No. 7808
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Im no good at coming up with actualy stats for weapons, but I've been kicking these ideae around for a while. I guess it's better to share then with the off-chance that someone makes them than to sit on them forever.
The "Bringin' in the Pain" Set
Unbrella (melee)
Lvl 5? Bat/Umbrella
-30% Damage
-50% Movement Speed on Alt-Fire
Pressing the alt-fire button causes the Umbrella to open quickly, and for a short amount of time.
Opening it at the right moment may save the player from projectiles such as flares, Jarate, and Mad Milk. You are slowed while it is opened.
There would be a cooldown on this, but I have no idea how long. 30 seconds?
The second half of the set would just be the hat. There is no real Set Bonus or anything, but you get a special dancing taunt.
I don't have concept art, but I do have this.
Flames Bond (secondary)
It's a mini James Bonde-esque rebreather that attaches to the Pyro's gas mask, allowing him to survive a full 30 seconds long than usual under water.
The Hooverville (primary)
The reverse of an airblast-centric flamethrower. It's a modified vaccume cleaner.
-40% Damage
Pressing Alt-Fire causes the flamethrower to suck in air, pulling nearby stickies or enemy players toward it.
It may or may not be able to suck the Stickies into itself for a short amount of time (talking seconds here, split-seconds) and blow them back out at people (where they would act more like regular pipe bombs and explode on impact).
I pulled all these percentages out of my ass, and Im terrible at names.