, either.

And that's where I woke up. Darn! I guess posting all those pics on the hot naked men board primed my subconscious something awful.
>> No. 4920
Last night, I dreamt that I was at this strange wooden lodge which had a wide river running between it and a forested sort of area. There was a short waterfall and a bridge over it and farther up the water.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I was any one of the classes or anything, but there was a Soldier and a Heavy and perhaps a couple other classes going to battle. I don't recall colors or weapons. All I really remember was diving into the water to avoid being shot and realizing I couldn't swim worth a damn. I WAS DETRIMENT TO TEAM.
>> No. 4921
Last night, in the few hours I was able to sleep, I had this weird dream that I was playing a game with some friends, that was kind of a combination of Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead, only I was in the game and my friends weren't. I was able to use the developer console, though, so I could put noclip and godmode on. All the characters in the game had strange custom skins. I can't remember exactly what they were like, but they were weird. The entire dream was weird.
>> No. 4928
So last night, part of my dream involved TF2. Kind of. I was Medic, and really, this is the 3rd or 4th TF2 dream in a row where I was the Medic. Next time I play, I should be other classes. Anyway, there was some sort of war going on, but not like the regular one between RED and BLU. I think we were trying to overthrow someone, and not the Administrator. Some guy.
One of the things that ended up happening was I was given... I don't know if they were supposed to be clones or robots or what, but I'm going to call them bots. Basically they were a group of three or so other Medics I could command. So I'm thinking, sweet shit, and take them into a city to see what they can do. Being the amazingly good person that I am, I tell them to attack the first thing I see; a group of teenage girls. They didn't move, and I had the authorities called on me, so I just ran and abandoned the Medic bots. I get back to whatever little base we had, complained they didn't work, and explained what happened. Then it was explained to me that they wouldn't attack anything that wasn't trying to attack me first, since they expected me to do something stupid like attack teenage girls, to which I replied, "Fuck you."

A timeskip later, and I'm standing next to some guy on the other side that apparently used to be my friend or some such, and we're looking over a battlefield in a desert. The landscape was nothing but sand. The two of us say how we regret having to fight against each other like this, and I mention something about if I had known before what I knew then, I might have been able to change some things.
Then I just shouted, bone saw raised high, and ran into the middle of the fighting. Because screw guns, apparently. I was doing pretty well, up until I again ran into the guy that was an old friend. His weapon was a cutlass, and he was much better at fighting than I was. Eventually I fell, but he didn't kill me.

Next thing I know, I'm looking at the face of a friend I have IRL, and he's saying that we've won. He starts going into detail, and the second he mentions Heavy, I ask where he is. Then I feel my face grabbed and turned, and turns out Heavy was the one holding me. I just smile, then hug and kiss him. Then it goes to 3rd person view, and the camera pans back to show pretty much the whole team in that desert.




Then I woke up.

Yeah, I dunno, either. Apparently my subconscious decided it would be better if clothes no longer existed.
>> No. 5024
just woke from a nap. but the dreams already slipping away. I only really remember spy's part

the team were playing dnd, but they kept getting transported to the world every few turns.

/i was following spy, looking through his eyes, but having no control. He was some sort of elfish rouge or thief. He kept thieving things from everyone else, and kept killing off helpful npc characters after they had where done talking to them.

Medic was not amused.
>> No. 5434
Just woke up, have to write this down quickly while it's still fresh in my mind.

Okay, so it started off being this weird map with dinosaurs in it. And every body (including the dinosaurs) seemed a bit small (think toy fort) and everyone in the map was either hanging around in respawn talking about random stuff (no team respawns, only one big one), running away from dinosaurs (I was doing that, it was kinda hard), or having these little duel-type things with each other. After I died via dinosaur, I was watching two people duel. They looked like sack boy versions of medic & some random chick. And they both died cause they used the same spell on each other or whatever. So after that I decided to noclip all the way from this map to some other one, three or two maps down. When I arrived in the map's only respawn, I looked at myself & I was this random girl with a long black coat on (but I was a pretty girl!). I walked outside & saw a group of medics and engineers across a river. The medics were on one side & had their arms around each others shoulders & waists & there were about eight different medic models, including shirtless, naked, red hair, black coat, etc. This was the same with the engineers too (including no helmet/goggles, which made them look sorta Andy Wilson-esque). I wanted to go hang out with them, but I realized I was a girl (weird realization) and that they wouldn't enjoy my company, as they were probably homosexual. So, in order to not have to change my Steam name, I was gonna go back to respawn & change into spy so I could disguise myself as an engineer or medic. But something just happened and I was in another map. And they were having a race like in Grease. And all the guys were trying to show off their cars to me. And they looked like bumper cars. After that, things were less tf2-y & more gmod-y/random normal dream stuff. Except with tf2 respawn & kill cam.
>> No. 5509
Dreamed about the Coraline movie played by the TF2 cast. Scout as Coraline, Spy as the Cat, the Administrator as the Other Mother, and I think Demoman as Wyborn, etc. etc.

Not particularly zany, but it was kinda cute. Then it became horrifying when I couldn't stop myself from trying to cast as many roles as possible, which gave me Engie and Solly as the two old women from the basement...
>> No. 5525
I had a dream a few nights ago where I was back home, and my sister was dating the Demoman. It was pretty cool most of the time, although it did get awkward when he would walk around without pants. The thing is, though, Demo wouldn't be my sis's type at all. She's still into feminine boys, isn't really one for facial hair, and doesn't exactly dig the whole violent drunk thing.

I woke up, rolled over, and went back to sleep. Then I had a dream where I told my sister about how I had a dream where she was dating Demo. She called me weird and then my alarm went off.
>> No. 5526
Okay, so.
The dream started out, I was scout... IN A GIANT ASS MCDONALD'S PLAYPLACE! I think I was a BLU.

ANYWAY!!!!1 This evil engie comes out of freakin' nowhere and starts to build a sentry, and I'm all, "Derp" not doing anything. And suddenly, the sentry comes to life and starts chasing me! (yes, chasing, it was running around like the Pixar lamp) So I start doing all this awsome stuff, trying to escape. I'm doing stuff like backflips over the missles... slow motions backflips... backflips landing in a split. THERE WERE A LOT OF BACKFLIPS HAPPENING UP IN HURR! and when I escape into another room. I'm in an aquarium with a bunch of talking babies.

>> No. 5544
Had another one. Heavy and Scout went to my school. The dream ended when Heavy was giving a presentation (it was a pretty awesome animation) of all the classes and what they do, ex. "Dis is Scout. What does Scout do? Scout run fast."
>> No. 5545
The dream I had actually sounds like a fun (albeit hard) game in gmod.

I was the RED spy, and there were 3 RED medics with gravity guns (and I think a BLU heavy around somewhere) and we were in a shipyard. There were large storage crates everywhere, and we played a game: all of us would race back and forth across the shipyard, but I was not allowed to touch the ground (I could walk on boxes, storage crates, etc) and the medics were all on one team versus me. They ran on the ground while carring storage crates with the gravity gun while I ran up on top.

I won the first round when technically I should have lost, and the second round they gave up halfway through the race and walked back to the start, saying they were too tired. That left me without a way to cross over a large gap between crates when suddenly my mom shows up and I'm in a room in a house. She starts laying down various pieces of furniture and I use those to cross back to the start, winning another round.
>> No. 5555
Saxton Hale was making a speech at the bases during ceasefire, and made a comment about some of the mercs being "feminine" and "faggy" and he ended up with two very pissed-off Heavies in his face giving him the death-glare. He ended up going on MANLY ADVENTURES OUTSIDE with the two of them and Cave Johnson.

The next one had RED Heavy gain the nickname "Pooh" because the Disney movies came out in the mid 60's-early 70's and he's a bear with a big belly in a red shirt. He didn't know whether to love or hate it.
>> No. 5557
I've had a couple of dreams involving the TF2 crew, so I'd thought I'd share them all.

1st: This is approximately 1 year old, so I'm surprised I still remember it in details, but here goes.
The dream took place in what looked like a cave, deep into a cave for that matter. The RED and BLU was busy fighting when a big, fat BOOM was heard in the background and soon enough they hear water flowing. They all know that if they don't co-operate, they're all going to die, so they run towards the opening together. At one place, there was this door in the way, it won't budge, until BLU Pyro airblasts a RED Demoman off a cliff and he catches a handle that was hanging in the roof. The door opened and the tune from Zelda games when you solve a puzzle played.
...and that's that dream.

2nd dream I dreamt through the eyes of an Engineer. I don't what the fuck they were doing, but there was this huge obstacle course... In the sky! Engineer was split for the rest of the crew to take a different route, accompanied by a Medic. He and I struggled to win and I still ponder how the hell did that course existed, in the sky?! Medic disappeared later on, I had gotten through the course and was about to meet an important figure (I'm guessing Saxton) when a Demoman came by, apparently he'd gotten through the course as well, so we'd agree we'd enter the last room at the same time.
The End.

