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File 131121805296.jpg - (280.07KB , 1600x1024 , Sollyupdate.jpg )
7634 No. 7634
When Valve has no idea which class to update, use the default of Scout, Solly or a Melee weapon for Demo. Clearly, they went with Solly. These were inspired by WETA Workshop, the people who built Valve a fully working motion sensor Sentry (minus the bullets)...

Can we all discuss these weapons? We're sorry Engineer... were just so sorry for the torture your about to be put through.
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>> No. 7766
from the grordborg facebook

Dr. B. Aldwin Daniel, we can only confirm that one or more rockets, did not go un-missed. It is often very hard to dis-confirm the absence of missing mislocated rockets.

Dr. B. Aldwin Ah, grief and havoc. The tried and true trade of the raygun. We will reconcentrate our efforts and see if we can mislocate some more oscillatory apparatii.
>> No. 7768
The Comicon guns are untradable, FYI.

Also all this rage is hilarious. Every time there's some sorta update or new items, everybody flips the fuck out, and then a few weeks later things are fine. I'm sad that my mac earbuds no longer make people openly hostile towards me and instead want to trade for them. I miss those days.
>> No. 7773

I generally feel exactly like this, but this is probably the one update where I stopped and went 'wooow'. Not so much because of who got the weapons, but because of seeing them in action.

Playing a game with multiple Soldiers in possession of these new weapons is a definite sort of fresh hell, hahaha. Laser beams everywhere, looking severely out of place and destroying everything in their path (holy shit so overpowered it's like God's Wrath coming for you), and lagging up the server something fierce with every use. Things just stopped being fun with those things everywhere.

If Valve doesn't nerf the hell outta those things I'll be amazed. Can't wait until that happens and their usage drops.
>> No. 7774
File 131136828339.gif - (510.23KB , 324x216 , 131128591135.gif )
>> No. 7775
Something to think about, guys. If this was a multi-day update, then the rocket launcher and laser pistol wouldn't have been implemented yet. The updates are always put into the game only once all of the weapons have been announced.

You can keep hoping vainly, though.
>> No. 7776
Seriously, they're fucking broken. Who cares about reduced building damage when you can shut them off and let others break them? Also no random crits is meaningless when you have infinite ammo, can charge them up instead, get free minicrits anyway, pierce through players, and set people fucking on fire (therefore edging into Pyro territory). The balance issues are so blatant I don't believe Valve didn't know what was going to happen because of them.
>> No. 7777
Valve have trolled us to hell and back before. Just sayin'.
>> No. 7779
Yeah but wait for the novelty to wear off and people will realize they're not as good as Soldier's other weapons and I'm sure in a week or two you won't be seeing so many lasers. Every time a new weapon drops you see people going nuts playing with them. Like when everybody was complaining about how many crappy Engineers there were all over the maps during the Engineer Update, but it's calmed down by now.

I'm not the biggest fan of the new weapons but I am just loving how insanely enraged everybody is acting over them, like the game is over forever.
>> No. 7784

Yeah, I generally agree, but that's the catch right there:

>they're not as good as Soldier's other weapons

They are probably one of the most powerful weapons Soldier's ever been given, if not the most powerful. Everybody's using them not just 'cos they're new, but because they are now become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.
>> No. 7787
It's not just engineers this has a bad effect on, it's us spies. A rocket goes off near you, you lose some health, but you can probably get away and it's no big deal. A laser goes off near you, and you're on fire. Just what we needed...another class besides the pyro who can light people on fire. Just great.
>> No. 7789
Huh really? 'Cause the stats on the wiki make it look like the Rocket Launcher is more powerful than the Cow Mangler. At point blank it is more powerful, but it's base damage is 81 while the base damage of the Rocket Launcher is 90. Also the Cow Mangler's minicrit is 109 while the Rocket Launcher is 122, and the charged shot is nowhere near the power of a crit rocket.

But honestly I don't have any first-hand experience with the weapons being used on me so I haven't had any annoying experiences with it. I just tested out my new Bison today and I ended up switching it out because I didn't like it a whole lot.
>> No. 7791
Looks like the Mangler just received a big nerf pretty recently, that should tone things down. But why they didn't do that upon the initial release I have no fucking idea. Unless they did it on purpose to get lots of people to use it like guerilla advertising.
>> No. 7792

I'm loving the laser rave.
>> No. 7819
the codes arent, dumbass

they've had the same guy giving htem out every day so i've only managed to snag 5
>> No. 7821
ooh we are feisty today! Sorry, it sounded like there was some "trade you SDCC bisons for metal" going on and turns out the bisons aren't tradable!
>> No. 7828
I'm hoping a tesla gun for engi is on the way.
>> No. 7833
Oh man... I would spend a lot more time as Engie if that happened. My love for anything Tesla-related would demand it.
>> No. 7834
dman right i'm fiesty. i was tired, grumpy and i think i left a toe back there.

anyway, i scored a total of 8 (3 out of a bin).

first in first served, start posting steam IDs
>> No. 7836
I'll take one, if you don't mind.
Steam ID is in the Email field
>> No. 7837

I am ashamed of myself.
>> No. 7838
Can I have one?
>> No. 7839
Would you take 1 refined, 2 reclaimed, 2 scrap, and 2 weapons that I can't sraft into a scrap?

