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File 131182724211.jpg - (117.92KB , 1024x768 , 2011-07-17_00029.jpg )
7905 No. 7905
People can get creative when changing their screenname.
i've seen names such as: SHAKE N' BAKE, The Rape Train Has No Brakes, The Pope, Don Juan, I'M PERFECT, StonerPanda, Adolf Kritler, Magic Pumpkin Muffin...the list goes on. any chuckle-worthy names?
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>> No. 7906
File 131182943993.jpg - (113.24KB , 1024x600 , tumblr_loqcd2Ddnn1qft8zf.jpg )
I got a pretty good chuckle out of finishing off Sarah Palin.
>> No. 7907
File 13118305179.png - (821.14KB , 1366x768 , Team Smurftress 2.png )
One day, on the server Im always on, this happened.
>> No. 7908
Bill Nye The Nazi Spy
I'm not sure why that's so funny, but it is.
>> No. 7919
File 131186417416.jpg - (39.88KB , 468x311 , baby_seal_T3542.jpg )
I think it's because you sing the Bill Nye tune automatically as you read it. I did, atleast.
I don't have a screenshot, but my personal favorite has always been 'sodomy seal' with a picture of one of these cute fellows.
>> No. 7921
>The Rape Train Has No Brakes
I remember playing with that guy on some Payload server. The name was oddly appropriate on BLU.
>> No. 7923
the best name i ever saw. Besides of the various namechanges of a friend of mine.
>> No. 7925
In a lobby I was in yesterday, our Medic was called WET BUTT DISEASE.
>> No. 7927
wow those names are so hilarious.

look at me laughing.
>> No. 7933
Teri Schiavo Got What She Deserved.

Made me chuckle.
>> No. 7935
Dr. Redundant Ph.D.
Mr. Wiggles
The Zombie Christ
ecilA cinerhpozihcS
Broseidon, Ruler of the Brocean (or king or god I dunno)
Broseph Stalin

They amuse me.
>> No. 7938
My sister was once in a game with someone named "an innocent child". It became really funny once she started getting kills/killed by the player.
>> No. 7939
File 131190186471.jpg - (344.87KB , 921x831 , 1310173329732.jpg )
My Black Son
>> No. 7942
"I miss Amy Winehouse"
>> No. 7944
Similar stuff has happened on a server I frequent, just need to find the pics.
>> No. 7946
I saw someone named Nymphonomicon.
>> No. 7947
me [rocket] the entire population of Africa
>> No. 7951
File 131194090955.png - (7.84KB , 241x74 , ohuh.png )
>> No. 7952
On a friendly fire server I play, one guy came in named "you for your sins". Then he would 'accidentally' TK someone. It asks if it was an accident and most people at first assumed it was. So it would say something like: Chessolin forgives you for your sins. I think he eventually got banned for intention TKing.
>> No. 7967
the stoned didjeridu player
i'm not gay but $20 is $20
>> No. 7968
i've played with Dr. Redundant and Broseph Stalin in one game. LOL.
>> No. 7972
I kind of enjoyed being killed by Delicious Cake.

It's probably how I'll go in RL, too...
>> No. 7988
hey, i've played with Delicious Cake too!
why is it that i've played with a lot of these oddly-named people already..?
oh well. wouldn't have it any other way.
>> No. 8000
File 131208554923.jpg - (4.02KB , 241x74 , stop you guys.jpg )
there was a night where all my friends pulled this prank on me
>> No. 8001
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>> No. 8002
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I should mention that my name is Meng Meng
>> No. 8003
File 131208567252.png - (4.79KB , 199x60 , FUCKING STOP IT.png )
they all changed the names of the games they were playing too
>> No. 8004
File 13120857236.png - (6.85KB , 242x76 , JESUS CHRIST.png )
>> No. 8005
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but I'll admit some of them were pretty good
>> No. 8006
File 131208586352.png - (6.12KB , 242x75 , oh my god.png )
there were a lot more but I didn't get the chance to save them
>> No. 8025
This name stood out for me. Was a Heavy named "Burp on my dick please."
>> No. 8028
3:10 to UMAD?
>> No. 8042
File 131222866657.png - (716.37KB , 1024x640 , achievement_idleadts_b10000.png )
Ghetto Black Dick Cash Register.
>> No. 8080
A Heavy named "Theodore Roosevelt's Left Testicle" with a Medibuddy named "Theodore Roosevelt's Right Testicle".
>> No. 8084
Also it was on the Polish server that I frequent, but it's still a funny little wordplay - one dude was named Boris Jebiewdenko, and that 'surname' is a pun on 'drinks a lot'. It was kind of amusing.
>> No. 8101
I just finished playing with Haxton Sale.
>> No. 8103
for some reason, this spoonerism cracks me up.
>> No. 8144
I got teamed with this bloke going by the handle "Ismodes the Islamic Slamdick" the other day.