3rd dream I in fact just woke up from.
This time it was in the view of a BLU Huntsman Sniper. It took place in what looked like a junkyard, kind of like that junkyard in the beginning of Final Fantasy VII. I was running away from gunfire, climbing up a ladder and finally was I in safety in a little shaft. In the shaft was also a Demoman whom seemed either to be sobbing or was asleep from all the scrumpy. I'd see out there our Pyro sneaking around, igniting one of our opponents. A RED Heavy was about to cross this bridge that connects both sides and I thought I'd take my arrow and shoot him. While I was aiming, a Scout came running, apparently he'd seen him and tried to warn Heavy who wasn't paying attention. It ended with Scout bodyslamming Heavy aside and taking the blow himself. Imagine how sad Heavy became to find leetle baby man hurt, with an arrow through his chest. He'd carry Scout to safety, creating a barrier of junk to protect him, and then he'd turn around facing me with a mind set on revenge.
And that was it.
>> No. 5558
I have one from just this morning, but it's a little fuzzy due to probably being medication induced.

It starts out with the Announcer/Administrator being a sort of guardian to a bunch of different classes. Thing is, she's not as much helping us as torturing us and having us kill each other. So a few of us decide we're not going to take it anymore, and we decide to steal her car and run away. It was myself driving, a RED Soldier, and a BLU Engineer. So we successfully steal the car, but somehow a RED Demoman got into the back seat, and was pointing some sort of gun at the back of my head while I was driving. We think the Administrator sent him to kill us, and start freaking out. Turns out he really wanted to join us, even though he was sent to kill us, and that he stowed away a heavily injured Scout in the back of the car. And he points out that we're the only ones left of the original eighteen. Cue strange chase scene starting with the Administrator finding out that Demoman betrayed her, and ending with her getting tired of this bullshit and going back home.

Part two of this dream involve us going to- I shit you not- Femgineer College of Sciences. Somewhere around Detroit if I recall correctly. We've decided to take refuge there with a friend of Engies, who happens to be an attractive female Engineer. Turns out that by dying by the Administrator's hands, we'd end up respawning in this little building in the middle of the campus, unbeknown to her. The next part of the dream was to find all the classes that already arrived here, but my cat decided that would be the best time to jump on my chest and demand attention.
>> No. 5559
Had a dream the other night where I was running with the members of Red and Blu but it had more of a "run like your ass is on fire" race than a fun one. Well somehow I was slower than Heavy (not really that far of a stretch but hey) but some random team member tripped up just before we finished so I made it without being last. Then the next thing I know I'm in some weird old Frankenstein-esque lab, both teams are there, and Blu Medic is all "MUHAHAHAHA". Then pops up what I can only describe as a wheel of torture, but for some reason it didn't spin and I was scared because of that and have no idea why. Anyways, on the wheel is the loser and about to be royally fucked up by Medic when suddenly the Red Medic shouts at the other team, pleading and begging with all his might for them to let him take the loser's place. Then the Blu Medic got this psychotic kind of grin on his face and agreed.

I can't remember anything after that, but I woke up terrified and had that feeling of sadness that makes your heart feel like it weighs 50 pounds of pain.
>> No. 5566
I'm terrible at remembering dreams, but I do remember that I was a RED Soldier in a tower overlooking a BLU desert mining operation manned by normal employees and I was trying to shoot at them with a rocket launcher that fires chocolate.
I remember that apparently I had to cut the chocolate in just the right shape, or else it'll jam the launcher.

Another fuzzy dream was me playing real life TF2. That was fun.
>> No. 5650
I had one last night.

So I was Human!Wheatley, who- in some sort of romantic comedy fashion- was destined by the plot to get some by whatever means necessary. I was pursuing a woman named Alice (curly short hair, cute smile) who claimed to be the grown-up Alice from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. She looked nothing like it but I went along with her.
So we're sitting on my couch flirting and kissing, with her in my lap, and Scout is sitting on the other end egging us on. All of the sudden life turns into a weirdass PSA! It involved teenage girls becoming depressed because other teenage girls WITH depression were getting treatment. And it was black and white and there was something about a male Japanese subculture called "centaurs" who made it their mission to impregnate women over forty.


So a panel of female judges pops up at the end and says the PSA sucked ass. This kills Alice's libido, as the judges are apparently really important to her, and she gets upset and goes back to work where we're supposed to be. We work for the Daily Bugle. I end up seducing her and we're finally getting hot 'n heavy in a cubicle when, because we were leaning against it, one of the walls breaks down. Instead of falling into the office, I (with her precariously balanced on my lap) pitch forward into...the panel of of judges. I freak out and pull out and run off, leaving Alice with her dress up in the middle of the judges.

I already know she is going to be PISSED so I go to my boss J. Jonah Jameson for an assignment. He gives me an address and pats me on the back, saying to go there and I'll figure out my duty.

So it skips to this platformer-esque screen of a suburban street at night. My character- now a silhouette of the Spy- tiredly drags himself forward, checking the address of every house he passes. Finally, he comes to the right one, where there is a shadow of ScootMa in one lit window.

Cut back to reality! Er, sort of. I (now Human!Wheatley again)look at the house, flabbergasted. This is Alice's address.
I gulp nervously and walk inside. To- you guessed it- that fucking panel of judges. They give me the stankiest stink eye to ever raise a stink, and I see Alice is now among them. I panic. Alice seems to take pity, and confers with her judge friends on what to do with me. They finally end up being like "you go get some ass guuurl, show that boy who's boss!" and I nearly wee with joy.
We end up in her shower and are just getting to heavy foreplay when- god dammit- Bebop and Rocksteady show up outside her house. However, I have help this time. Just as they're breaking down the door, the RED team burst onto the scene and chase them away with Demo's bombs. All of their weapons fire Demo's bombs. Even the Medigun. Bombs.

And I end up having awesome shower sex with Alice for the rest of the dream.
>> No. 5681
I spent some time sitting in a dusty old barn with Sniper. He didn't talk much and when I tried to talk to him, he kept shushing me because he was trying to shoot people. I couldn't leave because I would get shot and die. It was kind of boring and I couldn't even get near the windows to see what was going on!
>> No. 5703
This could be because I've recently picked up the "Trauma Center" series again, and the fact that I wrote a TF2/Trauma Center crossover a long time ago (I lost it, unfortunately), but I had a dream last night about the BLU Medic working at Caduceus and he was wearing a futuristic outfit similar to his original one, and he was performing surgeries. Don't remember how the rest of it went, but it was pretty cool.
>> No. 5997
So, I had a TF2 dream that took place during a zombie apocalypse. Me and several of my friends were running away from major civilizations into the forest and we come to this large open space with a massive fortress in the middle. It's like a medieval style castle but for some reason, it has a pagoda tower 5 stories high in the middle.

Anyways, we find out it's a men only fortress, so all my guy friends go inside because all my lady friends say it makes no sense for us all to get eaten by zombies while they could be safe.

I go with the other girls and we find a village in the nearby forest that's all female. A skinny lady in a blue pinstripe skirt suit and balaclava explains to us that the fortress is actually run by an evil medic who uses all the males as test subjects, and only wants males because he's gay and can do things to them when they're unconscious/tied down/otherwise at his mercy.

Obviously, I want to save my friends, so I, (who am at the moment wearing blue coveralls and have a wrench and Frontier Justice btw) rally the troops and attempt to invade the fortress.

It turns into a male vs. female tf2 fight. Most of the classes are running around killing each other, but what I remember seeing from the perspective of female engineer was this:

I followed our spy in through a window. She got shot. I shot the people who shot her.

I found one of my male friends, who ATM is classless.

My male friend and his friends (demo and spy) help me get to the pagoda, where the evil medic is apparently hiding out on the top floor.

Floor 2 is on fire thanks to femme pyro. I collect her and a femme soldier and we continue onwards. The male demo and spy join the fray. I erect a sentry to keep people from following us.

Floor 3 has an enemy scout and heavy. The heavy knocks out classless, and shoots the pyro in the leg. Pyro squats behind a crate and sets the scout on fire while the soldier engages the heavy. Someone steals the unconscious body of classless. Pyro and Solly tell me to press on without them, as they will hold off the others.

Floor 4 has a lone soldier.

I find it significant at this point to note that for some reason everyone is now in skimpy lingerie. Soldier is personally sporting a black bra with red trim, matching panties, black fishnets and garters, and red pumps.

We banter a while and agree to duel like AMERICANS. This means I have my wrench, he has his shovel, and we attempt to beat the shit out of each other. This is very bad agreement on my part. I am an engineer, he a soldier. He kicks my ass. But, he also says I fight with honor, which is more than he can say for the medic who is apparently a Nazi and has no honor, and lets himself get further soiled by fornicating with communists. So, he will let me pass.