>> No. 7841
I already asked, but here is the steam id donstheman
>> No. 7844
The SDCC Bisons are just untradable Bisons there's nothing different at all.
>> No. 7856
They don't say anything different? Or look different? That's kinda lame.
>> No. 7857
Yep, absolutely nothing different. Take me off the list.
>> No. 7862
The only advantage to the Comic-Con ones is that if you have bad luck getting drops or the right materials for crafting, you'll have one and won't have to spend metal on it or wait.
>> No. 7863
there is one mjor difference.

they're free. dont cost any money or metal
>> No. 7865
Still have one?
>> No. 8050

f you still have one i'd really like one

>> No. 10682
The Grockets got updated and now they have ladders coming out of them. Don't have any pictures just yet. Ideas?
>> No. 10683
Source? Screenshots?
>> No. 10685
File 132365031614.jpg - (92.51KB , 1280x768 , 2011-12-11_00002.jpg )
This was as close as I could get because the grockets don't show up on Garry's Mod. You should be able to barely make out the ladders and the small red box sitting on one of them. If somebody else has a means of getting closer to the grockets, can you please take a screenshot?
>> No. 10698
File 132365891962.png - (231.05KB , 674x744 , Grocket.png )
The wiki has a big version of the Grocket update. I'm excited to see where this is going.
>> No. 10699
My gut instinct is to assume 'Meet The Pyro' is coming, with jokes about Pyro being an alien from space.
>> No. 10700
File 13236732807.png - (10.35KB , 327x173 , 3797.png )
>On December 9, 2011, the Grocket model was updated to show three open doors with three ladders descending to the ground, where toolboxes are lying stationary.
I hope this means what I think it means.
>> No. 10701
File 132367439782.png - (151.90KB , 258x314 , 1313198358466.png )
>bumping five month old and outdated thread because they updated the grocket model slightly
>> No. 10703
It was probably that or make a new thread. I'm ok with this.

What do you think it means?
>> No. 10706

I'd rather they update an old thread than make a new one. There's no violation of rules here.

You're already on thin ice, Anon. Start thinking about how you are coming across in your comments if you don't want another incident.
>> No. 10708
smaller changes have had big consequences. you never know this could be something.

i'm guessing xmas might come with a bunch of new steampunbk weapons
>> No. 10713
File 132372983220.jpg - (80.16KB , 392x391 , gm_blank00002.jpg )
When those Grockets first appeared, I was very excited. Then I found out it was Soldier stuff, not Engie or Pyro stuff, and my hopes were stepped on. Then I realized WAIT THERE WERE THREE and my hopes went sky-high. About a month later it sunk in that nothing else was going to happen.
I'm excited again!
Engie stuff Pyro stuff please please please.
>> No. 10714
File 132373611888.png - (408.33KB , 555x416 , meetthepyro.png )
Im setting my sights a little higher than yours.
But it still involves new Pyro and Engie things, of course.
>> No. 10715
File 132374852393.png - (58.88KB , 184x184 , sniperisnotamused2.png )
Well at least now I know you're keeping tabs on my IP specifically to see if I post something even remotely inflammatory. Seriously though I see this thread on the top few pages and think "God, are they still on about this? An updated rocket model doesn't mean they're going to give him more stuff." How many people do you think look at the post dates right away anyways? If you ask me it still would've been better to start a new thread with something like, "Grocket models updated, could this mean anything?"
>> No. 10716

I like your assumption that I'm keeping track of you specifically, not even thinking that I generally check comment histories before taking action to see if someone is just new, a regular commenter who normally abides by the rules, or someone who is consistently makes an ass of themselves in their comments. You are presently falling under category three and being unnecessarily abrasive toward people being considerate enough to not fill /dis/ with discussions that can be kept within a single thread. Instead of you know, the people who like to constantly make threads about some specific aspect of hats.
>> No. 10717
I think we ought to continue this discussion in a different thread. Needless to say, I've got some abrasive things to say.

(This reaction from me warning you is ridiculous. If I warn you, all you have to say is "Understood, sir". Not this "Oh, big bad mod is picking on me. Help! I'm a victim!" shit. This is a clear violation of rule 8, "DO NOT CREATE DRAMA". The only way we're discussing this is if you e-mail me because you are done here.)
>> No. 10718

dead anon walkin, folks
>> No. 10756
File 132383137948.png - (439.26KB , 379x469 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 10758
>Pyro is confirmed for lovable manchild
>Pyro possibly lives with Engie (circumstances unknown), or they both live on-base
>Space guns?

>> No. 10765
see, what the fuck did i tell you?
>> No. 10796
Went to the wiki to learn about Grockets. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Grockets

The number 3 keeps popping out; 3 rockets, 3 ladders, 3 doors. I'm getting the suspicion that this is only going to be the second portion of Grordborts' contributions to TF2.

Also, HL3.
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