No. 7578
I'm kinda hoping this would be a hint for Pyro.
What I'm NOT hoping for is that this is just another promo. But it could be, it kinda has me interested. Other than that this would be an awesome Engi update. Because the only person with enough Knowledge to do something like this would be:
a. Engineer
b. Administration
c. Heavy ( Though that's some Headcannon cus I think he's a Rocket Scientist.)
d. Possibly Pyro
e. Spy ( With all that special spy stuff, I wouldn't put it past him to have a rocket to be a uber dick with. Nuke a few places here and there.)
That's it, I figured this out! It's a Meet the Team Video for Pyro! Spy is an evil genius that will destroy the world with his Grockets and it's up to Pyro to stop him! As all Spies hate the dreaded feel of fire against their backs. Pyro coming to save the mother fuckin' day. Fuck yea. ( Okay so this might be serious pipe dreams but it sounds cool in my head.)