At this point I am rejoined by pyro and my soldier, and we see the evil medic come down from upstairs with the unconscious body of my classless friend. He drugs him and resurrects him from the dead as a sexy zombie slave, but it backfires when classless artfully disembowels him with an ubersaw. He then becomes the new medic.

Soldier and I abscond to have sexy time.

Sorry for massive wall of text.
>> No. 6017
I had a dream where I had been challenged to a round of Super Smash Bros. by my little brother. I pick a stage, and next thing I know, my little brother is gone and I'm in the game, in some level that was nothing but steel platforms and acid slime pits.

I started running INSANELY fast and jumped over a Sniper, bitch-slapped a Spy, ran past a Soldier, and just kept running and jumping at random, yelling like a fuckin' moron.

Somewhere in all of this, I realize I'm a Scout. I go to make this wider jump, and I almost manage to make t, but my feet hit the platform, snapped off at the ankles, and sent me plunging into the slime, where I got a nice killcam shot of my skull floating and bobbing around on top of the slime.

Still....the look on the Spy's face when I slapped him....I've never been happier.
>> No. 6026
I had a dream about watching Meet the Medic on youtube. I don't remember much except that it began with the Medic feeding doves, and killing them afterwards.
I woke up to the Uber Update. Made me feel like some kind of prophet.
>> No. 6083
I was a scout i think, running like shit everywhere as scouts do
A sniper was implied but i don't know what he was doing, all i can remember is that i thought it was him shooting me when a very, very loud lightning woke me.
>> No. 7074
Last night, I dreamt there was a missing Meet the Team short (besides Meet the Pyro), and there was also a bit of dialogue cut out from Meet the Medic where Medic's first name was revealed to be Agnes.

And there was an argument between him and Soldier about who had the least feminine name.
>> No. 7088
I had one kind of similar to the one BluScoutMama posted earlier on in this thread. Heavy and Medic, plot of Titanic. Yeah.
Except at the part where Jack (Heavy) tells Rose (Medic) all that stuff as he floats in the water, Medic says 'nein, I know a way we can fix this.' and he pulls out his emergency computer fan and climbs onto Heavy's back. He plugs the computer fan into the outlet conveniently located in Heavy's ass. This required the use of copious amounts of medical lubricant. So he plugged the fan in, placed it in the water, then they motored off to a tropical island where the indigenous people believe that homosexuals are gods. So all the people gather in a crazy like university lecture hall to watch Heavy and Medic have sex. It is extremely kinky.
The people see they are gay and worship them as gods, becoming their servants, and the lived away the rest of their lives in utter peace.
>> No. 7096
Entirety of this dream focused on a new item for Scout, a whistle worn around the neck. Apparently, used in range of a Sniper, it would completely drain the Sniper's supply of Jarate until respawn.
>> No. 7123
I just had this weird half-dream while waking up, i dreamed of this weird item for the scout that came with the half-zatoichi and the kunai knife and all that, it was this throwing knife for the scout that looked a bit like the kunai, but different, somehow.

My mind was telling me it worked by being fired out of the scout's feet, somehow.

I looked up scout weapons on the wiki this morning to remind myself it wasn't real.
>> No. 7126
I dreamt I was in my old school yard. Nobody else was there. Suddenly this creepy-ass clown comes out of the bushes behind the dumpster and starts slowly walking in my direction, looking straight at me. I panicked, but I didn't run. I looked to my right and saw the BLU engineer standing next to me, so I flung my arms around Engie's neck and clung to him for dear life. The clown came right up to me, then abruptly turned left because he was actually going for the door next to me. I felt bad for assuming he was dangerous. Engie didn't say anything. Or move. He disappeared when I let go of him.
He was nice and warm, though.
>> No. 7149
On Tuesday night, I had a dream where I was playing as a Medic and I met this really cool Heavy. We had found a way to make Heavy and Medic flirt with each other and we were doing that the whole time. Whenever one of us would get killed, the other would wait in respawn for the one who was killed to respawn. Eventually, everyone but us ragequitted and the guy friended me on Steam, asked for my email and we RPed more Heavy/Medic shenanigans. I was sad to wake up.
>> No. 7194
I had a TF2 dream just a few nights ago! It's funny 'cause I've only been playing TF2 for like a week (not a F2P mind you, got a new computer and bought the game).

I had a dream where I was supposed to have sex with this big, bulky, ugly guy. I was (surprising enough) all fine with it, but as we were supposed to be getting it on, one of the characters from TF2 came and knocked him out cold - can't remember who anymore. Then there was an epic battle between the full teams of RED and BLU and I stuck around following it enthusiastically. It was epic, that's all I can recall. When the battle ended I found the big bulky guy laying in a ditch somewhere with his pants down. He woke up, I said that we had already had sex and he went home disappointed. I also think that when the characters came crashing in I hoped in the dream that I would get it on with one of them, but nah. My unconscious decided otherwise.

I have my hopes up that this will happen some day in real life. Especially with the part where I end up shagging with one of the TF2 characters. Never lose hope.
>> No. 7196
  I had to have my wisdom teeth surgically removed yesterday, and boy did I have some crazy dreams while I was waking up from my anesthetic.

I had quite a few, but the one I remember the most was this looping one that kept coming back. I kept dreaming that the RED and BLU teams were being nice to each other for once and prancing around in a neon-green field of flowers as the following song kept playing.

Sometimes they were singing with it, sometimes they weren't, sometimes they were naked, other times they were clothed... It was just really really weird. No sex, though. Just naked prancing and general being-happy-ness.

Ms. Pauling was there, too.
>> No. 7199
Okay this was a cool and a weird dream to the same time.

It first began that i (in this dream a student) went to my mentor with a other student of him to his apartment. The teacher was in his holiday, but he gave us his phonenumer so he can critize us and give us ridiculous easy/senseless tasked even if he has his holidays. We just went to the apartment to make some mischief there, because our mentor was DOKTOR HOUSE. Anyway as me and this other student talked he started to hit on me. And i thought: Jesus a goodlooking guy actually shows interest in me and i like him too? Jackpot! But after he found out, that i don´t live in his town, but come from a other town he fast backed away from me. He seemed to feel i lied to him about where i came from. Which wasn´t so.
Now to the Tf2 part.
Anyway Dr. House gave me and him a mission. We both should as red soldiers go into the blue soldier base rescuing our red spy college.
Partly it went good, but as the blue soldiers saw us, they either wanted just to beat us up or to take us along into their base.
As we went into their base, which was just a map we heard, they planned a sacrificial religios larifari ritaul including our red spy college and a redmedic. Now here was the game element, because i somehow could hit ESC and do something about my settings. And in the setting included that we could change the MAPSTYLE.
Does this sound good? It was. Either we could choose between a style were the map looked like a russian church. With saints on the window and paintings and everything. Oor we could choose the military looking style which showed the usually black stance font on the walls and and bars before the windows. I choosed the military style, because it HUGHLY confused me that blue soldiers should be in a russian church doing some ritual. They even tried as they brought us into the base to participate into the ritual. I don´t know if they were succesfully with it, because i woke than up.
>> No. 7201
I feel you bro. I didn't have the full anesthetic, but still my dreams for the next two nights (when I managed to get some sleep) were fucked up. The second dream made a lot of sense when I was dreaming it, but now it's like wtf. Without boring you guys with details imagine this part: BLU Soldier (with a Shovel and Chieftain's Challenge) fighting Xenomorphs in a submarine, eventually blowing everything up along with himself. Yep, I don't know either.
>> No. 7224
When I first downloaded TF2, a few months ago, I played it pretty much 10 hours straight...and then continued playing in my dreams. I choose the class I was playing as, brought up a map, ran around, cappin' points, gettin' killed, respawin', changin' class, bein' crap at this game, rage quittin'

Then I woke up.

It was really, really strange.
>> No. 7238
Okay so I had a really weird dream last night.

I dreamed Sniper was my dad.

It was kinda nice, at first. I remember getting in a car with him at some parking lot or another, and I think it was a pickup truck instead of his camper. He said he would've been there earlier if it wasn't for Spy, and we made jokes about how Spies were dicks, swapping stories about them that probably weren't even true, just to make each other laugh.

We get to where we're going, which turns out to be an amusement park. Which was great, but then some strange things would happen. Like rides being a little off. can't think of anything specific, just us looking at something and going, "Huh. Odd." We just brushed it off, though, and continued with our fun. Then the strange things started escalating, to the point of some rides being broken. I remember the last one we went on, this huge water slide, but it was broke off about half way and we ended up landing in this little swamp thing. While we frown and stand there thinking "What the fucking fuck?" some security guy comes up and starts questioning us, apparently thinking we were the ones breaking and defacing shit.

