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File 131103534520.png - (63.45KB , 576x543 , QE1n4.png )
7550 No. 7550
So, I noticed TF2 got a new patch today. When I looked up all the changes on the wiki, the only undocumented change were the addition of these...things.

What are they? The wiki says they're "grockets", but what do they do? I can't play TF2 for another hour or so, and I don't know where I would even look for them in game. Any clues?
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>> No. 7552
supposedly they've been working away at another update before uber was released. (hint possible pyro, meet the release along with HUGE update)

my bet though it won't come till september so don't get your hopes up, or halloween.
>> No. 7553
Grockets... GRockets... Guided Rockets!

holy balls, Soldier has a Wrangler now!
>> No. 7555
Hide yo Medics, hide yo Sentries, and hide yo Heavies too cause they Grocketing everybody out there!
>> No. 7556

But hey, maybe I can actually hit something if they have guided rockets.
>> No. 7559
  Someone on YouTube uploaded footage of the grockets if anyone is interested.
>> No. 7560
Run, it's the Crimson Lance!

Offhand, I'd guess they're a precursor to another themed patch.
>> No. 7561
Could be implying that the Pyro is an alien, if it's supposed to tie in with Meet the Pyro in any way, but I feel like that'll be far off.
>> No. 7563

If it is, I'm gonna be screaming "I knew it!" at the screen the moment that's revealed.

That's the upside to coming up with a shit ton of Pyro backstories: one of them has to be at least a little bit right.
>> No. 7564
I think it means Pyro is a robot of some kind, or maybe a secret evil genius.

I really hope this is meet the Pyro. With the quality of Meet the Medic, I just know they'll do my favorite class more than proper justice with his video.
>> No. 7568
File 131107672146.png - (183.60KB , 566x478 , I like where this is going Medic.png )
Meet the Pyro. Aw yeah.
>> No. 7569
I am freaking the fuck out right about now.
>> No. 7570
...If this means what I think it might mean, I am going to fall and worship at Gabe's feet forever.
>> No. 7573
What do you think it means?

I think it means Meet the Pyro, I cant imagine them making us wait as long as they did for the Medic now that the game is free.

What if...
What if Pyro doesnt get a new flamethrower? What if he gets..... a rocket launcher that shoots incendiary rockets?
>> No. 7574

I'm-a thinkin' that Pyro's going to be getting some much-needed attention from Valve.
>> No. 7575
>Alien Swarm launched july 19th 2011 >Space rockets in TF2 >Today is july 19th
>> No. 7576
File 131108811874.png - (33.78KB , 318x470 , 1274889232636.png )

>Second class updated
>Polycount pack receiver
>Subject to a near endless string of buffs and upgrades-in-all-but-name
>11 unlocks total

>Ninth class updated
>Only class to not have a set bonus
>Only class to not receive anything in the Uber update
>7 unlocks total

Sure. The Pyro needs attention.
>> No. 7577
File 131108881410.jpg - (67.88KB , 364x344 , And_not_a_single_fuck_Was_given_that_day_RE_Pictur.jpg )

You act like I shouldn't hope for my favorite class. Don't take it so personally.
>> No. 7578
I'm kinda hoping this would be a hint for Pyro.
What I'm NOT hoping for is that this is just another promo. But it could be, it kinda has me interested. Other than that this would be an awesome Engi update. Because the only person with enough Knowledge to do something like this would be:
a. Engineer
b. Administration
c. Heavy ( Though that's some Headcannon cus I think he's a Rocket Scientist.)
d. Possibly Pyro
e. Spy ( With all that special spy stuff, I wouldn't put it past him to have a rocket to be a uber dick with. Nuke a few places here and there.)

That's it, I figured this out! It's a Meet the Team Video for Pyro! Spy is an evil genius that will destroy the world with his Grockets and it's up to Pyro to stop him! As all Spies hate the dreaded feel of fire against their backs. Pyro coming to save the mother fuckin' day. Fuck yea. ( Okay so this might be serious pipe dreams but it sounds cool in my head.)
>> No. 7579
File 131109070779.png - (127.62KB , 475x348 , 1297898759143.png )
>> No. 7580
Hey, we all want more Engie stuff. It's just true that Pyro's Meet the is left and Valve have said in the past that they have a really good plan for it already, they just wanted to get Medic out first.
>> No. 7585
Engie with alien hardware? The best situation possible.
>> No. 7586

I would flip just as hard for that as I would for Meet the Pyro, to be honest.
>> No. 7587
I just hope, if Pyro is updated, he gets a godamn Airblast-centric flamethrower. Less airblast cost and recovery but also less flame life and damage or something. Maybe a new shotgun, too.
>> No. 7608
I dunno, I kinda hope they never give us any definite answers on Pyro (even if he takes off his mask, I'm hoping he still looks pretty ambiguous under there...also my headcanon says Korean-Japanese, but I'll settle for ambiguity).

Maybe a new map hazard? Like how in the Mannsion you have to fight each other and fight/avoid the Horsemann? Only now there might be random rockets involved.
>> No. 7621
>>rockets = Meet The Pyro?
>>Pyro = manic violent alien?
>> No. 7622

...Can't unsee. Can't...unsee...
>> No. 7627
pyro = kerbal space program guy
>> No. 7631
File 131120801722.png - (80.41KB , 390x418 , Pyritch.png )

Now look at what you made me do.
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