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File 131116150677.jpg - (650.15KB , 1024x768 , well off to visit your mother.jpg )
7612 No. 7612
I know you all have some ideas for new unlocks. Even if nobody's ever going to make them, it's fun to share and brainstorm. Engineer needs love badly, so here's my suggestion.

The Iron Man Set
Focuses on creative use of metal to hopefully decrease turtling and increase teamwork. Contains the following weapons:

The Yankee Yanker (Melee)
In addition to doing some light damage, steals ammo from the enemy's active weapon and converts it into metal.

The Scrap Sack (Secondary)
Doubles the amount of metal you can carry. Becomes active when you're carrying more than 200 metal. Once that happens, the Engineer starts holding the sack over his shoulder, and he can't build nor move buildings. You can throw the sack by right-clicking and let other Engis pick it up for extra metal.

The 8-Ball (Primary)
A shotgun that shoots metal balls. As you would expect, it uses no ammo, only metal. Not just for fighting; it lets you fix buildings from afar by shooting at them. Goes well with the other two items in the set.
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>> No. 7617
The Dugout
Level 38 Bat
-80% Damage
Alternate fire tosses a medium ammopack to a teammate
Gets you all the bitches

I've wanted something like this forever. Gives Scout's melee slot a use, especially helpful for Engineers and Heavies.

The Turbofan
Level 30 Flamethrower
-50% Airblast cost
-x% airblast cooldown time (Whatever would make it the same firing rate as the Rocket Launcher)
+15% Increased weapon switch time
-20% Damage

Because Airblasting is fucking awesome.
>> No. 7683
I'm not good at coming up with stats, but the Engineer-esque perk in Killing Floor has an awesome double-barreled Hunting Shotgun, and I think it'd work perfectly for our Engineer, as well.
>> No. 7695
All this.

Even though it probably goes against class type, I'd love to be a supportive Scout.
because i'm too much a pussy to run off all by my lonesome

And I'd love it for Valve to give us a practice flamethrower for airblasting, like how the Soldier and Demo have practice weapons for jumping.
>> No. 7704
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-The Kiddie Stuff (scout, secondary)*Modified squirt gun made personally by the team's Engineer that shoots mace*

-No Pest Spray(Engineer, Secondary)
*a strange concoction, that when sprayed, identifies a cloaked spy for 5 seconds anywhere on the map*

-the Neverland Singapore Cane (Heavy, Secondary)

*A deadly weapon fashioned from the toughest bamboo in all of china. Get a pyro to light it on fire to make it extra deadly when confronting opponents*
>> No. 7712
I'm glad someone else thought of squirt guns. I'd just love to see Scout running around with a super soaking. Naturally, it would put out fires, but I also think if you squirt a pyro, it temporarily weakens his flamethrower. Reduces it's range or something.

Also, I'm a nerd and want Scout to have a Blunderbuss.

And lastly, I have a half baked, crazy idea for a cannon. It's a secondary weapon that greatly reduces your speed when it's out. However, alt fire lets your leave it in place and fire it later, like sticky bombs. It fires either bombs or grape shot (not sure which) doing a lot of splash damage. I have no idea which class would get it, though. Maybe Engie? Then he can be useful in medieval mode...
>> No. 7747
>*a strange concoction, that when sprayed, identifies a cloaked spy for 5 seconds anywhere on the map*

I think the Scout needs more things to ruin a Spy.

A Spy's worst enemy is a Pyro, Scout then X - Yet the Sniper got two unlocks to ruin a Spy, before the Scout got his Mad Milk. I know the Scout is fast and all... But it doesn't help if you can't see the Spy in the first place.
>> No. 7771
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Merry Hoppins (melee)
Level 64 Umbrella
- 15% damage done
- 20% health on wearer
Alternate fire opens the umbrella and saves Scout from fall

I have dreamed of Mary Poppings like umbrella for Scout which saves him from falling too high, but someone had invented similar "revolver umbrella" for Spy in Polycount Forum
>> No. 7772
The Sea-Dog (Sniper set useful for hindering mobility of enemy team)

Level 5 delicious fish drink
(secondary, similar to jarate)
-reduces speed of enemy by 25%
-prevents healing from medics for 5 seconds

the Whaler's Wedge
lvl 5 Harpoon Gun
(doesnt zoom like the huntsman, but doesnt need to draw back)

-ammo can only be resupplied from fallen weapons
-minus 40% max ammo
-fires 15% faster
-does 15% more damage
-no headshots