Then the security guard implies not so subtly that he thinks Sniper might be abusing me, to which we both start cussing him out for being so stupid. "This whole bloody day was for her," I remember him saying. Then the dream started getting really weird. He said he only brought me out there so we could have one last day together, because he couldn't handle it anymore. Like, couldn't take being a dad. I got all confused and upset, and it gets kinda hazy, but that was about it for that dream. I did dream of other things afterward, and once or twice I would think back about the Sniper dad dream and get all pissed off, but nothing TF2-related happened after that.
>> No. 7247
I had a crazy dream again. It started that i showered in a public swimminghall and suddendly a stranger would burst in. At his side was Blue Sniper who wore a lightgrey koala on his back. So i was first shocked of the stranger and a bit nervous about BlueSniper and his koala (because i was nacked), but after the stranger went out again i thought: What the heck and tried to "encourage" Sniper to stay in the shower. But he went than out, because some one alarmed the security (which was me, because of creepy stranger) and than my mom (a random woman who said she is my mom) would join me in the shower and ask me what i need so long here. Because we needed to get ready for a birthdayparty. So after we dressed ourself we went to the birthday party. There it was typical me. I became bored of it, because i was the only one in my agegroup and everyone else was either ten years older than me or younger.
So i just said goodbye earlier and went my way.
I like sometimes to wander around a area and so i did in my dream. After i went down some hills and through some bushes i saw a old traintrack which leaded to a bridth metalbridge. As i went over the bridge to the other side i heard the voice of the Announcer. 10 Seconds until missions begin. And the gates opened up. How it came out i was standing on the red spawnside and i was more than confused as soldier charged out the gate. Than he stoppesd tilted his helmet above his eyes gazed at me and said: Huh. What the hell are you doing here? Well, anyway i will later care about you after the battle. Said it and went roaring and his direct hit wielding away. I wondered that a war actually was happening in our town and saw other members of the team pass me. Red Engie told me it was too dangerous for a woman to be here and i should go to Red Sniper, because there it was safer. I said thanks and tried to be nice and polite to everyone i met on my way. Demoknight even invited me to a beer later.
I came to the Red Sniper which wore a magentacolored headband under his thropybelt which was the same color. I found it pretty good looking. What i didn´t find good was his reaction to me. He said: Oh i know what you are doing, mate. Ya try to be all noice and stuff by the others to get something, but believe me i will not loik you. I was disappointed, and he and me waited until the battle was over. He would headshoot someone sometimes and mutter something into his non existence moustache than.
As the battle came to a end he started to go in the opposite direction of the place were the team meet to a other place. In memory of Engies words i followed him and asked what he was doing. He said he would meet Blue Sniper with which he had ever a small contest in the battle and bets with him in the sparetime. It seemed he killed more of the blue team, than the blue sniper killed on the red team which made him the winner of the contest and of the bet.
As we came to the blue sniper he saw me and started cursing slightly at my grinning face and said he hoped not to see me again.
I was confused again and hurt and asked what´s the matter, but he didn´t answered. Red sniper pleased on blue snipers reaction to me said that i seemed to be the girl from the shower.
How it came out Blue sniper lost a bet against red and was forced to go into the lady shower rooms with a koala on his back. So the koala isn´t his? i asked, because it was such a cute bugger. He grinned broadly and said: No it wasn´t, but after all it seems i can start to like you. Sniper was such a big bastard he would have done so much just to bug blue.
>> No. 7250
I had a dream that I was just walking around my aunt's living room and Scout was sleeping outside, shirtless, in the snow.

So, being nice, I went to wake him up and let him in the house. Next thing I know, he's pulling a knife on me and acting like a general douchebag.

Typical Scout. That's the last time I let him in the fucking house.
>> No. 7363
I actually just had a TF2 dream last night. It was my very first one, and was a lot like the L4D dream I had where I was being chased by a Tank. Anyway, I was a BLU Scout (Not playing one, I WAS one), and I had a friend with me. I think they were an Engie, but I can't really remember. I was being stalked and chased the entire night by a RED Spy, who kept killing me even when I knew for a fact he had been nowhere near me. The worst part was when I was killed NOT by Spy, but by Scout's Mom (who was my mother, as I was BLU Scout). Yeah... Kind of a freaky dream.
>> No. 7539
Had my first! Weirdly, the dream switched back and forth between me feeling the controller in my hands but having my whole field of vision taken up by TF2-world, then having the sensation of physically being in the world, and occasionally seeing it in third person...

Anyway, plot-wise, I was Medic (sometimes me-playing-Medic, sometimes in the dream I was Medic, it was weird like that). I was following a Heavy around, and we were generally kicking ass and taking names.

Also, at some point in the proceedings, Heavy turned me into a vampire, but I was remarkably okay with that fact. At one point we got separated and I had to fight my way back over to him because the rest of our team was... nowhere, really. So I brained a couple guys with a small statuette, saved my Heavy, and we continued to wreak havoc. Again, for some reason, by this time we were vampires.

The weirdest part, though, was that during the parts of the dream where I was me playing the game, I was teamed up with my brother, and I had to tell him he needed to play a different class because Heavy and Medic were a couple, and I considered it kind of weird to be playing his videogame boyfriend.

So, thanks to this dream, when a friend of mine starts up a game of Vampire: The Masquerade, I will definitely be playing Medic-as-vampire.
>> No. 7566
I had a dream where Scout was messing about with Director's film camera, dressed in Medic's labcoat, messing about and lip-syncing to Mindless Self Indulgence's 'Mark David Chapman' (The last part where he mentions Hitler).
I now want to make a video of it on gmod.
>> No. 7571
I had one last night that very quickly went from PG to R. Though not my first Tf2-related dream, this is my first Tf2-centric dream.
I was a RED Medic on Badwater, but it was cloudy and the map looked different than usual. I was physically in the game, stepping on the dirt and breathing the air, yet still controlling myself with a keyboard somehow. The other characters weren’t controlled by players. They were really the characters themselves. There weren’t many people around, however. The only other being I encountered was a RED Pyro, who quickly ditched me.
I somehow found a way out of the normal confines of the map, (through a gate that was left unlocked,) into an area where the mercenaries were not supposed to go. I discovered that this was where most of my teammates had gone. They were chillin’ outside the fighting area, they didn’t feel like fighting. I knew that if the announcer found us we’d be dead, but we were in no danger of being found. I looked at the keyboard. The F key was next to E, (where R is supposed to be,) and similarly to E, it was a shortcut key for something. I don’t know what it did. E makes you say “medic,” F makes you say something else. I walked up to Sniper and hit F, and I said something to him, but couldn’t hear what it was. Then there was a jump-cut which skipped over his reaction and the subsequent 5 minutes or so, and next thing I know, my hands and knees are in the dirt and I feel Sniper’s hands on my (medic’s) hips and I realize I’m getting buttfucked. Due to the jump-cut I didn’t get the whole experience, only the last few seconds. It was utterly bizarre and I found it quite amusing, so I decided I needed to try the F key on other characters. Whatever F meant in the normal game, to the defectors it apparently meant something very different. The dream got hazy after that, but I remember I just couldn’t bring myself to approach the Engineer and hit the F key. I had no such difficulty with Demoman or Soldier.
Boy, was that strange. I woke up to see both of my feet had been bleeding, but that’s almost definitely unrelated.
>> No. 7782
I feel dirty, but the only TF2 related dreams I have had was were I screwed Sniper. :3
>> No. 7846
I had a dream where I was the RED engineer and I was half-asleep and people kept destroying my sentries, which were glitched out and had infinite health. Then spies rained down from the sky and attempted to backstab the sentries, but then RED sniper decided to help me and killed the spies. (There were like, 50 of them.) My sentries were killing everything and I kept hearing the music from inception with my sentries beeping in the background. Then a random teleporter came up to me and said something like 'wake up' and I made the sound of missingno from Pokemon and demoman became the teleporter and exploded in front of me. I then randomly had cream soda and threw it at the dead demoman. Then I woke up.
>> No. 7868
Dreamed I was a RED Scout, running on a flimsy wooden bridge in a big forest/jungle with red Chinese pagodas in it. Medic was screaming at me to run faster or I would miss seeing a baby bird's first flight.
So I ran for a while, then I saw a huge white "baby" bird trapped in a pagoda.
And then I woke up.
>> No. 7958
So, I had a TF2 dream that was kind of like a movie. I wasn't in it; I was watching the dream. A girl I know was in it, though. All you need to know is her last name, but to save her privacy, I'll call her Smith.

I'm not sure how it started, but there were multiple of each class on either team. In this case, one Heavy, two Soldiers, and two Spies were the main focus. Heavy was a good cook and he made sweets a lot. It was kind of like Home Alone, but there was a plot about family/friendship. The girl I know has a big family, and she was telling the guys (who were bitter about not having family left) about family values and such. So they all defected from the military and became a foster family to each other, living in a house together...

