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  • Blotter updated: 2013-05-24 Show/Hide Show All

No. 7945
  I thought you would like this Video from a huge Valve/TF2 Fan... Well her fanness is huge, she's rather petite.
>> No. 7948
lol that sounds like me, when I've applied for Valve and various video game companies in the states. Though I have got nothing back from them yet. I sent my resume, my animation demo reel, my concept art demo reel. And yeah that is it
>> No. 7950
I find this video embarrassing at best; insulting at worst. It's the equivalent of sending your margin doodles to Pixar. Sure, maybe it's the best she can do and it's the people who believe in themselves that get jobs, but the simplistic lyrics, anime style... I just...
This is awful.
>> No. 7954

i doubt valve would hire someone based on a stupid song

they need people with uh....what's the word?...actual experience and skill?
>> No. 7959

That's some harsh language. I'm no expert, art-wise or animation-wise, but I can at least see some general artistic talent that can be built upon.

If she's really genuine about wanting to work for Valve, she ought to build up a stronger presence first. Maybe contribute to (or make on her own) an indie game. Or whip up some really nice video-game fan art/videos/music.
>> No. 7964
Shouldnt this be in the video thread, rather than in it's own?
>> No. 7965

I don't see how you can get away with calling those posts 'harsh language'

in other words: shit fuck ass cunt motherfucker dick bitch bastard chink nigger
>> No. 7969
The song sucks and her art isnt really bowling me over. It all depends on whether she's gone to college and knows any sort of coding, or writing, or gets better at art or animation. Valve would be better off hiring one of the artists or gmodders here, or an amazing writer like CatBountry.

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