Transpired he actually was Muslim.
>> No. 8150
Played as a Soldier in a game a little while ago with a random Medic buddy by the charming name of "Feces".

(And wow, my captcha was "aimity syllables".)
>> No. 8198
Communist Jews from Outer Space.
>> No. 8200
It wasn't funny, but there was a scout called "Onil" in Control Point, and it pissed me off so much that I kept following him with a heavy and killing him. I still have no idea why.
>> No. 8203
Healed a demo named Spicey Placenta. Hmm. I'll pass.
>> No. 8227
Secret Cervix.
>> No. 8232
Saw a "Prehensile Elephant Dick" a while back.
>> No. 8275
Oversensitive Chest Taint (?)
Lord Fuck
>> No. 8276
edgar allen pwn
fat kid that took your cake
ediie smurfy
>> No. 8282
File 131317739162.jpg - (15.56KB , 267x200 , 267px-Michael_Ian_Black_by_David_Shankbone.jpg )
The Cake is a Spy.

...it says things about me that I find that funny; lots of things, but not positive ones.
>> No. 8322
"Secksy Man Nips" joined me and a friend randomly when we were screwing around on some empty server.
>> No. 8372
Rowsdower (on my friend's list fuck yeah)
Watch Out My Knife Has Bullets
Ringo Starr
>> No. 8373

Oh, and Welcome to Walmart.
>> No. 8374
MST3k is such a good resource for Steam names. Been considering Zapp Rowsdower, Big McLargehuge, Garth Vader, Torgo, or The Pizza Dominatrix myself.

My friend and I were dominating The Internet once, which I found amusing.
>> No. 8375

I played with Big McLargeHuge recently! Fun person, lulz.

Also I just found an engi named 'rough and ready'.
>> No. 8376
File 131356034474.jpg - (5.13KB , 259x194 , images.jpg )
>an engi named 'rough and ready'.
Yes. YES.
>> No. 8383
I fully support anyone using the name Rowsdower.

Today I played with a Thundercougarfalconbird. Kind of made me want to say that The Mongooses was a good team name.
>> No. 8384
Futurama reference! I need someone to explain the Rowsdower to me though
>> No. 8385


Name's Rowsdower. ZAPP Rowsdower.
>> No. 8386
Whenever I see someone with Rowsdowers name, I get the urge to sing his theme song.
>> No. 8523
"Doctor Lobster"
>> No. 8548
Laterein, God of all Lag
>> No. 8550
Got my ass handed to me (lol) by a Soldier in an Arena Melee Deathmatch. He was holding a Disciplinary Action labeled "I whip my team back and forth".

Best part: He dominated me CONSTANTLY. I loled so hard, you guys. Couldn't even be mad.
>> No. 8552
"Matin's a Good Job Mate"
"Soggy Cow"
>> No. 8684
not a player name, but I call my Bazaar Bargain Achmed the Dead Terrorist
>> No. 8687
I had a Medic buddy named "I'm not a doctor but I play one on PC"

I thought it was so clever and funny, I was in a fit of hysterics and got killed. Yeah, I'm a really cool person.
>> No. 8689
I had a friend who changed his name to "toocutefor you" for some reason or another. Every time he killed someone, he'd type "I'm too cute for you!" And when we won the game, he'd type "We won because I was just too cute for you!" Probably would be funnier if you actually knew how the guy is like in real life.

Didn't help that he changed his name to "Sailormoon" later and proceeded to blow people up as the Demoman. I lol'ed so hard.
>> No. 8700
i saw a guy with a Jarate named Bear Grylls...
>> No. 8701
If someone hasn't named their Jarate "I WILL PEE ON EVERYTHING YOU LOVE", I know what I'm doing tonight.