There were a lot more details that I missed; had I written this down sooner, the dream would've sounded more coherent. It really was like watching a TF2 movie.
>> No. 7962
I had this weird TF2 dream. In the dream, there was this weird update that came out where Valve was forcing us to buy discs for it. The update wasn't available in any other form, and there were two discs in the pack, one for each team. I was also in the game as a RED spy, and I had to install the discs when I was in the game's world. I also remember being so obsessed about getting the new items in the update that I would even go to trading servers, which I would never do in real life. Ever. There were also these shops in the game world, and in one of them, they had furniture styled for the classes and teams they were meant for. I remember looking at these bed sheets that were red and pinstriped like the RED spy's suit, and the pillowcase had the spy emblem in the middle of it in white.
>> No. 8012
Had a dream a while ago that I was the team pyro, my Chinese friend was Medic (he mains as Medic) and my Japanese friend was Engineer (he doesn't even play) everyone was as they were. It took place in an expanded 2fort with a buffet line in the mess hall that looked like a tiny version of my school cafeteria.

Scout and HEavy have an eating contest, we are rewarded with brownies, and Heavy gives scout his since Medic is allergic to chocolate and Hoovy's a softie at heart.

Make a long story short, Sniper develops a crush on me, we save each other's asses when we got knocked over the side (in a very L4D fashion, couldn't pull ourselves back up if someone wasn't there). My mind rationalized it as spychecking whenever I fired around him. For fun I just blasted him with fire just to see him not burn. But anyway.

Eventually Japanese-Engie tell me that "Sniper's got the hots for me" (in a southern accent, really threw me for a loop when I thought about it) and turns out that I was the only one who didn't know it. Somehow I end up walking to BLU base and talking to the BLU pyro (also a girl and apparently someone I knew, says the planted info in my brain), only to figure out that BLU knew it, too. Even their Heavy and Medic were laughing about it. The RED and BLU scout played monopoly and gossiped about it like I wasn't there.

Then the spies team up to set us up and the story ends with a shared cigarette and hand-holding. Then it fuzzes out and I woke up feeling quite lonely.

Made me melt at Sniper's voice for the next two weeks, needless to say it was a very strange experience.
>> No. 8014
I had a weird dream involving the red team. I was married to spy, sniper was a zombie like Raziel, engineer had a motorcycle ( i think it was a harley), Demoman worked for a convenient store. And every second everyone would get on Engie's motorcycle and head off to work. We drove over water, in the sky, and through houses. It was really weird. We also went to this high school gym where all these 3 year olds were attacking medic for no reason. Everytime Engie would go over water I would scream "Nooooooo i don't want to die"
>> No. 8081
(Sorry, I made a thread for this before, when I was half asleep, but deleted it because someone else mentioned this thread. So I'm reposting this.)

I don't typically remember my dreams these days. I guess this one was so bizarre it woke me up, which is why I recall it. I felt the need to share it before it escaped me entirely.

There was a series of serial killings off base in America. Not sure where. Could've been somewhere up North. For some reason the Scout was currently living in a suburban house with the Soldier in one of the neighborhoods where the killings were strong.

There were a lot of news reporters interviewing people in the area and one reporter was interviewing Scout at night on the patio in the backyard. The Scout is eating something and pretty much telling the guy he'd love to be on TV but doesn't know anything. Then the reporter pulls out a weapon, I think it was a knife, and threatens the Scout, revealing that the reporter is the serial killer. Scout, for some reason, backs off and plays dead, fooling the reporter. The reporter then sneaks inside and the Soldier is upstairs asleep.

It's then that I guess my dream became so fucked up that I knew it was fucked up and I suppose that's what started to wake me. Basically when the reporter got to the bedroom door, he turned into a string of weird Sesame Street-esque muppet jokes. I don't even know what they were, I just remember my brain was making jokes in my sleep and I was stunned because they were so stupid and bad.

So, of course the Soldier killed the guy because the reporter was stupid enough to threaten him with a knife or something and the Soldier had the pickaxe or shovel nearby. Then the Soldier went outside and calmly starting digging a grave with his shovel to bury the body and the Scout stopped playing dead. D:

It was in character for the Soldier at least. I want him to stop taking over my brain now. I guess he's overanxious for me to finish editing/writing his long-ass scene in my story...

As someone responded to the earlier thread saying, it would be a cool plot for a story... but it's still a weird dream. I mean, if nothing else, it'd make more sense for the Scout to be a Spy.
>> No. 8133
So this dream starts off with one Spy tracking another (pretty sure they were both BLU). Everything looked like it come out of a high-budget CG movie. Anywho, the Spy was following his teammate because he'd been acting weird lately, and now he was walking through a forest for no apparent reason. I somehow knew, because dream logic where you just know something no matter how silly, that his teammate wasn't just a Spy, but a spycrab. Oh, and I should mention the first Spy, the one that's doing the following, isn't wearing a mask (dunno why).

So eventually the BLU spycrab meets up with a RED one, and of course the Spy isn't happy about this. He thinks they're all Spies, after all, and now his teammate's a traitor. So he steps out and puts a revolver to the other BLU's head, and pulls out a cell phone (yes I know how silly that sounds). He doesn't say anything, he's just glaring at the spycrab, who looks completely unconcerned. Then the Spy paused, since he heard a rumbling, and closed the phone. There were a whole bunch of spycrabs, or at least Spies wanting to protect them (hard to tell which), that were charging straight toward him.

Even though I'm writing this down as soon as I can, there's still a lot I know I'm forgetting. I know the Spy ran, but I can't remember anything between that and him climbing a tree. Then he starts up with a voice over, says his name (which I can't remember, bawww), and then, "Why are we losing this war? Because I'm not in as good of shape as I used to be." I guess because he was older or something. I didn't know there was a war going on with spycrabs, but hey, maybe they aren't as harmless as they pretend to be.

I know there was something in between that part and what I remember next, but again, can't remember. Which is frustrating. But anyways, he's in a different tree now, way out on a branch, and there's a close up of his ear (which has a nick in it, I thought that was a nice touch), to show how he's listening to a sudden gust of wind. The voice over starts up again, this time him saying, "No, no, don't do this to me. Don't do this to me!" With the strong gust combined with his weight, the branch snaps and he lands in between two spycrabs. Then my alarm went off.

Was definitely a weird, if not cool, dream.
>> No. 8136
The only TF2 dream that I can ever remember having consisted of a post-battle RED Medic and Scout heading back to base to rest in respawn for whatever reason. There, the Scout pronounced that he was horny and proceeded to coerce the Medic to go through with his demands by use of his bat.

I blame my friends.
>> No. 8147
Can I join the seemingly constantly-growing group of people having sex dreams about Sniper? I'm not even that attracted to him. Feels weird, man.
>> No. 8152
So I started off in this giant warehouse that looked like it was made for laser tag (obstacles, stairs, places to climb, places to hide, etc.) except nothing was painted so. I was walking around with my friend when I decided to spycrab and start saying "Medic!" the way Medic would say it. He joined along and we were having a grand ol' time before I started up the stairs. When I got the top of the stairs, I found someone cosplaying as Medic. We both decided to say "Medic!" some more. We were still walking around like spycrabs when I came across somebody cosplaying as a Spy of the opposite colour. I then yelled "Spy!" in Medic's voice. We all spycrabbed away (us medics trying to get away, the spy trying to get us). I woke up somewhere around there, but I'm not sure if the spy got us or not.
>> No. 8201
I had a dream where I was carrying the BLU Spy head around a mall and taking professional photography.

Meet the Medic before bed, NEVER AGAIN
>> No. 8202
I had a short little dream that a friend (who also plays TF2) and I were Spies and were sent to infiltrate our old middle school and look for the enemy amongst the students. i took the opportunity to backstab my most hated math teacher.
it was glorious.
>> No. 8248
Had a short dream last night where I was on a farmhouse roof at night, perched near the edge like a gargoyle, and I jumped down on this porch next to the inside kitchen. I looked through the screen door to see Engineer eating dinner at the table, steak and potatoes I think. He noticed me and seemed like he was expecting the visit, so he invited me inside and we sat and talked for a bit and had dinner.
And I think he wanted me to help him out with something, but I can't remember it now.
>> No. 8267
Had two-- or, one long and convoluted dream, with two TF2 segments.

The best was a scene I hadn't yet finished writing for a fic, playing out like a movie. Sadly I couldn't remember it all when I woke up and wanted to finish writing it. It was a beauty of a scene in the dream...

There was also a dream segment about a TF2 film being made, but then instead of being about a bunch of guys blowing each other to pieces in creative and hilarious ways, it was about RED Scout learning that he was adopted (even though it was completely obvious, since instead of a RED Scout Ma, he lived with a black family...), and it was just... just so full of fail. I kept waiting for any of the other classes to show up, but it kept trying and failing to be heartwarming.

