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File 131094458222.jpg - (33.02KB , 499x360 , tumblr_lh5mqhEo491qe11kdo1_500.jpg )
7530 No. 7530
This week, it's going to have been one month since TF2 became Free to Play. So, I was curious how all the other newbies are doing, what you've learnt and what you're thinking about it.

I myself am getting a bit better, and am generally among the top quarter of my team. I've noticed I'm a bit better when I'm pushing the payload, or pestering others as a Scout. Mostly, though, I'm doing this all on public servers, so I'm not too sure how I'd do against more experienced players. I'm also going quite well when I play a particularly suicidal Heavy.

Although I really like playing Engineer, I'm not too sure yet on where to place my sentries... I normally seem to lose them by people who pop out of shelter before I can get a lock on them.

I might go premium, since I'm running out of item slots. That, and I would really like to support that map, Frontier(the payload with the Chomp-Chomp Train).
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>> No. 7531
If you go premium, have someone coach you first so you can help them get the Professor Specs when you put them as the most helpful.
>> No. 7535
Go for it, premium opens up a lot of things, more space = more weapons to choose from. If ye want though, I can coach ya a little bit more before the final plunge. Add me, my steamid is donstheman.
>> No. 7554
While I'm not F2P (was gifted it back in August '10) I am rather out of practice, having been distracted by my now-expired WoW account, by Champions Online, and by the fact my comp is rather crap and I can't afford to upgrade right now... so I guess I'm sort of an "old newbie"?
>> No. 7558
There are times during online play where I get discoruaged because of my inadequacies with FPS games in general, but I try to push myself not to give up.

I've amassed quite a trove of useful weapons (still feel bad about turning my two Crit-A-Colas into scrap metal while I was trying to figure out how to make a Soda Poper) along with a few crates (still pretty pissed that I lost my four summer coolers when July 11th hit)

One my part-time job lets me work again or I find a second job, I'm getting a prepaid credit card and buying me sum keys

I will also change my name to "the_artist_formerly known_as_f2p_cancer"
>> No. 7567
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OP here.

[quote]There are times during online play where I get discoruaged because of my inadequacies with FPS games in general, but I try to push myself not to give up.[/quote]

Yeah, I've been there too. But I've found that TF2 kind of caters both to hardcore players (with classes like Spy and Sniper, and to a degree Soldier or Demo) and people with "normal" reflexes, or casuals (Heavy, Medic, Engie). It balances out nicely.

Also, I already have a coach-like person. And I'm F2P, so I can't add people yet. Since I'm working an unpaid internship, I don't have much money to buy games, even off Steam.
>> No. 7610
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For those of you still having trouble, or feel that you're not doing as well as other players, try this little experiment.

Find a person (or persons) on your team that tends to do the best, be they simply a great killing machine or capturing points/intel/whatever. Stick with them as much as you can, and try to be the best at teamwork with them. Watch their back for Spies, hit their targets with your own attacks to back them up, and take hits for them if necessary. It is my belief that through aiding the stronger players, you will not only gain experience in playing your own class alongside teammates, but learn from how they play their class so that you can put those skills to your own use. Not to mention that teamwork is key to victory, so you will likely find your team doing better because you are actively working with a partner towards the goals rather than with the team as a whole working towards kills, dominations, or defense. On their side, they get a loyal ally to help them do their job better, faster, and safer, whether they know it or not.

Most importantly, have fun with it and keep practicing! Even if your team is being steamrolled every round, or completely shut out by defense, you can still learn from the way the enemies play and the way your teammates play. In no-win situations, not only can you dare to try new tactics, but you SHOULD try out new ideas or get practice with things you're not good at. If you find that you pick it up quickly, you could even turn the tide and set your team and yourself on the path to victory! Never give up, and don't be afraid to rage a little. I do it, we all do, just remember to channel it back into your enemies through your bullets, and not through your microphone or your chat.
>> No. 7614
What's really weird is that when my team absolutely fails at defending control points or stopping the payload, we absolutely rock the fucking house the other way around
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