No. 8799
Rename a Rocket Launcher "Fuck you ground, ow shit my legs!"
Took a Whiskered Gent, painted that sucker orange, renamed it "Dangerously Ginger" and Desc'ed it with "How do you kill that which has no soul?"
Take one Brain Slug, painted that adorable fucker white, renamed it "Big Birds Above"
A Hound Dog, slap a Name tag on it to read "A Real Tunnel Snake" with the dec "Let me show you"
One Teddy Rosevelt, rename him "Lenny the Teddy" after my old cuddly toy with the Desc "He who once protected me in the night, I shall now protect in the fight"
Also, an Eyelander named "Donny's Damnation"
I am also the original creator of the Piss rifle's rename of "Urine my sights" which my mate Claptrap stole from me before I could get a nametag. Bastard.
Also Crocker, you need to lighten up man. Jesus, its like Christmas came early but instead of presents, you got the world's bloodiest period or something.