Then there was, like, a crazy woman across the street and some tiny dogs, and things fell apart even more.
>> No. 8268
One TF2 dream I clearly remember having is one where the team (RED I believe) is transported to a world filled with fantasy monsters. Spy is clubbed in the head by one and wakes up silly and loopy, saying things like: "Sniper, you're so preeeeeeeety~" and giggling to himself. He's eventually whacked in the head again by a teammate and returns to normal.
>> No. 8271
That needs to be a story.
>> No. 8306
I had a dream that I was fighting alongside the team trying to defend an enormous satellite dish from what I can only assume to be nazi zombies. I was confused because I didn't know what class I was supposed to be so I asked the spy (who, for some reason, was a red fox in a suit)

"Hey what class am I?"

"You build robots so your an engineer of corse."

That made sense to me because I do build robots irl so I clumped together some metal as best I could when Scout was being eaten by undead Nazis and made what could only be described as a sentry attached to the chassis a moon rover. I woke up just as I was about to ride my loyal sentry mount in to battle when I woke up.
>> No. 8357
I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was in a room that was pretty plain but a few burn marks here and there and porno magazines everywhere and Hellboy comics. I'm getting dressed and I put on my undies and it's no big deal until I have to get a roll of bandages and wrap my chest until it's painfully tight and flat. I put on a huge rubber suit and a gasmask and the world looks a little bit darker and my field of vision is a teeny bit restricted.

Next thing I know, I'm having trouble breathing and so I go to Medic and he looks me over once before going back to whatever he was doing (feeding doves or something) and says "Hello, fraulein. Vat do you need?" I take off my gasmask and explain that I'm having trouble breathing.

When he sees how tightly I bandage myself he tells me that either the asbestos is getting to me or I'm wrapping myself too tight.
SUDDENLY SNIPER comes in and is all :| and I tell medic not to worry about him telling anyone that I'm a girl because "Sniper is stupid and won't tell anyone". I don't remember if either of them said anything after that.
Something happened afterwards, but I can't remember. All I remember is that Sniper and I get braces and we're walking around for two weeks all getting teased and stuff. When two weeks passes we go back to Medic and he's all ignoring us because he's poking at something that looks really gruesome. We throw him to the ground and Sniper puts him in a headlock and reminds him that we need to get our braces off.
So he does something with the brackets and Sniper and I start ripping off our braces and all the wires (which is a lot more than I had in real life, oddly enough). Medic said something about adding an extra wire or something because combat and herpaderp science!

Then I woke up going ???
>> No. 8368
Last night I dreamt that I was the RED Medic in 2fort. All was well until Scout found one of my old medical record books; he approached me with it, asking what it was. It had a very similar formula of entry to my current ones, but it was over two decades old and it detailed wounds made from very different weapons than the ones we currently used. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia, and revealed that the events of Team Fortress Classic (which I have never actually played) had either been the TF2 world's equivalent of World War II, or that they were related and took place during it- I can't remember which. Soldier, Pyro, and I were the only three members of the team who had served both then and now.

Scout finding the book turned out to be a sort of Pandora's box, because Soldier and I became a bit depressed, constantly waxing on about the differences between our two terms. He missed the lack of restraints we had back then. Fitting in with the Cold War, we now had to be more subtle about how and where we fought, there was a much heavier emphasis on espionage, and there were many more rules; we couldn't wantonly blow up buildings, we had to obey ceasefire every day after work and on weekends, and our current weapons were simply less destructive- things like that. I mourned my more active role in combat, and the many weapons I was no longer allowed.

We then realized Pyro was missing, and discovered they were in the depths of the fort, trying to find and recover the old weapons in hopes of making things like they once were... We had to decide whether we wanted to break RED's orders or put them back. Unfortunately, then I woke up.
>> No. 8371
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I once dreamt of the weirdest crossover ever, at least for me. Somehow Engineer was Chell, woke up in Aperature Science Enrichment Centre and Administrator fulfilled the role of Wheatley, as a purple personality core. So, Engie managed to beat the tests of evil GLaDoS with male voice and then he plugged Adminstrator in his body, kicking him out. Then she, after gaining the power over the facility, put GLaDoS in potato and shoved them down the pit. Of course they survived, Engie discovered that Aperature Science was built where once 2fort was, proceeded to wander in the ruins and found some documents convieniently lying in respawn room, which stated that GLaDoS is really Medic and all of his personality cores were once his teammates (I remember Scout being the Morality core and Soldier being the Adventure one). After some rage and tears, they decided to go back and unplug the Administrator, because she was the one behind the Aperature Science. And I didn't actually dreamed about the ending of this epic adventure, but, well, I hope it would be a happy one and that there would be cake afterwards.
>> No. 8405
JUST HAD ONE THIS MORNING. It was like a bunch of tiny dreams melding one into another, but the last one had TF2 in it.

So Engi, some chick who reminded me of Gene Wilder's fiancee from Young F., Jeff Corwin (who I think was meant to represent Sniper, and I think he turned into at some points), and some other people went on this excursion to some South American country to try and find animals or ancient ruins or something. I kept crawling through tons of spiders and shit, and some person (who reminded me of Wally B. Feed) kept saying "You officials are all such softies!" to which I had to tell him I wasn't an official or expert on spiders, I was just a girl.

Then we see Engi, who's washing up, still in his RED uniform, who's obviously a bit shy about stripping down in front of everyone to properly take a bath in this little river that runs straight through the camp. The camp is oddly enough set up on this downward slope with a little trickling stream running down it. Engi apparently has a crush on Jeff Corwin/Sniper, and J.C. is oblivious to this. He's concerned about Engi and asks him if he's okay.
"Oh yeah, yeah!" he says nervously, laughing and moving about, as if trying to escape the embarrassment. J.C. leaves him, and then Engi talks to himself, saying, "What are you doing, boy? You can smell this darn thing!" He's looking at his overalls with disgust and sighs.

Engi's washed his arms and face, and then, seeing no one else around him, starts to take off his overalls, until he's standing in red short shorts (presumably his boxers), his boots, and his hardhat, all wet and trying to forget he's in a jungle with other people. PERFECT TIME for J.C. to walk back to Engi, RIGHT behind him, and Engi nearly jumps out of his skin, which I remember staring at in my dream. Dat wet ass, lololol
>> No. 8428
I had a dream that had some TF2 in it, so I'll post, anyways.

My dream was that I was in some city that was near a lush, green forest. It was also raining, and a lot of the city was flooding. I had a friend take me to a park that had a long strip of sidewalk cut into the woods. My friend dropped me off there, and I met up with Collin Mochrie an Ryan Stiles from "Whose Line is it Anyway?" (Don't ask. I don't know.) We talked and joked as we walked along, and we finally got to the end of the path. They turn around to leave, and I watch them go, and I turn back towards the end of the path.

Medic is playing a piano (quite beautifully, I might add), and Scout and Demo are listening to him. He comes to the end of the piece and says, "Ach, four songs are enough, mein freunds." There is a ring of seats that look as if they were carved out of tree trunks, and I take my seat.

"You play pretty good, Doc." Scout says, slouching in his seat a little. Medic makes his way back to his seat.

"Danke, herr Scout."

"You've got ae gift, Doc." Demo slurs.

"Danke, Demo."

Medic's eyes finally roll to me.

"Ah. Velcome, freund. I haff not seen you in a vhile." (I guess I knew him and the team somehow from a previous encounter.)

"Thank you. It's been too long." I look around at the ring of seats. "Where are the others?"

"Zey are coming. Just be patient."

And then I woke up. It's not the most interesting dream, but I wanted to post it regardless.
>> No. 8458
Weirdest one yet.

I kept going between watching the proceedings like a movie and actually being in-body as a BLU Spy, but that kind of POV shift is pretty normal for my dreams. That's not the weird part.

So, as Spy, I had at some point had my limbs hacked off and been skewered up someplace. I survived this, and a group of other BLU Spies came to get me, so I was pretty relieved even though I thought it was weird there were so many other spies. Still, I felt it was safe to pass out at that point.

Cut to waking up on the RED Medic's operating table. Rather than regular RED Medic, it's a fem Medic (I can't remember whose design, one that I'd liked). She's just as crazy and German, though. Fem Heavy is curled up on her desk taking a nap, and I can't help thinking it must be a VERY sturdy desk. Also, when she wakes up, she sleepily insists she be called 'Hoovy', then goes back to snoring.

I get removed from my limbless torso and my head is grafted onto an RC motorcycle that the RED Engineer brought in.

So I realize that the other BLU spies set me up, and my horrible tiny motorbike body and I escape the RED base in search of revenge. Also, when I find them, a couple of them are wearing creepy plastic rabbit masks.