The Sea-Dog
a hat that looks like
THIS: http://www.villagehatshop.com/media/captains-hat-cotton-white.gif

the Distinguishing Feature
level 5 Hook Hand

-causes Bleed effect
-reduces enemy speed 5% per strike (maximum of 15% reduced speed)
-minus 15 HP
>> No. 7794
Guys, you should also include concept drawings of your ideas if you want to see them made. You might have more of a likelihood of someone making your item ideas happen if you do.
>> No. 7797
Lockerbie mì-mhol (primary)
Level 88 Grenade Launcher
-10% Damage
+20% Health
Detonates 3 grenades with one shot. One grenade randomly sets into a fire ball, which can set enemies on fire
The entire grenade launcher is made from part of Pan Am 747 model and other more dangerous components
>> No. 7807
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New solly weapon?
>> No. 7808
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Im no good at coming up with actualy stats for weapons, but I've been kicking these ideae around for a while. I guess it's better to share then with the off-chance that someone makes them than to sit on them forever.

The "Bringin' in the Pain" Set

Unbrella (melee)
Lvl 5? Bat/Umbrella
-30% Damage
-50% Movement Speed on Alt-Fire
Pressing the alt-fire button causes the Umbrella to open quickly, and for a short amount of time.
Opening it at the right moment may save the player from projectiles such as flares, Jarate, and Mad Milk. You are slowed while it is opened.

There would be a cooldown on this, but I have no idea how long. 30 seconds?

The second half of the set would just be the hat. There is no real Set Bonus or anything, but you get a special dancing taunt.

I don't have concept art, but I do have this.

Flames Bond (secondary)
It's a mini James Bonde-esque rebreather that attaches to the Pyro's gas mask, allowing him to survive a full 30 seconds long than usual under water.

The Hooverville (primary)
The reverse of an airblast-centric flamethrower. It's a modified vaccume cleaner.

-40% Damage
Pressing Alt-Fire causes the flamethrower to suck in air, pulling nearby stickies or enemy players toward it.

It may or may not be able to suck the Stickies into itself for a short amount of time (talking seconds here, split-seconds) and blow them back out at people (where they would act more like regular pipe bombs and explode on impact).

I pulled all these percentages out of my ass, and Im terrible at names.
>> No. 7809
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>mon visage upon rereading thread and seeing that I missed this
>> No. 7811
The Answer
Level ?? Shotgun
+20% more pellets
-16% ammo loaded
i Alt-fire grants one of three: Minicrits for 5 seconds, weapon jam for 5 seconds, or nothing. Cooldown of 25 seconds.

Balanced? No, probably not, but I love games of chance.
>> No. 7827
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>> No. 7831
If i drew and uploaded pictures of my sniper set, would anyone care?
>> No. 7832
I would care. I mean, I don't have the skill set to do anything beyond commenting, but I would love to see the idea drawn out.
>> No. 7835
lol woot. alrighty i'll do it in about an hour, check around then, yeah?
>> No. 7870
That's a long hour.
>> No. 7873
motherfucker i live in 2fort. do you have any idea how long it takes to get through customs here? yeah. shut up.
>> No. 7874
An hour of Valve time.
>> No. 7934
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Few ideas I've been playing with.

The Weasel
Level 3 Watch
+75% faster decloak
-Makes a load "pop" noise upon decloak
-20% less charge

Level 15 Flamthrower
+Launches gouts of flame in a ranged arc
+hits enemies in an aoe
-30% initial damage
-30% slower speed whilst firing

Petrol Bomb
Level 10 Grenade attached to Pyro's chest unused since God knows when
+Covers enemies with Petrol for 8 seconds
+Enemies affected by Petrol gain slippiness and cannot stop suddenly
+Enemies affected by Petrol and fire cannot be extinguished until afterburn runs its course- can still be healed
+Petrol can be used to clear any other type of liquid on friendlies
-Cannot be used to detect invisible Spies
>> No. 7957

im in aanother city for summer break, so, a realistic time frame? about half a week. i need to go back on the 2nd to register for school, and my sketches for this weapon set (that has been in design for a bit) are at my ohuse. i had good drawings and balanced stats and i want to make sure i didnt mess things up. so yeah. a valve hour.
>> No. 8020
yaaaay! lol god i really will post pics. i'll make another weapon thread. im gonna be home tomorrow.
>> No. 8055
The Quadruple Bypass
Level 30 Syringe Gun
Base critical hit chance reduced to 0.
Chance to critical hit increases with Ubercharge (Possibly something like +.5% chance per 1% of ubercharge, making it 50% chance to crit at max)

Fires syringes in slow shotgun-like bursts instead of a rapid fire.
>> No. 8058
The Fat Boy:
+75% damage
+50% damage radius
+25% reload time
-75% magzine size
Projectile lobs
-50% projectile speed
>> No. 8123
I thought of a much better name.