My renames (dunno if they're especially clever, but):

Archimedes' Death Ray (Quick-Fix)
Iron Curtain (descrip: "Moscow girls make me sing and shout")
Familiar Fez: (descrip: "It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool")

And then I have the bear claws and a hat referencing OC's.
>> No. 8702
File 131493516684.gif - (499.12KB , 500x200 , snape will pee on all the things.gif )
>> No. 8710
I just remembered on one server there was a player called Chris Benoit Family Outing
>> No. 8722
just finished a game being a heavy to a medic named Jew Diamond Phillips.
>> No. 8723
File 131511221622.jpg - (70.05KB , 468x520 , gryllsDM2404_468x520.jpg )
>> No. 8732
an engineer named nicki minaj made me laugh.
>> No. 8772
Sometimes, my sense of humour disgusts me.
I am sorely tempted to rename my Strange shotgun "Kurt Cobain's Hair Dryer" but I know that's gonna piss alota peeps of, including myself, but another part of me chortles ever so lightly at it. What is wrong with me?

In all fairness, I feel that if anythin ever happened to me, people would be able to find humour in it after a certain amount of time.
>> No. 8783
that is hilarious. it's wrong, insensitive, politically incorrect, and disrespectful...but that doesn't change the fact that it cracked me up.
>> No. 8786

Nice. I was thinking of naming my Widowmaker "The Kurt Cobain Exit Plan"
>> No. 8787

Two problems with this. One, you don't point hair dryers into your mouth. Two, it's hugely, eyerollingly unoriginal. Every other child who gets a nametag and decides to use it on their shotgun is calling it "Kurt Cobain's Microphone". You might get a cheap laugh from mouthbreathers like >>8783, but it comes at the expense of a) your eternal soul and b) knowing 5000 other shotguns exist which are called roughly the same thing.

Stretch yourself a bit. Mr. Cobain was not the only person who has ever died of a serious case of shotgun, or been associated with them in general.
>> No. 8790

Seconding this one. I've seen at least three or four shotguns with references to Kurt Cobain.
>> No. 8791


talking as if you've never laughed at something stupid before! i'm honestly not surprised that i see a lot of kurt cobain-related weapon names, but who cares? been done to death, i still find it funny, sue me. now, i don't see rifles named, say, Del Shannon's Last Microphone, because no one would get that. let people name their weapons whatever they want. in the end, they are nothing but pixels.
>> No. 8792
Woah, why're we name calling? Is derp a terrible person and I just missed it in their comment?

Bash humor all you want but I see no reason to outright insult people.
>> No. 8795
Remember people, It's like your parents probably told you when you where a kid: It was funny the first time, the second it's not.

But the main problem is that thinking up new stuff is hard, Here's a couple freebies: "Martin Bryant's Down Under Experience" for a sniper rifle, and "Bobbitt's Bungled Briss" for any of the bladed weapons.
>> No. 8796

The best nametag'd weapon I ever saw was a frying pan that someone had named, "WTF FAGGOT KILLED ME WITH A FRYING PAN"
>> No. 8799
Rename a Rocket Launcher "Fuck you ground, ow shit my legs!"
Took a Whiskered Gent, painted that sucker orange, renamed it "Dangerously Ginger" and Desc'ed it with "How do you kill that which has no soul?"
Take one Brain Slug, painted that adorable fucker white, renamed it "Big Birds Above"
A Hound Dog, slap a Name tag on it to read "A Real Tunnel Snake" with the dec "Let me show you"
One Teddy Rosevelt, rename him "Lenny the Teddy" after my old cuddly toy with the Desc "He who once protected me in the night, I shall now protect in the fight"
Also, an Eyelander named "Donny's Damnation"
I am also the original creator of the Piss rifle's rename of "Urine my sights" which my mate Claptrap stole from me before I could get a nametag. Bastard.

Also Crocker, you need to lighten up man. Jesus, its like Christmas came early but instead of presents, you got the world's bloodiest period or something.
>> No. 8801
File 131549996383.jpg - (61.37KB , 550x1034 , jarvis cocker\'s collection of shite names.jpg )

I'm sorry. I just agonise over the use of my name/description tags and I hate the ubiquity of that Cobain thing so much.