I wake up before I can figure out a revenge plan. I never got my body.
>> No. 8639
So I had a dream I was playing TF2 in my front yard, which without the ability to die was a lot like tag. When you were tagged, you had to walk all the way to "respawn". I was a terrible fem!Spy that could barely make a couple of steps out of my house. When the round was over, we were all walking back to the respawn, Spy casually hit my in the face as he walked past.

"Why would you even do that? It didn't benefit you in anyway."
>> No. 8644
I laughed at the last two lines
>> No. 8669
Dreamed I was living in the TF2 universe, but I was on some new map that exists only in the depths of my dreaming brain.

For a while I was a BLU Demoman (which is weird, because I never play as Demoman-- at least, not for very long and not successfully), and then I got autobalanced and switched to being an Engineer, but there was already one Engineer on RED and he was really snippy about not wanting my help so I just hung out with Sniper instead.

Also, at some point there was chili, and a girl who used to bully me in school was on my team for a while, but because at the time I looked like a black Scottish cyclops, I don't think she recognized me.
>> No. 8734
Had another one. I was the RED Sniper, and for a while, it was just a standard day at 'work', but then I found a cave with treasure and several strange diaries, that shouldn't have been near the base but was.

So I was exploring that and digging up things, around the corner from the battle, but every so often someone from the BLU team would come around the corner, spot me, and kill me (usually the Demo, once a Heavy), so eventually when I respawned, I brought the Pyro with me to keep watch while I kept ferreting treasure/creepy old journals out of the little mystery cave. Then the Pyro gave me a plate of spaghetti.
>> No. 8740
I had this dream that Sniper and I did i 69, no joke, that was a wonderful dream :D
>> No. 8741
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this one happened oh about a couple months ago, i was pretty obsessed with getting a team captain.

so i'm on this road in the middle of nowhere, and there's a bunch of cheap hats scattered about (i distinctly remember a dapper topper, a tyrant's helm and a baker boy). now these hats were tiny and looked like they were made of cheap plastic, like they belonged on toys, but somehow i knew how to transfer them into the game. i figure hey, at worst i can do some science with these. so pick them up carefully, one by one, watching out for passing cars. then i see a villain's veil hanging on a fence across the road. now i've never particularly cared about the veil but this was before the anger came out and a veil was an easy 1:1 trade for a team captain. so i make my way towards it as fast as i can, and at the last moment, just before i can reach it, a giant weird bug flies down, snatches it and leaves. the end.

at the time it felt a bit disheartening, like my subconcious' way of telling me i would never have a damn bison hat. glad i eventually proved it wrong.
>> No. 8746
I had this strange dream where i was a RED Medic and Engie and I were growing fast-growing cacti, but someone bumped me while I was filling the bag with the seeds in it with water, so I spilled it and some got in my boots and got stuck in my socks so I had to go barefoot when the BLU team attacked. I think the map was based on ctf_moonbase. It was rather silly.
>> No. 8852
I had a dream, that Engie and Solly was in a road bar/cassino, they win lots of money in the firsts bets but didn’t wanted to bet anymore and go back to theyr truck keeping the trip, then because of that the guys in the bar start a big fight with the excuse they are faggots, Solly and Engie start to run away from teh bar, Solly was in the front, ran to the truck and turn it n, but engie don’t came of the bar, he run again inside and Engie was being beaten of by the dudes, then Solly raged and roared some homophobic stuffs and they stopped, he hugged the beaten Engie and get off the bar.

Forgot to mention both of them was wearing chess stamped shirts and cowboy hats.
>> No. 8854
i got a kick off reading this in heavy's voice
>> No. 8970
Because i drunk a whole cognac glas, because of arching wisdomteeth problems. And i dreamed THIS:

I was playing in a match of cp_turbines. I was just crawling around in the vents as red soldier with my trusty Black Box looking for the opening to drop down and to get the intel. Because i noticed that the blue team was more attacking than defending the intel, i thought a attack from above would take them by surprise. Or that i could bring that thing more to a place where my teammates have it easier to get it. As i finaly came to the end of the vent i heard something behind me and turned around. There was this green looking amphibios like thing behind starring at me ready to attack. Came out it was a class. I believe it was a scout. Anyway he just starred at me and suddendly wrote in the chat: Hey you look like a alien. Me: What? Did you look at you? And than we atarted to randomly rping in the chat. While around us the team continued to play we started to tell each other what kind of aliens we are and what is typical for us. It pretty much rocked. Even if it was random like that: Him: You know if our kind comes out a egg we are naked. Me: *looking at him having just some pants on* You mean, you aren´t naked right now? Him:DOHOHO! Me:DOHOHO! Yeah and we would have continued if not a other blue came into the vent and he (or she. On some point i got it that he was a she.) distracted the other blue and went back out the vent again. I was thankfull for this and knew i found a friend.
But still i had a mission. So as i turned again to the opening and looked down i just noticed one demomen. And my thoughts were:
Goddamn fuck, it´s Donny. Yeah the only person guarding the intel is Donny. Well, either i can kill him or just run with it. So i jumped down shot all my three rockets at him and tried to get him while he charged past me. I didn´t hit him and than he blowed up his stickies. I survived with 12 hp and thought, well he needs to get some air (it was just so, if a Demoman charges he just stands afterwards around snapping for air.) So frantically looking for the intel and a healpack i thought: Okay what are my options? I could try to reload my rocket. Scratch that i have not enough time for that. I could take out my shotgun. He is to far to make really big damage, he will survive and kill me. Ahh there is the intel. Okay than for Plan B. Take out the Equalizer and run for your fucking life. I did so and came until the floor as he decapitated me. I wasn´t surprised by it, but still i was a bit saddened that i couldn´t have make it more to my team. Anyway as i waited patiently to respawn again i got suddendly a request in skpye. Someone just asked for help. The strange thing? I didn´t know WHO it was and was a bit confused. I thought, hey is this not the one i just rped with? So i fast closed TF2 to help her/him with the problem. Just that it suddendly was: Oh it´s okay everything is alright again. Duuuh. Thanks.
So i just joined the game again and the round was over. The new round was on cp_egypt and Donny asked where i was, because i just left so suddendly. As i wanted to explain this weird encounter and asked myself all the while where to put my red sentry i woke up.

tl;dr: Too much TF2? Noooo. So not to much.
>> No. 8982
A few nights ago I had a dream where I was in a bar with everyone from the team except for Pyro and Demo, for some strange reason, and I had to pose as Medic's daughter also for no apparent reason other than dreams are weird. Which was hilarious in hind sight because he was acting like my mother for the rest of the dream. I bought everyone a round of drinks and we had a great time. Spy was going from table to table, being an asshole and cloaking to steal other customers' beer. Then we all got drunk, except for Medic, the only one who could hold his liquor, and everyone was pretty randy by that time, so I was feeling Sniper up (don't ask) and Medic said something like "Stop feeling men up in public, young lady!" I also got to feel Engineer's luscious scalp, which had longer hair in the dream. I don't know why I wanted to touch Engi's hair. Spy stumbled into the bathroom with his balisong out to presumably kill a bitch and Sniper went after him probably to stop him (or join in for all I know). And It all ended with my getting everyone some ice cream. It was a fun and strange dream.
>> No. 9034
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Just had this last night and remembered this thread.
A match was going on in some kind of small, maze-like map. Normal battle, but not like the game.
With everyone making their own gun noises.
And imaginary weapons.
It was amazing.
Also Medic wasn't even a part of the battle, - he was, however, in a building nearby pulling kids teeth, like he was a dentist or sumshit.
I never wanted to wake up.
>> No. 9244
Last night I had a dream that Spy was on the run from a shadowy government agency that wanted to experiment on him to turn him into some kind of super soldier. He'd escaped from where they were holding him, and for some reason Red and Yellow from Pokemon Special were on the run with him. Also, I think he was traveling with them before he was captured.
>> No. 9246
I had an interesting dream last night.

It was just me and Soldier in some hotel room somewhere in broad daylight. Suddenly he's naked (except for the helmet) and I'm like "Wait, what? What are you doing?" and I turn away because I was embarrassed and it was awkward. Turning away didn't help though because I ended up facing a mirror and could still see him anyway.

Then the dream ended.
>> No. 9329
I had a weird dream where Pauling went behind the Announcer's back and ended up having to flee for her life when she got agents sent after her.

It wasn't quite a nightmare, but super ominous.
>> No. 9364
I have a TF2 OC (seven-foot-tall alien cyborg), and in my dream, I was playing poker with her. Once I won (even though I have no idea how to play poker), her body split open and Sniper crawled out, because he was the one piloting her. Right before I woke up, I said something along the lines of, "Ha, I knew it was you all along, now Medic owes me fifty bucks."
>> No. 9365
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>TF2 OC (seven-foot-tall alien cyborg)
>her body split open and Sniper crawled out
>he was the one piloting her
I once had a dream that this made sense, then Medic gave me a couple shots and I was back to normal
>> No. 9429
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I think I have two good ones.