>> No. 8128
That's already the name of a taunt.
>> No. 8139
The Tesla Turmoil

Pyro flame thrower replacement.
Fires electricity instead of flames.

+20% damage.
On hit, enemies are slowed by 50% movement speed. No speed effect on other pyros (rubber suit ya see?)
The electric bolt latches onto the enemy once it hits, so they can't just jump around you.
Can latch onto multiple targets.
For each additional target, damage is reduced by 25% to a minimum of 50% damage.
No afterburn.
Range reduced underwater, causes self harm if used underwater.
No airblast, instead right clicking sends a short range burst of energy that simply destroys projectiles without the explosion, has double the effect window of an airblast.
>> No. 8153
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Zahrat Al Jabal (Primary)
Level 20 Pistol Crossbow
+40 damage done
20% slower reload time
-80% max primary ammo on wearer
*Usable in Medieval Mode*
>> No. 8161
I really like the idea of Medics getting a direct reward for holding an uber, as well as being more able to defend themselves when charged. Would go great with Quick-Fix with its faster charge rate and a less useful uber.

Although if it was used like that, the crit chance probably shouldn't gradually increase, but the gun should instead "activate" when you're charged and then give constant (mini-)crits. At worst, it would encourage battle Medics to get suicidal when you're in need of an uber.
>> No. 8193
Pike-on-a-Pike (Melee)
Level 38 Fish Poleweapon
+ 10% Movement Speed
+ Bleed Effect
+ Long range (similar to Eyelander)
- Only damages directly in front of player

Crafting Blueprint includes Holy Mackerel.
>> No. 8243
Recently, when me and my friend were playing Assassin's Creed, we always joke about how Medic is a descendant of one of the random doctors (Lead-based cure? Hell yeah). We heard one of the doctors yelling out about how "leaches are the best remedy" or something. We started bouncing ideas of each other and came up with the idea of:

Level 15 jar-based weapon
It's pretty much leaches in a jar. On hit, leaches drain 3 health a second and only way to remove them is via friendly pyro or resupply cabinet. When a med-gun is trained on you, the leaches swell and explode, taking away about 15% of health.

Once the Medic throws the jar, they have to go to a dispenser or resupply cabinet to get another one.
>> No. 8260
That gave me an idea: Medic with a Jarate that protects from damage for a short period. Basically a throwable Bonk drink.
>> No. 8356
Demoman needs some non-knight unlocks.Taking a cue from the Amputator, how about a tankard/mug o' ale/whatever which, upon taunt (the "standard scrumpy swig") gives some sort of boost to the grenade or sticky launcher (+firing speed at cost of damage? idk)

Also possibly a bouncy grenade launcher - the grenades can get some unbelievable angles and surprise attacks, but without skill they'll just bounce right back at your face! They'd probably need a longer detonate timer, and possibly minicrit if they hit after the first bounce? However they'd have a smaller blast radius and also explode on impact with the player (and minicrit if it already bounced - hich it did if it's hitting you in said face)
>> No. 8359
superballs + grenades? Supernades! You know that would be hilarious if that came out, cause everyone would be spamming it everywhere.
>> No. 8360
That's why they'd have a smaller blast radius and a longer fuse! So spamming is pretty ineffective and easy to avoid.
>> No. 8436
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>A shotgun that shoots metal balls. As you would expect, it uses no ammo, only metal.
Haha, we're actually getting something like this in the next update. Not sure if it fixes buildings, but close enough to make me feel warm inside.
>> No. 9445
*White Moby* [Sniper]

-A large, makeshit harpoon gun with a sniper scope attached-
>> No. 9462
With the Steam Workshop in place, you guys should DEFINATELY consider submitting your ideas

I'm also thinking of renaming my items for submission purposes:

-The Lil' Dyke (formerly "The Kiddie Stuff")
-Wiff O' Gay Pari (formerly "No Pest Spray")
-The White Avast (former "The White Moby")
>> No. 9499

Is hat brainstorming allowed here, or should I make a different thread for it?
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