I'm not a girl, Donny. I don't know what the world's bloodiest period would be like. Special, I imagine.
>> No. 8804
T thought we had a extra thread once for named weapons.
>> No. 8806
OHYES! My holy Mackrel is "Lady Gaga's Willy"!
With the desc "We just had a bad romance"
>> No. 8810
I like these

Remember, Donny's the guy who once said "Oooooh, someone switched to barbed wire grade tampons today." I know because I laughed so hard and saved it to my collection of funny quotes. I think I'm adding the new one too. I like pairs.

On a slightly related note, I had a Medic with a funny name. It's fun to say "Obama's Left Testicle healed me!"
>> No. 8848
Got killed by 'Ignorant Slut' today (before having major glitchiness and needing to leave the game, ugh... hate when that happens, but ah well).

Could not help hearing it in Dan Akroyd's voice. Well, prefaced by 'Jane, you'...

>> No. 8992
Admiral Snackbar. Especially since it reminded me of Eddie Izzard's Death Star Cantina joke.

...Ironically, I was just watching the Clone Wars episode with Ackbar right before playing.
>> No. 8993
the other day i fought someone named GIVE ME THE PENTAGON

i'm a sucker for all-caps names like that
>> No. 9057
>Piss rifle

...um, what? Apparently I'm missing out on something.
>> No. 9064
Way, way, WAY before my current name, I used to prance about killing people, and when I did, it would zoom in on me and say "You were killed by Super Vegeta's Pink Gay Shirt"

That always amused me for some reason
>> No. 9070
He's referring to the Sydney Sleeper which is known as the piss rifle because of the jarate affect. They probably used jarate because it was easier than coming up with a tranq affect.
>> No. 9098
My friend and I partner up as Bat Manuel and Spider Manny. Does this count?

Though I did run into Tyra Banks. That was an embarrassing death.
>> No. 9104
Once saw a Heavy/Medic duo named
Greatest Song in the World
Just a Tribute
>> No. 9167
Found a guy named Nigga Hatin Dolphin once. We had a good laugh.
>> No. 9172
File 131781992595.png - (16.26KB , 367x248 , tumblr_lrzw1xyrzb1qil914o1_400.png )
No name off the top of my head of people, but I have named my medic melee
>> No. 9185
I just read that in Medic's silly "Hallo Frauleins!" voice and chuckled.
>> No. 9207
I will report this as I laughed for like 5 mins.
Strange medigun with the description "don't be stupid be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party."
>> No. 9212
My god. Now I have to rewatch the Springtime for Hitler clip.
>> No. 9322
Just saw a heavy and medic pair named "Do you like Phil Collins?" and "I like Phil Collins."
>> No. 9324
I need to change my name back to "jimmy twinstreams"
>> No. 11235
Your moms 12 inch penis
Flaming Semen Bricks
The Grand High Master of Butts
>> No. 11237
Some funny names for weapons I've seen
Black box - African American Box. The description said 'I wanted to be politically correct.'
Gunslinger - I'll get you next time, Gadget!
Kukuri - Stolen Outback Steakhouse Knife
Sniper rifle - Aimbot.exe

I don't know why but the Stolen Outback Steakhouse knife gets me every time.
>> No. 11401
>> No. 11404
Played with a dude named "ObamaBinBallin" a couple of times.
>> No. 11420
My current name on Steam is Richard Dawsome, and anyone who doesn't have a love for old game shows will not get it at all {hint: the guy from Running Man]
>> No. 11424
dumb dora was so dumb...
>> No. 11425
I played with a guy known as "I'm using your Wifi" for a while. I don't know about you but I found that name hilarious.
>> No. 11434
I'm pretty sure I've played on a server with The Internet.

Today I saw a Demoman called Cigger Nock, which gave me a (rather guilty) giggle.
>> No. 11468
File 132901108183.jpg - (198.60KB , 1920x1080 , 2012-01-14_00001.jpg )
This only works with my screenie.

Also, "Hobogod: Lord of the Hobos" had me going for hours. "Soaking Wet and Clueless" was also pretty good.
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