The first ever TF2 dream I had was back in January while I was taking a cat nap. It involved me, Charon from Fallout 3, and RED Sniper. We were mercenaries for hire romping throughout the Capital Wasteland looking for work, but most of the time we just scavenged for food or broke into houses and killed raiders. Y'know, because aimlessly killing raiders in Fallout 3 is fun.

I had the second dream much more recently, either two or three nights ago. Protip: do not stay up until four in the morning reading creepypastas and TF2 fanfiction. The dream was basically a continuation of the first one, except Sniper had gone off on his own for an assassination gig. He came back a few days later, completely disheveled and wild looking, claiming that something had happened and he was being stalked by the "Slender Girl." He hadn't slept in days in fear of seeing her face again, and being the concerned BROS that we were, Charon and I immediately sought out help. There was a time-skip and all three of us were put into this little glass "house" with a nameless scientist and Saxton Hale. Because Saxton Hale had a Ph.D. in demon hunting. I have no idea, either.

Anyways, the scientist kept giving us these little white pills that we had to take. Since we had been exposed to the Sniper while he was being haunted, the Slender Girl would start to come after us too. I guess the pills were supposed to block out a certain part of our subconscious to keep her from getting in our heads, but when the pills finally ran out and the scientists outside the quarantine room refused to give us anymore, a creepy doorway appeared against the one solid wall in the room. You know that feeling you sometimes get in dreams when you cross over into a nightmare? That was one of these times.

Saxton Hale attempted to be a manly man and go through the door, and as you can imagine, he got sucked in and was presumably killed/dragged down to hell by the Slender Girl. Then Sniper was taken through the doorway too, and I was being forced away from the glass house on a river. The water was only a few inches deep, but the current was so strong that I couldn't get out. I kept trying to swim back so I could save the Sniper and Charon, but then the Slender Girl decided that she wanted ME next and reversed the flow of the river to suck me through the door as well. I immediately started to panic and tried to get away. I think at this point I realized I could try to control my dream-turning-nightmare, so I called for my car/Transformer and he rescued me in this really epic cinematic scene. The Slender Girl decided we weren't worth the time and stopped trying to catch us, but she left the doorway open. It led down this staircase into the darkness and none of us could see down into it. Cue the part where the rest of RED team shows up with Charon, all of us vow that we're going to get Sniper back. Also, Heavy had a mechanical arm because he got stuck in some stupid fence and was nearly eaten by a horde of zombies.

Just as I went to step forward through the door, I woke up to my roommate shaking my shoulder asking if I wanted to go to breakfast with her. I was in RAGE QUIT mode for the rest of the morning.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back into lurking so I can start writing Slender Man vs. Sniper fanfiction.
>> No. 9443
Awesome dream!
>> No. 9640
Geez, some of these captchas are freaking impossible.

Okay, so I had another one of those really long dreams the other night, and two sections of it were TF2 related. For the first segment I was the RED Sniper sneaking into this highly militarized lockdown center where the BLU Medic and Heavy were being kept prisoner. I managed to sneak by the guards and swim through what must have been some kind of moat before meeting them at this sewer entrance. They managed to get out of their cells and avoid setting off the alarms, but they needed help getting over the high iron fence. Heavy was too big to get through the bars and I don’t even know what Medic’s excuse was. I managed to get through the bars and push Heavy over the top (fact: common physics in dreams do not apply), but then the alarms started to go off and the guards got all rowdy. I got Medic over the top next and told them to run/swim for it, but Heavy only made it so far before a spotlight trained on him and he was shot. Medic dove after him and was shot next. I shouted after them in horror, and then there was this brief time skip. I found myself walking along a high catwalk over the main prison complex shooting guards point blank in the face with my sniper rifle. As awesomely cinematic as it was, it was actually a pretty sad scene.

The next TF2 segment was a fight between Sniper and Saxton Hale in the middle of the Australian outback. During a sunset. And this song was playing in the background: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoMI9TeZ0H4&

The song is pretty much entirely unrelated to the context of the fight, but damn it sounded badass. I’m pretty sure Sniper won, too. I don’t remember the ending, but I woke up in a really good mood.

I recited both these dreams to my three roommates. The first two told me I was crazy. The third asked if Sniper was shirtless during the scene in the Outback. We are now best friends Forever.
>> No. 9661
I had a dream that the all the smokers on the team were taking a evening smoke break as the sun set, and the rest of the team just joined them to chat. Soldier was making a speech about how the only woman he'd ever truely love was America, and how beautiful she was...and then a bunch of trash rolled by. Cue laughter from the rest of the team, and a really pissed look from Soldier.
>> No. 9977
Oh man, long time no laptop.

So I had one of those dreams a little while ago that seems like it COULD actually happen, but it doesn't make any sense as to WHY it would happen.
I dreamed getting on the TF2 site and seeing promo stuff everywhere for a new mercenary class, the Sargent. This red-headed woman, mean-looking and generally resembles a fem-Soldier, and she replaces the support classes of Medic, Spy and Sniper. I also remember a 'Meet The' video for her and she's a temporary replacement due to the other three guys on vacation/holiday or something, and I remember her chewing Scout's ass out for a remark he made during prep involving something like "GirlScout leader from hell"

Weird dream thanks to being deprived of le Internet.
>> No. 10006
I had a dream recently that put pretty much all of the (RED) classes in a sympathetic light. Literally.

I remember someone showing me into this room, and all around were these sort of floating windows. Each window contained a class and showed them in a very dramatic and sad scene, expressing regret over things they never did, or wish they could do.

I only remember a few. Medic was with his doves and talking to them and I think he was telling him how alone he felt despite all of them with him. Scout missed his mum and brothers, and his dad who wasn't around anymore.

Spy's was probably the saddest though. He was with the BLU Scout's mother and expressing his love for her in the most sincerest tone and way possible. If I recall right, he was willing to give up his career altogether if it meant being with her. It was the sweetest and saddest thing.

Basically, I guess the dream was the classes admitting things they would normally never say to anyone else ever.
>> No. 10008
I had a dream earlier that had Tf2 in it. Basically, I was at a convention and they were having a made up TF2 event where they had actual matches played by the people dressed up like TF2 characters at the con. But all their weapons were like Nerf and things that wouldn't actually hurt people... only the original classes were there, too, and they had real guns and knives, and I was following them around, saying things like, "you know these people are here with fake weapons. You aren't going to use real guns and bombs against them, right?" and none of them were answering, but Solly was sniggering about how easy the match was going to be. I was concerned. And somehow, I was with the TF2 team and not the convention-goers, except I somehow got separated from them and rode to the match on a fire-engine along with some other people from the con. And inside the space where the match was being held, it was like a Moebius strip. I did lots and lots of walking, but never seemed to go anywhere.
>> No. 10176
Dreamed my first TF2 dream the other day.

Was at a con dressed as femMedic. Day passed in a blur. I went back to my friend's hotel room to drop off the medigun and pack before dinner, only to have the real Medic walk out of the bathroom and yell at me for borrowing his clothes without asking. And demand that I give them back right then and there. So I start taking things off. And I can't find my other clothes. And things get rather adult..

...Stoopid sexy Medic
>> No. 10180
I never get dreams this deep. What the fuck are you doing before bed?
>> No. 10183
Had a lot of dreams while I was sleeping all day. One involved an illustrated, published fan fiction in which Engineer was trapped in a hotel with the Devil and the Devil sent incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins to try and kill him. It ended with a showdown on the roof and Engineer eventually killed the devil by pushing him off the roof.

And then he drove back home in his truck.
>> No. 10186
The Binding of Engie.
>> No. 10191
This is usually one of the last sites I visit before shutting my laptop down and going to bed. That and I brainstorm story ideas before drifting off.
>> No. 10192

I want a fanfic of this now, and the seven deadly sins be represented as a Teammate and devil be Spy (or another class of your choosing)

I patiently wait for such awesomeness, especially from written works from you Cat!
>> No. 10418
Finally had one, although it felt more like I was watching the dream than actually being in it.

It started out in a kitchen/dining area apparently located in the BLU base. The BLU Spy entered the room and walked over to the counter and started preparing a cup of coffee, he reached up to open a cupboard above him and then made this surprised little screech. The "camera" immediately moved behind Spy, revealing that the cupboard was being occupied by the BLU Scout, who looked absolutely freaked out; when he saw Spy he stage-whispered, "H-hey man, you gotta help me out, Medic's been chasin' me around with a freakin' needle all morning! The guy's crazy!" After blinking a few times Spy sighed and muttered, "And yet you are the one who stuffed himself into a spice cupboard." Then a sitcom laugh track played.

A lot of stuff happened before and after, but this was the only part I remember clearly. The only thing I question is why Spy even needed to open the spice drawer if he was only making coffee.
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